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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1921)
1 S . s. l'2 UDr.oLO09i jibjnmmu. onxr 't i " ! ' - r'V" ----- '" '4' -'" TRAVELER'S CHEQUES "35T AFL3 to corry, convenient to uso und Q ft uoijotlablu the world over. An absence rr ,jr 0f Hiixioty Is csM-ntlal to pleaiuio travel. Money eaies above nil are the most annoying They may bo obvliitoil by the use of Traveler's Cheques Issued atjhis bank. COS : 810 00 cheques 5 cents S'20.00 " 10 " eno.oo " '-'.". " 8100 00 " CO " THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, Present Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Florance, Cathie VepotUt Ouaranttttl by tht J)tj)otltori Guaranty Funiloflht Statt of Xtbratka mmmsaauaaso I l VXftfftffttXMttff,mfmmf,mffmV.mJm,mmfmmWfMrJtM IF IT'S FENCE POSTS t We Have 'Em Methodist Church Notes Sunday School tit 10 ti. in. Church Borvlco nt II a. in nnd 8 p in. Epworth League at 7:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evunlnu at 8 o'clock. If von are not attending claewloro .wo exlHiil to yon a cordial invitation to attend our biiuclity bcliool, tn U chinch services IIaiiiiy W. Cope, Pastor, s t: Malone - Gellatly Co. ji "Talk with us about fence posts" VViVWV.V.V-V.V.V.VV.VV.V.V.V.VV.VJ"AVJVVVVVWVn laniin CONTEST HENS ARE RIG LAYERS Twenty eight birds entered in U.c Nebraska. National Egg Laying Con test being conducted by the College of Agriculture laid twenty eight or more eggs each during the month of May. Twenty of the twenty-eight were Single Comb While Leghorns. A Single Comb Rhode Island lied laid thirty eggs in thirty-one days. Ten hens in the contest have averaged more than twenty eggs each month for the last seven months. One Single Comb Whito Leghorn has laid 159 eggs in seven months and two Barred Rocks have laid 118 eggs each in that time. With one exception the ten high liens of this year's contest are owned in Nebraska. Twenty of the twenty eight high layers for May arc owned by Ncbraskans. The contest is being conducted to encourage the raising of better laving strains of poultry. A great deal of interest has been arous- 'cd over the stnte in the last few years and more than 200 poultry raisers recently attended the second annual poultry field day at the Col lege of Agriculture. Cooperative mar keting of graded eggs is a subject ip which many are interested. The poultry raisers of Hamilton county I saved $850 in April and May by the cooperative marketing of high-grade uggs. H Just For Comparison 1913 - - 1920 -if- 1921 has been Jigurcd out, that in building a certain house, the LUMBER cost $1,600.00 in 1913 $3,300.00 in 1920 $2,000.00 in 1921 Freight has advanced $ en this matt rial, since rpij, which wakes the lumber cost at the present time a trijlc over $100.00 more than it did in fpij, exclusive of h freight raise. Piatt c& Frees KflMiMinnHMMMIMM - .,- TOWN PESTS Entertains Pastor arid Wife Tho new pastor, Uev E. 12. Uiirli.-y und wife wero delightfully received In to religious elides of the town when a "tfdt acquainted" party or rpcpl'on tendered them, by the Uaptlst nieirtbfts and friends, at their home, In the 1. W. IMo properly, on last Thursday 6 veiling Everyone biirely enjoyed tliemso'vcs if the applause to every number on tho impromptu program was evidence. Hymns, solos and ducts wero given; the violin uoloHof Rev llardinuti umI Rev. Uniliey ven greitly appi eclated; musiu on the Edison w.ih enjoyed; tlio four mlnUteis piesent were called n for ten minute ex'cmpuriincousspuich e; Ruv. Heche nave the ( penlng talk on "Clitlslliin Fellowship". He bat I some lino thine and urged more fel lowship between our churcha", adding to the already Bpleiididsplrltnowexls ing; Rev Cope made a welcome ad dress to the new comeis. He said he was glad he was not coutlncd to any one subject, so he could ramble around to any topic he wished, but in doing so, said many Quo things; Rev. Hard man, another newcomer, just wanted to say an "Amen" to everything that had been already said His was a whiy rcsponso to the other ministers s'oiie ! Ruv. Uarkoy loplied in ifood uienturo of appr elation at their teceptlou in Red Cloud. Ills leurirks explained his roaf-on for coming here and his g'eat aim and goal, the Master, tow ltd which be would tiy and bring this church. All these were inspiring talks and everyone wished the other relig ious leaders of the town could have been present. Light refreshments were set ved the guests and all departed at a lute hour, expressing their pleasure at havifg been so well entertained and plea-i-i to have met the new pastor and wife Dr.W.H.Mc Bride DENTIST OVER STATE RANK Red Cloud Nebraska Dp. R. E. GAIWP GfllROPflflGTOR PHONES Ind. 193-X Dell 48 Office Tutnurc Bldg, formerly Occupied by Attorney L. H. Dlackledge RED CLOUD NEBRASKA """ i' i The Careless Bnnnnn Peel, when Trod on Unpreniedltatedly, gives one Such n Feeling of Insecurity I Kids, If you .Must do your Grazing on our I'ubllc Streets, have a Care where you Throw the Banana's Union Suit and the Orange's Overcoat, or you niay make an Orphan outa Yourself! Prince Albert's a new note in the joys of rolling 'em! Talking' about rolling your own cigarettes, we'll tell you right here that Prince Albert tobacco has 'em all lashed to the mast! You've got a handful-of-happiness coming your di rection when you pal it with' P. A. and the makin's papers ! For Prince Albert is not only delightful to your taste and pleasing in itsrefreshingaroma,but our exclusive patented process frees it from bite and parch! And, for a fact, rolling up Prince Albert is mighty easy ! P. A. is crimp cut and stays put and you whisk it into shape before you can count three! And, the next instant you're puffing away to beat the band! Prince Albert is so good that it has led four men to smoke jimmy pipes where one was smoked before! It's the greatest old buddy smoke that ever found its way into a pipe or cigarette ! Prince Albert U told In toppy red has', tidy red tins, handtome pound nnd hall pounj tin humidors anfiinth pound mtial elais humidor with tponse molstertr top. NiNtE Albert wwwMl"'WW'H th national joy tmok Cqpyrtcht 1021 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Si c Dr. Berry Rides Bronze Hordes of St. Marks Most paople know of the noted brrnze horses over the portico of the cathedral of St. Mark's, Venice. They are of heroic size and are numbered among the great works of art. Be cause of their great value they wore removed from their pedestal at great expense during the war for fear lost some daring Austrian aviator might attempt to destroy them. Dr. Berry's genius for seeing things and knowing all about them when he sees them is illustrated ,by the story which is cup rent regarding him, that when he was in Venice he was not satisfied to look at these works of art from the pave ment below but contrived to so "influ ence" the cathedral guards as to se cure permission to ascend the portico and get a cl03e-up view. More than that, he actually got on one ot the horses and viewed Venice from its back a thing which had never been done before. Ills genius for descrip tion is jjst as great, and it is said ho uses no descriptions in his lectures unless ho has actually seen the things described. Chautauqua patrons have a treat coming. Cut shows excavated ruins of Pompeii. -..., ' v r '- m mmmamsBm S. Hardman JULY 25 to 31 inclusive RED CLOUD, NEB. (WTCHFORAMOUNCMENT) . BUY5ERSDN TKT5 MmSKWW If"1 y i ' '"-" E. S. Gabber Wall, Paper, Paints. Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed! Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures INTERSTATE-STATE AVIATION TOURNAMENT and SHOW ! 13 Josh Lee Known as "Fa-mous-For-Fun" Man Josh Loo tho humorist Is bettor known as tho "Famous-For-Fun" man, than kb the Professor of Public Speaking at tho University of Okla homa. Thoso who listen to him for got that tho world holds anything but laughter and for tho tlmo yield thomsolves completely to tho onchant nfent and sparklo of bis bubbling wit Ho has been referred to as the "Poot Lauroato" ot our over seas amy. JULY 14-15-46 Nelson - - Neb. CELEBRATE WITH US THE 4lB Big Dance at Pavilion Big Time at Pool Dance Wednesday and Saturday of each week at the big Dreamland Pavil ion. Swimming in the new concrete pool Lincoln Park SUPERIOR, NEBR. Free camping grounds-Plenty ol shade H 3 The biggest flying event ever Ihrniiffht. to Nebraska. Free gasoline and oil to all who participate. Liberal prizes. Full Program Each Day Don't Miss Soolng Tho Lady Flyor For any information address F. A. SCHERZINGER.Sec'y The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of insutaiice you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Uecuuse fire has never touched you it doesn't follow that you're iminuno Tomorrow -no today, if you buve time and you better find tlmo come to tho;olllcc and we'll wrlto a policy on your house, furniture, store or morchandiso. LATER MAY UK TOO LATfc- O- C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance We do Job Printing t V V M ! n 4 mc xx 1$T, 1