The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 30, 1921, Image 5

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Eat and drink at Powell & Pope's
C'Hfe. tf
Tom Roberts was down from Inavalc
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. W. Stockman spent Wed
nesday in Hastings.
A. T. Walker returned home Mon
day evening from Hastings.
W. A. Rotnjue returned home Wed
nesday morning from Omaha.
A. V. Ducker returned home from
St. Louis the last of the week.
Rev. D. Fitzgerald was a passenger
to Superior Saturday morning.
Miss Margaret Miner was a pass
enger to Armour Monday morning.
Rev. Hardman was a passenger
tq Dloomington Saturday evening.
Lutheran services every first and
third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m.
Bcrrard McNcny and daughter,
Helen, returned home Sunday morning
from Denver.
A. Schall departed Saturday for
Staplehurst where he will spend sev
eral' weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Finch and Mr.
H. W. Cope autocd to Wymorc Tues
day morning
II. R. Childress went to Hastings
Saturday evening to spend Sunday
there with his family.
Keep the flies from your horses
and cows by using Hess "Fly Chaser."
Sold b Cotting the Druggist. 5tt.
"Jacob Petersen dopartcr Tuesday
evening for, Colorado where he will
spend a few days looking after his
Dr. and Mrs. W. II. McIJridc and
family autocd to Beaver City Sunday
and spent the day with relatives and
Huy Dread at Powell and Pope's
Mri. Bernard McNeny spent Friday
in Huntings.
Frc' Robertson was in Omaha the
first of the week.
Douglas Cathcr was n passenger
to Dcrvcr Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Phillips return
ed homo Friday from Norton, Kansas.
Mri. George Kailcy went to Omaha
Friday morning to spend a few days
with friends.
Lee Truax went to York Thursday
whore ho has a position with a tele
phone company.
A lnrge number from here nltcmlcd
tVp ball games nt Inavalc and Camp
bell Sunday afternoon.
S. B. Kizcr returned home Thurs
day evening from Lincoln where he
had been visiting his son and daughter.
Arch Potter returned to the city
Friday after spending a few weeks
in the oil fields in Kansas and Oklahoma
Mrs. Roy Cramer returned homo
Friday morning from Woodruff, Kan
sas, where she had been visiting her
Mr. and Mrs. George Perkins re
turned to McCook Tuesday evening
after'a short visit here with Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Ziess.
Mrs. Frank R. Hughes returned
home Saturday evening after a two,
weeks visit at McCool Junction, Clay
Centos and Hastings.
A. B. Crabill shipped one car of hogs
to the St. Joe market Wednesday
morning and Gilbert Reed one car of
cattle to Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Eshelman of
McPhcrson, Kansas, arrived here Sun
day to visit relatives and attend to
some business matters.
Rev. Mary II. Mitchell left for
Maine Monday morning where she
will spend several months with her
. Walter Marshall of Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, is spending the week in
the city with his mother, Mrs. Ida
Miss Marion McDowell went to Ax
tell Tuesday morning where she will
visit her sister, Mrs. Emost Davis
and family.
Miss Bcrnico Shorcr departed Mon.
day evening for Blanca, Colorado,
where she will spend several weeks
with relatives.
Max Mizer went to Kansas City
Sunday morning on one of the, stock
trains in charge of the stock shipped
from this point.
Mrs. Effie Lawson departed Mon
day for Big Forks, Montana, after
spending a few days with relatives
and fiiends here.
"; ,C. C. McConkey returned to this
city- Saturday evening from Grand
Island where ho spent a few weeks
at ihe Soldiers Home.
MisS' May Noel returned to her
home at Kansas City Tuesday morn
ing after spending several days with
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. White.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ,Shepardson
of McCook arrived in the city Satur
day evening to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. T. Dickenson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchison de
parted Thursday via auto for Eaton
vil'c, Washington, where they will
visit liter brother, Joe Fogel and family.
Mr?. Henry Hansen accompanied
her boy to Omaha Wednesday morn
ing where the latter will receive med
ical treatment in a hospital in that
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Herrick depart
ed via auto, Mondny for Greeley, Colo
rado, where they will visit their
daughter, Mrs Roy Sattloy and
Mr. and Mrs. Bud McCune of
Kearney spent Sunday in the city
with his father, Henry McCune, who
accompanied them home Monday for
a visit.
Ales McConkey and Otto Conway
and family arrived in the city Tues
day evening via auto from Hicksville,
Ohio, to visit C. C. McConkey.
Supt. M. F. McLaren and Train
master J. T. Welch of McCook spent
several hours in Red Cloud Friday
attending to Burlington business.
Lloyd Hincs departed Friday morn
ing for Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin,
after spending the p3TH three months
here with his mother, Mrs. F. L. Hincs.
The Fire Department received five
hundred feet of now hose Monday and
if they had a new modern fire truck
the department would be well equipped.
Charles Ireland, who had been out
to CnMior, Wyoming, for several
months, arrived here Sunday to visit
hV. sister, Mr. T. K. McArthur and
Frank Vavrkka took home a new
Deere combined harvester threshing
machine from the Peterson Implement
house this week. Frank will use this
machine to thresh his wheat crop.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dcboldt of
Graham, Texas, arc here visiting at
the homo of Al Hoffman for a few
days. They arc returning homo after
spending several months In Califor
nia and other western states.
The Red Cloud ball team went to
Smith Center, Kansas, Sunday where
they played the local team at that
place. It is reported that the Smith
Conor players were very tired of run
ning bases before the game was over.
Misr Louise Broomcr of Hastings
will srend the weekend here with
Mrs. F. It. Hughes. She expects to
give a vocal recital in the Bcsse Audi
torium Sunday afternoon. Miss
Broomcr has been studying music in
Chicago for the past year.
Oni. hundred and sixty six cars of
stock wont through here Sunday morn
ing enroute to the Kansas City and
St. Joe markets. This was handled
in three trains and included two cars
of Sc. Joseph hogs and one car of
St. Joseph cattle and two cars of Kan
sas City hogs shipped from this point.
Congregational Church Notes
Rev. Mary II. Mitchell, Pastor
Preaching services at 11 it ni
Sunday school tit 10 u in
Prayer and Bible Study Friday even
in.? a 8 o'clock. All are welcome lo
any of these- hot vices
Lst Sunday throe now momlors
wero roelved into the church. Two on
profession of fitith.
Tlio Wotnans Society will meet Frl.
day afternoon with Mrs F. L. Smith
Tin Indies will tnout at the church nt
2:.'10 for conveyances.
The llev. Mrs Mitchell will be r.b.
aaut sovoral weeks visiting her mother
In Maine. Next Sunday Itov. Josor h
Snowdon will nreach at tln. tiinrnlnir
service. A cordial invitation is extend" .
oil to nil who would llko to worship
with us
i f f "wrw w?
" WlHff''il'li' '
. ''lU'.JwmM.Luiilujlijii.ull.lXllkUliluSulL'n
In Red Cloud
Mr ami Mrs. John Kdwards and
children returned homo Wednosiloy
evening from Bouldur, Colorado.
No. 17 arrived here Saturday even
ing shy one cook on the dining car.
It seems from the account given out
by the dining car crew that the man
in trying to empty a can of garbage
jufl "west of Bostwick lost his balance
and fell off the steps of the car. By
tho time word of the accident was re
ceived by the train crow it was thought
advisable to go on to Guide Rock and
send some one after him. The sec
tion foreman at Bostwick was sent
for th? man on his motor car and his
condition was found to be such as to
warrant his being taken to the hos
pital nl Superior.
Program For The Fourth
The Kirn DnnartmiHit. In litavJiicr tin
stone unturned '" its efforts to nmlco
tho Colobratiou of tlio Fourth one of
tlio most splendid events in which Rod
Cloud has over participated. Nearly
all tho business mon have rendered
financial nsslstanco and tho boys arc
spending the money conservatively,
but at the same tlmo making suro of
the very best in attractions and enter.
tainment for tho nnnnnlrm. Knllnrolncr!
Is the program of tho day's festivities:
9:lfi Grand band concert by the
LratiKitn nana.
0:30 Sports
100 yard foot race, first S10 00,
second 5 00, third 12.50.
Do yard fat men's race, first S3.00
second S'J 00, third SI 00.
Potato race, first S2, second $1
'2.) yard sack race, first S'JOO,
second $1.00.
10:30 Program at High School Park
Music by the Rod Cloud Com-
tuunlty Chorus.
11:30 Frco Attraction, Gardner and
Mann, acrobats.
l'J:0o Basket dinner at High School
1:00 Decorated auto parade, S20 t'O for
best decorated car from country,
S20.00 for the best decorated car
from town.
i2:00 Free attraction, Maxwell Bros ,
comedy horizontal bar artists.
'J: 15 Ball game, Faauklin vs. Red
1:30 Free attraction. Gardner and
5:C0 Din water fluhl, companies No. 1
and No. U, Firu Department.
0:00 Supper.
7:30 Big free attraction, M a xw o 11
I5ig MOO 00 display of llro wryks, danc
ing and numerous other attaactions
Miss Ethel Hilton returned to her
home at Hardy Saturday morning
after spending a few days visiting
here and attending the Arnold-Sherwood
Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Nicholson are
the parents of a baby girl born Frf
d'ty. Mother and. child, who are In
a hospital at Hastings, arc reported
a3 doing nicely.
Ralph Shepardson returned -to his
work at McCook Wednesday morn
ing after spending ;a few days here
with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dickenson.
His wife will remain here a while
longer to visit before returning
Notice Of Application For
Pool Hall License.
Notice Is hereby given that on tho 16th day
ol Juno 1021, XV. It. Burwelinicd his applica
tion and petition Hiking for license to con
duct a Billiard and Fool Hall on Lot Fifteen
(10), Block Twelvo (13) In the village of Ina
vale, Nebraska That on tho 8th day of July
1021 at tho Court House in lied Cloud, Nebras
ka at 2 o'clock P. M. tho hearing of said ap
plication will bo had before the County Com
missioners of Webster County, Nebraska, at
which time all objections and remonstrances
against the granting of said license will bo
(Seal.) D. F. PEimY,
County Clerk.
Walter A. Goo4 and Miss Gladys
B. Pclz, both of Blue Hill, wcro unit
ed is marriage Saturday by Rev.
J. M. Lewis of that place.
Russol Summers returned to Hast
ings Saturday morning after spending
tho past few weeks hero visiting his
mother, Mrs. May Summers.
Bert Hatfield autocd to Hastings
Saturday morning to spend the day.
His daughter, Miss Vera, returned
homo with him to spend Sunday
with her parents.
v Dr. R.V. Nicholson
-.. : i
.' f , UlllcoOvor Albrlght'H Store
Red Cloud'1?' Nebraska
The MncGregor Carnival Co., ar
rived in tho city Monday and is now
showing nightly on the lots south of
tho Peterson Implement store. This
carnival is the best that has been
hero in years and is hero under the
auspices of the Red Cloud Fire Department.
The Congregational Church extends
a cordial invitation to any visitors
from tho country or surrounding
towns on July 4th to use their beau
tiful shaded lawn for their picnic
dinners. Plenty of free ice wnter
will bo provided. The cast room of
tho church will bo opened for a Rest
Room for tho mothers with their
children. Some lndy will bo there to
welcome and help if needed. You
will find tho church on Cth Avenue
near the Library.
School District Meeting
To tho Patrons or School District No.
7?: A special meeting will bo hold nt
fio school hmisu on July 2'J, 8 p in.
Tlio purposo of tln meeting will bo to
votu the lnvy which is more than .'in
mills nnd less than 100 mills.
Adolph Goth, Dlicctor,
Mood and Might
Tho man who calmly expects to win
has already begun to conquer; our
mood has so much to do with our
might Dr. J. H. Jowett
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given, that under and by
virtue of an order of sale issued from tho of
llcoof Clara McMillan, Clerk of tho District
Court of tho Tenth Judicial District within
and for Webster County, Nebraska, upon a
jlecrco In an action pending therein, wherein
Tho County of Wotwtor Is plaintiff andainiln
st Arnold 11. Uochstcttlcr, ct. al.,aro defend
ants, I shall oiler for Halo at public vendue
according to the tcrniR of Nald decrio to tho
highest bidder for cash In hand, at thoSouth
door of tholUourt IIouno at Itcd ("loud In
Wtbsw r County, Nebraska, (that being tho
building wherein tho last term of said court
washoldcn) onthollth day of July, A. I),
I0JI at 2 o'clock 1'. M. of Bald day, tho follow
(iig described property, to wit: I.otR 1,2,3, i,
0, (1, and 7 In lilouk a Highland & Wclch'H ad.
dltlon to Kcd Cloud, Nebraska; Lots 2:1 and
21 In Illock3.Uallroad addition tolled Cloud,
Nebraska; I.ots.27 and 28 In Illock !1 Kallroad
addition to lied Cloud, Nebraska; Lots 13 and
II In Illock 0 Kallroad addition to lied Cloud,
Nebraska; Lots 15, 10, 17, and 18 In Illock 9
Kallroad addition to Kcd Cloud, Nebraska;
Lot 3 In Illock 12 Kallroad addition to lied
Cloud. Nebraska; Lots 13 and H In Illock 12
Kallroad addition lo Itcd Cloud, Nebraska;
Lots 1 1 and 18 In Illock 12 Kallroad addition
to Ked Cloud, Nebraska; tho north fifteen
fcot off tho north Bldo of Lot 1 and 2 In Illock
lUCItyoJlKcd Cloud, Nolr.iska; tho south
fifty fecit of the Hast, half of Illock 7 Smith A
Monro's addition to Kid rioud, Nebraska,
lots 1,2, 3, and I In Illock 2 l.utz'H addition to
lied Cloud, Nebraska; lots 5. 0, 1), 10, II and 12
In Illock 2 Mitx'H addition to Kcd Cloud. Nth
nisi; a.
Ulvon under my band this 8th day of June
A. 1), VJil.
Attorney for I'lalutltf. Sheriff.
Spend Your Money With Us
For Your 4th of July Needs
, On
Straw Hats, Light Weight
Underwear, Shirts,
Ties And Shoes
Mid-Summer Reductions
Men's and Young Men's Suits
Make our slorc your headquarters. Check
your wraps. STORE OPEN ALL DAY.
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
First door north of the Post Office
We do building from the excavating to the painting
complete. We will figure "your jobs to furnish all mater
ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME
BRICK and, Lot us show you the differ
ence between good and inferior stucco.
Your Vacation Dreams
Come True
-the West! Where lavish Nature has prepared a
hundred, different wonder-regions.
Whether you are old or young, whether you seek rest or "action
whether you want thrills or peace and solitude your vacation the glor
ious vacation you will never forget, is waiting for you in the West.
Do You Long For Blissful Quiet?
Rocky Mountain National-Estes Park is a lullaby of tumbling streams
of rustling woods and gorgeous flowers and sun-lit mountain peaks.
If You Love Nature in the Grand Mood-
The Alpine beauty of Glacier Park will thrill you for a life time. Vast
terrific it is the Rockies at their mightiest. Hero are cloud swept
mountains that challenge you to climb them, and living glaciers to ex- I
plore. Here, too, the Blackfeet Indians live their primitive life.
For Mystery And Breath Taking Phenomena- '
Make that unforgettable tour of Yellowstone Park the Wonder-Geyser- J
land of America. See the geysers, hot springs, paint pots; the majestic '
canyon, the great waterfall, the wild animals and a thousad other won
ders. Enter via picturesque Gardiner Gateway and leave over spectacu
lar Cody Road. Reucrse the trip if you prefer.
-. J.
"The Playground of the Nation"
Visit Colorado the cloud-land of unmatchable resorts and side trips,
with Denver, Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Mesa Verde,
National Park, Colorado Glaciers, Grand Lake and numerous other fas
cinating resorts.
"IIop" over tho mountains into Utah, "The Promised Lnntl," Take a. dip Ic tho Great
Salt LaUo and see Zlon National Park.
Know tho charm of tlio Pacific Northwest, stupondloiis Mount Rainier, mysterious
Crater Lake, and glorious California with its big trees and inspiring Yosemlte.
Your vncntlon Is In tho West. Darlington sorvlce will take you to it. Go
o'io way and return by an entirely different route at no added cost. Stay
where you wioh as long as you like.
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