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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1921)
I"1" RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF In The Eye Ever stop to think how strongly you are influenced by the look in a man's eye? Your eyes are the most observ ed feature. Why not give them the consideration they deserve, and select becoming eye glasses? Our glasses make your eyes look best, and are best for your eyes. J. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Extoe rj i i i '7 N? BATTERIES A 'Service to Help You Conserve Your Battery Perhaps the first thing our Exide Service Station can do for you is to help you prolong the life of i, your present starting battery. If charging or repairs arc necessary, you can rely on the competence of our trained men to put any type of battery into the best possible shape. "When you need a new battery, there is an Exide built to give you the maximum combination of power, dependability and long life. The Red Cloud Battery Service Station CARL S. McARTHUR, Manager. . " ' ''tfl lie Hlllllllllllllllllili llllB llllllllllllllll ll ll .Hi llllllB 1 Miiiiiiiiiii illinium i iMrrnmM lllllllllllllllllllllill fl IllllllniU H . vniiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiii iiiiiiii mi 'IIIIIIIJMIIII H HiWni H tfnTl r mMmim,mm!mm mmm&--im jh wwmiWMiiiWwwM)wMM -i in ii i im m mi i j i i ji L ' h' rj& ' 5IiTni!nirJ!!l!II!!!L,!!11I,!,!I?I!lll,,!'ll , "!, 'V. """ "!' " ""'" iT"tir" "ivtm " wi " "w ri -t w wii'm " '"nm i , m Thank Yoa THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Hod Cloud, Nobrivslttv. 'Ml 1SHFD bVEin THUKSDAY -nttrtcl In the I oMolliCu nt Hid C loud, Nob as Second Clans Mnttor A. U. McAHTHUH.SKdltor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local, ' " " 10 & I2M Farm Bureau Notes We have endeavored to put this garment into first class con dition as you requested us to do. If not entirely satisfied PLEASE give - us an opportunity to rectify to your en tire satisfaction. LET IS MAKE YOUR NEXT SUIT OR COAT This is 07ir guarantee with every order THE HUGHES WAY FOR CLOTHES TR.OUBLES The Frank R. Hughes Go. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIE'S TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS BOTH PHONES We Call and Deliver osirraM SEED INSPECTION P. D. Klein of the Field Crops De partment of the University Farm spent tl day? inspecting Kanred wheat, Hurt Oats and Nebraska Number 21 Oats. Thirty-five fields of Kanred wheat was Inspected a total of 1200 acics. This will give Webster County ovei 15,000 bushels of certified Kan red wheat. Webster County has 1G0 farmers uiisirg over 8,000 acres of Kanred wheat. Webster County's wheat uvcr pge ib C0,000 acres. This will mean that every acre of what can be plant ed to Kanred and wo will still have a surplus of over 20,000 bushels. Kanred wheat is looking fine, will be good quality and several fields were inspected that will yield around 40 bushels per acre. Kanred will out-yield turkey red and in most instances the straw is taller and the heads aro filled better WHEAT INSPECTION TOURS The- wheat inspection tours were hold the fore part of the week as per schedule. Farmers were very busy gcttir.g ready for harvest and plow ing com. Those that took part were very much interested and all thought they were well paid for laying aside their work and attending the tour. Smut treating demonstrations were given, showing the dry method of tienting grain for smut. Field of wheat where Kanred was growing alongside of the Turkey Red were visited and in each case the Kanred wheat looked the best. Fields where part was treated for smut alongside of wheat not treated showed that it payed to treat for smut. One farmer where wheat con tained 10 per cent of smut, this seed wn" treated and planted back on the same field and no signs of m smut could be found. Fields of wheat on summer fol lowing; showed that it would pay big this year. Uno Held where three vari eties of oats wore grown was visit ed and after threshing one will know the results. HENRY R. FAUSCII County Agricultural Agent. STATE FARM BUREAU NOTES Five more Boys and Girls Clubs have been organized in Dawson county since Miss Maude Bean lias taken up the work of County Club Agci.t. This makes a total of 12 clubs with an enrollment of 150 members. Tlatte County will have 51G acres of Kr.nrcd wheat certified this year and IGfi acres of Nebraska No. 21 oats. The Kanred wheat in Plaltt county is ripening ahead of the com mon wheats, even when it was plant ed lusl. I he annual convention of the Anu-ncnn I' arm Bureau Fcdcrarion will 1 e held at Atlanta, Georgia on N'ovomber 2'5. 21. 25 and 20. The se lection was made at the meeting of the executive board held in Chicago, June )ii. Tentative plans of the Farm Bu reau Federation for the co-operative purchase of coal direct from mine to consumer have been outlined by the comnr'ttoc having it in charge. De finite announcement of the plan will be made later. F. D. Klcim of the State Agricul tural College spent two days in Doug las county assisting Agricultural Agent Maxwell in grain inspection work. They inspected nine fields of Kanred wheat; three of Nebraska No. 6 wheat; four of Rosen rye and one field of Nebraska No. 21 oats. All the fields promiso high yields. Approximately 3,000 bushels of Kan red wheat will be available in Doug las county for seed this fall. The Kanred and Nebraska No. 6 wheat compare favorably in possible yield but Kandrcd snowed less orange rust than any of the other fields of wheat. 0j00. Yes 28931. No 81C9. No. C Asking Congress to submit federal con.-tituionnl amendment pro hibiting tax-free securities. Yes 02823. No J5UG. No. 7 Continuance of excess pro fit tax. Yes 07280. No 2075. No. 8 Arc you opposed to gener al stiles, tax? Yes 17917. No 22393. No. 9 Will you be able to move greater quantity of farm products if freight adequately reduce? Yes 39509. No 1235. No. 10 For the building of farm-to-markct before construction of transcontinental highways. Yes 38279. No 1121. No. 11 For Great Lakes- St. Lawrence waterways. Yes 3C975 No. 3223. No. 12 Do you favor other water way development for transportation, Reclamation, and water power at this time ? Yes 9455. No G597. No 13 Placing packers under government regulation to be admin istered by department of agriculture. Ttos 3G159. No 2151. No M For making illegal "short celling" in agricultural products. Yes 38881. No 1752. No. 15 For "truth-in-fabric" leg istralion. Yeh 11713. No 323. No. 1G Legislation for cnnbline co-operative marketing. Yes 11568. No 370. THE LAND VALUE ACT UNDER SEVERE PROTEST i JUST RECEIVED A line of new FLY NETS, FLY COVERS, AUTO COVERS, and DUSTERS. Priced at a low margin of profit Fogel Bldg. UfLER 5&S2- F. H. Lancaster, County Agricul ture. Agent in Holt County has re signed and accepted the offer of tho Holt County Farm Bureau to become itr secretary, takinc charge of the county marketing work and other details. This is the first county in tho to engage a paid secretary to devote all of his time to Farm Buretui Federation work in tho coun ty. This action on tho part of the Holt County Farm Bureau and the se lection of Mr. Lancaster is largely the mult of the cfficcicnt manner in which ho handled tho marketing of Holt county's large crop of hav in 1920. ' ,'"r'""" ." t rrv t, :m xswr " -1 ''i!r,ij'ni:!i!;ii!ni:ii:':i:'in!imni!nmpniiti!nn!''i!i'',ifln!niHJ!niiininniii'nniroi Specials in Summer Furnishings For 4th of July OXFORDS $5 to $8 Dark Brown Kid Straight Last White Oxfords While they last $1.50 Per Pair Partial returns' have been received from ten different states on the ic ferendum vote taken by mmbors of the American rnrm Bureau redora tion on sixteen national questions as follows: No. 1 Do you favor commodity financing based on bonded ware house receipts? Yes 5M2I. No 1289. No. 2 Do you favor live stock financing based on nn adequate plcd ro of animals and feed? Yes 19G52. No 23GG. No. 3 Do you favor tho develop ment of a personal rural credits sys tem based on proper safeguards? Yes 80901. No MIS. No. '1 That authority bo granted tho Federal Roporvd Board to so classify rediscounts as to give pri ority (to loans for basis production of nil kinds. Yes 319 10. No 1G51. No. 5 Increasing limit federal land mortgages from $10,000 to ?25,- "Thcrc never was a time when the principle of n multiple or hypothetical valuation of railroad right of ways find terminal facilities has been so thoroughly disproven as at present," declared Gray Silver today in testi fying before the Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce on a bill which provides for an amend ment to the railroad valuation act. The bill would db away with the method of valuing right of ways and terminal facilities in excess of their present valuation by tho application of a multiple based upon a previous ratio between. the adjoining land val ues and those ascribed to tho right of ways. "The farmers' position In regard to the railways is unique," continued Mr. Silver. "Most of his product is hauled over them, and for practically every thing ho buys, he pays the freight. His product is not sold f. o. b. factory but at prices delivered. This means he pays tho freight. Right now his products aro bringing 27.8 per cent below the ten year average and he pays v freight charge 101 per cent grcatci than on Juno 1, 1918. And we must not forget that these addi tional freight charges come out of the products which he sells at 27.8 per cent below the ten year average. The lcsult has been, as many of tho committee must know, that in many places throughout the country where farms aro located some distance from market the products have been left to rot In many instances farm pro ducts have not sold at destination for enough to pay for the freight and farmers actually have received bills for freight instead of returns on their labor. Examples of those losses are I'lmost too numerous to mention. In the fni west much of tho fruit rotted on the ground. Farmers labeled their product "Too Cheap to Steal. Help Yourself." The produce shippers from the Pacific cost, tho Gulf states and the Southeast have suffered un told losses from high freight rates. In the West bulky and heavy com modities have been left in the fields or storage houses. Thousands of tons of hay in the west cannot be moved by rail for the rates exceed its value if carried to market. "Tho Valuation Act as it now stands, we believe, will not relieve the situation, but will aggravate it and in short, that is why farmers pro test earnestly against it and wish to see the bill under consideration pass ed. They do not consider this bill a panacea for the present ills of trans portation and agriculture, but they do not wish to seo the situation bceome more complex. "The farmers are willing to pay their share, and it is a big one, on a fair valuation of railroad property, but not upon values which are crea ted bv fiat of law. Wc realize also that rates based upon such a basis would be unjust impositions. "Wo do not believe that Congress in passing tho law had in mind the addition of a multiple valuation in addition to or in excess of tho pres ent value which is purely a gift to the railroads by Congressional man date. Tho question of replacing tho right of way, as far as tho land is concerned, is not involved in "tho val uation, for the right of ways arc not to be reconstructed or laid out again. Most of them have been in existence for yenrs and therefore tho recon struction theory falls of its own weight." Nebraska' Farm Bureau Review. Wash ties,' Underwear, Straw hats, Silk Shirts (Neglegee or collar attached) Bathing Suits (Bradley) "We're helping you to pay less" with this extra value event Hart Schaff ner & Marx suits for much less than the're worth , $18 to $35 In Summer Fabrics Dixie Weaves, Palm Beaches If you know anything about clothes you know the above prices are re markably low for fine goods like these. At regular prices Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes save money for you; this special gives you additional saving. W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co. The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes EifflMM P New Voile Dresses "k, HJLrAO'rm Srsnl fill 1 1 III I V71B!HES9)bw ill U Dreamlno of Fortunes. To recover a fortuno which has been lost denotes success to the dreamer. To fall heir to a fortuno foretella a pleasant surprise. Trappsd. rroslt "I want a leavo of absence for over the week-end to visit my bis ter In New York." Di-an (quickly) "How Ions litivu you lyiown her?" Frosli "About two weeks." Cornell Willow. Nifty New Voile Dresses In both light and dark back grounds. Prices range from $4.75 to $9.75 In sizes from 1 6 years to 48 inch but. Also a new lot of gingham dresses and - aprons. Barbara Phares The Women's Store Red Cloud - - - - Nebraska C V 1 n P m