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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1921)
RED OLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF i II k ) HOW WOMEN AVOID SURGICAL OPERATIONS Some Are Extremely Necessary, Others May Not Be Every Woman Should Give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a Trial First Chicago, 111. "I was In bedwith a femalo trouble and inflammation and had four doctors butnonoof them did mo nnygopd. They all said I would have to have an oper ation. A druggist's wife told me to tako Lydia E. Pink ham 'b Vegetable Compound and I took 22 bottles, never missing a dose and at the end of thattimo I was perfectly well. I have never had occa sion to tako it again as I havn been so well. I have at six room flat and do all my work. My two sisters are taking the Compound upon my recommendation andyou may publish my letter. It is tho gospel truth and I will writo to any one who wants apersonal fetter." Mrs. E. H. Haydock, 6824 St Law rence Ave., Chicago, 111. ,, A Vermont- -woman adds hor testimony to tho long lino of thoso fortunate women who have been restored to .health by Lydia K. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound, after it had been decided an operation was necessary : Burlington, Vt, "I suffered with femalo trouble, and had a number of doctors who said that I would never bo any better until I had an operation. I was so bad I could hardly walk across tho floor and could not do a thing My sister-in-law induced mo to try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and it certainly has helped mo wonderfully I keep house and do my work and havo a small child. I havo recommended Vegetablo Compound to a num ber of my friends and you may publish my testimonial. "Mrs. H. R. SilARON, Apple Tree Point Farm, Burlington, Vt. In hospitals are many women who aro there for surgical operations, and there is nothing a woman dreads moro than the thought of an operation, and the long weary months of recovery and restoration to strength if it is successful. ' It is very true that femalo troubles may through neglect reach a stago where an operation is tho only resource, but most of tho commoner ailments of womon are not tho surgical ones ; they aro not caused by serious displace ments, tumors or growths, although tho symptoms moy appear the same. When disturbing ailments first appear tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound to relievo tho present distress and prevent more serious troubles. In fact, many letters have been received from women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetablo Compound after operations have been advised by attending physicians. Lydia 12. Pinkham'a Private Text-Book upon "Ailments Pecu liar to Women" will bo sent to you free upon request. AVrito to Tho Lydia E. Pinkham Medicino Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. Xbis book contains valuable information. Old Penalties Inadequate. "Why don't you Crimson Gultcli men Aaug un automobile thief tho same ns you used to do with n horse thief?" "We've discussed It," said Cuctus Joef "hut wo cuiue to the conclusion that liaiigln' Is too good for him." Red Cross ball Bluo Is the finest product of Its kind in the world. Ev ery woman who has used it knows this statement to bo true. HAMP'S TIME SURE TO COME Gap Johnson Has It Mapped Out, and It Wilt Be a Sore Day for tho Bluffer. "Hntnp Slaughter has un Interesting Hott of fad," related (Jap Johnson of Itumpus ltldge. "About once In so often he gets a few drams of hone-dry llckor and u high fever, and shows up In the middle of the hit; road out yur. Ho Mugs his hat down In the dust and stomps on It, and yells that he's n man euter, and such ns that, and can whip a certnin black-hearted son-of-thls-lliiit-und-tuthcr living not more than a mile from yur. When I go out to Inqulro which speclnl black-hcnrted thus-nnd-so ho means ho bays Zacli Flatt, three-quarters of a mile up tho road. So there ain't much to do hut to excuse him. Then ho goes fricn seeing off to Zach's plnce and repeats tho performance. When Zuch ynnts to know who he Is referring to he snys It's me. After that ho rambles around noratlng that he's got us both bluffed. "Ono of these days he's going to ketch me and Znch together, ami And out his yaw-w-w-wn I mistake." Kansas City Star. Try This. To prevent tho gloss coming off of your while paint wash it with milk and n little soap. That will he much cheaper than repainting and Is effective. Whllo n pretty woman may not enre to ho brainy, n brainy woman ulways tsvnnts to bo prcfty. s" Five Presidents of University. In Its existence of more than a half century the University of Minnesota has had Ave presidents, und all of them uro still living. Cutlcura for Pimply Faces. To remove pimples and blackheads smear them with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off In flvo minutes with Cutl cura Soap and hot water. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to ia elude Cutlcura Talcum. ROUGH, BUT EFFECTIVE CURE Why Alice Gollghtly No Longer .Bores People With Long Recital of Her Physical Ailments. Pollle Dear and Molllo Love met out shopping one morning and immediate ly forgot all about shopping, time, hungry hushauds at home, etc., In a "few minutes'" chnt. Just then Alice Gollghtly passed by. Each smiled sweetly at tho other, and murmured : "Good morning." As soon ns Alice hnd passed on, Pollle turned to Molllo and said: "I notice Alice doesn't go round bor ing other people with her ailments as sho used to." "No," smiled Molllo; "sho met a man who cured her completely." "Ooohl" purred Pollle. "Who was he? Was ho n doctor?" "Oh, no!" answered Mollle. "Sho was telling this man some of her symptoms, when ho remarked, 'It's straugo how many of theso things nf tllct peoplo ns they begin to grow old.' Since then sho has held her tongue about them." Paternaljsm. "You seem very 'much afraid of jmtcrnnllsin In nffnlrs of government?" "I inn," replied Farmer Corntossel. "1'vo tried paternal authority on Josh, and If it doesn't work any better in a government than It does on n furm, I'll eny It nln't snfo to fool with." TCoii Always Get full Food value for your money when you. eat GrapeNuts Each golden granule of this attractive wheat and malted barley food is .rich in nutriment for "body and brain. Serve' GrapenNuts direct from the air-tight packet forbreakfast or lunch. Crisp -Delicious-No Waste here's a Reason! Tor GrapeNuts Che. African JHioti (Copy for This Department Supplied tit the American l.nlon News Service.) BACK TO THE K. P. DUTIES Louisville, Ky., Legion Men Respond to Appeal From Housekeepers for Housecleanlna Helpers. An nlnrmlng shortage of domestics faced the housewives of Ixmlsvllle, Ky., when they began their spring house-clennliig recently. Unable to do oil tho scrubbing, window wnshlng, carpet beating and sweeping them selves, with tho maids of nnto-bcllum dnjs continuing their work in mills and factories, tho Louisville women fenred that their city would not bo spick nnd spnn for Derby day. Then tho American Legion posts of Uio city enmo to their rescue. "All you former kitchen police; hero's n chance to ply your honorable calling with pay nnd with n house wife In chnrge of tJio detail." read the Back to Kitchen Police Duty. Legion's announcement to unemployed ex-service men. They responded In plntoons and squnds, doughboys, gobs and gyrenes, each reciting his record with the broom nnd mop. Tho houso wlcs made a rush for thorn. The plan Is being ndopted In sev eral cities nearby with entire satisfac tion to the employers nnd employed. HOPES TO SERVE UNCLE SAM Captain Griffith, Late of His Majesta Air Forces, Seeks Further Thrills. It will take an get hlin into the fa" - v ' act of congress to air service of tho United States navy, but Cnpt. John S. Grimth, Seattle, Was h., late of his ma Jesly's air forces and wearer of llo decorations, I h hopeful that Undo Sam will accept him. Too young to enter the Amer ican army, Cap ut. a (Jrlfllth lett a high school In Sc uttle to enWst In the royal flying corps at Toronto, Canada. Ho scrcd through four years of fighting and Is oillclally credited with having shot down nine Gorman airplanes nnd two balloons. lie received tho Ilrltlsh Distinguished Flying Cross and four Itnssluu decorations. In tho Archangel sector, Captnln Griffith, flying for the British, fought tho Holslicvlkl with such success that they set a price of 15,000 rubles on his head. All the wars having ccnscd, ho was sent to Kgypt. Seattle post of tho American Legion, which Captain Grlfllth Joined Immediately upon his return to his native land, nre helping him In his effort to hnve congress so leglslato that ho may And nn occa sional thrill in the naval flying squad rons of America. LEGION MAN OBTAINS PATENT Twice Wounded, Engineer While Con fined to Hospital, Works Out Bronze Tablet Wounded by tho explosion of n high explosive shell in tho Vosges moun tains, 1'rlvnto IL 0. Quehl, 818th Engineers, lay on n hard cot in n hospital nnd won dered nbout Ids chances of getting homo. lie recov ered, liowevc r, went into action, and on November ", was n g n 1 n wounded. Drought back to America ami placed In tho base hos pital at Camp Lewis, Wash., Quehl worked out the details for n hronzo memorlnl tablet. Whllo awaiting his dlschargo ho drew up tho plans, and In civilian life ngaln, ho lias obtained a patent on an Invention which ho calls tho individual war memorlnl. It Is a plaque of bronr.o with the flguro of n prhftto In war uniform. Around tho plaque In rnlsed letters nre the nnmes of tho allied countries. A plato to bo engraved with tho serv ice record Is In tho center. Orders aro pouring In so rapidly that he has been forced to cnlargo his working force. SHOULD FILE CLAIM AT ONCE Disability Demands Required on War Risk Insurance Forms to Gain Attention. "If you hnvo a disability which yo feel is duo to your nillltnry or naval service during the war, you should as a matter of duty to yourself and your country Immediately lilt n claim for disability," reads an article In tho American Legion Weekly. "To mako tho clulm, obtain from your local post, tho National Service Division of tho Legion, or the Dureau of War Disk Insurance the following forms: Numbers OHO, (KID and CHO. n nddltlon, make a detailed statement of your condition and occupation prior to service, Injury or sickness during service, where treated, and physical condition since dlschnrge. Obtain a like statement from one or moro per sons who woro with you nnd knew of your disability during service. Get a statement also from one or two per sons who have known you since dis charge, particularly your employers and other disinterested persons. "Last and most Important, get state ments from nil the doctors who treated your case and from the hospitals whero you wcro confined. These must till bo sworn to before n notary public and forwarded to tho Bureau of Wnr Hlslc Insurance, where, after consider ation of jour health record, jyiur military cord and your present con dition, uik award should either bo ninde or disallowed. "If you are among tho 100,000 whoso rlnlms nre hanging lire, tho National Servlco Division of tho American Legion will mako It Its personal bus iness to get a decision on your claim." LIGGETT FRIEND OF LEGION California Major General Snapped In Act of Working on Post's New Club Rooms. During tho Argonno-Mcns (offen sive, MuJ.-Ucn. Hunter Liggett com manded all American forces In tho greatest battlo In the history of tho United States. With the return of peace, MnJ. Gen. Liggett Is working for tho American Legion. An active member of a San GATHERS IN THE RECRUITS Captain of Wives' and Sisters' Team Obtains Many Kansas Auxiliary Members. Wives and sisters defeated mothers of American Legion members In ob taining recruits for tho Legion's Women's auxili ary In Pratt, Kan. Mrs. Myron Gin ser, captain of tho wives and sts t o r"s, unassisted, porsundod 28 women to sign on tho dotted line. Mrs. Glnser Is a charter member of i'ratt unit of the auxiliary which was founded last January. It hus a membership of G7 and promises to bo ono of the most active In the stato of KnuBas. MaJ. Gen. Hunter Liggett. Francisco post, ho was caught by the photographer nt work on remodeling its now clubroom. What would havo happened If, not mnny months iigo, doughboys had seen a real Hvo general wrestling with a refractory null during a session of fatlguo detail? Bogus "Funds." Declaring that thoro havo been many funds started which wero said to be for tho benefit of ox-sorvlco men and women and which wcro used Illegiti mately, tho Los Angeles, Cal., Adver tising club hus voted to withhold con tributions and Indorsement from any future campaign until the local Amer ican Legjoo ppst bjayj Investigated, yCAILLAX Tho best reason in the world for buying n Cadil lac, is what everyone thinks, and says, and knows about tho Cadillac. The Cadillac car will give you dependability the capacity to withstand hard usage day after day and year after year. Cadillac service ability may bo compared with that of a faithful watch. The man who wants to enjoy the advantages of Cadillac ownership and prefers not to invest tho amount which a new Cadillac requires, can do so in a RE-NEW-ED Cadillac. Neither ago nor miles diminish the value of Cadillac construction, and you cannot get Cadillac quality in any car other than a Cadillac. Tho advantages of accurate workmanship, fine machinery, fine tools and skilled operatives, are present in aRE-NEW-ED Cadillac to a degree which would not bo possible in a new car of equal cost. Write for a list of our RE-NEW-ED car bargains. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln A Sale Place to Buy HER LOVE DREAM SHATTERED Naughty George's Late Hours Respons ible for the Ache In Heart of Young Wife. Tho mother of the young husband A'cnt to the bridal nest, and found her daughter-in-law In, tears. "My child," she gasped, "what Is tho matter? lias anything happened to George?" "No," sobbed the young wife; "but my heart Is h-breaklng. lie's taken to stopping out Into at night I" "What, nlrcadyl" said his mother, In consternation. "It doesn't seem possible. How late does he stop out, dear very late?" "Well," said tho bride, "you know ho usually leaves his olllce at half past live. The night before last he didn't get home till half-past six, and last night," she sobbed bitterly, "last night It was a quarter to seven I What bhall I do?" Sad. Little Jullnn had completed his first day at school and had cllinhed upon his father's lap to give dad his Im pressions thereof. "Well," said dad, "how do you think you will like school?" Whereupon the countenance of Julian took on a most serious expression. "To tell you tho honest truth, dad," ho answered, "I believe I've , rtarted something I can't Uulbh." If Knighthood Were In Flower. Tho Maiden In God's name, hasten, Sir Knight 1 save met Sir Launcclot Not so fast, my good girl. Tho reporters have not yet arrived; besides, there are the serial rights and the motion picture royalties to bo considered. From Life. WOT HARD TO MAKE CHOICE Probably Lester Could Have Deter. mined Without the Appeal to His Physical Feelings. Two men passed avay. One had been born, and In due couoe admitted to the bar, soon ran for olllce, was elected n continuous Hon. until nt lust he went to his rewnrd, such us It was. And the local paper gave hlin nu obituary as long as your arm. The other man followed In the foot steps of his brawny sire, and became a maker of harrows. He was Indus trlous and honest, and for years the Hllllgoss haiiows which he whacked out by hand were known nearly all oer tho county as tollable utensils, Ity-ntid-by he, too, passed on. Tha paper aniinuiiced his demise In a few Hues and spelled Ids name wrong, Now, tell me, Lester, which of those iii3n would i on rather have been? Do not say the former, or I'll slap your Jaws for you and not let you go to tho plctuto show, either. Kansas City Star. Recalled Fond Memories. The director, who has a reputation for being rather harsh and overbear ing In his methods, was giving his leading man n tongue lashing that falily turned the atmosphere blue, Tliiiiugli It all, however, tho victim leaned gracefully against the wull und smiled happily. "What the deuce are you grinning about?" barked the director. "Da you like to he cursed?" "Why, .os, I rather enjoy It," chuckled the actor. "It recalls tha good old days, you know, when I plajed Uncle Tom nnd was beaten to death every night by Simon Legrco. Kllm Fun. "You Will Like Instant Postum And It Mil like Kovl People who say, "Hike coffee, but it doesiHt like me" will find Instant Postum much more consid erate of their health. This pure cereal drink combines wholesome Qual ity with rich coffee-like jflavor. Instant Postum is made instantly in trie cup. There's a Reason for Postum. At all grocers Battle Creek .Michigan. A 0 S5t5aBrn57 ' i lKnV IMSTANJ POSTUM A BEVEHA0E ml 4 tfmttnt a.U Of NiMirfiMirwiiH i I vj LT n t m turn J lm