The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 23, 1921, Image 7

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Back Giving Out!
Is a constant backache spoiling your
lummer? Do shnrp pnins stnb you at
every sudden move? Are you so tired
and downhearted you can hardly keep
going? Likely your kidneys have
slowed up, causing an accumulation of
noieonB that tc11 kidneys would have
filtered oft. Is it any wonder you feel
so tired nnd depressed and have head
aches, di7rv spells nnd annoying blad
der irregularities? Use Wool's Kill
ncu Pius. Voan's have helped thou
sands. Ask your neighbor!
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Ed Covey,
SOC Mapla St., Kalr
bury. Nubr., Bays:
"My back felt weak
nnd I had no
ntrfangth In It;
tlicro whs u, heuvy,
iHtlff. feeling ncross
jtlio Riimll of It, too.
After I naa used
Donn's Kidney
l'llls n sliort time, I
Iwns much better. A
box or so corrected tlio trouble nnd I
have been a much healthier woman
ever since."
Get Doan't at Any Store, COe Dos
General Hospital
In Connection nn llxtennlvo
Hydrothcrapcntlc Department
Natural Mineral Water
from tlio
Sulplio - Saline Springs
MuimicinK rii)Irlun
14th nml M Ms. Lincoln, Neb.
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid
troubles are most dangerous be
cause of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they giva
that they need attention by taking
The world's standard remedy for these
disorders wilt often ward off these dis
eases and strengthen the body against
further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists.
Look for the namo Gold Medal on every bos
and accept no imitation
10 acres, located In Glenn Co., Cab, H
mile to school mid two miles to town. All
of (met In cultivation. Soil ts silt lontn
with almonds mam crop. Orchard of "M
almond trees. Can be lrrlK.itd by well
If needed. No Improvements This almond
orchard lies on the Orovllle-Wlllows lat
cral of the state highway nnd will soon
tie paved, making this nn exceptional buy.
Price Is $;) per ncrc with possession to
be arranged For further Information
write or see
JOHN N. WESTHEUQ, Hutte City, Calif.
Culicura Soap
Are Healthy
Soip 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
Enslow Floral Co.
131 So. 12th : Lincoln, Neb.
Dividends SlSSS
Kor Information and clrcnlnrs nrlte,
3:: S. I8th Street. Omibi, Neb.
I havo a bargain for yon. romn anlck.
M W. 1 I)i(!1.0U"H JACK lAlllI
uoiiar impius, jou
?0 JITIVUY flEMOVED hr Or, ll.rrr'.
r.ckU U!Dtm.ut) our drucgl.l r br
m.ll, '.. Ir. hMk. Or. C.H. U.rry
Co., 297a Michigan Avtnu,Chic4( .
New Shoes-Old
HWK Zli&tLlaM u
. ffcHlTI WfiSI -w
pipba5 Mm
nil feel the same if you
shake into them some
The Antiseptic, Dealing Powder for the Feet
Tnkcs tlio friction from tho shoe, freshens
tlio feet nnd gives new vigor. At night,
when your feet nro tired, Bore and swol
len from walking or dancing, Sprlnklo
ALLEN'S 1-OOT-KASK In the foot-bntu
and enoy the bliss ol feet without
J an ache.
0cr l.tOP.COO ponndi of Powdr? r for the Feet
were uei d by our Army and t avy during tho ar.
Int Ui
What to
Take a good dose
iSlItfH I
Tanlac Elements Come From
Many Lands Far Away
From Here.
The Ingredients from which tlio cele
brated medicine Tnulnc Is mndo, come
from remote sectloiiH of the onrth,
mid nro transported thousands of
miles over iiiml nnd sea to the groat
Yanlnc I.nhorntorleB nt Dayton, Ohio,
and Walkorsvllle, Cnnndii.
The Alps, Appenlncs, Pyrenees, litis
slim Aslit, Urii7.Il, West Indies, Hoeky
Mountains, Asia Minor, Persia, India,
Mexico, Columbia and Peru are
among the far away points from which
the principal properties of this re
markable preparation arc obtained.
What Is said to be the largest phar
maceutical laboratory In the United
Stales has been completed at Dayton,
Ohio, for the manufacture of Tanlnc,
which, according to recent reports, Is
now having the Inrgest sale of any
medicine of Its kind In the world,
over 120,000,000 bottles having been
sold In six yenrs.
The new plant occupies (iO.OOO
square feet of lloor space and has n
dally capacity of no.OOO bottles. Uni
form quality Is guaranteed by n series
of careful Inspections by expert chem
ists from the time the roots, herbs,
barks and llowers nre received In their
rough state from all parts of the globe,
until their medicinal properties hnvf
been extracted by the most approved
processes. The llnlshed medicine Is
then bottled, labeled and shipped out
I to tens of thousands of druggists
j throughout the United States and
I Canada, to supply a demand never
! before equalled by this or any other
Tanlac Is sold by lending druggists
everywhere. Advertisement.
Sight Unseen.
Ho had always greatly admired the
klinlcl bag In which his wife keeps her
clothespins, so he persuaded her to
make one for his fishing tackle.
A few days ago hu went several
miles from home tlshlng and was just
preparing to assemble his line for a
good dny when he discovered that In
stead of bringing his fishing tackle kit
he had carried out his wife's bag of.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Warning! Unless you see the name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
are not getting genuine. Aspirin pre
scribed by physicians for twenty-ono
yenrs nnd proved safe by millions.
Take Aspirin only as told In the Hnyer
package for Colds, Headache, Neural
gia, Itlicumatlstn, Earache, Toothache,
Lumbago nnd for Pain. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Uayer Tablets of As
pirin cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcycacld.
A Salt Lake In Miniature.
About 40 miles south of Zunl, N. M
there Is n singular depression, In a
plain of Cretoceous sandstones, about
a mile In diameter, with walls 150 feet
high. In the midst of this exists n
sbaUow lake, 4.000 feet long by a.000
broad, tlio waters of which coutaln i!G
per cent of salt.
This has beep n 'source of supply
of salt used by Indians and Mexicans
for centuries, and lately the salt has
been hauled to surrounding ranches,
everybody helping himself.
I have been driven to my knees
ninny times by the realization that
I had nowhero ebo to go. Lincoln.
Shoes - Tight Shoes
R.ttt Ilia rttl
Take for
i 't-sL
rfwwwsvwvi r
WWt' '
of Carter's Little Liver Pills
then take 2 or 3 for a few nichts after. A
few doses restore your organs to their
proper functions and the Headache and the
causes of it pass away. In the same manner
They tegulatt ihe Bowelt and prevent Corutlpatlon.
SEateS" &X&&Zt SiwllPiUBillDoicBullPrUe
The Kitchen
Cabinet -$
r-rf-vvy wwwwva
((p. 1820 Wi-nlirn Ni-wmmntT Union. I
It la easy enough to lio pleannnt.
When llfo KoeH by llko a koiik;
Hut the men worth whllu nro tho men
with a Binttu
When uvcrythltiK koos dead wrong.
-Kiln W. Wilcox.
Tho fresh green things nppeal to
the appetite at this sens-on of the year,
as well as all growing
things such as linihli
rooms. Vegetables which
are boiled Iom' much of
their valuable mineral
content because of its
s o 1 u b 1 1 1 1 y. When the
water Is drained off and
thrown away these min
erals are lost to tho
food. It Is n good prac
tice to feerve the vege
table In a manner that will conservo
the minerals. If cooked In water let
It be as little as possible and servo
it with seasonings as a sauce with
the vegetable. Teas, heaps, greens
of various kinds, bhould bo thus
Lettuce, Pepper and Egg Salad.
Arrange a platter of lettuce, sprinkle
with finely shredded green peppers
anil then add three or four bard
cooked eggs cut In eighths, sprlnklo
with finely minced chives and cover
Willi French dressing. Serve well
Tomato and Peanut Salad. I'eel
the tomatoes carefully and remove tho
centers so as to form a cup. Kill
with chopped cabbage and peanuts,
well mixed. Add French dressing,
ami when serving put a spoonful of
mayonnaise on top of each.
Buttered Beets. Cook small, tender
beets, skin them, then chop rather
coarsely. Add olive oil or butter, heat
them very hot, season well with salt,
pepper and a dash of lemon Juice, and
serve piping hot.
Vegetable Luncheon Dish. Arrange
on a hot platter a pint of freshly
boiled seasoned spinach, adding but
ter and vinegar, surrounding the spin
ach with one and one-half cupfuls of
creamed onions, then around this two
cupfuls of thick tomato. Oanilsli, if
desired, with hard-cooked eggs cut in
Onion and Cream Cheese Sand
wiches. To one smnll cream cheese
add minced onions spread on but
tered brown bread and cut In flnger
sizod sandwiches. See that the cheeso
and onions are woll seasoned und
Wlio said they didn't llko June?
The month when nil llowers bloomj
When school'ls out
And we frolic nbout
Who said they didn't llko JunoT
A dessert which Is both delicious
to the taste and charming In appear
ance is prepared
as follows: Uako'
an angel food In
a sheet, cut it in
squares, arrange
on service plates,
cover with a lay
er of crushed
swoptenoil nt pi, it.
berries, then top with sweetened
whipped cream or n thin slice of
brick Ice cream.
Macaroon Charlotte. Cover one-half
pound of macaroons with a quart of
hot cream and when cool bent and
mix well. Add the yolks of nx eggs
and n teaspoonful of vnnllln. fold In
the stlflly beaten whites of tho eggs
and fill buttered mold. Hake for ten
minutes or until tho custard Is firm.
Blackberry Scones. Take two and
one-half cupfuls of flour, threo tea
spoonfuls of baking powder, two nntl
one-half tablespoonfuls of milk, one
tablespoonful of butter nnd one table
spoonful of any other sweet fat, ono
lialf cupful of raisins, one-half tea
spoonful of snlt and seveu-elgliths of
a cupful of milk. Roll Into four pieces
after mixing well and hake In n hot
oven. Split open but do not cut cienr
through. Fill with Jam or crushed
fivsh fruit.
Mock Goose. I'nrboll a leg or pork,
skin nnd stuff, using the usual gooe
shilling. Put to roast with n little
water and baste with tho Juice of the
meat. When hnlf done, sprinkle with
sage, pepper, finely minced onion, salt
I and pepper. Servo with gravy.
I Buttercup Jelly. Take one envelope
I of gelatine, sonk In one cupful of cold
' wnter, ridd one pint of milk, threo
1 egg yolks well beaten and ono cupful
( of sugnr. Scald tho milk and add tho
I sugar and egg yolks; Cook to n cus-
inrti, uavor nnu cooi, men roiti in tne
stlflly beaten whites of the eggs and
pour Into molds to chill. Serve with
tart Jelly and top with whipped cream.
Mushrooms English Fashion. After
wnshlng and peeling the mushrooms,
udd salt nnd popper nnd toss them
In a saucepan In hot butter until woll
cooked (flvo minutes is usually sufll
dent). Dish up on squnres of toasted
bread and lay on each two thin slices
of broiled bacon.
Baked Stuffed Onions. Parboil
lage-slzed onions nnd remove- tho cen
ters. Chop tho part removed, add
Fauaago or other highly seasoned
meat, salt nnd pepper or chopped nuts.
Unke, basting during tho baking with
butter and water, or pour over the
onions thin crenm. Uako until tender.
iWa Tvwtvt.
5f )V i 1
I IV V il I
PM gftt Contents 15 Fluid Pracrmj
it&2is j lfIT!TiiriiT?v?tl I
KT yl' -1 laJlllf intuitu
N&S 'ft 'i'i " ''M-'''g
V LGOIl6L-31'llHOBNy.
iTiirrclivlVomoiinvi Divicstfonj
.-'., .lI)CnntltaSI
ijnccnuinKssuiiunx- -
A !!
Amiiiil St
(UnfJ Sugar
2 i
ConSlpationnnd Diarrhoea
"" nCf.l!P
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Swiss Have Women in Clergy.
Unmarried women arc now permit
ted to serve as clergy In Switzerland;
they must resign In the event of their
Children's handkerchiefs often look
hopeless when they come to tho lnun
dry. Wash with good soap, rlnso In
wnter blued with Itcd Cross Ball Blue.
Tommle Planned Dire Vengeance for
the Faithlessness of His Fickle
Little Tommle, n precocious six-year-old,
had been disappointed in
love. He lind a dato to play with'
little Mary Ann In her house across
the way. When he got there he found
she had forgotten nil about him ..nil
was sliding down hill on his rival's
new sled.
Tommle returned home, disgusted
with nil girls In general and one in
particular. lie didn't cry nor did lie
contemplate suicide. Instead ho went
straight to his mama and with child
ish naivete said:
"Mama, d'you know what I'd do if
I was Adam? I'd go right up to
heaven and I'd say, 'Please, Mr. God,
If it's Just the samo to you, I'd like
to have my rib back.'"
All In Good Time.
It was at a children's picnic, and
they were playing at furmynrd, ench
youngster pretending to be his or her
fnvririte animal. The woods echoed
with grunting, barking nnd crowing
but one little girl sat silent.
"Why don't you plnyV" asked ono
of the teachers.
"Please, miss, I am playing," she re
plied. "What ure you, then?"
"Please, miss, I'm a hen, and I'm
faying an egg. When I've finished 1
Bhull cackle I"
In a country that Isn't fit for n
republic, the men defeated nt tlio
polls go to shooting.
Tastes Fine, and
Better for Health
Postum Cereal
is a pure, wholesome
cereal beverage, contain
ing nothing harmful to
nerves or digestion.
It should "be boiled at
least twenty minutes. Then
Postum Cereal will reveal
a true coffee-like richness
of color and
"There's a Reason
Sold by grocers
Hade "by
Postum Cereal Company.Inc
Battle ureeKjJXlicnigan.
f Kf. va H ft 1 J a km
Special Care of Baby.
That Baby should have a bed of its own all ure agreed. Yet it
is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use
a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of
that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would
be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases.
Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must bo
prepared with even greater care than Baby's food.
A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged
by improper food, j Could you for a moment, then,, think of giving
to your ailing fhild anything but a medicine especially prepared
for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived.
Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that
you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of
your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that
the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily
prepared for grown-ups.
Bears tho
Ontario's Mining Production.
Since the building of (lie first rail
way In northern Ontario, In liHKl, led
to the discovery of silver In that re
gion, approximately su.OOO.OOO.OOO has
been produced by the gold and sliver
mines of Ontario.
The Cutlcura Toilet Trio.
Having cleared your skin keep it clear
by making Cutlcura your uvery-day
toilet preparations. The soap to cleanse
und purify, the Ointment to soothe ami
heal, tho Talcum to powder and tier
fume. No toilet table Is complete
without them, line everywhere. Adv.
Birds That Should Be Protected Are
Listed by the American For
estry Association.
Tlio Amerlcnn Forestry association
has published the fact that a cllir
swallow will eat 1,000 files, mosqui
toes, wheat midgets, or beetles In a
day. The crops of four chlcku lees
showed 1,028 eggs of the cankerworm.
Take notice, Mr. Fruit Grower. A
quail killed In a Texas cotton field
had eaten 127 boll weevils, and a prai
rie chicken had over .'100 of them In
Its crop. Tho bob whlto has been
known to eat Klfi different kinds ol
Insects. It has been estimated that
this bird will consume an average of
75,000 insects and 0.000,000 weed seeds
In u yenr. House martins, swallows,
and swifts eat rose beetles, may bee
tles, cucumber beetles and bouse files.
The quail eats Texas fever-carrying
ticks; the kllhleer and other shore
birds feetl on the Inrvae of disease
carrying mosquitoes; n nlght-huwk'.N
evening meal ruuslsts of 500 adult
Time Enough.
"Am I right in surmising that you
hnvo something of serious Import to
say to my daughter?"
"Oil, no, sir, I'm merely going to
propose to her. I'll talk over the se-.
rlmiM details with von after the uiwl.
' ding." Detroit Times.
Cry For
Signature of
6R0 nrri'H, loomed In Cilunn Co , Calif.,
two mllfH to town mill rcIiouI on l.uiil. All
of tract In cultivation Hull Is wilt loam
with alfalfa, li.irley mid wheat main I'topx.
Finally oiclmnl IrrlKiitlon, woll. 3.W0 Kill,
per iiilniilc. Improvement! coimlHt of 13
room 1i(iiim, li.itli, tenant Iioiiho. two luruo
Imnm, nimk holme, tnnk Iioiihvh, Kinnurloi
nnd nil liiilldliiKH neocHHury. Stnte IiIkIi
wny nam tlnoimli place. Fenced with
wile nml wood I'rlce Ih :M per iiein with
poMu'HHlnn Oct Int. For further Informa
tion write or noe
john N wKSTnrcun. nmto citv. Cniif.
Western Canada
Land of Prosperity
offera to home seekers opportunities that can
not do secured euewnere. i ne mousanus ot
farmers from tlio United States who have
nccented Canada's generous offer to settle on
FREE homesteads or buy farm land in her
province have been well repaid by bountiful
crops. There is still available on easy terms
Fertile Land at $15 (o $30 an Acre
land similar to that which thiotmh many
yearn lias yielded from 20 to 45 bunhcla
of wheat to tho aero oats, barley and
flax also in (treat abundance, while rnlslnu
homes, cattle, ahuep and liosn is equally
profitable. Hundreds of farmers in Western
Canada have raised crops In a simile season
worth mere than the whole cost of their land.
With such success comes prosperity, inde
pendence, Rood homesand oil the comforts and
conveniences which make life worth living.
Farm Gardens, Poultry, Dairying
are sources ot income second only to (train
growing aim siock raising. Attractive
climate, good neighbors, churches and,
schools, good markets, railroad facilities,
rural telephone, etc.
For certificate entitling you to re
duced rniiwny rniea, illustrated Iitera
ture, maps, description ot larm oppor
lunmes in nianuoDa, sasKatcncwon,
viuciiuuhu union wommuia.
Room 4, Bet Building
Omaha, Neb.
Aairif4 AMt,PM. f lamlfriHM
n4 CctoiiltatJM. DMlRlM t CuiO
Taking Her Order.
Ills parents were what Is popularly
known as "high-brow," but they also
were good sports. Ho when he sug
gested taking them to a restaurant
In tlio market district they agreed.
Tho mother's exquisite clothes
stamped her as a society woman, but
democracy reigns supreme at that res
taurant. They Mil down at the table.
The waiter handed the mother a menu
and then leaned confidentially for
ward over the back of the chair and
said: "Well, bister, what's the good
news?" Intllnnnpnlls News.
Freed From
Eaionic Cleared Hla
Up-Set Stomach
"The people who have Keen mo suf
fer tortures from neuralgia brought on
by an up-set stomach now see me per
fectly sound and well absolutely dm
to Katonle," writes It. Long.
Profit by Mr. Long's experience, keep
your stomach In healthy condition,
fresh and cool, nnd avoid the ailments
that come from an acid condition.
Eatonlc brings relief by taking up anil
carrying out the excess acidity and
gases does It quickly. Take an Katonle
after eating anil seo how wonderfully
I it helps you. Itlg box costs oiilj a
' trille with your druggist's guarantee.
Exceptional opportunity at Um present time
for young women over nineteen yearn ot nge
who have had at least tivo veurs In high school
to take Nurses' Training In general hospltul.
Our graduates nro In great domnnd. Address
Supt. of Nurtet, Lincoln Snnitarra
Lincoln, N.bruk
Bins and Cribs
fioinl for circular nml prices
mi Cartrr Cumblmitlon Oriiln
Ulna und Corn Crllm. Made In
tlirce ftlzCH, 500.751) und I0i) liu.
TourlnU, lIuntiTH. riklirriurii Coinliliutlliin
I'ruvUluri'l'OX'Tutile; change In .. yci. jii'U..
NOt a looxe plocc. Illuy. chruliir, .vckuli
Provlnlnn Vox and Tabla Co siiln v vj-Ii
i m JL !