The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 23, 1921, Image 5

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Ht To well A-
Buy Bread at Powell and Pope's.
Kut atirl (!i ink
Mr. and Mrs. Bay Ogelvio return
cil homo Tuesday morning from Di li
ver where they spent a couple of
Joe Hewitt was in Hastings Friday
Mrs. Frank Ellingor spent Monday
in Hastings.
Jim Jlubatka of Bladen was in the
city Tuesday.
Attorney E. G.
Hastings Friday.
Caldwell was in
Mr. and Mr. YVindolph spent Thurs
day in Hasting.'.
Harry Cramer
in Hastings.
spent Weil-
City Mar.shal Lawrence Doyle don
ned a new uniform Monday.
Donald Funk was a passenger
Guide Rock Tuesday morning.
Attorney A. M. Walters of
Hill was in the city Tuesday.
-Sheriff Huffer was a passenger to
Hastings Wednesday morning.
Miss Elsie Jcrnborg went to Yuma,
Colorado, Saturday morning to visit
her sister, Mrs. Cecil Essig. and
Miss Jessie Kellogg returned homo
Monday evening from Lincoln where
she had been visiting relatives and
friend t.
Allen K. Gilchrist of Superior and
Miss Eiiythe V. Wilson of Bed Cloud
were gi anted a marriage license Wednesday.
Mr. Moranville and son, Ernest,
returned home Tuesday evening from
California where 'they sprnt sov( ral
George Huntsingcr went to Oxford
Saturday evening where he has ac
cepted a position as cook in a restaurant.
Cash Scrivner returned home the
first of the week from Tulsa, Okla
homa, where ho had been for sever
al months.
S. B Kizer went to Lincoln Satur
day morning to visit relatives.
Rev. D. Fitzgerald returned home J
Thursday evening from Superior.
Mr. end Mrs. Ellison were passen
gers to Omaha Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Chris Zicss went to Lincoln
Saturday morning to visit relatives.
Lutheran services every first and
third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m.
Misses Belle and. Jessie McCallum
were posengcr3 to Hastings Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Higlcy of
Omaha arc here .visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Will Lain.
Irving Harpham and Morse Mills
went to Norton Wednesday to spend
a few dnys.
Claude Pierce returned homo Sun
day morning from Holdrcge where he
attended the State Sunday School
Mrs. Everett Stroup returned home
Saturday evening from Lawrence
whnw she snont a few days with
her parents.
Furnished Rooms Wonted
Tho Mnttiregor Carnival Co, which
carries ninety people will bo hero hoxt
week mid rooms are wanted for them.
Let mo know llu number of fooms you
have at once.
L. K BuM, See'v Fire l)ept.
To The Public
Our pasteurized milk nud otcitut Is
carefully produced and ns carefully
and intelligently handled. It Is uni
formly clean puro wholosotno safe.
Isn't that the kind of milk you want?
Also buttermilk, butter, eggs, flour
nud feed dollvored free to any part of
the cily. C S. KO.MINI3.
Grace' Church Services .
Gth Sunday After Trinity, Juno 20th"
Sunday School at 10 a, in.
Morning senico at ll a m
No Evening Sen lee.
The Church, Ouild and .Sunday
School picnic will bo at Mr. Statisor's
and Mr Amaek's faun on next Thins-
day, June .'10th. All members of tho
Church, Guild and Sunday School and
also frlonds aro expected to go.
Entertains in Honor of Niece
G. B. Owens returned homo Thurs
day evening from Kansas City where
he had been attending to some busi
ness matters.
Tho Misses Uattleand Minnie Christ
Ian give n very delightful danco in
honor of their niece Virginia Tato of
Tarkio, Missouri, in tho Auditorium
Jball room Monday evening. Caiolino
Tate presided at the punch table and
refreshed tho merry dancers between
dances. Tho out of towu guests were:
Misses Gladys Pelz, Mary McDride and
Mr. Walter Good of llltio Hill, Mrs.
Dorothy Rcnkcl of Nampa, Idaho, Fred
Hcrold of Roscniontand Charles GUM
an of Hardy.
Low Wallets was In Kansas City tho
Ilrit of the week.
Atloniiy P. J. Mttiidny nn 1 bcllainl
C.ililwell atttneil to Harwell Tuesday
to attend to miiu legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. O J. Palmer and baby
of Aurora, Illinois arrived in tho city
Wednesday to visit her molhor Mrs.
The business men will start on a
"boostor's trip" Monday morning at
0:30 for the purpose of adverlislng the
Fourth of July Celebration.
Tim Topham, who resides near Los
Angeles, California, arrived In tho
city Wednesday to visit his patents,
Mr. and Mrs Joe Topham, and friends.
The Degree, of Honor Lodge will
meet ncu Tuesday afternoon at 'J 00
o'oloeli In tho 1. () t). F. hall. There
is Important work to be done and all
members, are urgently requested to be
present A program will he given by
the committee.
Operator G. II. Cave arrived here
from McCook Friday morning to work
tho third trick,at the depot. Operator
Hany Davidson who has been on this
job for several months quit tho ser
vice of tho Burlington and went to
Denver Friday morning.
The Distrlot Sunday School Convcn
tlon will bo hold in tho Congregational
Church Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Ad
dresses will bo givon by Rev, Llningor,
of Cowlos, and Ernest Losoke, of Ina
vale. Dovotlonal will be lead by Rev.
Barton of tho Baptist church.
Juntos Mcintosh shipped a car of
cattle to the St. Joe market Tuesday
morning. Ho accompanied the ship
ment to market.
Mrs. Ray Nchon returned home
Sunday morning from McCookand
Hartley whore she had been visiting
relatives and friends.
Alf McCall went to Kansas City
Sunday morning to attend to some
business matters.
Several from here attended the
ball games Sunday afternoon at Ina
valo and Blue Hill.
A. V. Duckcr is attending the Na
tional Head Camp of the M. W. A. at
St. Louis this week.
State Deputy Sheriff O. D. Hedge i is
spending the week in the city with
his wife and family.
Mrs. Louise Kctchum went to Lin
coln Thursday morning where she
will visit her sister.
Mrs. John Clcmmans of Republican
City has been visiting her mother,
Mis. Chas. Ethcrton and other rela
atives hero the past week.
Miss Edna Henderson returned
home Saturday evening from Omaha
where she had been visiting her sis
ter for the past two months.
Mrs. V. II. Soliday returned toiler
homo at McCook Monday morning
after spending a few days with her
brother, Al Slaby and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Linn autoed to York
Thursday where he secured an or
chestra to furnish music for a dance in
the Besse Auditorium July -1th.
Mrs. Mary McClelland and Miss
Julia Funk returned home Sunday
morning from Denver.
Miss Laura Hedge arrived homo
Saturday evening to spend tho sum
mer with her mother.
Mrs. Ji E. George and daughter,
Miss Minnie, spent Thursday with
friends at Guide Rock.
. '
Read the continued story "A Man
for the Ages"which appears on an
other page, of this issue.
Mt. and Mrs. Curt Hatfield of
Jamestown, Kansas, aro visiting his
mother and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Phillips went
to Norton Tuesday morning to attend
the Frontier Days celebration.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tlatt autoed to
Franklin Sunday afternoon. Rev.
Mary Mitchell who spent tho week
end here returned home with them.
Kansas Pickups
David Hubbard and family woro Sun
day visitors at Harvo Blaire's.
Ml-s Velma Carr visited Sunday with
Misses Grace and Loneso Brown.
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Ring spent Sun.
day evening with Gus Ring and family.
J. C. Bozarth and wife of Lebanon
spent last week wiUji their mu Ertiest
and family.
Mr. and Mrs,. Frank Brown and Paul
Carper and family spent Sunday at
Mrs. Kittie Noble's.
Earl Abbott, wife and baby Elmer
and Mr. and 'Mrs Rex Rollbati spent
Sunday with the Robt Lannigan family-
Grandma. Lannigan, mother of Robt.
Lannigan of this vielnlty is very 'low
with heart troublo at her home in
Smith Center.
Mibs Ella Growoll visited last week
with her sisters Mis Maude McClure
and Mrs Ethel Upp in the ML Hope
F. M. Brown and wife aie the proud
parents of a ten pound girl dating
from the loth and Newell Merritt and
wife report n six pound girl dating
from the 17th
What Faith Docs.
Faith Is what enables a person to
enjoy eating a currant pie in summer
when houscflles nro numerous. New
Orleans States.
Jeff Myers has sold his lots on west
Fourth Avenue to tho Standard Oil
Co., who will erect an oil service
station on the same in the very near
Will Letson of Oakland, California,
arrived in the city the last of the
week to visit his mother, Mrs. Letson,
and brothers, Harry and Holton. and
their families.
One car of sheep and a car of hogs
woro shipped to Kansas City Sunday
morning and two cars of hogs were
shipped to St. Joe. Two hundred and
two cars of stock including that load
ed at Red Cloud passed thru hero
Sunday morning enroutc to tho St. Joe
and Kansas City markets.
Saturday afternoon the Henry Stef
fin residence, which was occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schenk, caught
fire during their absence and the
firemen responded quickly after tho
bell rang and put tho fire out. Con
siderable damage was done the house
and Mr. Schcnk's furniture.
Just For
1913 - -
ul, that in buildinra a r tain
It has been Jignini
house, the LUMBER eost
$1,600.00 in 1913
$3,300.00 in 1920
$2,000.00 in 1921
Freight has advanced on this material, since
jptji which makes the lumber cost at the present time a
trijle over fiioo.oo morel than it did in rorj, exclusive of
h freight raise,
Piatt & Frees
T MiTTOL IT Lit Ml !i.!ttUI JXill uE, !IIIL'IiaiIir1raD,Ii!,CCI!lIi:;ailIl!lllllliIinO!EllI3W
Dont Forget!
We want to see
"The Round Up"
7:45 and 9:15 p. m.
Adults 40c Children 20c Tax Included
Conductor II. R. Childress who has'
been running on the Hastings freight
between hero and Hastings for the
past year took No. ! out of here Mon
day morning he having bid on this
job when Conductor Cassel quit the
service. Mr. Childress intends moving
his family here from Hastings as
soon as suitable quarters can bo found.
A line of new FLY NETS, FLY COVERS,
Priced at a low margin of profit'
Red Cloud
W. G. Hamilton, R. P. Weesner,
G. R. Beck, E H. Newhouse, Bert
Hatfield and J. E. Bctz were in Nor
ton Wednesday attending the Front
ier Days celebration.
Mr. and Mrs. Boy Cramer went to
Republican City Thursday evening
for a short visit with relatives.
Rev. J. M. Bates rctured home
Monday morning from Bloomington
whore ho held services Sundny.
Mrs. J. E. Butler and Miss Clark
returned homo Monday evening after
a short timo spent in Hastings.
Miss Mary Spenco went to Lincoln
Monday morning after spending a
week here with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Chris Zicss returned homo
Monday evening from Lincoln where
sho spent a few days with relatives.
Operator T. E. Blako arrived here
Wedosday morning on No. 14 to take
tho third trick at the depots Mr.
Blako y'orked here for several weeks
last summer and has many friends
in this city who will bo glad to soo
him return. Mr. Cavo who has been
working hero for tho past week goes
to Oxford.
Brakeman'Bert Johnson, who has
been running in hero from St. Joe
for several years, departed Thurs
day morning for California where he
will enjoy a months vacation.
A POSITION within Ho days after
graduation or tuition refunded. Send
for catalogue Grand Island Business
College Nebraska's Oldest, Larg
est and Leading Business Training
B. P. Perry, Don Fulton, E. L.
Grimes, W. G. Hamilton, E. W.
Stevens, W. D. Edson and Rev. Ilard
man were in Rivcrton Monday even
ing attending n meeting of the Ma
sonic lodge.
Notice Of Application For
v Pool Hall License.
Notlco la hereby given that on tho 16th day
of Juno 1921, V It. Ilurwcll tiled his applica
tion and petition asking lor llccnso to con
duct a Billiard and Fool Hall on Lot Fifteen
(ID), qioclc Twclvo (12) in tho vlllago of Ina
vale, Nebraska That on tho 8th day of July
1921 at the Court Houbo In Red Cloud, Nebras
ka at 2 o'clock P. M. tho hearing of said ap
plication will be bad before tho County Com
missioners of Webster County, Nebraska, at
which time all objections and remonstrances
agalnBt the granting of said llce'nBO will bo
(Seal.) n. F. rEItltY,
County Clerk.
Sheriff's Sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hines and child
ren went to Wilsonvilic Tuesday
morning where they will spend a
couple of weeks with relatives and
friends. Will will return home after
attending tho celcbrntion at Norton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F Edwards 'and
daughters and her brother, Clarence
Albright and wife of Clnronco, Mis
souri, departed Sundny morning, via
auto, for Boulder, Colorado, whole
they will enjoy an outing.
Notlco Ib hereby given, that under and by
vlrtuo of an order of Bale Issued from tho of
lice of Clara McMillan, Clerk of tho District
Court of tho Tenth Judicial District within
anil for Wobstor County, Nebraska, upon a
(lecrcoln an action pending therein, wherein
Tho County of Webster Is plalntlll and again
st Arnold II. Hochstettler, ot. nl.,arodcfcnd
ants, I shall ollcrtor salo at public venduo
according to tho terms of said decree to tho
highest bidder (orcaRli in hand, at tho .South
door of tholCourt House at Hcd Cloud In
Webster County, Nebraska, (that being tho
building whtrelu tho last term of said court
washoldcn) on tho lltli day of July, A. 1).
IIBl at 2 o'clock 1. M. of Hijld day, tho lollow
ing described property, to wit: Lots 1,2,8, 4,
D, fl,nnd7 In Week 2 Highland A: Welch's ad
dition to lied Cloud, Nebraska; Lots 23 and
21 In IUork3,HaIlroad addition, to Hcd Cloud,
Nobraska; Lots 27 and 28 In lilo'ekil Hallroad
addition to lted Cloud, Nobraska; Lots 13 and
II In Block t) Kallrond addition to lied Cloud,
Nebraska; Lots 15, 10, l", and 18 In Illock 0
Ilallroud addition to Hcd Cloud, Nebraska;
Lot 3 In Illock 12 Hallr6ad addition to Hcd
Cloud, Nebraska; Lots 13 and 1 1 In Illock 12
Hallroad addition to Hcd Cloud, Nebraska;
Lots 17 and 1H In Illock l'ltallroml addition
to Hcd Cloud, Nebrabkn; tho north fifteen
fcot off tho north Hlilo of Lot 1 nud 2 In Illock
11) City otllled Cloud, Nobrnska; tho Boulli
fifty fcot of tho Kant half of Illock 7 Hmlth A
Moore's nddltlon to Hcd Cloud, Nebraska,
lots 1, 2, !1, and I In Illock 2 Lut.'s addition to
Hcd Cloud, Nebraska; lotwG, (1, U, 10, II and 12
In Illock 2 LuU's addition to lted Cloud, Nob
rusk a.
Ulven under my hand thtsKth day of Juno
A. I), lliJt.
110WAHD.S. row, khank nurmit
Attorney for 1'lalntlll. Sheriff.
National Park
The Gladdest Spot
the-most-talked-of place in Amarica by out-of-doors folk, is
a "hikers" or a "horsebackers" joyland.
Up there in the Northern Rockies in Northwestern Montana, there are
fifteen hundred square miles of breathing room loafing space; forests,
hundreds of sparkling streams which meander through valleys ablaze
with wild flowers, and tumble over foaming waterfalls to feed two
hundrred and fifty mountain lakes of rare beauty. In the "high spots"
there are eternal, slow moving glaciers, astride the pageant of carved
and tinted peaks. The thrill, the majesty, tho bigness of it all is
To live for a time in this "high" land is a never-to-be-forgotten' exper
ience. You'll straightway develop an amazing appetite.
If you are a fisherman you'll enjoy battling with the trout.
If you are a hiker, there's no end of trails to follow to your heart's
If you love to ride, a sturdy little mountain pony will carry you over
the skyland trails.
Mountain guides chaps you'll enjoy getting acquainted with are
there to accompany the timid. ' i
Rowboat and launch service, auto stages on a mountain motor high
way, are there for your pleasure and convenience.
If you like to "take your hotel with you" and camp, there are scores
of ideal spots,
The chalets little hotel villages in the mountains arc picturesque
Two mammouth mountain inns, where unique indoor campfires cacklo
on evenings in the "forest lobbies" provide accomodations of a more
elaborate character.
The whole scheme of service within Glacier readily lends itself to' tho
out-door idea follow the dictates of your fancy.
Better plan to go this summer and enjoy a real vacation,