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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1921)
vv RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF aniimmim. &a wq z?' In The a" SLA Ever stop to think how strongly you are influenced by the look in a man s eye? Your eyes are the most observ ed feature. Why not give them the consideration they deserve, and select becoming eye glasses? Our glasses make your eyes look best, and are best for your eyes. J.. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Ext BATTERIES A Service to Help You Conserve Your Battery Perhaps the first thing our Exidc Service Station can do for you is to help you prolong the life of your present starting battery. If charging or repairs arc nccessary.iyou can rely on the competence of our trained men to put any type of battery into the best possible shape. When you need a new battery, there is an Exide built to give you- the maximum combination of power, dependability and long life. , jHHJIII Ilillllilj'E II'Sk H ill IH SiiiiB llllllllllllllllllilll I III 1 1 ll!l 1 1 B w '- m w ;.BUIINIIi IIJ Iiilllllllll iBIIIIIII r BUllllllllllllllllHMlllllmlll BHlllllllHBM4UnfflW-2k K y w mmmbujii m-t, im.; s 1'tlh QrfS The Red Cloud Battery Service Station CA&L S. McARTHUR, Manager. The Margin of Safety Is rcprobcuted by tho amoutit of insurance you enrry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Becauso fire has nover touched you j It doesn't follow that you're Immune Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and you better find time come to thejofllce and wo'U write a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL I Relia.ble Insurance I Dr. R.V. Nicholson -v. DENTIST hf OfUco Over Albright'! Storo Red Cloud Nebraska CELEBRATE WITH US THE 4TH Big Dance at Pavilion Big Tirne at Pool Dance Wednesday and Saturday of each week at the big Dreamland Pavil ion. Swimming in the new concrete pool Lincoln Park Z SUPERIOR, NEBR. Free camping grounds-Plenty ol shade Jr. E.JGAJIIP " GHIROPRRGTOfi. PHONES Ind. 193-X Bell 48 Office Tumure Dldg,. formerly Occupied by Altomey L. H. Dlacklcdgc RED CLOUD NEBRASKA DnW.H.McBrlde OS NT I ST OVER STATE HANK 3?od Cloud Nebraska E. S. Gexrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wiro Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures Chinese Uce of Paper Tn tho art of tunlslng nnd ui pa. per we nrc not In llnu with tho Chi ncso nnd other Asiatics, who not only mnko tho finest paper In tho world, but npply It to nil sorts of usos, making window pnncs, umbrellas, Taps, snndnls nnd even clonks nnd gar ments of it. I TRUE GOLD LADY q By MOLLIE MATHER. B (, 1021, Western Nowspapor Union.) No one would lmvo nccusod John Towers of harboring rotnnntlc dreams, yet, hnlf-unconsclously, nt tho bnck of his well ordered bachelor llfo wns kept n dnlnUly colored picturo of n glorified being who should one dny become his wife one day, for the attainment seemed ever further off. John's measure of success in business hnd not fulfilled boyish promise, though tho vlllnge bank hnd grown to reality through his tireless nnd sys tcmntlc effort. Tho bank hnd been but pnrt of a store when John began ns Its am bitious cashier. Now ho wns presi dent nnd owner nnd the small white pillared building, the finest on Main street. John Towers' home wns also enpnbly managed, with mcnls always Just on time, and regular cleaning and baking dnys never varied. Ills elderly sister followed John's ways of prudence and matter-of-fact-ness. And if she had vlsionod for her broUicr a wlfo it was somo sensible and elllclent crcnture who would con Unuo sufficiently tho daily routine. Could sho havo Been her brother's dream picturo sho would have been astonished nnd alarmed. As resident young women ,and visitors coming from far and near failed as time passed to arouse John's serious Inter est, his sister settled down assured of her conUnucd comfortnblo reign. And then John saw tha Whlto and Gold lndy. Tlint Is the name his heart in stnnUy gave hcjr ns ho walked idly one Sunday morning to tho farthest end of the lnno. "Lovers Lane," tho young folic cnllcd It, iut until John came walking back ngaln later by tho White and Gold lady's side ho had never ap preciated the meaning of tho name. Sho was sitting on a bench built round tho old pnrk troo when ho first found her. Her dress wns whlto and her hair was gold and sho held somo mnrlgolds In her white fingers. "If you please," nsked the White nnd Gold lndy, with a smile thnt was, golden too, "could you tell me tho way to Willow Lawn house? I'm a visitor there nnd starred for the woods nnd I can't get buck; the turns nre so very confusing." John Towers drew a happy breath of anticipation. "I will be delighted to show you the way," ho offered, and that was tho be ginning of tho end. A small-town banker seemed not n desirable hus band to the father of the White nnd Gold lady. And he told her so with nn emphasis which hurried her into marriage. For Lily had to-make her choice between father and lover and sho mado it. Inevitably, trustfully while the old capitalist withdrew In Injured pride to his grcnt homo. So for a time did routine and order. But Lily, the dainty, bent to cook nnd menu, with the same intensity thnt hnd carried her through music and study; and If household tusks were not always accomplished, John Tow ers, coming broodlngly from his bank, found awaiting him dollclously cooked meals that tempted his ilagglng appe tite. Things were not going well with tho bank on the vlllnge street nnd John wondered nnd wondered nbout tho Whlto nnd Gold lndy. Then tho bank failed. Tho circum stances were unforeseen nnd unnvold- able, yet ho blamed himself. And when ho could no longer bear tho pathos of Lily's patient face, ho bade her go away somo place for a visit Obediently his wlfo went If he had expected her to demur ho did not show his disappointment It was an old school friend that Lily selected to visit Id her old college city. The friend had been Inviting her Cor a long tlma. And when John found that he could no longer bear the haunting loneliness of his own deso lato homo ho took of the small sav ings which could Illy bo Bpared for even that purposo and traveled the miles to 6ee Lily. She was moro tho Whlto and Gold lndy thnn ever in n fllmy white frock at u tea her hostess was giving. Tho yellow-shaded candles sltono on her yellow-gold hair. lie sighed hope lessly at the difference between their present lives. "I will go bnck," ho told her huskily, "to my failures. Tho pity of It Is that I should ever havo brought you to share them." Lily drew him aside. "Dearest," she said, "you are not going homo to failure; and when I havo finished hero what I am doing, then I will come bnck to you for ever. An idea of how to help you oc curred to mo ns I Journeyed and I havo boon putting that idea Into prac tice. You see tho charming arrange ments of this tea Helen Is giving? Well, I am responsible for It all, and I havo managed dozens for friends who used to be with mo at college. Tho orders and the money Just grew! And It was not charity, John, for my ohnrges wcro tho same ns those paid to former caterors. Hut now my work Is almost done. When father heard of my plan, and Its success, he wrote hastily, sympathetically. And when yon return home I think that you will find him there ready to help In tho re building of your business. This time it will be on a sure bnsls, John; this tlmo you will grow to success." Add :;s John Towers bent reverent ly to' the radiant face of his wife ho said softly: "Oh I My pure whlto my true gold lady 1" ' i! i I ' ' I I '1,1 $&L&$ && I '11 I 1 h I mil wi Nl I W 'III I Wk3wm ivj Jh f T4 Fve tried ttem a but 5ive WLQ a Camel I'm through experimenting. No more switching. No more trying this and that. It's Camels for me . every time. They're so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild! ' Why? The answer is Camels exclusive exnert "blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos. There's nothing like it. Wo other c"g;;rcite you can buy gives you tho real sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette. Give Cnmels a tryout. Buy a pack todaj'. Gctvour information first hand. You'll tie to Camelc, too. $m asvjMI mi m ra I 8$dk 8 l S8 &sjuw 'JidSP' - - r ' " r T T JyJI VVU. U3f ..OWiaLQI (f?. J. REYNOLDS Tuliacco Co. Winston-Salem N. C. rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska UBLISOBD EVERY THURSDAY Oniertd lu tho I'ustollicc nt Hcd ( loud, Nob aa Kecond Class Matter' A. B McARTHUIMEditor and Owner Advertsing JRafes Foreign, per column inch 15c Locn.1. ' " " 10 & 12' New Voile Dresse Baby's Cries Legal. A judge of the city court of Buffalo las ruled that tho cries of a baby iro no legal reason for ousting a ten int of nn npnrtment house. The only reason tho complainant could give was Oiat tho walls of tho Infant "got on ker nerves." Of Dreadful Imagination. The were-wolf belongs to tho class that Includes the dragon, the unicorn, the basilisk, the cockatrice and oth fabulous monsters, but he was probably the most terrifying of all, for hevwas believed to have the malice and cun ning of a man with the ferocity t voracious animal. Man's imagination has made some strange animals with which to frighten him, bnt nature out stripped him with the ichthyosaurus, the megalosauros and the pterodactyl, which 6he grew Urod of and throw out before man mado his appearance In tha scheme of life on this globe TOWN PESTS Nifty New Voile Dresses In both light and dark back grounds. Prices range from $4.75 to $9.75 In sizes from 1 6' years to 48 inch buft. Also a ne,w lot of gingham dresses and aprons. Barbara Phares The Women's Store Red Cloud - - - - . Nebraska Tho Cut-Out Pest thinks that Nolso means I'ower nn8 ho likes to Go Roar ing down tho Quiet Streets after Mid night with the 01' Cut-Out wido open. ITo Is nlso Fond of Racing tho Hnglno early Kuudny Morning, tuning up tho Old Boat while Bvorybody Else Is Trying to Sleep. your printed matter comes from the 'Chief you know it is 'right5 i V w V WSZZXEZ " -VWtfWA 1 - tr-"P- -