The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 23, 1921, Image 1
I i Jinu Hi, 'ill! (!, J A newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JUNE 23. 1921 NUMBER 25 Comfort, Economy Efficiency COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. V Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn' kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency ' for a Florence Oil Stove is .easy and quick of operation and every bitof heat is concentrated close under the cooking. P.i'Stfft)' "ifi Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points. TRINE'S Hardware icraisnimnK s llEED GHOGERIES TODAY? "Always prepared and waiting to fill any Grocery order" is the motto under which our store is run. It means that no matter how small your order may be or what particular items you may want, we are ready to supply them. We never allow any of our lines of pack age, bottled or canned goods to decrease to a "sold out level." Neither do we offer anything in the Vegetable or Fruit line, unless it is strictly fresh. And what's more, we are sure our prices will please you. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee JL 9 iAO Groceries and Queenswarc. si a a Business Lecturer Coming ! Arrangements have been mado by the ChanibiT of Commerce of Rod . CloH"to bring to this city on Tuesday, ' June 2S t S o'clock in the Newliouso hiiitdliiK tlic most famous American liuslnebs Lecture on the platform:, (letting the Most Out of Retailing."'; I'nJor this head, Mr. Will II Farley, well known business expert and organ-! izer, will discuss tho various (picbtlous that arc of spt elal interest to merchant: and business men, everywhere. He will show how cooperation and organ Ization will make for a better com munity or city. lie will show practic al improvements in service and Btorn organization that will pluH2 the gen eral public and draw trade. He will show how proper advertising will change losses to profits, how system atic, continuous, newspaper advertis ing pays the largest dividends of nil, how system enables u merchant to know at all times the conditions of bis business instead of guessing. With tho aid of several thousand feet of moving picture tllui, Mr. Farley will give a most interesting and timely discussion. It isn't theory. It isn't over the heads of people. It is solid horse sense applied to merchandising. Practical, overy day, solid experience giveu In thin way with lecture and pictures make a double impression through the eye and the ear that Is sure to be of lasting benefit to every business man or sales person who attends this lecture. Every merchant or wife of a mer chant, every salesman or clerk, every business man. and all those interested in seeing Red Cloud become a better business center should not fail to hear Mr. Farley A glance at this outline of the lect ure is suillcicnt to snow its great value. Retail Failures and Their Causes, Store Organization, Newspaper Adver. Using, Window Displays, The Business of Clerks, Salesmanship and System. Wullbrandt t Kls-aKBBn9B-a-n-ros-am-s-nii-rjBK-'3a We arc in the coal business and will try to have a supply of good coal on hand at all times, and will have a price on it that will save you 'money, We have a car of Sunnysidc Moitland now, and will have a car of I1IGGERHEAD in a "few days. You will find that these arc extra good coals. We are selling this coal on- a close margin and will have to sell for cash. Please do not ' ask us for credit. The Farmers Co-op Elevator G. A. KAILEY, Mgr. Program For The Fourth The Fire Department Is leaving no stone unturned in its efforts to make the Celebration of the Fourth one of the most splendid events iu which Red Cloud has over participated Nearly all tho business men have rendered financial assistance and tho boys are spending tho money conservatively, but at the same time making sure of the very best in attractions and enter tainment for the occasion. Following is the program of tho day's festivities: MORNING 0:15 Grand band concert by the Franklin Band. flf:30 Sports 100 yard foot race, first 810.00, second 95 00, third $2.00. 50 yard fat men's race, first S3 00 second 82 00, third 81 00. Potato race, flist 82, second $1 23 yard sack race, first S2 00. second 31,00. 10:30 Urogram at High School Park Music by the Red Cloud Com- munity Chorus. 11:30 Free Attrncti6n, (Jardnef and Mann, acrobats. 12:00 Busker, dinner at High School Park. AFTERNOON Decorated auto. parade, 820 t'O for best decorated car from country, 820.00 for the best decorated car from, town, Free attraction, Maxwell Bros , comedy horizontal bur aitists. Hall game, Faanklin v. Red Cloud. Free attraction, Gardner and Mauti , Uig water fight, companion No. 1 and No. 'J, Firu Department. Supper. HVI'NING Hig frco attraotldn, M a , w o 1 1 lirotheis Big $500 00 display of Uro works, dune Ing and numerous other attitactions- present. On motion the following Ofiicial Bonds wore approved: . II. Vance, Road Overseer Dis trict 2'; John Stccn, Road Overseer, District 15; V. E. Lambrcclit, Road Overseer, District 15'i; Rudolph Strcit, Road Overseer, District ll1"; Win. r.lobauni, Road Overseer, Dis trict 7'y. Tlic application of Andrew S. Cumpb" for admission to the Sol dier's home was approved by tho County Hoard. The resignation of C. 11. Rake straw a., Justice of Peace for Glen wood Precinct was accepted by Board. Tho County Clerk was instructed to issti'1 duplicate warrants to Chap. R. Wiekerson for 3 and John Kon znck for SI. 10. parties having lost tli- original warrants. A petition being filed in tho County Clerk's oflice asking that the County Board grant W. R. Buswell a license to conduct a Pool and Billiard Hall on Lot 15 Block 12 in tho village of Inavale for one year, said license to commence at the expiration of the present license July 8, 1921. Tho Board set July 8, 1921 at 2 p. m. as the time to hear this matter and County Clerk instructed to publish the proper notice of said hearing as required by law. A A resolution passed by tho Web ster County Farm Bureau on May 27, 1921, was read, asking the County Commissioners to publish tho tax ltet -fov 1921 after a discussion of ("nis matter by the Board a motion was made and carried that no action on this matter be taken at this time. Tho claims of M. A. Albright, B. A. Creighton, J. McClintock and Charley Burr who had paid their taxes and filed their protest ta re ceipts with County Clerk wore taken up and after investigation of same a motion was made and carried that no refund should be granted the above parties. The County Treasurer was instruc ted to mnko the proper refund to E. Carter whoso personal property through an error was assessed in School District No. 41 instead of District R for tho year 1920. The folowing claims were allowed and County Clerk instructed to draw warrants on tho proper funds inpay ment of same: GENERAL FUND Frank Starr $340.70 407.08 120.00 124.98 27.00 12.89 rmTKion B Are you proud to pull out your watch? fio 2m. wo . 47; sK-.7 5 ffl vj W'j J I w t) r I h &2r 1 Can j" FIFTY YEARS ago, perhaps, your grandfather bought n watch. Thick, elaborately ornamented and heavy in the pocket, it represented the highest bkill d the watchmaker of that day. Perhaps it tins come down to you as an heirloom. And yet, If you were buying n watch today, would you choose such a modsl? Would you wear a suit of clothes of the style of a half-century ngo? ' Watchmaking has progressed. The modern thin models, with all the accuracy and oturdlness of their cumbersome predeces sors, and with an added beauty of line, have become the ideal timekeepers for the man and wo man of today. Such n watch you can display with a full measure of pride. Keep the old watch for the memories that surround it. But let us show you our new models pocket watches of unsurpassed elegance, sturdy strap watches for the out-of-doors, dainty wristlets in gold and silver and platinum. We will show you the master pieces of the finest watchmakers of today, in infinite variety of style. We also invite you to view our selection of watch cases made by Wadsworth, the creator of many of the most popular designs iu watch cases for thirty years. We Mike 'Quality1 Right Then the Price Right E. H. Newhouse i. Rca poud Jeweler and Optometrist amm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmzmmmmm Henry R. Fausch Anna Stumpcnhorst Annie B. Spnnogle O. J. Kailey Clarence Kizer BRIDGE FUND W. E. Toap Albert Artcrbuin A. O. Mefford Wm. Sawyer 22.00 14.00 22.00 12.00 Fruit Jars Kerr Mason Jars Wide mouth, 1 qt. per dozen $1.30 Half gal. $1.60 A Line of Good Shirts and Overalls in Stock at Prices That Will Interest You C. B. Steward 7.00 1:00 2:00 I 2:15 1:80 I CiCO 0:00 7:30 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HOLD SHORT SESSION Red Cloud, Juno '20-1921. This being tho date for ono of tho Statuto meeting of tho year tho County Board of Commissioners met at 9 o'clock a. m. with all membera Roy GaiTctson ( 51. II. Hunsickcr ; Henry Banks ., . Clarence Anderson j Art Preston I Boom llrop. G. A. Wells I poor Farm fund Farmers' Union, R. C. Robt. P. Hoxsey Div C. L. Laird II. A. Stumphcnhorst Shaffer Oil Co. Dr. A. L. Amoroso C. A. Waldo R. P. Wcesner Co. II. II. Ciowcll Albert McKinncy G. D. Barry .. 0.25 Farmers' Union, Ij. C 78.43 Shnffw Oil Co. 12.13 II. Ludlow 10 00 Labour & Fox x 21.5J E. J. Fmerton 3500 Mary Emorton 31.00 Graham Furniture Co. 9.95 C. T. Dickenson 11.05 W. II. Rosoncrans C0.00 F. G. Turnuro & Son 214.C3 No further business appearing the Board adjourned to .July 8, 1921. B. F. PERRY, County Clerk. 9.S0 3.00 15.00 11.00 7.00 G.35 35.40, 72.32 20.00 51.50 G5.00 8.22 40.00 3G.C9 10.00 15.40 70.00 t--9 f I. rj Binding Twine We have ordered a car load of twine that is CRICKET PROOF. Will sell for cash or bankable note at 1 SyG per lb. Phone in your orders at once. rFn LiJ IHJ Ik Farmers Mm J. F. Edwards, Mgr. .1 GOOD VI. iCK TO TllMW Red Cloud, Neb. VVSArVJV.VV-Vr.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.VV."-V.V.".VVV : Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack Amack & Amack I UNDERTAKING J BOTH PHONES . RED CLOUD, NEB i , I. T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 76M