" KED OLOBD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF life . .. r 16799 DIED In New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yoursoif to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking - COLDMEDAL iwjs uir mmxii The world's standard r.medy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. ' Holland's National Rented? sine 1696. All druggists, three ska. laolc for tha rtm Col J M4a1 on arerr box and accept bo imnatioa ASPIRIN Name "Bayer." on Genuine TOEY SPREAD DISEASE Kill All Plies! dll all Bin. Nt. elt.n. oiMO Otal. eonTolnt and 1 111 M III. ! I llll.ll LUtl .!(. fon. Mul of met!, e.n't mill or tloorcn will not oallorlnlir anything, GoirantM, FLY KILLER .t voar dealer or S br EXPRESS, rpld. II a. HAROLD SOttEHS. IM O Kaa At.. UrooUm, H.T. frxw$tSlmr No Soap Better For Your Skin Than Cuticura Setp 25c, Oiauaert 25 and SOe, Talcum 25c BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the present tlroo lor young women over nineteen years -of ego who have bad at least two rears In high school to take Nurses Training In general hospital. Pur graduates are la great demand. Address Supt of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln. Nebratlca K Take Aspirin only as tuld in each package of genulno Bayer Tablets of Aspirin. Then you will be following the directions and dosago worked out by physicians during 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Tako no chances with substitutes. If you see the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can take them without fear for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld. Adr. Won't Do. vWo must not wink at tho law." "Particularly when It Is personified In a lady Judge." (I lilXalft BsH PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM RaiBOTraDananiS-StpptlUlrFalllor Kettora. Color and Beauty to Cray and Faded Hair cue. ana si wawrrocmi. TTIfOirm.Wli.lathiriif.H.T. HlNDERCORNS RemoTes Onrns, Ca. pues. etc., stops all pain, .mures comfort to t!ia Int. maters ixlkloe wr, Ua. by mull or at Uroc gists. aitooxCh.mlcal Works, I'atclwcae.ri.X. ' Enslow Floral Co. J31 So. 12th : Lincoln. Neb. m 126 MAMMOTH JACKS I haYO a bargain for tod. come quick. V. L. DeCLOWH JACK FiKU Cedar Itaplds, Ions PATENTS Wat on B Coleman Patent LawTflr.Waahlnalon I), a Aarlee and book frea BatMiouonable JUabest references Uoatserrlcea MORE THAN HE COULD STAND Mr. Cltyman'Changed His Mind When Business Partner Began to Brag About His Garden. What He Snld to Ills Wife If you rant n garden this year you had better hire somebody to make It. I'm not go ing to try it again. I've figured It out; and If I would speud on my business the time I put in on that garden I would make enough money to keep us In vegetables for fifty years. I am off It for life. What He Said to His Neighbor I don't think I'll bother with a garden this year. It doesn't pay; I mny do a Uttle; but tho digging and the labor I'm off that for life. What He Said to His Partner Well, how's the garden coming along? I'm not doing much with mine this year. What? How high did you say? Al ready? What seen did you use? What He Said tb His Wife When He Got Home An Hour Early That' Day Call me when dinner's ready. I've got )o get the garden started today or I'll never caiso a tiling. Life. FRECKLES Now U tha Time to Get Rid of These U(ly Spot. There' no longer the slightest atefr ot feellne aiharaed ot your -freckled, aa Othlne double strength la guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply Ret an ounce of Othlne double itrength from your druggist, and apply a llttlo ot It night and morning and you ahould aoon tee that even the worst freckle have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldo.n that more than one ounce la needed to com pletely clear tha akin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. ue sure to aiK ror tne aouois sirengta Othlne, as this I sold under guarantee ol money back It It falls to remove freckle. SUITABLE ANY DAY AND EVERYWHERE Resigned tha Vice Presidency. The only vlco president to resign was John C. Calhoun, who gave up the vice presidency to become a Uul. ted States senator. No ugly, grimy streaks on tho clothes when Bed Cross Ball Bluo la used. Good bluing gets good results. All grocers carry it 5c. MAROONED FOR THREE YEARS Woman, Lovely Woman. It tukes a woman longer to make up her mind than It does to make up her face, but wlih either she usually gets what she is aiming at, Florida Times-Union. Sailor's Long Period of Loneliness on Small Island Located In tho South Seas. Marooning occasionally brings about a modern Crusoe;' Just as It did with Alexander Selkirk, who was put ashore at Juan Fernandez, and whose adven tures gave Defoe the foundation for "Robinson Crusoe." Tho trading schooner, Queen Charlotte, passing a small Island of the Marquesas In tho South seas, landed her boat to investi gate tho smoke of a fire, ns it was un derstood tho Island wns uninhabited. Hero was found a United States sea man, who had been put ashore with threo shipmates by their captain, on account of their mutinous conduct. The three others had died, Lut the man from Connecticut had contrived to IIvo on the fish he caught, and the breadfruit and coconuts and other prod ucts which ho could gather. When rescued after three years' loneliness, his utensils consisted of great shells, and two cups which ho possessed, made from tho skulls of his com panions. He Got It "If Crabbe over comes around your place to borrow anything don't you let him have It." "You'vo spoken too late. He was around yesterday." "You chump I Whnt did he borrow?" "Trouble. He's In the hospital now." Boston Transcript Much talk is usually an Indication of little thought. Made Just to four Taste And Always the Same Ttou secure Tmiformity of strengthand flavor in your meal time drink,by the portion used. Instant Postum (instead of coffee or tea) can be made instant ly by measuring the powdered Postum with a teaspoon, placing the contents in a cup. then adding hot water. Better for nerves and digestion "There's a Reason Hade by Postum Ceital Ca,In&. Battle Creek. Mich ' Instant Tpostum A BCVCSAOK a i aMHHHSaHsVaaMt m ' I x st-js." fifth i f'l t vjl' sKsl 1 asBSBMsaw I a lOv UHrS? f ft"""""""" I'll vv. vlV issssasEkA'TxTBlVv, iskt , I I''' - ' W. V 7SSsVsS&w2bBBICH I III I ? a. X '.BBBBBffBBHBcBBBBSaBlsaSaM a U" J-- I ' v 71 iGbSHiSHSSSSSsB I w I Jrvi - TbHBIbbbbbbbS I bbbW "" vvV-l! iHHbHBHH SOMETHINO new for tho Mimmer outing, tlint mny be worn any day and everywhere and fit In with all tho usual vacation backgrounds that is wliut the prospective tourist Is look ing for. Something practical It must lie nnd n little novel nml Interesting nt least. There Is u groat demand for these otU-doorlng clothes, Informal, but smart and full of style. The shops are pre&entlug ninny separate skirts, to be worn with suitable blouses, and providing handsome light-weight sweat-tT-conts with lints and parasols to match them, In flnemutcrlals, to an swer the demand. Separate skirts for midsummer have taken to stripes and cross-bars, or large checks, In which white and n color nppenr together. White and blnck, white and brown, white and orange, whlto and beige nnd so on, are mndo up In nently fitted plaited models. The sweutr-coiits approved for wear with them, repent the color In the skirt usually, but are sometimes of white, or a vivid color may bo chosen for wenr with blnck and white pklrts, ns emernld green, or rose color. White nnd ornngo Is n favorite in skirts with whlto sweater-coat and lint, with sometimes a whlto pnrnsol. Light rose or pink sets cont, hat nnd pnrasol to be worn with white skirts, are very generally becoming. Two practical dresses for the Rum mer outing, ns shown In the picture, aro novel nnd pretty. One of the heavy crepe weaves In silk was chosen for tho model nt tho left of the two, In whlto with a cross-har pattern ap plied In outllno stitches to tho skirt. Tho coat to match is slashed about the bottom nnd belted. It hns n short rippling capo across tho back nnd el bow sleeves. A wide, plaited rullle on tho blouse mnkes a frothy cuscado of net down tho front. A light-weight, smooth wool fabric In n dark color makes tho nttrnctivo dross at tho right with plaited skirt and eton Jacket. It hns short sleeves and Is worn with n hnnd-mado blouso of fine vollo nnd narrow lace. The sleeves of tho Jacket aro finished with n pretty bit of needlework. In cnstlng about for something new, tho Innovation of Knitted dresses muBt not bo negtected; they nre pretty, In the light tones especially s, and nre just dawning over the horizon of tho fashion world. T.leylook ns If they had much to commend them It must bo conceded that they huvo novelty. Dancing Party Frock. Dancing parties recently have shown some interesting little frocks with pro nounced Oriental and Spanish touches. Ono costume of hennu crepe, with Per slun embroidery forming a large part of the' straight, slim bodice, had the skirt opened In front to show n drop of sand-colored velvet. Oriental hair decorations heightened tho effect of tho East. . Lines In Veils. There nro several new "linos" In veils. One of tho latest of theso achieves a plaid effect by clever mn nlpulntlon of the weaving. In another you find the dots graduated largo nt the chin and smaller towurd tho eyes. The Enchantment of Blouses A Feeling of Security You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you arc about to tako is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and ii taken in teappoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and blad der troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottlo of Dr. Kilmer'e Swamp Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two size, medium nnd large. However, if you wish first to try this e.rcnt preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &. Co., Uinglmmton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing '.e sure and location this paper. Adv. All's Well. "Is the drnmu going bnck?" "I think not. Chorus girls seem as shupely as ever." As One Raised From Dead STOMACH PAINS GONE Eatonlo Mada Htm Wall "After suffering ton long months with stomach pains, I huvo taken Katonlc and am now without any pain whatever. Am ns one raised from tho lend," writes A. Porclflold. Thousands of stomach sufferers re port wonderful relief. Their troublo Is too much acidity and gas which Eatoulc quickly takes up and carries out, restoring the stomach to a healthy, active condition. Always car ry a few Katonlr-H, take ono after car ing, food will digest well you will feel line. Big box costs only n trifle with your druggist's guarantee Important to Mothers Einnilno carefully every bottle of GASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for Infants nnd children, and see that It Bears tho BIgnaturo of In Use for Over 1H) Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Self-denial. "So you miw the doctor today about your Indigestion. Did he ask you to give up anything?" "Yes, SLY' YOU CAN WALK IN COMFORT If nu Hhnkn Into Yciur Shoe, some ALLEN'S rOOTcjEAHW, tha AhtlapptlC. Henllnir pow der for shop that pinch or feet that ache It takes tho frlctlun, from the shoe and Riven relict to corns and bunions, hot, tired, nwentlntr. swollen feet. Ladles can wear shoes ono alzo nmntlar by Blinking Allan' 1'uotuUaao In ench shoe. Adv. Possibly. An expert announces that there nro ten causes of crime. Wonder If be lief In the old adage that "tho good dlo young" Is one. of them. Freshen a Heavy Skin With tho antiseptic, fascinating Cuti cura Tnlcuin Powder, nn exquisitely scented convenient, economical face, skin, baby nnd dusting powder nnd perfume. Renders other perfumes su perfluous. Ono of tho Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. Who spends the present In- dream ing of the future will speud his future In mourning his past. SANITARIUM SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS General Hospital la Connection na EUtraslT HydrotherapeHtlc Department tulne- Natural Mineral Water from tho Sulpho-Saline Springs ims. KVnilKTT Maintain' riirslrlan Hlh nnd M HI. IJnroln, Neb. KODAKS Developing, Printing and E-nlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (ICast limn Kodak Co.) Dept. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb, iinrmni s A wofoipruL rce miACti. .!.. KREHOLAffiEDjte Intolerable Shortage. "Why is she suing him for dlvorco, incompatibility?" "Incoiue-piitlblllty, I should say." Tho prices of cotton and linen have been doubled by tho war. Lengthen their service by using Red Cross Ball Iiluo In tho laundry. All grocers, Oc. Neighbors' Luck. "Does your daughter play Heot hoven?" "1 believe she does, but I think she prefets bridge." What to Take for CONSTIPATION Take a good dose of Carter's tittle Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 tor a few nights after.l hey cleanse your system of all waste matter and Regulate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to take as SUgar. Genuine tear tlgnature sr$ZZC Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. CARTER'S IITTLE IVER PILLS NOT WHAT THEY LOOKED FOR I TWO THINGS NOT LOOKED FOR BLOUSES nro called upon to piny many roles In tho summer cos tume and they nre most obliging and convenient. Each typo of blouse Is made In many ways so that there Is always a new story to tell of. them a thousand and ono enchantments to bo recorded. There nre bits of splen dor among them thnt lend a grand nlr to a pretty skirt; there are thoso that carry a flavor of daintiness nnd sum mery color with them nnd bestow theso allurements on tailored suits, and there nro thoso elegancies In hnnd-mado wash blouses that tono up sport or street tults with tho refinement of Bheer fabrics and baud-wrought needlework. Two new aspirants for favor, among others In tho waist shops, have been chosen for Illustration here. Ono Is a kimono blouso of georgette, with sjiort peplum. It Is a slip-on model with kimono - Bleoven outlined nnd edged with button-hole stitches In silk. Love ly little chiffon roses nnd rose foliage aro applied to It, tho follugo embroi dered on. A wreath decorates the front, with small clusters nt each side that make tho starting point for u narrow belt, which ends in Blmllar clusters at the bnck. Such n blouse may be made In nny of tho fashion ahlo colors, and worn with a silk or organdy skirt, It is quite equal to high occasions,, Tho pretty tnllored blouso nt ths right refuses to take llfo seriously nnd bears a tailored suit cheerful company. It Is mado of figured silk in tho most approved and slmplo of tailored styles, so as to leave no doubt as to Us mis sion In a workaday world. It buttons at the front and tho cuffs with small pearl buttons and relies upon a rib bon tlo at tho throat for a finish. J-ry )flfcftL CprYalOHT IT VUTUM HIVJfWU ONIOti Audience, Llko Readers of Novels, Wanted What They Had Been Used to Getting. Dr. William Lyon" I'helps of Ynlo said at n dinner In Philadelphia: "Tho uveragd popular novelist nnd his audience nro very, very well, It reminds me of n story. "An oldtlmo music hall ncjlst turned up, after some yenrs of absence, In u certain provincial town where lie had once been a great favorite. lie went on In his usual mnke-up bulb ous red" no-o nnd so forth expecting n grand reception, but all his efforts were receled in gloomy silence. "Whnt's tho matter with 'em?' ho said afterward to tho stage manager, nnd ho dashed a tcur from ills eye. Hove they forgotten old IJI11?' '"No, Ulll, Uiey ain't forgotten you,' snld tho malinger In a kindly voice. 'No, It ain't thnt, but you've chnnged your Jokes about. You'ro tellln' the ono about thu star boarder ahead of tho ono about tho limburger, and It upsets 'cm.' " Strango Inconsistencies. Ilero Is ono of life's Inconsistencies: A mouse is afraid of a man, a man is afraid of a woman, nnd a woman Is afraid of a mouse. Exchange. A Lintless Duster Sllkollno makes a splendid dust cloth, as It leaves no trace of lint on tho furniture, Tho bargain coun ters of tho department stores often contain remnants of sllkollno which can bo purchased for a fow cents, and when sprinkled with polish, ono has n genulno dustless, lintless, dusting doth. Even Stolid Englishman Saw the Hih morin Ono of Josh Billings' Famous Jokes. .Andrew Cnrneglo told n good story at tho expense of Matthew Arnold in his "Autobiography." It seems that the English critic was not successful In his lectures in tho United States, but ho was anxious to learn, and he asked how Josh Hillings held his au dience. The American humorist re plied "Well, you mustn't keep them laughing too long, or they will think you nro laughing at them. After giv ing tho nudleuco amusement you must becomo earucst and piny Uio serious role. For Instance, Thcro aro two tilings In this lifo for which no man Is ever prepared. Who will ell mo what these are?' Finally somcouo cries out, 'Deuth. 'Well,' who gjves mo tho other?' Many respond wealth, happiness, strength, marriage, taxes. At last Josh begins solcraly: 'Nono of you has given tho second. There nro two things on earth for which no man is ever prepared, and them's twins,' nnd the houso shakes." Mr. Arnold did nlBO. Too many men who boast of being self-mndo seem to have been Interrupt" cd before tho Job was finished. RE 22JQJ52J rrrrnnT mis Let This Food HelpV5bu to Health Sound nourishment for body and brain with no overloading and no tax upon tha digestion,is secured from GrapeNuts It embodies the nutrition of the field grains, and it makes for better health and bodily efficiency. Ready to serve an ideal break fast or lunch. "here's a Reason'