The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 16, 1921, Image 4

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I h
Just For Comparison
19fl3 - - 1920 -S-SL1921
"ft has been figured out, that in building a certain
house, the LUMBER cost
$1,600.00 in 1913
$3,300.00 in 1920
' $2,000.00 in 1921
Freight has advauced$2So,oo on )his material, since
jpj, which makes the lumber cost at the present time a
trijle over $100.00 more than it did in iprj, exclusive of
h freight raise.
Piatt & Frees
Go East this
Enjoy a succession of delightful ex
periences. The Jersey Coast never loses
its charm. The blessed old Atlantic
wafts a salt-breeze invitation.
In Boston and along New England's
shores, historic charm and quaintness
blend with the usual seashore attrac
tions. In "The Land of Evangeline," replete
with mystical, natural beauty, summer
" days are magical.
The Berkshire country combines the
charm of lake, and picturesque river
and countryside.
The Adirondacks are ever restful the
shrines of the historic past never cease
, to appeals '' ,;
- Te;Catakills."The.Landpfip Van Winkle"
is trie grSatnatural 'playground of the East-
""m Statc's.M "'"" ( ' ''
Then, there's Niagara E!alls. The Thousand Is
,. j lands, the White and Green Mountains,; Del
aware Water Gap. and a host of other regions
each with a lure all its own '
Tito liurlltiRton offers round trip vocation
cxcuislon Mokcts to Eastern resorts long
limits 11 ml liberal stop-over privileges
N. B. BUSH, Ticket Agent
w r .
A Service to Help You
Conserve Your Battery -
Perhaps the first thing our Exide Service Station
can do for you is to help you prolong the life of
your present starting battery.
If charging or repairs are necessary, you can rely
on-the competence of our trained men to put any
type of battery into the best possible shape.
When you need a new battery, there is air- Exide
built to give you the maximum combination of
power, dependability and long life.
The Red Cloud Battery Service Station
CARL S. McARTHUR, Manager.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Entered In the I'OBtofllcc nt Hcd Cloud, Nob
as Second ClnsB Matter
A. B. MoAltTUUR.lEditor and Ownor
Advertsing .Rates
Foreign, por column Inch 15c
Local, " " 10 & 12
Farm Bureau Notes
M, B. Posson, Spocalist in Animal
Husbandry of Lincoln, spent 3 days
in the county the past week arrang
ing and putting on a judging prnc
ticc.and nn elimination contest. Mem
bers of the Webster County Pig und
Calf Clubs took part. It was a 'eal
contest, each individual trying to make
the County Team that will represent
Webster County at the Nebraska State
Fair. Th high contestants are Coll
Means, Red Cloud, score 1015 out of
a possible 1100 points. Earl Port
iner, Guide Rock, score 901, Marion
Steward, Red Cloud, score 062 and
alternate Oscar Lea, Red Cloud, score
Last year the Wcbslor County Team
judged at Lincoln, Souix City and At
lanta, Georgia. This year's team is
planning on doing bettor than last
year's team.
Red Cloud, Batin and Cathcrton
Townfchip, Monday, June 20th at 1.
p. m. Meet at County Farm. Pleas
ant Hill Township Monday, June 20th
at 5 p. m. Meet at James Doyle's
farm. Harmony and Glenwood Towa
ships Tuesday, Juno 21st at 1 p. m.
Meet at Fred Householder's farm.
Beaver Creek Township, Wednesday,
June 22nd at 1 p. m. Meet nt Carl
Fausch's farm.
Pan to attend one of the above
tours. Fields of Kanrccl vs. Turkey
Red Wheat will be compared as to
ycild, rust resistant, etc. Fields of
improved varieties of oats will be in
spected. Fields of wheat and oats
treated for smut will pe inspected
and fields of wheat on ground that
has been summer fallowed will be
compaicd. A smut treating demon
stration will be given.
Thirty farmers raiding Kanrcd wheat
Burt and Nebraska No. 21 oats will
will have their fields .inspected on
Wednesday, Thursday pnd Friday;
June 22nd, 23rd and 24th by F.'D.'1
Keim of Lincoln. , ,0(
The County Agent's' office has been
moved from the County Surveyor's of
fice to the Farm Bureau office across
the isle from the old location.
County Agricultural Agent.
"W&H say Granpqp
packs a wallop!
J I s 1
THE NATIONAL champion.
TWO YEARS ago ho swapped.
THE OLD blind maro.
FOR A cider mill.
AND THEN of course.
WHEN WE went dry.
CIDER MILLS got valuable.,
AND GRAN'POP swapped again.
AND GOT a flivver..
SO I said, "Grnu'pop.
SUPPOSE I start you."
WITH THAT old busted.1
BABY CARRIAGE back homo.
COULDN'T YOU swap It.,
A CRAFTY gloam?
CAME INTO Gran'pop's oyo.
A3 HE Baid, "No.
BUT I'LL toll yo.
I'LL SWAP a match.
FOR ONE of them.
SO WE Bwappcd.
ONE BROKEN paper match.
FOR ONE perfect clgaretto.,
AND YOU ought to see.
HOW PLEASED ho was.)
IT DID mo good.
TO BE "dono" by Gran'pop.
TWENTY Chesterfields for twenty
cents some swnp! Your good
money never brought better value.
Choicest tobaccos (Turkish and Do
mestic) so blended that you get every
last bit of their flavor. And Chester
fields do what no other cigarette can
do for you-"They Satisfy".
, , C i' fe s tetf icld
im "-ja--'
Liggett & Myers Todacco Co.
A number of girls clubs will bo
organized this summer in Thurston
county, according to Mabel L. Lucado,
county extension agent."0 Macy will
have two clubs headed by girls who
were last year "local leaders." Won
derful progress is expected, as usually
it has been hard to secure local club
leaders. Sewing clubs will predominate.
promote closer cooperation between
the various farm organizations in
the state. This action was taken at
a meeting in Omaha attended by
John Frazeur, of the Midwest Milk
Producers Ass'n, Omaha; J. W. Short-
hill, secretary of the Farmers' Co-
opeative Grain and Livestock Assn;
C J. Osborne, president of the Ne
braska Farmers' Union; H. D. Lute,
Secretary of the Nebraska Farm Bu
reau Federation and E. L. Shoe
maker, Secretary of the National Co
operative company of Omaha. An
other meeting will be called soon to
effect permanent organization. Voting
power in the council will bo confined
to the membership of the boards of
flisr vnrious organizations. The'
governing board to be composed of
one member for each organization.
Legislature, education, transporta
tion, co-operative buying and selling
agricultural financing and proluc
tion of farm products will bo pro
moted by the council.
New Voile Dresses
Earl Godfrey of Cozad has been se
cured to assist the pig club boys of
Dawson county in livestock judging
work. He will meet with the boys
twice a month during the summer.
The teams will compete at the fair
this foil.
It pays to raise purebred cattle,
according to a comparison made by
H. B. Roper, banker at Semper. Mr.
Roper had two bunches. of calves .on
the Omaha market on the same day.
One bunch of purebred cnlves which
had been fed three months, brought
fifty per cent por hundred pounds
more than the other bunch of mixed
breeds which had been fed for a
period of six months.
yv t v m immmi m bii. u -,."
r Hl HUH I ml JUHIH &?'.
1. HI llllllllllllllllllrfr -HIHIITinflllH vXf;
)- 1 II II I I finH zwi fiSwSfc
ivjriHIIHU lyUMy 'sA'fib
Ml HhIIH IHb! fip' c'f'o jL
President James R. Howard, of the
American Fnrm Bureau Federation
has called a conference to meet In
Chicago on June 13th to discuss the
plan for the co-operative purchasing
of coal. Delegates from, Ohio, Ind
iana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska have
been nsked to attend. Secretary Mc
Laughlin of the West Virginia Farm
Bureau will present n plan at the
Sheriff's Sale.
Notlco Is hereby Klvcn, tlmt under and by
virtue of nu order of snlo Issued from the of
fice of Clara McMillan, Clerk of tlio District
I'nurt of thn Tenth Judicial District within
and for Webster County, Nebraska, upon nj
.iwrri. in nn nntlnn ncndlni! therein, wherein
"w " . ". . : ... j .
Tho County of Webster is planum aim ""
Bt Arnold II. Hochstcttior, ot. ni.,aroacionu
nnts, I shall oirer for snlo at nubile venduo
according to tho terms of Bald decree to tho
highest bidder for cash In hand, at theBouth
door of tho Court Houso at Hcd Cloud In
Webster County, Nobraska, (that being tho
building wherein tho Inst term of said court
washoldon) on tho llth day of July, A. D.
1021 at 2 o'clock P. M. ot said dny, tho follow
ing described property, to wit: Lots 1,2, 3, ,
0,tl,and7IuIllock21llBhlnnd& Welch's ad
dition to Hcd Cloud, Nebraska; Lots 23 and
21 In Illock 3 Railroad addition to Hcd Cloud,
Nobraska; Lots 27 and 28 In Illock 3 Kallrond
addition to Hcd Cloud, Nebraska; Lots 13 and
14 In Hlock U Hallrond addition to Hcd Cloud,
Nebraska; Lots 10, It), 17, and 18 In Block 9
Hnllroad addition to Hcd Cloud, Nebraska;
Lot3 In Illock 12 Hnllroad addition to Hcd
Cloud. Nobraska; LotB 13 and II In Illock 12
Hallrond addition to Hcd Cloud, Nebraska;
Lots 17 and 18 In Illock 12 Hnllroad addition
to Hcd Cloud, Nebraska; tho north fifteen
foot of f tho north sldo of Lot 1 and 2 In Block
la City of Hcd Cloud, Nobrnska; tho south
llfty feet of thoKast hall ot Illock 7 Bmlth &
Mooro's addition to Hod Clouu, wourasKii
lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 In Illock 2 LuU's addition to
Hcd Cloud, Nobrnskn; lots 0, 0, 0, 10, 11 and 12
In Illock 2 Lutz'8 addition to Hcd Cloud, Nob
Given under my hand this 8th day of Juno
A. P. 102).
II. D. Lute, Secretary of tho Ne
braska Farm Bureau Federation, af
ter considerable correspondence has
located woolen mills in Iowa that will
haiMllo raw wool from tho farm and
cither wash or card it, oi if desired
will go farther-and spin it into yarn,
dyo it or-wcave it into blankets on
the per pound basis. Instruction will
be sent by tho state fnrm bureau
headquarters to county fnrm buroiu
offices, as to how to handlo the
,., ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Preliminary stops havo been taken
for the organization of tho Ncbrtskn
Agricultural Council, intended to
Much In Little.
A baby will mako lovo stronger,
days shorter, night longer, bank roll
smaller, homo happier, clothes shath
bier, tho past forgotten and tho t utar
worth livlog for. Ofllco Topics.
Nifty New Voile Dresses
In both light and dark back
grounds. Prices range from
$4.75 to $9.75
In sizes from 1 6 years to
48 inch buft.
Also a new lot of gingham dresses
and aprons.
Barbara Phares
The Women's Store
Red Cloud - . - - Nebraska
Dr. R.V. Nicholson
Olllco Ovor Albright's Storo
PHONES Ind. 193-X Dell 48
Office Tumure Dldg, formerly Occupied by
Attorney L. H. Blacldcdje
Rod Cloud
Red Cloud
Nebraska RED CLOUD