IW w """" "'"'iflBlilfer jp, vyi,vr ' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 4V.T r?'Pt Yank Princess May Be Queen & Widow of Ralph Thomas May Sec Husband Acclaimed King of Albania. .LOSES HEART TO PRINCE Princess Vlora Is Granddaughter of Eu- fleno Kelly, Millionaire New York Banker Her First Husband Was Frank Jay Qould. New York. Princess Vlorn, former ly Mrs. Helen Kelly Gould and more recently Mrs. Ralph Thomas, mny bo the first Atnerlcun to be addressed 11a "your mnjesty." If she attaliiH Uie throno of Albnnln, ns Gcema possible, slio blda fnlr to ccllpso socially Princess AnastoBta of Greece, formerly Mrs. Wllllum B. Leeds, who, through her mnrrliigo to Prince Christopher of Greece, tins climbed the roynl Inddcr higher thuu nny other American woman, i Princess Vloru ,1s In New York "on itislnesH," whllo her roynl consort, Prince Vlorn, Is at their houso In Purls inrrniiglng plnus to ascend the throno of his grandfather. Tho father of Vlorn, Ferld Pasha, Is prime minister to Abdul Ilamld, and Is working quietly with Turklbh lend ers. She Prefers Paris. "What will you do In Albania, where most of tho men are polygamlsts and iddlcted to bloody feuds?" I asked her in her upartmuut In tho Hotel Lenorlc. "I don't know," she said, smiling, "perhaps remain most of tho time In my Paris homo with my two children Helen, who's nineteen, and Dorothy, who's seventeen who uro now In 6chool In Switzerland." The princess was Helen Murgarct Kelly, granddaughter of tho million aire New York banker, ISugeno Kelly. She was married at eighteen to Frank Jay Gould and after divorcing him married Itnlph Thomas, sou of tho nugnr king. After n brief married life, be died suddenly In 1014, leaving her several millions. During the war she sailed for Pnrls, where she becamo n war nurse. While recuperating In Switzerland, sho told me, sho met Prlnco Vlora, who wns brooding over tho fnte of Albnnln and meditating schemes for Its restoration. Loses Her Heart "Ho told mo sad stories of Albania," ho continued, "of Its wild scenery and tho pirturesqucncss of Its people. Ho was n delightful chap and I confess thnt I lost my heart to him. Wo wero married quietly. "Whether tho prlnco will become king of Albania Is not certain. It Is well known In diplomatic circles that tho problem of (hiding n satisfactory ruler Is a hard one. The prlnco Is tho natural "ruler and Is mapping out his course In Paris and London uow. "Cowless" Milk IkfVraW t 'l 111 t3tnMre8t3SSSNe )""' . SuirtlmmiwOTmMMMiMMfisSBI Tk H Y r-. -........... rT rr-nn Ml JLU Jlrji1jiniiinrnviii-iVrr'rt.niiiwiiia w irn yifi-v Tj. H fffffffffffffffffffffS ' fft ?jtwft - - . .. JJ. K jF ; Photograph of Dr. E. n. Oirr and G. E. Cornfortn making "cowless" syn thetic milk In tho laboratory of a sanitarium near Hoston. It Is mado from onts, peanuts and water. Vegetarians approve it because It contains no unlmal fats; food experts nro Inclined to reject it for the snmo reason. Seek Navy Students Marine -Corps Is Authorized to Assist In Recuiting. Stations Will Accept Enlistments for Midshipmen at the Annapolis Academy. ' Washington. Youngsters between tho uges of eighteen and nineteen (pears, with ambitions to becomo mid shipmen at tho United j)tutcs Naval neudemy, now will bo uccepted for en listment at till uuirlno corps recruiting stations. Ono hundred enlisted men uro ap pointed to tho Naval academy each year, after a competitive examination given enlisted men of tho navy and marlno corps. They must not bo moro than twenty years of ngo on April 1 of tho year It is desired to enter, and must hnvo been In tho scrvlco at least one year by August 15 of thnt year. "Albania Is tho roughest country In the Rnlknns, a country of wild moun tains, entirely without railroads. Tho only towns are situated on tho coast of thu Adriatic. The cntlro population Is less than 1,000,000. "Tho people consist mainly of fierce mountaineers, walking arsenals of rltles nnd knives. They aro Moham medans In religion nnd confirmed polygamlsts." Tho princess explained thnt shortly before tho war Prlnco William of Wled, with German and Austrian back ing, succeeded In getting Installed ns king of Albnnln nt Durazzo. Ho never succeeded, sho snld, In winning tho nl leglanco of tho mountulnecrs, hecauso Essad Pnshn and local chieftains wero hostile to him. So he returned to Ger many. Since then the Itallnns have occupied moro of Albania nnd Joined tinndfl with tho nllles, operating from Salonlkl. "I am hero to assist my husband In my own way," Princess Vlorn said. "If he wants tho throno ho can have It. "I am, very much In lovo with him nnd vlll help him nil I enn, but I think I would prefer to spend most of my time In Pnrls. "Sly mission hero Is to rest nnd to hoe certnln friends on certain matters of Importance." Maneuvers by U. S. Air Craft Director of Naval Aviation Lays Out Extensive Program for Summer and Fall. RIG AIRSHIPS TO TAKE PART Giant Dirigible Purchased From Great Britain Will TakeJTrlp West as Far as Chlcago-Maneuvera Also Planned for Pacific Washington. With Atlantic nnd Pacific fleet air forces' mobilized at bases on tho two coasts, an Intensive program of summer and fall maneu vers Is being planned by Copt. William A. Moffat t, director of naval aviation. Starting with tho Joint army and nnvy bombing tests off tho Atlantic coast, designed to test tho offensive value of aircraft against naval ves sels, navy flyers will bo put through several months of stiff exerciser. Early In July tho naval airship ZR-2, purchased In (J rent Britain, will fly to this country In charge of an American crew. A great aerial demonstration will mark her arrival. Detachments Made in Boston .yVnASjV Adhering to its policy of rewarding meritorious members of lis enlisted personnel with commissions, tho ma rine corps will open an ofllcers' train ing school In or pea? Wnshlngtfih this summer to till over n hundred vacan cies In tho commissioned personnel of tho corps. During tho wnr moro than 800 en listed men were commissioned In this country nnd France. Tho highest rank so far attained by un enlisted man who received his commission ns n reward for meritorious scrvlco la that of a bonlor colonel. Tho order recently Issued by tho major general commandant, specifies that no noncommissioned officer lll bo considered for such advancement who shall hnvo had less than ono year's scrvlco In tho army, navy or murlno corps, of which not less than six months shall hnvo been In tho ma rlno corps. Only men betwecu .tho yt'''Vl923jgggtittXI&BK,m'lmm''k'' f 'WJw",w'y?wSiy?1 ti" y p, ,j.4 .......... ..... 4-Mfr-' --. A Nation's Per Capita WealthJJow $2,800 Tho per capita wealth of the United States has Increased $230 since 1014, It was an nounced by tho Government Loan organization. It Is estimated that on Feb. 1, 1021, the total wealth of tho country wns $100,000,000,000. This Is an Increase of $&0,0OO, 000,000 during tho last seven years. If this wealth were divided equally nmong the 107,000,000 persons In tho country each would have $2,S00. In 1014 each would have had $2,001. Tho prnctlco of thrift during the wnr wns pnrtly responsible for tho Increase, according to tho Loan organization. (j- COURT BARS U. S. SPELLING Australian Chief Justice Rules In Favor of tho English Forms, Melbourne, Victoria. American forms of spelling hnvo been barred from otllclnl documents In tho high court. The federal chief Justice has announced that ho will not allow their introduction nnd hns ordered the spell ing of the words "program" nnd "cen ter" changed to "programme nnd "cen tre." Ho remarked thjjt English spelling was good enough tor him. of seaplanes, flying boats and dirigi bles will fly far out to sea to meet tho big airship and escort her to n point on tho Atlantic const Just north .of Boston. Test Mooring Mast. Tho ZR-2 will theu skirt tho const southward, passing over tho principal cities to Philadelphia, then proceed to the giant navy hangar nt Lnkehurst, N. J., nnd be "anchored" to n "moor ing mnst," the first device of this kind to be erect'd In this country. Experts from Grent Ilrltnln will superintend tho erection of the mnst which will be n steel structure about ICO feet high with a swlveled bridle nt tho top to which the noso of tho dlrlglblo will bo moored, permitting the ship to Bwlng always nose to the wind. Tho structure will cost about SOO.OOO, nnd probably be fitted with an elevator to carry the crow of tho dirigible to and from tho ground. After being thoroughly overhauled, the ZR-2 will undertake a cross country cruise to show tho ship to the people. Will Pass Over Many Cities. Present plans call for n trip to Chl cngo nnd return, nt lenst by way of the southern border of tho Grent Lakes, nnd If cities west of Chicago provide mooring facilities the cruise may bo extended indefinitely. The ship can make a round trip to Chi cago without refueling. Rasing on Lnkehurst, the ZR-2 Is to operate along the const Inter and par ticipate In air fleet mobilization i-nd extensive maneuvers nnd tactical drills. On tho Pacific const similar maneu vers will bo conducted In connection with tho Pnclilc fleet. It Is possible n squadron of nuvnl nircrnft may at tempt n trip "around tho rim" of tho country from a point in Wnshlngton stnto to Mnlnc, during tho year, the longest airplane cruise evor attempted. Huns for a flight from San Diego, Cnl., to this city have been abandoned, as Capt. II. C. Mustln, commanding tho Pacific fleet nlr force, who would hnvo led tho expedition, cannot bo spared from summer exercises of the Pacific air forces. Dead Hero Made a Marshal. Pnrls. Gen. Gnllleni, former min ister of war nnd former military gov ernor of Pnrls, who sent tho nrmy of Paris to tho Mnrno In 1014 In tnxl cnbs md who died In 1010, has been posthumously named n marshal of France In a elect ce signed by President MUlernnd. This was In accordance with authorisation given by parlla ment recently. ages of twenty-ono nnd twenty-seven years will bo considered. Pet Snakes Protect Home, Says Editor Mlddletown, N. Y. Hava you a little snake In your home? They mako flno watchdogs and pets for tho .children, no cording to Editor William Hones, who runs n country newspaper nnd Is known an Wieodoru Itooscvelt's double. Ho says tho snako Is one of mnn's best friends and should bo In every home. 2lllll.na itflcrf !. t-no l .l other pests, ho declares, purge uio nouso 'waits or infections U)d protect tho sleeping house hold. $--"'--"----"-., Josephus Daniels' ambition us a youth was to 'bo a professional buso bull player. CORIHER ITEMS News of All -Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout Nebraska. A case deigned to test the conti tutlonolly of the law enacted bv the Inst liH'lulntiiro. foriiiiiitiiKf tim immii. i Ing of any subject In n foreign lung- spile of protests. Tho occurrence la tinge In nny school In Nebraska In l'10 culmination of nn effort on the part grades ! slow tho ninth, hns been filed of - taxpayers of the county to clean In district c in, of Platto county. The i'D "Irregularities." NcbriHk.1 dutrlcts of Evuugelieal I A" ttss to determine the weight Luther.i.i kuu.On of Missouri, Ohio nnd resisting capacity of different strata other Kates ire tho pl'i'nMlYs, and helow tho surface of Capitol square, Governor Melulvlo, Attorney General Davis 'ind county attorney uro tho tie fcndnnt.i General John J. Persliing delivered the commencement oration to 0J0 grad- nates of the University of Nebraska which could be placed upon It. Tests tho largest class In the history of the were made preliminary to the erection school nt Lincoln. General Pershing of Nebraska's new stnte house, stressed the duties of citizenship In After n delny of nearly ?evin oarg his speech. "When nn American nc- tho Ktnte hnnk guaranty fund of Ne cepts citizenship he gives nn Implied 'wka will get buck n part of tho promise thnt he will exercise thnt $"".O0O drawn from It In li'lt to pay privilege Intelligently. Society nlso depositors In tho Tirst Savings bank gives nn Implied promlsethnt It will nt Superior. Prospects nro that about assist him In nttnlnlng this aim." &W.000 will be returned. The other An average wheat crop with good $-0,000 will bo the net loss of the prospects for onts, rye nnd barley, 'Pmrnntj; fund. This wns the first evident since the recent rnlns, nro pre- B,Ilte "nnk to fnll nfter tho guaranty dieted for Nebraska by A. E. Anderson ,'nw beenmo effective In 1'Hl. of tho bureau of crop estlmntes. He State Tax Commissioner Osborno reports flint potntoes have begun to hns notified authorities of nil counties bloom nnd the first crop of alfalfa Is tI,nt they must keep within tho JU being harvested. The only crop np- ,nln levJ' or ;'"' cents on each per parently damnged by the rain Is corn, 'hundred property vnluntlon ns pro- where some plants were cither washed ' v,(,p,l ''V n liw passed by the recent out or covered up. I legislature. A fer-ilelanee, the deadly serpent of -Tames I J. King, negro, convicted by a the tropics, was killed at Auburn -'"' nt Lincoln nfter thirty-five min when run over bv nn nutomobllo. It is , ",c& deliberation of murder in the I1rt supposed that the reptile-was brought ''legreo in connection with tho killing to the city in n shipment c.f bananas. of Robert L. Taylor, penitentiary It is reported that the first time In i P"nr'1- was sentenced to die in tho years, rattlesnakes nro numerous on olortrlc chair. tho Missouri river bottoms. Farmers i hrnskn was one of the first states nnd fishermen report that hardly a day ,n the middle west to respond to tho passes without killing one. caH to nid Hood sufferers of Pueblo, Tho Union Pacific asked the state C(,,- Fro" n11 Parts of the state rnllwny commission to create two comes reports that Nohrnknns aro towns on the road's new spur from ron,, to do whatever possible to co Ilnig, to the Goshen Hole country In operate in tho relief efforts of those Wyoming. One of the towns, Lyman, , destitute. has been named In advance of Its Tll tc supreme court sustained birlh. The prospective parents of tho the findings of the district court In other town as yet hnvo not decided on Morrill county on which former Sheriff n name. Willinm I. Hyson wns pronounced The hoard of regents of the Unl- P"Ht.v of receiving nnd giving nwny versity of Nebraska, declined to do- intoxicating liquors and removed prlve the editor, business manager nnd fr0I ofllce. nrt editor of the 1021 Cornhusker of First step In the nntlon-wldo nwve their degrees, ns recommended by the ment to link nil religious faiths in an committee nppointed to investigntft opposition to recurring wnrs vns mnde alleged objectionable features In tho 1 Omaha when n letter, protesting annunl. against wnr nnd Its burdens of tnxn- A resolution urging the board of " n"(J "rm.n,"e,nt' ,wns ro'vl frnra supervisors of Gage county to reduce s,lft ' J- Sdmylcr from every Lpls the wnges of nil county employes un- tcnE.. Pu'n't' der their control, nnd economy in the TI' Pcopi in tho vicinity of Vwiro conduct of sohool nffnlrs was passed ,m,. n simiU T,nc0 flvo 11ps east of by 100 farmers who hnd n meeting nt jUnnrtolpli. nro nsklng tlie rnllwny com Pcntrico to protest tax rates In tho . mission for a depot nt thnt place. A county. meeting of the farmers was held Inst Tho nvlntlon association nt Crete hns perfected arrangements to have the Crete nvlntlon Held put In flrst class -slinpe, and In accordance with government markings. A landing ueiu r.-cf ,....-.. i.c !. ,-nn.n,i tvi.nro a i.lg flying program will be staged, Tni i.t Payment of bounties on the scalps' of wolves nnd coyotes has censed In Cnss county, following nn opinion handed down by the county attorney that the matter must first be submitted to the voters, nt a regulnr election. Tho Lincoln highway between Cen tral City nnd Chnpmnn Is undergoing a remarkable change, and when work Is completed the graveled road bed will bo equal to the best In the country. A special election In September to vote the bonds for the erection of a now SloO.000 court house wns urged by aoo Sarpy county fnrmers nt a speclnl mnss meeting nt Pnpllllon. Free moving pictures, put on in nn outdoor tkentre by the Blue Springs Community club every Snturday even- ing, nre proving a great drawing card, merchants sny. ' ' Tlie Grand island municipni ititcneu recently Instituted by Mayor J. T. Ellsberry Is proving n success. Since opening It hns fed 1,000 men.' Tho members of the Nebraska Shorthorn Cattle Breeders' nssoclntlon will hold n big picnic on tho stnte farm campus. Lincoln, on Juno 23. Innblllty to renllzo on lonns Is given ns the renson for tho closing of tho Pioneer Stnte bnnk nt Omaha. A volunteer tiro department with two compnnies nns neon organizes ni Osbkosh. The new dnm being built nt Bernes ton ncross tho Big Blue river Is prov ing to bo quite n plensure resort for people from over tho stnte. Cars filled with sightseers pour Into tint place continuously on Sunday. Telephone rate Increases In twelve cities nnd towns In tho stnto were nsked In n petition presented to the stnto rnllwny commission by tho Lin- coin Telephone nnd Telegraph Co. Tho towns nffected are: David City, Fnlrbury, Ashland Brunlng. Yortc, Jnnsen and rem. Hubbell's new community hnll, ono of tho most substnntlnl buildings of Its kind In Nebraska, wns dedicated tho other day. Shorthorns nro the most populnr breed of pure bred cnttlo on Nebroskn farms, according to tho stnto depart 'ment of agriculture. There are 12,777 Shorthorns on 0,017 fnrms In tho stnte. Ilerefords nro next with 27,418 on 4,4.10 fnrms. Others follow: Polled Shorthorns, 3,420 on 1,415 forms'; 4,010 Angus on 022 fnrms; 411 Gallo way on ninety-two farms; nil other breeds, 0,003 on 1,203 fp-ms. County Judge Harrow of Thomas county has given his version of the recent seizure of county records at Thedford, where' county oflicinls have been engaged In a fuctlonnl fight for some time. Judge Harrow's statement Is similar to una made by County Clerk Blven, who said that County At torney Iiulsuor demanded n meeting of the county board In his olllce In stead of the court house and that, when the county clerk declined. Itclsnor ordered the records seized In ,Ht Lincoln, diseiosort that the sand stone formation starting nt n depth of twenty-three feet nnd continuing thence downward thirty or forty feet ,,s cnpnble of holding up any lonl " " " "1. ""V. I " ,"" "m to press their demands for n depot. I Profiteering hns resulted In the for mation of 4S-" co-operntlvo socltles In Nebraska, organized to balk tho n ' , , ,, , , . . proflr grnldiers. according to n detnlled report Iwued by the state department i of agriculture. ,G"';lp" coun1t T cn,rt, 1,101I?e hmUf "f -n00 lh e """' oC $120,()0 have been sold to a Denver 1fln"n,Ml "a2 ? , f ! r I ",l ,,l,,s o io-court house nt Osh- KOMI. Members of the stnto bonrd of health nre endenvorlng to locate n typhoid fever germ enrrier which they believe ,is responsible for nn epidemic at Grand Island. The Sewnrd Amusement association Is making extensive preparations to entertnln tourists, picnickers, campers, fin fact, nny who nro seeking a summer jvnention. i A series of motion pictures f farms of the county, at the expense of the Saunders County I'm "in bureau, will be Mortal June 17, sit Wahoo. I A Inrge tunnel for tho drainage of tlie Votter-Llebhnrdt basin, which will reclaim 400 ncres of land In Hamilton county, will bo finished by July 1. Plans of a Utah sugar company to establish a factory at Lodge Pole aro leading to the breaking of ground on many ranches for beet growing. Voters of tlie village of Benedict re- jCc(oil ., pri,,..-eition to issua $120,0.10 worth nf S).lool i)0nds. j citizens of Pnpllllon recently col- , ci)rntod tho completion of a mllo o ow Pnvlng In the city. Beginning next September nil Ne braska boys nnd girls must nttend school until they nro nt lenst 10 years old. Thnt Is tho provision of a new Inw pnsoed by tho last Nebraska leg islature. According to nn opinion given by thn stnto attorney general, nil firms denl- Ing In extracts or medlclno containing 8ufflcent nlco,,0, (o ,nt0Xcntc, ,ust , p of nU gftlM miuU, , . . .. - . n,wl-atnT' n,n Tim jri,ng ,R nccor(llng t0 n Iaw pnsfced by tho legislature. nenry Johnson, 30, fanner, was killed during n fight over n road dis pute with P.obert Cnrsh, another farmer, nt Humboldt. Johnson Is said to hnvo died Instnntly when ho fell on n cement sidewalk nfter being struck by Cnrsh. Word from WnsTIIngton Is to the effect thnt the Smith standard loaf bread bill, passed nt thelnst session of tho Nebraska legislature, wns used as n model nt n conference of stnto and city oflicinls attending n convention thero denllng with weights and meas- JuroB laws. WPROVED'UHIFORM INTERNATIONAL SiuidaySchool T Lesson f (y ULv. i II. lTr.WA'lKH, D. D., Teacher of English Ulblo In tho Mooily Hlble Institute uf Chlcugo.) (, 1921, Western Newspaper Union,) 3 LESSON FOn JUNE 19. MAKING THE SOCIAL ORDER CHRISTIAN. LESSON TEXT-Luko 4:16-21; Matt 2f: U-40. GOLDKN TEXT Inasmuch aa ye hav done It unto one of the leost of these my brethren, ye have done It unto me. Matt. 25:40. KEFEItENCE MATEUIALr-Acta 2: 37- 4,7 R 4l PRIMARY TOI'IC-PIeasIng Jcsua by Helping Others, . JUNIOR TOI'IC-Tho Examplo Jesu Gave Us. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPICS MaklnK All of Life Christian. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC Christianity Transforming the Social Order, Again wo say not "Making the So cial Order Christian," If the commltteo please. At least these texts selected by the committee do not so teach, for they have no bearing upon the ques tion. Why two texts so widely sepa rated in meaning should be selected to go together under the subject named is incomprehensible. Tho toucher should therefore Ignore tho subject chosen and endeavor to bring out the meaning of the texts. I. Jesus in the Synagogue at Naza reth (Luke 4:10-21). 1. His custom wns to go to the house of God (v. 10). He now hud come, buck to the town of his boyhood days and entered tho place of worship us wns His custom. 2: Jesus rending from tlie Scrip tures (vv. 1S-1'J). Ho opened tlie book, nt the slxty-llrst chapter of Isaiah nnd; rend the Scripture pussngo which set forth Ills entire mission. (1) Character of Ills mission (vv. IS, 10). (u ) Preach the gospel to tho poor. God has peculiar regard for the poor, and the glory of the gospel is tliut It conies to tlie help of the very ones most In need. It puts a ladder, nt tlie feet of a man and enables him to climb ns high us his ability will per mit It In), (b) Heal the broken henrted. How many nre tlie broken hearted I (c) Preach deliverance to the captives. Those who nre in enp-i tivity to sin nnd Satun. Christ can nnd will deliver (John 8:31-30). (d) Re covering of sight to the blind. Christ not only can open the physical eye but the eyes of the spirit as well. (e) Set nt liberty them that nro bruised. Satan lias been most merci lessly bruising men, but the Mighty One lias come who can set thorn free. (f) Preach the acceptable yiar of tho Lord. Tills was the Year of Jublleo which looked forward to the glorious millennial age (Lev. 2.-.:8-13, 00-04). (2) His endowment (v. IS). Tho Holy Spirit came upon Christ for the ex press purpose of fitting Him for His divine mission. Because of this- en duement Ho cannot fall in His glo rious work. (3) Ills testimony (vv. 20. 21). Hav ing completed the rending, He declared that the Scripture hud fulfillment theu uud there In himself. This wns n crit ical hour for the people. May It bo just ns critical for the members of every class where this lesson Is stud ied! May there not be rejection llko thnt which followed His testimony at Nazareth 1 II. The Judgment of the Nations (Matt. 20:34-40). The biblical unit here Is verses 31 40. One cannot Intelligently teach tho verses selected without their setting; so. it would be better to take a survey, of the whole. This Judgment should bo cnrefully distinguished from what is popularly cnllcd "General Judgment." The Blblo speaks of different Judgments, differ ing in respect to the subjects, tho place, the time, and tho results of. the judgment. Note the following partic ulars: 1. Tho Judge (v. 31). Tho Son oC Man In glory. 2. The time (v. 31). It Is when tho Lord -shnll come in His glory nccom punlcd by Ills glorious retinue of an gels. 3. Tho plnce (v. 81). It will bo on tho throne of Ills glory. Tills throno will be most surely in the land of Is rael. The prophecy of Joel, third chnpter, nud Zechariah 14 :l-5 mako it to be In or near Jerusalem. 4. The people Judged (vv 32-40). These people will be the living nations upon tho earth after tho church bus' been translated (I Thess. 4: 10, 17). These nations nro the ones to whom tho gospel of tho kingdom shnll bo preached Just prior to the coming of tho Lord (see Matt. 24:14). Tho preachers of this gospel will bo Jows (Rev. 7; Rom. 11). 5. Tho Issue of the judgment (v. 40; cf. 34-41). Tho sheep enter upon tho Inheritance of a prepared kingdom (v. 34). Tho goats go Into nn everlast ing flro prepared for tho devil and hl9 angels. Their destiny Is fixed (v. 40). Hops and Pray. Let us hope and pray .that those who tench nnd those who worship In tha temples of God mny never bo out of touch with tho saints above or tho sinners below. When wo get out of touch with humanity, wo nro never in very close touch with Divinity. Undo Usury's Sayings. On Giving. Ho that hath two coats, Jet him im port to him thnt ha'th none; nnd he that hath meat, let him do likewise. Luko 3:11. i Ki -tsKWir--