The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 09, 1921, Image 7
7 ftvuwvvvv.vvwAVuv.vAv.v.v.v.,WA TOWN PESTS UkJ GIVES REASONS FOR DEPRESSION Rail Chief Declares Freight Charges Not tho Cause of Stagnation. S WE DRY CLEAN Palm Beach Suits SO THEY DO NOT LOSE THEIR COLOR ' THE HUGHES WAY FOR CLOTHES TROUBLES The Frank R. Hughes Co. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIE'S TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS BOTH PHONES We Call and Deliver i IF IT'S FENCE POSTS We Have 'Em M, I m d- i-y ' f f 3 Ennnnnsmnncn l!l!Kl!t!'l!lJl!ll CHEAP ADVICE! as be Advice is one of the cheapest thing? in the world. It's as free the air. No matter what your troubles may be. just let it known and advice will come piling in. The old maid knows how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and even a bald-headed drug gist can sell hair tonic and get away with tt but the advice you seek, not the kind that is volunteered, M the kind you want- We are not a volunteer in the advice busi kss, but if you are a patron of ourbank and ask advice on financial matters we will be glad to help you in any way we can. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiancc, President Rod Cloud, Nob. S. R. Florance, Caihie, DtpotUt Guaranteed by the DtpotUort Guarantee Faint of 'he Stat of Xtlratla mraiiiimiHcomiKEiLraiiiiiiiin ynmnnnnnminanmnra annmnDinm onnun mm racra ranmraenffian Malone - Gellatly Co. "Talk with, us about fence posts" wuv, i VWI The Margin of Safety Is represented by tho amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull'yonrsolf into a fancied security. Because (ire lias novor touched you it doosn't follow that you're immuno Tomorrow no today, if you have time and you bettor Hnd tltno come to thojolllce and we'll wrlto a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise LATER MAY BK TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.elio.ble Insurance Lutheran services every first and third Sunday in tho month at 11 a. m. Dp. E. GfifllP GfllROPRflGTOB PHONES Ind. I93-X Bell 48 Office Tumurc BUg, formerly Occupied by Attorney L. I i. BlackleuV RBI) CLOUD NEBRASKA E. S. Gcrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures I tf& NEW EDISON "r" H BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasflKSfe.'BWtL VmxjCjEj 2 nHjOPESH. Tr for Mr- Ei-on'. 100Q. fiendcS 1 iimW mK . 'mwmr. yom mob. ,iaju fee the sat tavaas wk JBBok AK unv " efpenawBtof artta (fee HaaflB L SBmA w' sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk fimn ta jour own home. If WWI kiJv oamaMear Edison, well latn fM oedrfl DBfSk aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Jiein- Sfc" and send the cvnbrkMrjfl BBt BHH Coupon Below M The tense strain of business VKraES9H!ttiE9UtfttJH9EIII9 ? - - -- ? . i WrfcWB3BniB? f nT. J-J" - V.!5- IKV "flQ T , II P Music's pleasant relief v v 7 f 71 -f sn ivtr. rjuisun iviu pay $l6r000 for some, thoughts! USIC can help you. The pictures above 6how one way. There are many other M ways. "'Mr. Edison has developed an instrumentality by which these benefits of music are placed at your command in your own home. Its RE CREATION of music'is so perfect, that it cannot be told from the original music, even when heard in direct comparison. t Sign and Send the Coupon It will brine the two thinus you need. Folder of complete information, and a New Edison with which you can experi ment in your own home. We'll loan you the instrument for three days. No charge cr obligation, Mail the coupon today. E. H. Newhouse Licensed Edison Dealer This instrument, which brings both the true beauties jmd the full benefits of music, is a great deal more than a mere talking-machine. Therefore, Mr. Edison wants a phrase of four or five words, which will distinguish the New Edison from all other sound-reproducing devices. He will pay $10,000, in 23 cash prizes, fori the best ideas submitted. Three Day Free Trial Coupon You may deliver to my home a New Edison and a choice of Re-Creations for a three day free trial in order that I may learn wlat music will do for me. It Li understood that I assume no ctpense or obligation whxuocrcr. Nime Address. . .' 'rttJMBfcL FARM PRODUCTS ARE CITED Business Depression and Lack of Demand the Real Trouble. MZlt4ftfBl.0.S?ttlmr4iri Washington, 1 C In testifying ho foro tlio Sonnto Coininlttoo on Inter ntutu Commerce, which Is conducting tin Inrinlry Into tlio mllnvid Bltuntlon, Julius Kruttsclinltt, clmlrnmn of tho boiml of the Southern INiolllc com pany, went Into girnt detnll ns to tho effect of frolght rattw on produce Bhlp montfl, foreign ntul domestic. Tho tnnlu points ho inatlo In thin pnrt of his testimony wore : First That business depression Is not tho result of high freight rntco. Second That tho real cause of stag nation In produce shipments Is lack of mrtrket or profiteering. Ho said In pint : A widespread propaganda Is being carried on to public sentiment ngnlnst existing freight rateH, whereua tho fact is that even hIiico tho rateH have been ndvnnevd tho cost of trans porting commodities la far less than the toll taken by the commission mer chant nnd the retailer for buying and selling them. Public Misled ns to Situation I'eoplo aro misled and conclude Hint high rates have stopped tho movement of a largo amount of freight nnd that the rnllwnyB would nmkn more money If they would reduce, the rntea nnd thoreby rovlvo tho truffle. Thcro Is the strongest reason to bo Uovo that Uio very great reduction In traffic has 1ccn duo almost entirely to general business conditions that am world-wldo In their effect, and that would have coma If there hd been oo advance In freight rate. Price at cecxmodltle reached tbeJr maxlmoin In dra fliat halt o tha yaar 1930 and thereafter feU with imt rapidltr la Pranca, tta Oattad Stata cad the TTnltad Klogta. Tha Call la ttoi Doltad. atntm iMtan 1 Kir. ad was rataaiy am Ita war d0nra4a I gevtnMr, wea tfct aAVtaxM tttmt tack etTect tfcrertfcaUM tsafla Ad aC Orap for at laaat tmtr. aua.tlv. hna mm Canaai W Wiajiaf IttMi fenetwl ettlm a Call la price from (a haMta, t t wWi the had. beea (diw W war oaail- Uoaa that haa caaaaa a atajjaatlaa C baatneaa Cacwatjhaat tha wWld. That It la aat oaaaad kr tha coat af traaapertatlaa la caNTtaelatty aWwn by the fact that Btappac of Wgln haa catiaM aa ofuaawtf hencQ ocean tonnage ratea hata recently at the loweat potata In their history. Notwithstanding theao low retea, ocean trufllc shows an great stagna tion qs rail trndlc, nnd millions of tons of shipping hero nnd abroad aro mat ing nwny in Idleness. Many commodi ties would not move even If tlio frolght charges on them wero nbollahod en tirely, because proilucers enn find no market. That tho decline In business Is not duo to prohlbltlvo freight rates Is shown by tlio following examples : In January of this yenr tho total tonnngo of lines wcat of El 1'nso and Otrdan ovorattvl by the Southern Pa clllo Company foil off 41 per cent. Tlio combined Intrastate freight ton naco In Arlcona and Nevada declined SO per cent although no Increase In tho Intrastate frolffht rates In those States has boon a yet nuthortced or made effect I vo. This decrease em braced grain, hay and livestock, as woll as ores and othor commodities. COTTON UNSHIPPED FOR LACK OF MARKET Of n Texas cotton crop of over four million bales. 40 per oent remnln un mnrkrtad. The average cost of rail and water shipment from produclno point to Liverpool has been reduced about S2'A per 100 pounds. In tlio fnco of which about one-half million bales of cotton less than normal hnve been exported to Liverpool. Obvlounly tho frelAht mto Is not responsible for tho restricted movement. During September, October, and Novomber, 19i.'0, 4R per cent Ices rlco, r0 per cent less canned ualmon and 77 per rent Ii-sh dried fruit were ox portod than during tho same months of tho previous year, although tho reduction In ocenn rates was sub stantially more than the Increase In Inland rail rates, bo that the nlaterial decline In the exports of these com modities was In tho face of a less ag gregate cost of transportation. Tho Caso of tho Fruit Growers The troubles of tho California lemon grower have attracted much attention. Ho claims ho Is unablo to ship his product because of tho Increased freight rates. A removal of all tho recent Increase of tho rato on lemons would not help him. Ho hnB u ruto by sea through tho Panama CfinaJ.of less tfinn 'half 38 "per cont of tho "ran mto, yet his lemons aro not marketed. Tlio nverngo prlco of n cantnlonpo laid down In Now York In tho season of 1020 was not qulto 11 cents. As they woro retailed at about 25 cents, thero Is n further profit to somebody of H cents per cantaloupe Tho manngors of tho propaganda for a general' reduction of freight rates linvo lost sight of tho fact thnt In Oc tober, 1020, 1,105,821 cnrlonds of coal were moved, being tho maximum mov ed In any month In tho preceding two years, although it was handled at tho advanced frolght ratea, and wo havo heard nothing as to coal being pro duced at a loss or of tbo coal mlno owners gtrfnf out oftbrjBtncad because os? exlstTng freight rntea, Tbo percentage of freight charges to value In the early part of 1021 la almost exactly' tho same as It waa in 1014. k Cf(A?f Tlio Agent Invades your Oluco or Homo with ns much Assuranco nu tho Kaiser entered Itelgtum and Flies j-ou with his Hypnotic Eye while he Puts Over n llnrrnge of Oratory, uses up your Time, gets your Money nnd wishes Something outo you that yoa neither Need nor Want. Why nro Agents? Economical Grantmil. Lltllo Jack, four, was looking nt his grandmother reading. After reading for about n half an hour sho put hot glaspes down on her nose, her eyes being tired. Jack noticed this nnd turning nround snld: "Oh, moth er, loo); at grandma looking over her glasses so shu won't wear tliera -nit." Desirable Orange. There Is nn ornngo grovo ta i.'hlna that Is reiwrtod to surpuss In ewect ncss and delicacy any of tho oranges to which tho people of Amorlcn or ot Kuropo are accustomed, and It may ba grown In places where tho tempera turo fnlla to 20 degrees below frccz lng point. Testing Oil Quality. Ono test to ascertain tho quality at lubricating oil la to beat a small quantity and hold a flame to the thin emoko which arise. Thla smoke will flash er catch flra for an Instant, and tt the oil r of a gpod grade will flaab ranch Quicker than poet grade. Mevad to Protest. Floyd's mother had kept Mm boa keeping tha drlckana oat oj ttn yard for qafte a while. He M boglnnlog to gat fUagaated with tha job. Qatng to hla mother ha aald: "What da yop lnk I am chicken abenhcrdr Danoarowa. MChWcn,, mid tenchor, "can any, of yau toll mo what is tho most danger ous part of an automobllef Up wont a hand, and Tommy (who walks to school) responded shortly: "Yea'm, I can, It's tho driver." Insurance. Rico Wlno Used 2000 Years. Next to grape wine, It Is said that Japanese rlco wine Is tho oldest nlco hollc Iwvcrngo known to marv Its use In Japan dating back more than two thotiHiind years. Congregational Church Notes Itcv. Mary II. Mitchell, Pastor Preaching services nt 11 a. in. Sunday school at 10 n. m. Prayer nntl IJlolo Study fc'rluiiy ot lng at 8 o'clock. All nro welcome any of tueso services. Notice To Creditors In tho County Court ot Webster County, Nubranka In tho matter of tho cstatoof Niels Jen-'., son, Deceased. CrcdltorHot said cstnto will tako notice, that tho tlmo llmltod for pnKcntutlon nnd mini; ot clulniB nRnlnHt said cstnto Is Soptom bcrlOth lU21,andfnr tho payment of debts Is November 1 Ith ltfJl, that I will sit nt tho coun ty court room In Raid county on tho 10tl) day ot Juno, 1UJ1 to examine, hear and allow all claims duly tiled which nro a first or second lien upon nnld estate, nnd on tho l'Jth dnyof Hoptombor 1921, to examine, hear, allow nnd ndjunt nil claims nnd objections ol general creditors duly tiled. Dated this llth day of Mny, VJ1U (Seal) A. D. KANNKY County Judco. Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST OOlco Over Albright's Htoro T? i Red Cloud Nebraska. K'VTwEAri a WITT TRUSS-rrNJk Sold and Guaranteed by CHAS. L. C0TTING The Druggist "bX . mXMWNTfa r b