The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 09, 1921, Image 5
RED CLOUD, "'lT ! JJ NEBRASKA, CHIEF t W ? Vi - - - r Vl4" I I, M M AS TOLD TO US t UK K M W K a M K K K K K K K Kiit Mill tlriitU at Powell it I'opo'.s Cafe, tt in spent Tuesday Thurndav spent Harry Cramoi Hasting?. Mrs. Hoy Cramer in Ilastinirs. CluiM. Moon of Hnllnrf Was in the city Tuesday. JsimoK Poterson spent Wednesday in Guide Rock. Joe Crow wo down Train Kepubll City Monday. Jas. SHvey was down from Inavale Wednesday mominp. F. N . 1'ovIimi ("nl -o '., Funk, i n. Tuesday in 'Hntim. IhUtlero John-' i pnt Sunday a itb IiIh pan nt- at. jlinlini: . Cli.i1-. I'lui'-. w.i up from (luide Rock Monday iiflvion. Deaconess .Smilli was a pns-cnsor to Mullen Friday morning. Miss Kdith Hcozloy was a passenger to Kearney Friday morning. Agent N. 15. Hush returned liome Tuesday morning from Denver. Attorney (Jeoige Marshall of Riv cton was in the city Wednesday. 11. 1). Gaston and son. Frank, of Hastings were in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Turner went to Hail ing Wednesday morning to visit rel atives. Miss Minnie Kcllett went to Yoik Monday where she will attend sum mer school.' Mr. and Mrs. George Kailcy moved into the Malonc-Gellatly new res idence today. The workmen have the derrick up at the oil well and will soon start to pulling the casing. Mrs. Kay'-Nelson wont to McCook Thursday jo visit Mr. Nelson's moth er and other l datives. Frank Starr took his race hordes to Hlnden Tuesday afternoon they will bo worked out for the rac s. Mrs. Anna Wright and daughter, Lois, and Mrs. Anderson wcrepaen gers to Bancroft, Iowa, Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Offclvie and Next Tuesday in Flag Day. Iltiy Hrortd at Powell and Pope's. (loodmeals good service moderate prices Powell ts. Pope's cafe J. W. Auld returned homo Thurs day ecning from Omaha. C. F. Itankiu is loading his house hold goods and Intends to move to Grlnuel, Kansas, where he will make his futuie home. Mr. Linn departed Tuesday for Edgemont and Hot Springs, South Dakota where he will attend to some lMi.-tnc- matters. John Edwards, J. A. McArthur, E. S. Fit?, and Jack Wiscarver attend ed a Farmer's Union meeting at Superior Tuesday. William McIJride went to Lineoln ! i it", morning alter jniinini a 'ov Mi "M'rs. Albcr. Sfaby wffitnffTnaVMo Saturday evening. , ' Misj Jessie Kellogg went to Lin coln Saturday morning. J. h. Heche was n passenger to Lincoln Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hritton spent Sunday with his parents at Guide Hock. ' Mr. II. C. Gellatly and baby re turned home Saturday evening from Hastings. Glen Fry returned home Saturday been attending college the punt your. Miss Ethel Hilton returned to 'her home in Hardy Sunday after ipoml injj a few days with Mian Aiineo Ar nold. Mi -a Pearl Vh.; w at to Uncrfn L iv with hif. ta-"t t M. iiwl Monday montta, w... mq will v Ilobt. McHride. .lend .ummtr 'chool foi -i couple of J? inl'iou o Foreman Ilaiuk left .month !'u da morning for Cof fc ille, ' a. T. Walki-r returned home Sal Kansas where he will visit his mother ! urday .ening from Omulni where hi INFORMATION RKGAKDING FUANK DILNOT and other relative Mr.-,. W. M. White depailed Wed nesday morning for Nemaha, she be ing called there on account of the illness of her sister. Miss Mabel Pope arrived home Tuesday evening from Sheridan, Wyoming where she had been teach ing school the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cummings and son, Cecil, spent Sunday with their son and brother, Allan Cum mings and wife at Hastings. Chris Zeiss returned home Monday evening from Lincoln where he had been visiting his daughter nnd at tending to some business affairs. Mrs. Homan Pate and children re turned to their home at Stratton Tues day evening after visiting with her iifirotds. Mr. and Mrs. A. Claikand other jelatives. Miss Mao Huffor was taken to Hast ings Tuesday where she underwent an operation for appendicitis at a hospital and is getting along nicely at this writing. Mrs. Mary McClelland departed Friday evening for Denver where she intends talcing charge of a looming house which she owns in that city. Mi-, Julia Funk accompanied her for a visit. A POSITION within .10 dayb after linn rnfitmlprt Send will spend a couple of ; (or eatulotftie liraud Island Business College Nebraska's Oldest. lrn . est ami LcHdiitK liusintos Training MKS Fay -Com" n Ii.vtUou .i., The follov. ing .4iipiud slock .o Kan- Knm : .asi c, TucMlay morning: J K Cockr.m one eti of hop:, H. V. Goi- Gcorge Khn- oT Il-id, Kan a , don one car of cattle and W. II. and Mi- Jane M. Dedrick of Hod , Thomas one car of cattle. Mr. 'llim Cloud were granted a marriage license ' as accompanied the shipment to Kan sas City. " . "i children departed Tuesday for Denver j -.r,iaatj0ll or t uttion refunded. Where they weekm Tia' V. H vmitc-d 'n m.nHre by Judge Pridaj . had been attending to some business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Fiank Foley returned hum" Sunday morning fiom Norcauir, Kansas, when they attended the fu neral of his father. . Mrs. Will Sunberry and children ie lurned home Monday morning from Republican City wheic they had been visiting her patents, Two cars of hogs were shipped to the St. Joe market Sunday morning and one car of hogs and one car of cattle were shipped to Kansas City. II. W. Dunkel of Lincoln has leased the Hruce Framu building, formerly occupied by theUralmni Furniture Co., aud will open a G-lo-lo and tloo storo shortly. Agent N. II. Hush went to Denver Sundav evening to attend a meeting of Hurlington agents. The purpose of the meeting is to reduce loss and damage claims. Frank Gaston had his household goods trucked to Hastings Friday, he :.nd his family going up via auto that evening. Dr. R. P. Hoxsey has rent ed Mr. Gaston's residence and has moved into the same. Engineer Geo., who wn-, called to Denver two weeks ago on account of the serious illness of his wife, returned Saturday to Ins work here on the switch engine iu Uie lo cal yards. Engineer Pettis who ;ltad been tuking his place went to SIcCoo Saturday evening. j "'I'.ul.ll' Twain, Lid Tho Irish Refief Tuesday. Miss. Verna Trine returned homo Saturdayirom Lincoln where, she had been attefnding the state university the past year V Tuesday morning while v helping shingle a now barn at Mr. ItomjuW farm, George Atkinson had the 'mis fortune to "fall from a scaffold and fracture his ribs and injure his back. The Red Cloud ball team went to Inavale Sunday afternoon where they nlaved the local team 'at that place. I The first six innings ofjthe game were very good but the balldon went up in ,the 7th and 8lh innings and Inavale Avon the game by a score' of 6 to 1. Roy Hassingor had the misfortune to throw his knee out of place. i- t . i i i lo III lit, KlOv ' ' ' ' ' ' OUltMl ' i lie l'.ii ict Ion I .it. I ifi.i- .it ofh Id ten and wouu'ii of lu'lu id. Far the -like of humanity we have worked and donated to this hind. lUwill bo sent to the Society of Friends (Quaquurs) who are the good angels helping those poor people who are caught between the fires of two opposing (armies Contributions are as follows: Red Cloud, 8178.75; Inavale 1847.00; Guide Rock, 830. Total 8-255.7C nernuru munouj, uimmunii John M.Ryan ; Broce Conley M. F. Detour. f .-rl it b-ut it pours! IT WAS "company night." BUT WHEN I got homo. I FOUND tho Browns. HAD A sick baby. AND COULDN'T como. SO I chortled "Ob, Joy. WONT SUE and I have. SWELL EATS for two!" BUT NO, Suo said. "YOU DON'T Bupposo. I'D WASTE all this food. JUST ON youl" AND SO I said. 4 "LETS PHONE tho Smiths." BUT THEY had haadacies. 4 4 THEN WE trioil tho Jonesoa. AND THEY foil for It. AND WHEN grub for four. . 1 WA8 JUST about ready. THE PHONE bell tinkled. AND THE Brown baby was better. AND A mlnuto later. THE SMITHS changed their mnv AND THE Missus fainted. "OH, WELL," I said. THE MORE the merrier. WHAT8 THE difference? JF .THERE isn't enough ftoiL I'LL FEED tho males. ON THE cigarettes that satisfy. AND YOU women con talk. v AND BETWEEN The TOO. WE'LL ALL be utitfled," WONDER FULoompany, Chesterfields any time, any where. Just seem to "hit the BpoL" Good -tobaccos, good blending, (by a ntinntn fnrmiiln that. pan'khnpfmltiW- ?"??? ..:.'jr-" in:"'' Vi" gOOU-IUUMiig jjutivu.wo wiuu nu mw tight wrapper. On every count, an. all-around downright good smoke. "Satlflfy"? All over the place. Information that has reached us seems to indicato that the Midland Chautauqua Circuit made a big hit when they succeeded in closing a con tiact with Frank Dilnot, of London, Knglaud, editor of tho London Globe. Reference lo "Who's Who in land" rcu-nU tho fact that Mr. Dil t'ot has had some verj inteiestingex-puience-t. Fiom arloUf! .source', we iiae gleaned the following facts, which we think will be of more than usual interest to our readers. Hecauso of the unusual opportuni ties Mr. Dilnot has had to meet, ami become acquainted with, some of the louhn-r world fitrc , ! will prob .. i ! u'kul to li'tiui - In on the bit '. ''Martn1 Mindi nnd Ma-'er t i' ." For in-tantv, Mr. Dilnot In i ) ' I wi; intimate and elo - .it'qun'n ! t i ie. with Llol tloniiit foi many Mai. and the Premier -.enl him a cordial, well wishing telegram when he left Kngland for this country. This lecture consists of snap shops of famous people known to all news paper readers and practically every one contains an original story, gen erally humorous, sometimes witty, oc casionally thrilling "but always gives a vivid and original insight on the ,-,,titiii. iili of a irreat man. He- tides such men as our own V.v-Piosident Wilson. Maik George Hcrnard Shaw, etc., ho will include President Masaryk of Czccho Sloakia, whose guest ho was in Prague last summer. Lord North cliire, Mr. Knudscn, Prime Minister of Norway, Mr. William O'Hrian, the famous Irish leader (a non-political i,..ii.niio stnt'vl anil Cantaiti Car penter, V. C, who performed the greatest naval exploit in Hritish trs- tory since Nelson. Mr. Illinois biography of Lloyd George, puir.isii ed by Harper's, ha" already gom' through si: editions and has been pub ti j,nil in several lanmtages in Kunp''. Now just n word about Mr. Dil'iot .personally. Ho is not only a jouna list, editor and author but fix the Wsl twentv years Ins mixed with som of the Rieatest men of the world nnd tourhrd nuhlic affairs at .their source. He was in Rusria just before the war rnd met the leading statesmen th -re. Shoilly after he was thirty years .f nrv- i"- wn elected to organize and '.! '- 'I' ' Citben" of Vcirf-n .,n,i -a,h the vounre t editor of a dill- nn -piP' i- "1 V ot ,., ( r0, t mmii-s lie had uif i ,.r' Pre-i.lrnt of the - sociution of Foreign Correspondents of the United Slates, which was formed at the invitation of the United States, government. He received tho Legion of Honor from France and was offered an honor by his own gov ernment. All of the serious, facts ho presents are conveyed with a sense of humor, in a strong livclyjfcarra tivo style. Ho never mikesa spech without something vital to say and a vitally interesting way of saying it. Ho is not only a contributor to Hie leading publications of England but also to such leading American pub lications as tho Saturday Evening Port, World's "Work, Outlook, Review of Reviews, Current Opinion, etc Dr. Newell Dwight Hillia says of him: Tv. cftlM ttiinHne and clear, ime Fpeaking, Dilnot adds tho gift of hu- ,;. find hna a. certain racy quanty Kiu., ...,. .. - -- tw. mnkos it certain that mere is ut least one Englishman who can carry an Americnn nudiencc. m 2 Let Us Help You Seledt That Wedding Gift In search or ideas for Wedding giCLs? Have you aocn our slock V Among our exclusive novellie iheroare sure lo bo some things which will smooth oul some of the wrinkles in your brow, We arc ready and willing at all times to show you our stock and make iirf .iins (hat will aid you. Do not hesitate to come in for idoas for we will treat you as cordially when you look as when you buy. J. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN ril n &2H SHE 10 :: JUST RECEIVED A line of new FLY NETS, FLY COVERS, AUTO COVERS, and DUSTERS. Priced at a low margin of profit Fogel Bldg. J. Oi BUTLER Nebraska T Jll'l ,il, luU A. Meal I rea' Brown's Saxophone Six The Renowned Phonograph Record. Makers , In This Great Musical Novelty At BESSE AUDITORIUM FOR SALE Young work horses and mules. R. E. Koontz. 2L "Mrs. C. B. Crone returned to her home nt York Friday morning after risiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Peterson and family. Alden and Charles Peterson accompanied her home for a visit. Sheriffs Sale. MMooiahprcbv il on. that under and by vnrtna oi an order ot salo liHucd from tho ot- flcool Clara McMillan, ClcrK oi we umrwi Court ot the Tenth Judicial District within j .-nr,-.Koi..r'nnniv. Nebraska, upon .a Li - .. .llnti nrnrilne IhCTfln. WllOrfln rShoXtounty ol Webster 1b plaintiff and asnln M AnoJ(l II. UochBtetticr, ei. iu.,uiouuiiiiu ttdta I nall offer for ealo at public vendue trfootaaw to the terms oi saia aecree vo uio E i HV f7 ZXk x &m tt &k i m r t . ym . . . mvsm ' xmi ,n ; - itncster ,;ieici 'rf'' x Mi LiaqErr & Mvers Todacco CcJ ' felgBBtf Didder lor cash In hand, at tho Bouth door rtlne Court uouno ai iiuu viuuu u,uiii-. Neiirailta. (that being the bullaTnii wherein the lat term ol said court waaholden) on the ilia ony oi juij, n. , iiwi t-i n"f.hwt V. M. oi said day, the Jollo) lag dwcrlbed property ,Jo wit: Lots 1,2, 3, , l. .ji i.. ninf-v 1 1t h'hland A Weicn B aa- r-i ' " '"; . " . ' , .. . ...i dUloa to Ilea Cloua, jNooraHKir, wn " It ln'Dlock 3 Hnllroiul addition to Hud Cloud, M.hi.v-!L- t...iu'27niid'2iln IllockS Itatlroad addition to Hed Cloud, Nobraskn; I.otB 13 nnd It Iu Wool: 0 lUllroad addition to Rid Cloud, NonranKn; i.oisjo, iu, w, mm m ...v.v -HuUroad addition to Hod Cloud, NobrfsUn; I.,., iii ninilt 1 Railroad addition to lied ni.i Kr.hralbnt I.otS 13 IllUl U ill lllOCfc, 12 n.ifiuiun td lied Cloud. Nubrnska! Lots 17un' It) In JIIock-jz itauroaa wui to Ked Cloud, Nebraska; th,o norm imoeu loet off Hie nor tU We ol Lot, I and 2 In Block iaif n.i"fMnud. Kobraska: the south fllty feet of the Kast half ol Uloek 7 Hmlth & Moore'H addition to Hed Cloud, Kebraskiv in,u i 91 nn.t i in iiiuck2 l.nt7'i addition to " -" -- -.---'.. .. .. . . Red Cloud, Nebraska; lots e, n, , if, u nuu u In niock,2 Lutrs auaitioiuQ w tiouu, nw rn'0 rl N i" IV J tHVcnujitlfiuliauil A. imi. , , a i thlHfitMiiy ofJuo "i i'h aik iHTi'ifn Slurlfl. Friday and Saturday June 10th and 11th, 1921 Don't Miss This Treat! Picture In Connection. Each flight FRIDAY FRANK MAYO In That WESTERN CLASSIC "COLORADO" ALSO CENTURY COMEDY One Show Beginning at 8 o'clock SATURDAY Elsie Hammerslein In "Shadow or Rosalie Byrnes" Also a Buster Keaton COMEDY Matinee, 3 o'clock-Evening 8 o clock k l.1t.- CA -.J !. r,.'11rA 97 nnH tav tfiiiirr iiir . liiiiiiiicii.fjii, &.. ii iLicm it i.,w1rf.r . . .r : u i-lWx' miir.'w. frv& fti'"' iv t? r A y, For or;.ti It iMnliillff n i a iv a k a a u kr. a - - h 'i i v i . j -i -. BjWi fl " ' M. ii. rt- tf " ", to ,