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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1921)
Iff v &ED CLOUIr NEBRASKA, CHU? KV- ..4 mam A rf , rl i jfir' tr" Ukl i ir mwiHU r n KOI j Just For Comparison 1913 1920 oul, that in 1921 building a certain Jt has been J inured house, the J.VMBhR cost $1,600.00 in 1913 $3,300.00 in 1920 $2,000.00 in 1921 Freight has ad: amdJ . ,S( " u this matrrt'irf, since rprj, which males tlu hn.iti nst at the present lime a ttijlc over $roo.oo mou than it did in J pi J, exclusive of h f night laiu Piatt & Frees we n fttmtt" iiurumni THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nebraska. fUULlSIJED KVEKV THUIISDAY tntcrnl In Did I'uMnflK-D nt I((1 ( loud, Neb ih Htconrt Class Mnttrri A. li McAItTHUK,i:illtur uml Ownur Advertsin Re.fcS Foreign, per column Inch I5c Loon.1. 10 ,V 2U rat "'i EVERYONE sKould spend at leaSf one Vacation in "The Land of Wonder's' V-Yellows tone Park--and see-sights and scenes th lib of which m 1 -to- ' ' """ "' --S . . 1 1 I ao not exist elsewhere. f ui'iiitr .i i?X . Briefly ,4heattractions are-an in comparable climate, wild animals -of numerous species living their "natural life Yellowstone is the largest wild game preserve in the world; magnificent forests; wild lowers of brilliant hues, in great variety and profusion; lakes, riv ers, waterfalls (the Great Fall is almost twice as high as Niagara) innumerable rivers and creeks; geysers mud volcanoes, hot and mineral spiings, exquisitely color ed pools; mountains and canyons; Wonderful hotels, permanent if tfintfy" c$mps; an automobile wdethat has'rio counterpart in all v the world and--the Cody Road, which has been called "the most wonderful ninety miles in Amer- jlgg ica . Why not go this year? Take the family! Decide when, then let mo make your reser vations so you will be sure of accommodat ions. -,, N. B. BUSH, Ticket Agent COUNTY SCHOOL XOTliS (By Siipcriiilemlcnl) II. JK. 102 piiol by the last leg islnture rexjuircs the maintenance of school for t least six months In riirtricU having les than ton child rn nown enr; old nfld under Ax- I "ii, find tur.o montf'i in di tikta having more than ten childion of thf-o ax. Win re d'sliicff provide instruction for their children .in a noiKhboriiiff district for tliu required time thirt would ho considered an maintaining a rchool as required by law. Districts having less .than Ivo children seven years old and under sixteen may use funds for board, transportation nml other expenses, of such children while attending In nn othcr district. This law applies to all districts in the state and all school officers should be advised immediate ly of its requirements by county su perintendents, that proper provision may be made for funds at the anuunl meeting, June 13, or at u special meeting called for tho purpose. 'As a I penalty for racSc , provides that no district s.. fctti1-. any portion of tho semi-annual appor tionment unless school is taught by a qualified teacher for the required length of time. The closing of school on account of epidemic sickness or destruction of school houses by fire, making it impossible to continue school, will not deprive the district (chool apportionment. When a dis trict has in good faith raised and ex pended the maximum tax allowed bv law and funds have 1pci insufficient to maintain whool tho required time, It will not be deprived of its sharp of school apportionment, proidcd proper affidavit i wr-dc. This law provides for State Hid for the first right wade In weak dip trlot. To pet this stitc aid the dls tiVf imi t levied 40 mills upon one f'ft'' nf all tux.)1)" properly. TM li " ki fle n dilWt nml wi-t be -o certified to the rnnnlv clck. T" it U too late to make the lovy a' the annual meeting a special meeting hhould be held.' A vote of (10 per cent of those present is requircd,to carry it. Tho special meeting- must be held In time to certify, the tax to tho county clerk. ,J This act provides further that no district containing less than12 smi tions shall receive aid. Districts containing more than 12 sections maintaining more than one separate school may receive aid for each school ii there is a division of VI square " u Yin m ids wiiii fflteii, ' l Pw''M M'l, l ' l I , H l v & A, ' "K mm 1 1 ALU in x Theylnwef made a cigarette is m my day imth y, JMAi CAl 1- - The Camel idea wasn't born then. It was the exclusive expert Camel blend that revolutionized w cigarette smoking. .... t That Camel blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos hits just the right spot. It gives Camels such mellow mildness and fragrance! The first time I smoked Camels I knew they were made for me. I knew they were the smoothest, finest cigarette in the world, at any price. Nobody can tell me anything different. , "fe r wnttfih rrK,vrTlCh HLf.ivo ry '---J? X. J. REYNOLDS Tobneeo Co. Vluton-Slei!i, N. C. were hired too early to change the date. The time to get in transfers is tret- j pretty short. , Tho new law books arc being sent out. one. to each director. There is one tor tho other members of the board too if they will ask for it some time when they arc in the office. REFERENDUM TO BE TAKEN Members of the Webster County miino fnr nnni, arfmni ! cmM ViiofTiiUfarnt Bureau Fodcration will hold .....V. .V. ..W WV..WW. ... UM. u.u. ibwr- . . . .. M in?. June 16th at 8:30 p. m. in their No district formed after Man TiTS. 1913 containing less than 20 sections ma i i -i i i BATTERS ES A Service to Help You Conserve Your Battery ' Perhaps the first thing our Exide Service Station can do for you is to help you prolong the life of your present starting battery. If charging or repairs are necessary, you can rely on the competence of our trained men to put any type of battery into the best possible shape. When you need a new battery, there is an Exide built to give you tho maximum combination of power, dependability and long life. $'fXtfftir 'iV1 ..jgs. JOh jfflNfc: iHlntJ lllllllllll 1 1 1 1 m SIIiH HHikkkkH UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlii "Biim llllll ikH w TA .;ll iisl-?f 'Mm&gr!l1S Hill 1 -'A - Mir Tt JiJ.r...LiiiM'fyrctt-i;uii shall receive aid. To dotormine tlie amount to be ap portioned each district, tho county su perintendent wdlj- find the estimated expenditures for tho current school year and subtract therefrom the esti mated income from all sources for tho same year. The estimated income will be the sum of all moneys belonging to the district on hand in the dis trict and county treasurios, plus the maximum amount that can be raised by a tax of forty mills, plus the esti mated apportionment of state school funds. The estimated expenditures for the coming year will be the amount necessary to maintain school the length of time required by this act which shall not exceed $1000 in districts whero thore are ten or more children, nor MQO in districts where there are five and less than ten child ren, nor $125 for each child in districts whore there arc loss than fivo child ren, who are coven' years old and un der sixteen. All districts failing to comply with this new ruling will lose .their Ktate apportionment. Throe names 'were left ofT the list of eighth grads graduates through something coming up out of tho or dinary, but from no shortage in tho quality of the 'student. They arc: Arthur Hansen of District 62; Chns. McMahon of District 68, and Flotsio Scott qf District 69. All schools expecting to charge tuition for admitting Btudents to their schools will have to be approved by tho state and will have to pro vide a school that will bo worth tho increased tuition thafcis bcingjeliargcd. At the annual .meeting tltyjr should is so vthat respective townships at their usual meeting places. A referendum vote will be taken to got the sentiment of farmers on a dozen important Na tional Legislative questions. Farm Bureau members should remember the date and attend their township i meetings. BOOMER COMING Geo. R. Boomer, Specialist in Mar keting of tho Extension Service of Lincoln, is coming June 13, 14 and 15. June 13th at 8:30 p. m. at Line Town ship meeting to bo held in School Dis-1 trict 34. June 14th at 2:00 p. m. Farmers' Union Convention at Ina vale and 8:30 p. m. Beaver Creek Township meeting to be held in School District 61. Juno 15th at Highland Community School District 40. Dr. Lciby tested cattle last week for Starke Brothers, Henry Johnston, nonry Soraerhalder, Mat Dean, J. B. Saladen, Louio Bergficld, Alf Lewis, James Doyle and Chas. Norris, all in Pleasant Hill Townsnip. a iouu of 185 head of cattle and 9 reactors were found. HENRY R. PAUSCJU, County Agricultural Agent. -" jHrVr-4A W ft r"Mil3 tWl 4pp MTfc Vv I 1 K E m ibKKtt. ill til llLlfTj. K 'l rMiLm If M Bw. J 'II NVSfc. M v Notice oT Floal Report . The Red Cloud Battery Service Station CARL S. McARTHUR, Manager. nrovido adenuato facilities -rso thoy can givo value, recelvdt A .Ul.nfi'. A.nAAMMn nyi 1 1Plinf ?svl jt. i.ui(v;Hii tY;i V4ii.u vh ui4uvwir. will meet in.Dcs Moines Iowa, on Juno 30, July 1 and 2 for the pur pose of discussing ttho condition and needs of education. Tho teachers' examination is 25 and 26. The program will be tho samo as last time. Teachers' Institute will bo Aug'ist lu, 11, 1 tiilh jii.'. iv V t ..Vv been in September but tho instructors Jn the County Couit ol Webster county, Ncbiwka. In tac ma'.ter of tho wtnte ol Eva J. Case, deceased. All personi Interested In ald estate, are hereby notified tliat tho Executor, Gharloa J. Piatt has fllcd herein a nnal account and report ol his administration, and a peti tion for tho final settlement ol Buch account and report, and lor a decree of distribution ol tho" residue ol said estate, and for tho as signment ol tho real estato belonging thereto, andadlschargetromhls trust, all o which satd matters havo beon set lor henrlng hoforo said court on tho 18th day of June, 1921, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M when all persons Interested may appearand contest the samo. Dated this 7th day ol June 1921. r8KAL A. I). KANSEY, A true copy. uounxy j uoge. Dr.W.H.McBride 7is '. OKNTim'f OVER STATE BANK Womens Wearables -Nifty New Bungalow Aprons- Percale from 95c to $3.00 Ginghams from $2.00 to $4.00 Styles and prices loo numerous to state in this small space If you will come in we will be only too glad to show them to you AND Every New Spring and Summer Wearable Hosiery Underwear -- Corsets Gloves . House Aprons -- Shirt Waists - Blouses - Skirts -r Petticoats A Complete Line at New 1021 Prices II ii Barbara mam The Women's Store i Red Cloud - '- - - Nebraska t S Nebraska u Rod Cloud