RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I h I ! ,: IF p r- i - i' i . , WRIGLEYS AA il.m After Every Meal" v Get thrlce-dally benefit from III Y8v this low-cost aid to III V appetite and digestion II It keeps teeth white ij v breath sweet III arid throat nil Vv Makes your 8jf The Flavor Lasts OBJECT LESSON WAS SPOILED One Small Pupil at Least Mlsunder- stood Just What Teacher Had Intended to Impress. The llftli-Krntle lonelier wns font of Hie young principal nml U was often rumored that liu was ongapetl to her. Tiey managed to hoop It a .secret from the children, yet most of them were Misplclous. one way she showed her affection was by way blie cooper ated with him In all his pet .schemes. So when ho started a movement UKMlnst MitoUlns slie promptly bewail to help 1dm out. Kirst she demanded that all her hoys who smoked bring to her all the to hncco tliey had In their pockets. They did It and It was a goodly supply. Tak ing the box which held It, she said to one 01 tne hoys, "You take this down to Air. T " A little boy In tile rear of the room piped out: "Teacher, my sister, IJess, Plie's goln' to give her beau tobacco for his birthday, too." g They Ask For It. Hilary K. Adair, tho San Franclscc detective, was talking about the con victlon of Charles I'onzl. "Oh, well," he said, "tho people like (o be swindled that's my experience. When I was living In New Kiitrliintl u Concord crook cleaned tip $7,000 one cold winter by advertising that he had a flO-cent recipe for keeping wells and cisterns from freezing. Farmers from Maine and Vermont and North Dakota and all the cold places sent for the recipe, and what they got was a print ed slip which said: " 'Take In your well or cistern care fully every night and stand It In front of the lire.' " The Real Sport. Tho father who doesn't tnko his Pinall hoy to a baseball game now and then Is missing n world of pleasure, and at the same time losing ono of life's real opportunities to become ac quainted with his son. Fatal to Files. Fly-swatters and screens will bo relegated to tho Junk nlle If tho De. purtmont of Agriculture flutls merit In tiie liy-kllllng properties claimed for n sapling grown from the seed of a Ken tucky coffee treo by the Into Prof. George F. Holmes of tho University of Virginia. Professor Holmes assert ed that the treo gave off a peculiar poison fatal to flics and therefore was a boon to humanity. He planted It In nis garden and requested that It b? dedicated ns his only memorial. - ,- Every beaver dntn costs New York stato ?00. w Is Your Meal time Drink Ifour Friend ? A good many people who like tea or coffee find that tea and coffee dorit like them. Nervousness, sleeplessness or disturbed digestion is proof. Postum Cereal furnishes a satisfying" cupwithout irritating Thousands who have made the change keep on with Postum because it's bet ter -for them. There's atfeasori' Sold by all grocers vagpv tvS .E ADDS TO LEGION'S SJRENGTH Commander of Minnesota Department Mas way of Doing Things That Gets Results. Under tho direction of A. IT. Vernon, commander of the Minne sota department of the American Legion, that stato has become one of the strongest Legion depart ments In the country. C o in in a n d e r Vernon's theory Is that success mines In tlin T.rv. jtf& H K'" ,n proportion ilrll to the service it gives to Its mem bers and to tho state. In carrying out this policy he has built up a Legion Service bureau which handles ono thousand ex-service claims a month nnd a department branch of the American Legion News .Service. Early In 3021, when the Federal board for vocational education pre pared to send representatives to six teen centers In the state to examine dKubled veterans the authorities were handicapped by a lack of pub licity. Commander Vernon prepared twenty thousand large posters nnd placed them on every billboard In. the stato. This was supplemented with Information to every newspaper In re gard to where every disabled man should report to receive compensation, vocational training nnd medical treat ment. When nn unexpected number of veterans enlisted for vocational train ing. Mr. Vernon appealed to 20,000 business men to place the men In their establishments. The merchants and manufacturers responded with a good will and all the vocational students were placed to good advantage. Baby Specialists. fHAT there are Physicians who spcoializo on Infant ailments you know. All Physicians understand Infant troubles: all Physicians treat them. It is his profession, his duty, to know human ills from tho Stork to tho Great Beyond. But in serious cases he calls in tho Specialist, Why? Ho knows as evory Mother knows, or ought to know, that Baby is just a baby, needing special treat ment, special remedies. Can a Mother bo less thoughtful? Can a Mother try to relievo Baby with a remedy that sho would use for herself? Ask yourself; and answer honestly! Always remember that Baby is just a baby. And remembering this yoa will remembor that Fletcher's Castoria is mado especially for Infants and Children. SiTT WJkfrtT?fliX3Vi'll K!tlfl:TVHWflllHKl Children Cry For SNct Contents 15Pluid Praor MERITED TRIBUTE TO LEGION Leslie's Weekly Editorially Honors Brave Men Who Served In the World War. "The American Legion begins to look like a full-page composite photograph of biographic Americanism from lut nam to rershlng," reads a recent ed. Itorlal In Leslie's Weekly. "It moves with the weight of tho "Hattle Hymn of the Itopublle" and the levity of laiiKee noodle," with tt ululnnt yell from "Dixie." Its large composition is a token of great trust, and the old Itonian, legions, and other legions of time, begin to look like pop-guns. It neither tries to roar with a lion's heart, nor win a woman's quite different from tho pomnded mustaches of Pots dam. Its manners are quiet; Its mem. ory Is excellent; Its emotions aro strong, nrl It Is prepared to roll ntf the refractory elements In one btimlla and hang them on one hook. "Without a proclamation, nn nglta. Hon or unloosing a pack of schemes, It has created a civil prestige to match Its military splendor. Old soldiers of nil ages and nil lands are prone to harp on one string, but the tramp of the Legion is In time and tune with nil the chords of throbbing life. It is not merely hnndsomo clny In uniform; but sinewed In manhood from Its toes to its brains. It has that delightful mixture of sense nnd spirit, of power and chivalry, of shop and farm, whlc tickles the popular taste. It neither bleats over its woes nor boasts of Its prowess. "When the mighty military machine dissolved in our citizenship the frag ments coalesced through tho sym pathetic attraction of a high purpose for in defending the Institutions of America the Legion learned how to value them. Thus It possesses n mnrni prerogative to tread down lurking dis loyalty. We are proud to be tho fath ers and mothers, cousins nnd aunts of tho Legion. Wo shall sleep sound nt nights. And when the historian winds up the task of glory-painting Its bnt tles we trust that he will use a golden drop of Ink in stating that congress dealt a belated, but a glad and gencr ous, bonus." Ml t rrrm -' TlttlJ nlNT. AtnnitPrinnfAflOnfofAS I :.:i!Ail,r.,n hvTforfiilll- J BlJllllllUilfcUIVlvuuuj nv,.- l UnglhcStomacflSandDavrebcn &ZM Tm !;?; m !S KW-3V: ifefgj nu.i uii itS3 R&SS Bi H E!aZ wsisw: mm V0G7 RsiW m T . ( Tf.otr1VnnmllniIHlJcSu0n ChccrfulncssnndRestGontains neither Oniam, Morpmnc iw Mineral, nothahcu i iv BSfrtarordDcSAXWIMER gfvmpjun pwr Jbcblt&tt Unlit S0tt ZnZZ.aa ,,...-- Items ClanftidSujar I J&liiymnlmr f .Mr,r.(M?mrv(vfiir ConstJpationand Diarrhoea ana jrcvcn&ini-" t ,.. Mf Sr.EP.P 'resulting llecfojnJi!anv rac-SlmilcSiwnntarepr NEW JiM The False and the True. n ?dve?lslng!)y'te use,wee space, tho expenditure of huge sums of money have placed on-the market, have put in your home, perhaps Do you recall anything that has more modestly appealed to tho public than has Fletcher's Castoria: modest In all its claims, plead Jg at oil times and truthfully for our babies? B u Jhe hJs sPlure,tho misleading claims may win for n time, but that bTa the to S" advertiscr is llke thc story i thetortdto Mothers everywhere, and their daughters, now mothers, speak frankly, glowingly, enthusiastically in praiso of Fletcher's Castoria. sine's ?o Sffii! friCUd tUUt brUBht COmXrt' ChcCr .. ? nei,: V uhcs,e ui mothers "0 argument can them toset aside their bottle of Castoria, their old friend, that they might try even another and unknown remedy for babies. Then, would YOU think of going to YOUR OWN medicine chest to fmd rclieSiw's troubles? Can you not separate the false from the true? MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of - Exact Copy of Wrapper. Women as Taxpayers. Figures show that one-llfth of tho taxpayers contributing to tho cost of administering tho affairs of tho stato aro women. Women, married and sin gle, filed 14-1,000 of tho 7-15,000 Income tax returns In 1020. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine " r-WTt NIW YORK CITV. WATCH THE BIG 4 Stoaiach-KidneyS'Heart-Livcr Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles GOLD MEDAL Made hy Postum Cereal Cbjfac, uaiua wectt,iucn. iPii S&nP m ''Clriilr. l.j!S FATHER MORAN AIDS LEGION Former Army Chaplain Assists In Ob. talnlng Armistice Day Legisla tion In Minnesota. "When tho Minnesota American Legion stato legislative commit- teo at tho open ing of the state loglslaturo ap pointed sub-committees to pilot Us various bills through the house and senato, Father D. J. Mo ran of Farming ton, was mado chairman of tho Armistlco day committee. Attnokltic f h a Job with Argonno fervor, Father Mo ron obtained tho passage of a hill de claring Armistice day a legal holiday ns tho first piece of Legion legislation enacted Into law. As army chaplain, Fathor Moran served ten months overseas. Ho is an ardent Legion lecturer and worker. When ho returned from France In Sep tember, 1010, and found no Legion post organized In Farmlngton, ho headed straight for Legion stato head quarters, obtained tho neceAsary blanks and within n week had estab lished one of tho most active psts In Minnesota. Beware 1 Unless you see tho name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-ono years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only ns told In tho Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neural gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pain. Dandy tin boxes of twelvo Hnyer Tablets of As pirin cost fow cents. Druggists also sell larger nackneres. Afmlrln la tim trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Salicyllcacld. Adv. I4JklMlll The National Remedy of Holland for centuries and endorsed by Queen Wllhel mlna. At all druggists, threo sizes. Look for tho nkme Cold Medal on frr hs and accept no imitation 'As She Saw the Elephant. Llttlo Catherine, aged four, saw an elephant at a circus for the Jlrst time. Looking ut It, sho exclaimed: "Oh, mamma, look at the fat horso with tall near his eyes." To Insure gllstenlng-whlto tablo linens, use Red Cross Ball Bluo In your laundry. It never disappoints. At all good grocers, Cc. Anatomically Speaking. Polly Bustles are coming back again. Dolly Well, that's whom Hiov ought to come. Isn't It7 Juiie. I ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE FOR THE FEET BDrinklo nnn nr ivur All'. rviT? powders in the Foot Hath and soak and jcci. is wkc8 tue sting out of Corns nnd Bunions, and BtnartinK, aching lCCt. Tlinn fnr Inafinr. .,f..f t..i aT iin s.00.taI:'J8e into your ehoca. It takes me uiciiuH irum uio snoe. rcts the feet and makes walking a delight. Always uee It lor dftnpmrr nnrtin. nml tx tA1. i shoes. Over Ono Million Five Hundred muuuana pounds ot I'owdcr for the Feet were used by our Army and Navy during the war. Aak for ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE fefrn ganada Offers Sloalffi and Weailii anil has brouRht contentment and happiness to thousands of home seekers anil their fami lies who have started on herl'HEE homesteads 2f.l!?nRJ?t a.1d .ct alf.nctive prices. Thcv have established their own homes and Bccurcd pros perity and Independence. In thc Kreat Krnln pro winx sect f ons i of tho prairie provinces Uicrc Is still to be had on easy terms Fertile Land at SI5 to $30 an Aero -land similar to that which many yearn haa yielded from 20 to .15 bushcla of wlicut to tho ncrc oats, barley and flax alto In Krcat abundance, while raising liornes.caitle. sheep nnd hous is .qually profitable. Hundieds of fanners in Western Canada have raised crops in a sinRle season wortti more than the tvhnlorno n th.i.ij (Healthful climate. Rood nelfilibors. churches! SCllOOl3. rural tlrnhnn .1l.. -.l" .. and shipping facilities. The climate nnd toil olfer inducements for almost every branch ot agriculture. The advantages for """" Dairying, Mixed Far mine and Stock Raisins make a tremendous appeal to industrious SPltIfr4 Wiehtnt. tn mnm. ..! .1 stance!. For certificate entitling yju iiT ";UM,-:u miiwnyraiei, illustrated lutiuiuiu, inaus, ucscripnoii ot iaira uppuriunuiesin Manitoba, Saj- tish Columt Cuticura Soap The Healthy Shaving Soap CgQcofmBoapihaTeiwItbontmag. Krcrywheregc. katchewan, Alberta and Ilri. inbia, etc., write . W.V.BENNCTT Room 4, Bee Building Omaha. Neb. AaltoHf 4 Ai t, Dt. mt ImmttnUu " Colwili.tlaw. Ooml.lMi ef Cjnd. tl is mmA mm Slr; HI MUBT HKLI. lM.Nt'11 AC'CUUNT SICKNKS.4. 300 acres fenced, 10 In crops 4 liursua. har ness. wagons, plow, harrowa, lots other tools. h urnlahod houne, cellar, chlckon houao, burn, corrals, rino water and noil. Free runno. 122 an acre. BD. 8TA1-I.KS. HONK, IDAHO. "Humming" or "My Mummy" nud ton other popular iionu hits. $1.00. CatuloKue free Weasner Muslo Co., lit Wash , liurfalo, N. Y CDCnif'l CO C!T,Yrtv"rMOV,tD'"Ifinrr,e r II CU h L CO t&ffimQffMSz&.M'sn. What to Take for Disordered Stomach SANITARIUM SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS General Hospital In Connection an Extensive Dydrotherapenllc Department tulu; Natural Mineral Water from the SuJpho- Saline Springs nns. kvi:hett iMllll'lfrlm 1'Iiv.i.i.ih. 14th nnd M. bts. Uiu-oln. Neb. trar ICA.RTER'S IVP PILLS Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills men uwu & ot a ior a lew nigiits atter. You will relish your meala without fear of trouble to follow. Mil Ions of all ages take them for Biliousness, Dizziness. Sick Headache. Upset Stomach and for Sallow, Pimply, Blotchy Skin. Tfieu end the mhtm of Cnn,llt,nlln i7bIui-u sai&ZZC Small Pill; SmaJ Dote; Small Price 100 PER DAY FOR 1CIU DAYS That Is what It means to YOU to oqulp your corn plow with "Uttla Cuitivntop B1Tn v... t'V'T." "otrry a year for ten yearn. They YoU alonj by tho aide of the shovel, allowing- the fin. as? &to.9msdr S? g atrs&TpMr: or Bont d,'ecl Munaon Mfc. Co., Petit. W, Wlnterset, Iowa Enslow Floral Goi 131 So. 12th : Lincoln, Neb. ' 12G MAMMOTH JACKS ' narKBin mr you cnaio or rie W. 1- leOI.OW'H JACK iTllil IJl