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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1921)
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF FORCED TO FIGHT FOR HER BREATH Nashville Artist Tells of Terrible Suffering Experienced by His Wife. HUSBAND GOES DOWN HILl Finally Doth Decide to Put Tanlao to Test and ao a Result Have En- Joyed Best of Health for Past Three Years. "Doth my wife mid myself Imvo put Tuiilue to tlio test mid we cull It tho greatest medicine In the world," mild J. T. Moiitnmnt, lllKJ Third Ave., North, Nashville, TViiii., urtlstlc sign painter for the Cusuck Compnny. Mr. dontnmnt has lived In NiihIivIIIo for Hourly thirty years mid 1h highly re (jpoctcd by nil who know him. "Ileforo my wire took Tnnlac sho suffered so hadly from gas on her stom itch mid hearthurn that Hhu often nald nhu felt llko hIiu was smothering to death. Shu actually had to sit up In lied to Ret her breath. "Well, In u short tlmo nftcr Bho began taking Tnnlac her trouble dla nppeared and she was like a dllferent person. Seeing the good result n In tier case, I began taking the medlcluo myself and It soon had mu feeling like a brum I new man. "Up to that tlmo I hud been trou bled with Indigestion. 1 had no appe tite mid tho little 1 did eat seemed to do mu about as much harm us good. 1 felt so tired uml languid 1 hated to move around, mid was get ting In such u run-down condition that It worried me. 'Tnnliie noted with mo just llko it did with my wife, and although that wis three yours ago we Imvo enjoyed the best of health all along. How ever, 1 keep u bottle of Tmilac In tho house all the time, and when 1 feel myself getting run down the medlcliK soon has me tooling nil right again. 1 urn convinced that Tunlau Is with out mi emial. Our friends nil know how It helped us mid 1 don't hosltiitu to toll anyone about It." Tmilac Is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adv. Only Thing He Could Do. Rinks What nru you doing for your cold? Jinks Coughing. Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion Nothing bettor than Cutlcura Soap dally und Ointment now and then as needed to mnko tho complexion clear, Bcnlp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fasclnntlng, frngrnnt Cutlcura Talcum, and you have the Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Adv. The Beau Brummel of the Plaint, Rig Hear, the bead of tho Sioux tribe, Is snld to be tho best dressed Indian In America. He recently paid a visit In full regalia to some of tho Inrger cities In tho Mlddlo West. ANOTHER WOMAN ESCAPES Mrs. McCumber Avoided a Seriou Operation by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound in Time Georgetown, 111. "After my first hnViT? nru hnrn f cnfTnrpH nn tvlth mv icit biuo mat i couiu not walk across tho floor unless I was all humped over, hold ing to my biuo. laoc torcd with soveral doctors but found no relief nnd they said I would havo to havo an operation. My mother Insisted on my taking Lydia b. Pinkham'o Vcgeta i bio Compound nnd I eoon found rcliof. Now I can do all my own work nnd it is tho Vcgetablo Com pound that has saved mo from an opera tion. I cannot praiso your medicine too highly and I toll all of my friends on neignuoru wnui uiu vvuihipuuuu uiu i me?' - Mrs. Margahet McCumueu, 27 S. Frazicr St., Georgetown, Illinois. Mrs. McCumbor isonoof tho unnum bered thousands of housewives who struggle to kccpnbouttheirdaily,ta8ks, while suffering from ailments peculiar to women with backache, Bidcaches, hendaches, bearing-down pain3 and ner vousness, and if every such woman should profit by her experience andjnvo Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Com pound a trial they would get well. Bad Stomach Sends Her to Bed for 10 Months Eatonlo Cots Hmr Upt "Over n year ago," says Mrs. Dora Williams, "I took to bed and for 1C months did not think I would live, Eatonlc helped mo so much I am now up and nblo to work. I recommend II highly for stomach trouble." Eatonlc helps peoplo to get well by taking up and currying out the excesi acidity and gases that put tho stomacli out of order. If you havo Indigestion, sourness, heartburn, belching, food re peating, or other stomach distress, taki an Eatonlc after each meal. Dig boi costs only a trifle with your druggist'! , euarantee. immimimswim? I 1KKHL -k- g.ltl The Prodigal Village CHAPTER EIGHT Continued. 12 "You men slreuid know Hint every strike Increases tho burdens of the people. Every day your idleness lifts tho price of their necessities. Idle ness is Just another form of destruc tion. Why could you not huve listened to the counsel of Iteasou In Juno Instead of In September, and thus have suvrd these long months of hardship and bitter violence? It was because tho spirit of Tyranny had entered your heurt and put your Judgment In chains. It had blinded you to honor also, for you men wore working under contract. If the union Is to command the support of honest men, It must ho honest. It was Tyranny that turned tho treaty with Delgluin into a scrap of paper. That kind of a thing will not do here. Let mo assure you that Tyrunny has no right to bo In this lnnd of ours. You remind me of tho Protllgul Son who hnd to kmw the tnsto of husks and tho companionship of swlno before he came to himself. Do you not know that Tyranny Is swine nnd the fodder of swlno? It Is simply human hog glhhnoss. "I huve one thing more to sny and I uni finished. Mr. Ding, some time ago you threw up your religion with out realizing the effect that such an act would bo likely tojiroduco on this community. You are, no doubt, awnro that ninny followed your example. I've got no preaching to do. I'm Just going to quote you n few words from an authority no less responsible than (Jcorge Washington himself. Our his tory has Hindu one fact very clear, namely, that he was u wise and far seeing man." Judge Crooker took from n shelf, John Marshall's "Life of Washing ton," nnd rend: " 'It Is substantially true that virtue or morality Is a necessary spring of popular government nnd let 119, with caution, ludulgo tho supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. "'Let It simply bo asked where Is tho security for property, for reputa tion, for life, if u sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which aro the Instruments of Investigation In courts of Justice?' "iAJt mo add, on my own account, 1 tnut the treatment you received from your men will vary according to their respect for morality and religion. "They could innnnge very well with nn Irreligious muster, for you are-only one. Dut an Irreligious mob Is n dif ferent and highly serious matter, be llevo me. Awny bnck in the seven teenth century, John Dryden wrote a wise sentence. It was this: '"I have heard, Indeed, of some very virtuous persons who have ended un fortunately but never of a virtuous nation; Providence Is engaged too deeply when the cauee becomes gen eral. "'If virtue Is tho prlco of n na tion's life, let us try to keep our own nation virtuous.' " Mr. Ding and his mon left tho Judge's otllce In a thoughtful mood. Tho next dny, Judge Crooker met tho mill owner on the street. "Judge, I nccept your verdict," sold tho latter. "I fear that I have been rather careless. It didn't occur to me that my example would bo taken so seriously. I huve been n prodigal und havo resolved to return to my father's house." "Ho, servants I" snld tho Judge, with a smile. "Drlng forth the best robo and put It on him and put 11 ring on his finger nnd shoes on his feet nnd bring hither the fatted calf und kill It und let us eat and be merry." "We shall havo to postpono tho celohrutlon," said Mr. Ding. "I huve to go to Now York to-night, nnd I sail for Kuglund to-morrow. Dut I shall return before Christmas.." A little farther on Sir. Ding met Hiram Dlcnklusup. The luttcr hnd 11 plank on his shoulder. "I'd like to hnve n word with you," said the mill owner us ho took hold of tho plank und helped Illrnm to ease It down. "I hear many good things about you, Mr. Dlenklnsop. I fenr that we Imvo all misjudged you. If I havo over snld or dono anything to hurt your feelings, I ntn sorry for It." lllriun Dlenklnsop looked with as tonishment Into tho eyes of tho mil llonulre. " "I I guess I ain't got you plnced right not eggznc'ly," said he. "Somo folks ain't as good us thoy look an' some ain't ns hnd as they look. I wouldn't wonder If wo wus mostly purty much alike, come to shako us down." "Let's bo friends, anyhow," said Mr. Ding. "If there's anything I enn do for you, let mo know." That evening, as ho snt by the stove In his little room over tho garage of Mr. Singleton with his dog Christmas lying beside him, Mr. Dlenklnsop fell usleep nnd awoke suddenly with a wild yell of alarm. "What's the matter?" a volco In quired. Mr. Dlenklnsop turned and saw his Old Self standing In tho doorway. "Nothln' but a, dream," said Dlen klnsop ns' ho wiped his eyes. j -uruiuueu 1 uuu u uug wnn a terrible I thirst on him. Used to lead him By Irving Bacheller around with a ropo an' when wo como to n brook he'd drink it dry. Sud denly I felt an awful Jerk of tho ropo that sent me up In the air an' I looked nn' see that the dog had turned Into nn clcphnnt un' thnt he wus goln' llko Sum Hill, an' that I was hitched to htm. and couldn't let go. Onco In n whilo he'd stop an drink n river dry an' then he'd lay down an rest. Everybody was scared o' the elephant an' so wns I. An' I'd try to cut tho ropo with my Jack knife but It wouldn't cut it wns so dull. Then nil of a sudden he'd start on the run an' twitch me over the hills an' mountings, un' me tnkln' stops n inllo long nn' scured to death." "Tho fuct Is you're hitched to an elephant," his Old Self remarked. "The first thing to do Is to sharpen your Jack knife." "It's Night an' Silence thnt sots him goln'," snld Dlenklnsop. "When they como he's npt to start for the nlghest river. Tho old elephant Is beglnnln' to move." Dlenklnsop put on his hat and hur ried out of the door. CHAPTER NINE. Which Tells of a Merry Christmas Day In the Little Cottage of the Widow Moran. Night nnd Silence are a stern test of wisdom. For years, tho fun loving, chattcrsomc Dlenklnsop hnd been their enemy and wns not yet ut pence with them. Dut Night and SIlcuco hnd other enemies in the vlllnge undent and Inconsolnblo enemies, It must bo said. They were tho cocks of Dlugvllle. Every morning they fell "'If Virtue Is tho Price of a Nation's Life, Let Us Try to Keep Our Own Nation Virtuous.'" to and drove Night nnd Sllenco out of tho place and who shall sny that they did not save it from being hope lessly overwhelmed? Dny was their victory and they knew how to uchlevo It. Noise wus the thing most needed. So they roused tho people nnd called up tho lights and set the griddles rat tling. Tho gront, white cock that roosted near tho window In tho Widow Mornn's hen-house wntched for tho first sign of weakness In the enemy. When It enme, he sent forth n bolt of, sound thnt tumbled Sllenco from his throne nud shook the foundations of tho gront dome of Night. It rang over tho housetops nnd through every street und alley In the village. That started tho bottle. Silence tried In vain to recover his sent. In a moment, every cock In Dlngvlllo wns hurling bombs nt him. Immediately, Dark ness began to grow pulo with fright. Seeing tho fate of his ally, ho broke camp and lied ywestwnrd. Soon , the Held wns clear and every proud cock surveyed tho victory with a solemn senso of large accompllstnent. Tho loud victorious trumpets sound ing In tho gnrden nenr the window of tho Shepherd awoke him that Christ mas morning. Tho dawn light was on tho windows. "Merry Christmas 1" snld tho little round nickel clock in a cheerful tone. "It'H tlmo to get up I" "Is It morning?" tho Shepherd asked drowsily, ub ho rubbed his eyes. "Sure It's morning 1" tho little clock miBwcrcd. "That lazy old sun Is late again. Ho ought to bo up and nt work. Ho's llko a dishonest hired man." "He's npt to be slow on Christmas morning," snld the Shepherd. "Then people blame me and say I'm too fast," tho little clock went on. "They don't know what nn old shirk tho sun can be. I'vo been watching him for years and have never gone to sleep nt my post." After a moment of sllenco the llttlo clock went on: "Hello I Tho old night Is getting a move on It Tho Copyright, 1W0, Irring Bacheller cocks uro scaring It away. Santa Onus has been here. Ho brought ever so man? tilings. Tho midnight train stopped." "I wonder who enmc," said the Shepherd. "I guess It was the Dings," the clock answered. Just then It struck seven. "There, I guess Hint's about tho end of It," Mild tho little clock. "Of what?" tho Shepherd asked. "Of the nineteen hundred and eigh teen yenrs. You know seven Ib tho favored number In sacred history. I'm suro tho baby would havo been born nt seven. My goodness I There's a lot of ticking In nil thnt time. I've been going only twelvo years and I'm nenrly worn out. Some young clock will to tnko my Job before long." Theso reflections of the llttlo clock were suddenly Jntetruptcd. The Shep herd's mother enteed with a merry greeting und turned on the lights. There -were ninny bundles lying about. Sho enme and kissed her son und began to build a lire In tho little stow. "Thls'll bo tho merriest Chrlstmns In yer life, laddie boy," she said, as she lit the kindlings. "A great doc tor has come up with the Dings to seo ye. Ho says he'll have ye 'out 0' doors In 11 llttlo while." "Ho, hoi Thnt lookn like tha wav wns nearly over," said Mr. Dloggs. Mm. Moran did Dct hear the remnrk of tho little tin soldles, so sho rattled on: "I went over tc the stntlon to meet 'em lust night. Mr. Dlenklnsop has brought us a fine turkey. We'll Imvo n gran' dinner sure wo will an' I axes' Mr. Dlenklnsop to come an' eat with us." Mrs. Mornn opened the gifts nnd spread them on the bed. There were books nnd paints and brushes nnd clothing nnd silver articles nud needle-work and n phonograph and a check from Mr. Ding. Tho little cottage had never seen a day so full of happiness. It rang with tho talk nnd merry laughter and music of tho phonograph. Mr. Dlenkln sop had como in his best mood and apparel with the dog Christmas. Ho helped Mrs. Moran to set the tablo In tho Shepherd's room nnd brought up tho platter with the big brown turkey on It, surrounded by sweet potatoes, nil Just out of tho oven. Mrs. Moran followed with tho Jelly and tho creamed onions and the steaming coffee pot nnd the new cel ery. The dog Christmas growled and ran under the bed when he saw his master coming with that unfamiliar burden. "He's never seen a ChrlstmnB din ner before. I don't wonder he's kind o scnlrt I I ain't seen one in so long, I'm scalrt myself," said Hiram Dlen klnsop aB they snt down at the tablo. "What's scnlrln' ye, man?" said tho widow. "'Frald I'll wake up an' find my self drenmln'," Mr. Dlenklnsop an swered. "Nobody ever found himself dreamln' nt my table," said Mrs. Mo ran. "Grnb tho carvln' knife an' go to wurruk, man." (TO BE CONTINUED.) COVERED HEADS IN CHURCH Before the Year 1681 Men Did Not Remove Their Hats During Religious Services. About 1G01 an agitation commenced to hnve men removo their hats In church Pepys makes gentle fun of It. Tho custom war first to remove tho hat to cover tho eyes In prayer, and later It wns taken off altogether. Tho Introduction of the wig helped tho custom for It proved difficult to keep one's hnt on over a tousled mass of false eurjs. This also led to largo hats with plumes going out of stylo. Then, Instead of wearing hats In doors, men went to tho other extremo, nnd often curried them In their hnntls when out of doors. Tho Puritans In England continued to wenr their brond-hrlmmed hats, however, Indoors nnd out. Men's lints nnd clothing were chnngod with the French Devolution; wigs went out, nnd then with tho rise of Nnpoleon, dress becumo military In Btyle. In 1815, during' the Restora tion period, arose tho "o'.oveplpo hat," and breeches, at ths snmo tlmo be gan to be worn to the ankle. Shoe-Throwing Old Custom. Throwing old shores was not always confined to weddlugs, though tho cub tora nowadays has como to bo asso ciated entirely with tho going uway of bridal couples. Authorities differ as to the origin of tho practlco and its exact significance ; It Becms, however, as If It had to do with tho transfer of property women being regarded as such among the nations In which the custom began. It was in tho sense of confirming a sale or exchange, that tho Jows un derstood the removal and giving of a shoo or sandal When the kinsman of Donz consented to wnlvo his claim upon tho parcel of land which Naomi would sell, ho "dre if hta shoe," for "this Is tho custom of Israel"- .'Che. American (Copy for This Department Supplied bf the American Legion News Service.) LEGION MAN DISPLAYS NERVE Airplane Fighter Takes to Coal Car to Reach Vocational Training School. There's no striking similarity be tween piloting n highflying airplane of the Mnrlne Corps to riding In tho con I cars of a freight train. Dut b e t w 0 o 11 those modes of travel, Thomas D. Lane, Junior law student ut the University of Kuiisns, will com plete his educa tion. Lane, n anem b e r of tho Argonne post of -the American Legion nt St. Paul, Minn., wns attending school In the Kuiisns university when his money run out. A letter forwarded to him from his native state told of the work of the Federal Hoard for Vocational Education In Minneapolis. Through disability Incident to his service ns 11 llyer, ho wns entitled to tho Federal educational aid. Without sutllclent funds to mnko tho long trip, nevertheless ho set out to appear be fore the board. Three days In n box cur, a conl gondoln nnd the tenders of three passenger trains convoyed him to his destination. Several fast changes of enrs, unusual maneuvers tind debates with trainmen were necessary, but the aviator ciimo through smiling. One mnll clerk proved friendly, but thnt train was bound for Chicago. After two more trluls ho found n hunk on somo coal nnd woke up the next morning In the St. Paul yards. Plnelng his case before tho board, ho wus classed "Section One," en titling him to tuition, 'supplies nnd training pay until ho completes his course. MAKES DRIVE FOR AUXILIARY President of Texas Organization Shows That She Comes From Fighting Stock. A record for service to America thnt dates from -itovolutlonnry dnys nnd Includes the deeds of Nn thnnlel Green nnd Daniel Doone, Is perpetuated 1 11 Mrs. E. Clinton Murray, of Hous ton, Tex presi dent of the Women's Auxili ary of the Ameri can Legion of that stnte. The first nnlt of the Auxiliary of tho American Legion wns founded there. When her husband, who wns pnst tho nge limit, wus accepted by tho Medical Corps during the World war, Mrs. Murray likewise volunteered. Sho made a record of thirty addresses In one week during n Ited Cross drive. She sold Liberty bonds, organized Red Cross units and did active canteen work. Tho Women's Auxiliary was organiz ed nntlonnlly In Austin, Tex., July 20, 1010. Mrs. Murray wns one of tho first women to organize n unit In Houston In Mnrch 1020. When she becumo stnte president, thero were twenty-three units In the department. Under her direction, thirty nddltinnnl units hnve been formed nnd fifty others nre now organizing. Mrs. Murray plnns to obtain n unit for ench of tho 201 posts of the Legion in Texas. Mrs. Murray was born In Concordln Parish, La. Doth her father and mother came of old Revolutionary stock. Her mother's paternal ancestor wns a near kinsman of Dnnlol Doone; her father's pnternnl ancestor was n descendant of Nathaniel Greene. During tho Civil Wnr her father served ns 11 captain of cuvulry In Forrest's Drlgnde. PAY TRIBUTE TO THEIR DEAD Minnesota Legionnaires Pay Homage to Deceased Buddies Who Fought for Their Country. In n llttlo cemetery among tho'plnes where sleep the members of his family at Cloquer, Minn., the body of John Do Foe, the first Minnesota Indlnn sol dier to dlo fighting for his country, wns laid to rest. Carl Anderson post of tho American Legion paid homage at his funeral. Elsewhere through Minnesota, Le glonlres have been pnylng tribute at tho funerals of their dead buddies, whose bodies aro being returned from overseas. "Ho was a clean-cut Amerlcnn, ono of our very best, nnd his memory will bo denr and sacred," said tho com mander of Winnebago post, at tho fun eral service of PrlTatyo Vernon Dnlley, In which fifty uniformed Legionnaires took part. The body of Ralph Graclo, aftor whom Demkljl post is named, was burled at his homo town with honors. BBb1B -i BM BBSaSRfe 49K'V H bmPHBb W- vm BET s!L k W Ky mi sSSSSSsESBIJ Help That etfk S I Aching Back! Is your back giv ing out? Are you ureu, miserable, all run down; tortured with nagging back ache, lameness and sudden, stabbing Sains? If so, look to your kidneys, iverworlc, hurry nnd worry tend to weaken the kidneys. Backache and an all worn out feeling is often the first warning. Get back your health whilo you can. Use Doan'a Kidney Pills, the remedy thousands recommend. Ask 1our neighbor! A Nebraska Case Geo. Snyder, 413 E. 3rd St., Grand Island, Ncbr., says: "I had a sovere caso of lumbago and for several days 1 wns unablo to got on my feet. Every musclo In my back was contracted and hurt every move I made. I was In bad shape when I began tnklmr Doan's Kidney Pills. Two boxes of Doan's absolutely cured mo and tho euro has been a lasting one." D OAN'S KIDNEY 60c t Box it All Storti PILLS" Futer.MUbuxn Co., Mfg. Chemiili, Duffilo, N. Y. Not This Side of the Pond. Dill "There will bo n lot of Interna tlonul sport tills your." Till "Vea, and most of It will be In Europe." The housewife smiles with satisfac tion as she looks at the basket of clear, white clothes and thanks Red Cross Dull DIuc., At grocers, Dc. Good News for Sons of Rest. The fellow who knows where tha fish nro biting can always borrow A quarter. Albany Herald. KILL RATS TODAY By Using (he Genuint STEARNS' ELECTRBC PASTE Thpuuarantncd-klllnr" for Ilatn.Mlco.Cockruachpi, Ants nnd Wutrrbnirt thn urratosl known carriers of dln'-aso. Thi'j ilestroj both food anil properly. Ficarni' Hlrctrlo l'nsto forci-n these tcts to ma from the building for water and frtnlialr. UEA1V t'OK USK-IIKTTKIt THAN TRAPS Directions In 1& languages I ncTcrr box. Two Sites, 8.Sc nnd I1.C0. llnuunh tii kill U) to 100 raU, U. 8. (lovorurucnt buys It. BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity nt tho presont Urns for young women over nineteen years of sgo who have had At leata two jears In high school to tako Nurses' Training In general hospllaL Our graduates aro In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nebraska Ten for 10 cents. Handy size. Dealers carry both. 10 for 10c; 20 for 20c. It's toasted. Similar Experiences. Mnbel "The doctor says he has suved her life nhie times." Eva "I always did think falie wus a cat" WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women havo kidney and bladder trouble nnd never suspect it. Womens' complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If tho kidneys aro not in a healthy condition, thoy may batue the other or gans to become diseased. Pain in tho back, hcadacho, loss of am bition, nervousness, are often times symp toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay storting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pro scription, obtained nt nny drujr store, may bo just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle lav mediately from nny drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dinghamton, N. Y., for si eamplo bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. "Drown bus n watch that strikes." "That's nothing 1 Mlno refuses tm work, too." Doston Transcript. Sure Relief i 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief BI LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION i W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 23-1921, vbbVbbV'Mv fflUCKY IIstrikeJ CIGARETTy MS EiW indigIstjonJ c5VWlv 2i