The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 09, 1921, Image 1
i " i 4 '1 . i 'i i ifliiiiitircimiiniinii fill... ..I. ' ''HmuJIi .Hv -...... .-."d 9 . . n i -j-rrf -fcf.ltTVO VTl"-jJ'Trr.wJi'iHfc.iMWi.w .r..w 4 Newspaper That elves The news Flftytue Weeks Each Year Fer SI.50 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JUNE 0. 1921 NUMBER 23 re laBBniaBaaHBMaanBiMMiiaBBamimr i IHMISiBBill<tMbti3Q M?m ,y Jrnr ii "WiiM igaa iiL Milh(M ll Hill I Iffi K Sunday School Institute I.jeil nn-Iav -ch"ul wntkeiseooper u ii ' i'Ii id' nil .-nt - (ii rim Webster ' ipl'i "-,,,., ' ,v f, ,, ,,t i , linvi1 III- hit ! t i mi i st lit u the ion. (.Mil-Hi ll lillli I) in this citv IK'Xt n.iu afti mh'Om, U'L'inmnir ut 'J..IU CITV COUNCIL HOLDS J KKGULAU aMUKTINR Mayoress Mis Mary Peterson cnll- ( 'I (bo Council together im roi- 1 ip urn on Tue day i .i , w i h ,J nu'nilx rs pie- ml and .ilui ti mm utp of the May meeting had bicu( See Our Charming Presents v lilt usfs mi- to Ik- lnven lv K . read and minroVL'd lhi lenurt ol ('itv I.omiIo-oI luavale anil II h. lilnlnger Ti-,.!im-ni. i? kw,i,.,. !.. i ., lltlllllVllb HI till' I Ullllbl Ul' j f , .., L'..n.y.iliiiH Mr. Mnlti.wi'1 mitiliHit Is . rcnlwl ordered placed Oil file. Our Urn Tusk " A lound table pre- . l- hV Lfti ri-iirinjW LLiiwTimmiti ttntTrntrnttm HaL' fc...l. I I ., 1 JLl J. 'gsm&fflaasi SSTSSmhKIiSBaiaiS& 1 Comfort, Economy and Efficiency COMFORT for it means a cool kitchen. Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency x for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every bit of heat is concentrated close under the codking. s?y$ i Come in and let our salesmen show its many good points. ' r TRINE'S Hardware ranKBitnM flEED GROCERIES TODAY? "Always prepared and waiting to fill any Grocery order" is the motto under which our store is run. It means that no matter how small your order may be or what particular items you may want, we are ready to supply them. We never allow any of our lines of pack age, bottled or canned goods to decrease to a "sold out level." Neither do we offer anything in the Vegetable or Fruit line, unless it is strictly fresh. And what's more, we are sure our prices will please you. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware to 1)1' discussion Is to occupy part of tin: limn J It. Itimli it. In iiiivn iliiti'irit nf . ... W ... . ........ ., .... ....... ....... p,-. the music, and we understand Unit lie is arranging for some hpeciil numbers. AH aro invited to attend this institute. Attractions Secured For 4th Tlio lU'd ( loud Fire I).piirlincnl. which litis chin i.v of llii' Fourth of Inlv Celebration lion- litis jear is fust (.o tine; t hoi r pmi'iim in hhsipo so thai the day will ho nun lone; to he to-Mii-iii lu nd. riiev liavi sei'iiH'd two of tlie best I mi' tittiiietioti obtainable; Mir. .mII HiotliiTH ol Kansas t'llv, rutin ill Ikii i. nt ll imr nrtist", hikI d miner .nid Mhiiii of I'eiitiiue. who liu. IihiI si vend veins -pt'i it nee as aeioluits Until of these companies to fniuish two acts oiicli. Maciitc(,'or's nierry-o round a u d fen is uhetd, and sic shows have ljeeii coniniut.'d tor ("ousideiaiilc prl.e moiiiiy will bttoirHied lor spoils, such as foot incus and wiriotis coiiteht", while lioso compiinies No. 1 and No. 2 will pill on a li: water fle;ht In this aftoriioon The lt'raiiltliii ban i will furnish tniiKiu for the day, mid in the afternoon there, will lie a hull Kama between Red Cloud and Franklin. The celebration will come to a close in the evening with a fivo hundred dollar il lumination of tire works, dauciug, eto. The program will be out in about two weeks, so begin making your plans to come to 'this city aud enjoy 'a real celebration, ' . "-3 ' ' ' Glebe Most Pay His Fine i Louis Glebe was arrested and flued 8100 in district court in Webster county on a charge of illegal possess ion of liquor. He appealed to the Su premo court, claiming thai the court had lost jurisdiction of his case be cause it had not brought him to trial until after the number of terms that the law says a man must be tried in. Glebe's attorney sought to run in a couple of special to rms in tlio court The biipremo court saya tiiat it con strues the law to mean that only ra ular terms shall bo counted. Anyway, it says, when a defendant consents to have his case continued over a certain teim it is equivalent to delaying the application and constitutes a waiver to the court as to the oue at which he should bo tried State Journal. The bids of Clove- Loy, Sam Mount ford and Lew Simpson for hauling coal and oil to the power house were opened and were found lo bo as fol lows: Loy coal 85 cents a Ion, oil ns cents a gallon; Sam Motintford coal !)() cents u ton, oil 1-15 cents a gallon; Simpson coal, $1 a ton, oil, Vj cent a gallon. Sam Motintford was awarded the contract on condition hi is to stand his own demurrage. Mnlono-Olkilly Go's, bid for $'1.20 fer lineal fool and Ed McAllister'. bid of 3.40 for the construction of the storm t-evrov on Eighth Avenue were submitted, hut action on 'hi. matter was deferred until Hip i.cxl meeting. The Council then moved tiiat ihc Steam Uoiler iasurnnco Companj'i policy he returned to city for can cellation and the insurance policy of the American Insurance Co., tor $8000.00 on power house and contents, which was presented be accepted. The Travelers' Insurance Company's pol icy covering employees liability wr.s presented and the City Clerk instruc ted to return same to their local rep resentative for cancellation. Mr. Andrews of the National Ue ftalagjCo. was present with a de&iro to geP.hU old account cleared up, 1 which after due consideration was re- !... .. m ill .:u ierrecuw tne rinance commiiicu wuu power tenet. Mr. Powell appeared on behalf of the Fire Department requesting the Council to allow the firo boys to block Webster Street between Third and Fifth Avenues on July 4, which request was granted for the one day enly, with the additional privihge given the carnival company to pH:c their ferris wheel, merry-go-round, olc. in the above territory for five days from June 30th to July A, in elusive. The following claims were allowed: IJ. R. Frnzier - $200 00 W. A. Patten . . .. 1C0 00 A. Clark .... 78 GO Bert Perry .- 53 40 ror Brides And Sweet I Girl Graduates S3TP2rai3aYOTjjssTOi202aaw. AF NO TIME IN HER LIFE CAN YOU BETTER SHOW YOUR. DE VOTION tO YOUR FRIEND, BY SENDING HER A REMEMBRANCE THAN WHEN SHE GRADUATES UNLESS IT IS WHEN SHE WEDS. FOR BOTH OF THESE OCCAS IONS WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL, AP PROPRIATE GIFTS. COMETOSEE OUR WARES AND IT WONT TAKE YOU LONG TO DECIDE WHAT TO GIVE. WHEN ASKED, WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR SELECTION. efte We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right E. H. Newhouse rcj cioiu Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbnka MfflEEZ'JI COAL We are in the coal business and will try to have ' a supply of good coal on hand at all times, and will have a price on it that will save you money, We have a car of Sunnyside Maitland now, and will have a car of NIGGERHEAD in a few days. You will find that these are extra good coals. We are selling this coal on a close margin and will have to sell for cash. Please do not ask us for credit. The Farmers Co-op Elevator G. A. KAILEY, Mgr. Notice Notice is hereby given to all Tax Payers in Webster County, that the County Hoard of Equillzntton will bo in session at tho Court House in lied Cloud on June 14th, 15th nnd 10th. All tax-payers aro hereby advised that if they have any complaint, to make as to their lD2l Assessment, that this is the proper time and only time to make their complaint known as the County Dcard of Equalization has the right ut this time to equalize and cor rect assessments. After tho County Hoard of Equaliza. tion has completed their work and Webster County's Assessment Rolls are accepted by tiro State Hoard of Equalization tho assassments as made shull stand for the current year. U. P. PEItllY, County Clerk. Announcement Beginning Monday, June 13th, I will commence soiling pastourled and clcurified in lllc which is absolute ly sterile, also coffee and whipping cream, and buttermilk. Will deliver milk to any part of the citv, 13 quarts ior S1.00. Use Dairy Maid" butter. Glvo mo a trial and be convinced. Highest market price paid for eggs. cream and produce. Uotti ptionc hu. U S. ItOMIXis t Tho 1. O. O P lodge met Monday i ovotung and eieoteii the following S. R. Florancc O. C. Tccl Lawrence Doylo ..- Smith & McKimmey G. R. Beck .. D. R. Whitaker Sam Mountford Morhart Bros. Chas. Brubakcr Turnure & Son Smith & Frame E. S. Garber 458 .. 37 89 90 00 . . . KJ 05 2 75 0 35 33 44 29 51 7 50 ' 2 00 2 00 G 30 172 40 . 85 00 30 45 Ladies Free Ticket ". ' ) - Monday, June 13th American Ins. Co. ... C. R. Lewis Ed Lane John Wilson - - 22 05 Frank Clawson 14 eu 2 10 .. 3 50 3 07 18G 75 1 28 108 00 22 Gi . G5 70 .. .. G 00 ........ 100 42 1 25 O. B. Lcggett C. T. Dickenson Tho B-R Electric Co. Midland Coal Co. Pittsburgh Meter Co. .. National Refining Co. R. S. Proudfit Co Mid-West Elcc. Co. . A. B. McArthur . Piatt & Frees .... ... .. L. Simpson Malone-Gcllatly Co 282 10 State Elcc. Service Co. 21 22 Methodist Church Notes UNDER THE BIG 'I ENT Red Cloud, Nebraska ONE SOLID WEEK Starting ARLINGTON STOCK CO. AND THE SYNCO NOVELTY BOYS ORCHESTRA 25 Actors, Musicians and Vaudeville Artists 25 Opening Play A Rural Comedy Drama In Four Acls THE TOWN FOOL Vaudevile Between The Acts A Guaranteed Attraction Change of Program Nightly. In order to introduce our Company each lady accompanied by one paid adult ticket and war tax will be admitted FREE Monday Night ONLY.. VWVVVWJVVSftVAV.V.VVAVAV.V.V.V.V.-AVAV.VAA Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack -macK ex AmacK UNDERTAKING Sunday School at 10 a. in. Church pt'rvico at II a. m and S p. in. Epworth lii'iiguo at 7:10 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday ovonlng at 8 o'clock. i If you are not uttendir.g elsewhere I we extend to you a cordlul Invitation to utttfiid our Sundiij School, and chinch services. i IIahuy W Cur-E. Pastor, j Wo will have the buptiiiu of ehildien nfflLm-s fm thn iikiiinir ti.i-m. 1-5. II. lit t Illl Iliomlllg Service UOXt Sunday. I Newhouse, Xoblo (Jiand; I. T. Aw ck, J" JJip evening at eight o'clock, the VIco Grand; JV. G. Hamilton, k . I'lilldrmi'h Day Progiam will bo givon taryj S. It. Floranco, Treasurer. ,,y ll, ""lul'0l of tll(3 Sunday School. About two thirty o'clock Prlihiv ...... . l . . . . .1 morning a fire broke out in the I in wl'l Kohnrtann rutiirncd homo tlio on tho Wm. Hayes property, wlil. I i" ,,s,')r 'l0 T0'5 f,.om ,,celft or occupied by Ulevo Loy. Mr. Loy I. ' " '""- w,,,'ru ,,e 8Punt hUVernl wtuUs' his Roo truck stored in tho burn m ",. Wiulo Tato and ehlldiftii of Tar- tho truck and barn burned qulekh ' " iiri anived 111 tho city cd- fore tho ilro department could ut ' ' venlnir to vl-lt her mother, any assistance. ' 1, Christian nnd family. J; BOTH PHONES REDCLOUO, NEB I. T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 76M vwslV."AAVVAV.v.vv.v.A"AvAl"Jvu,vvv M C. C. McConkcy returned to .ho Soldiers' Homo nt Grand Island Thursday, C. S. Romino returned homo Thurs day evening from Lincoln whero ho hnd been attending to somo business matters. E. L. Grimes returned homo tho first of tho week from Knoxvillo, Illinois, whero ho attended tho fti norat of a relative. Mr. nnd . Monroe Meinto of Dladen f" Sunday hero with her father, Al lloirman. ) Mr. and Mrs, Marion Rlocm 'nct baby went to Fairbury Friday morn ing to spend a few days with Iioi parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bisliop. 1 j Mr. and Mrs. D, 13, EJielman y turned to their homo nt McPhorson, Kansas, Thursday after 'spending: a week with relatives and friends here.