HIV Jj il a i r; M !; Hod Cloud J?ed.Coud A BLUE SERGE SUIT vESERCoOTYVJtJm6R)fetJB9 Cloverton gim organized aScw- ,: ' wv W they'll sco nndjUhoose thom, . if Vwu .... lAvm. r.t.fewl Mitn .l..w iltd (A 1 i.i.. 11 ..jriA.h.tfA t.. St r hw ilnl. with nln rtcmbcM. khovn "l,' V.11'" vMi.-y w. '.." .7' ..!.. t.. ir,.,,' , Cornelius REA3 , HAND TAILORED AT ! C ffi tJ IS ALWAYS GOOD. $40 $42.80 " THE HUGHES WAY FOR CLOTHES TR.OUBLES . e Frank R. Mashes o. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIES TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS BOTI I' PHONES We Call and Driver i. Urn .To! v Homo Workers, are GefaUint It-ill-y, LcejJ. Lealer, Irene uM-r, Pre .i-n', Fir; -cr K.tvr, Vice preUk nt, Dorothy .Lev. ..-, .Secretary ( jjuJUl, Fay Jahn, Trea-uror. ,vt 1)1 HENRY' B.rAUSCH, Coun y Afcnculttunl Agent, iio any u..!l tin .-chool r"K,t vnir r coi RT is IN SESSION THIS WEEK a. , r ..'fTi " . 4a..m - nicfHiMi rT..i..f i tn number. Eug.-WK 1i-, ith J.i-'-" Wm. A. I ilworth, on tho t 7L.. ii ,j i-vT.u Mi ,.. bunch, v. convened in thu city on ItlftM, l'loyd McMahon, Vic-preIi.en, ,,. irioI.nirtir amt ti . rniin'W!nir I . -.- - O ---. - ,-... c in f Amelia, smwnitl, .Secretary Henri f',i StcurniV. Ti-oaRlirfvr Siiarlhvrn ' r...-;yiV .-.-. :;, nod their Ciu "Bcol )vi', i ' - 'H, VV. r-vt lteor,. 'Ii'i 'in, ' 'b tmcijiM w 11 nccl r. ' 'h .imp of Loui-. Maitoci: Snilcs " t oi T.Iadc-i on l-rid-iy r'f:'..l, 'lay 7th to oiKanite their Club. MORE TRUTH THAN I'OETRY ' County School Notes (Hy Count," tanperliituiideiit) gency certificates at this time for tho coming ytur'and do not ixpect to is- luuo open- t n'Xv f ti,uni Uicn only on proper application uud a showing made on n blank provided by this department I that an actual emergency exist and the applicant is qualified ."or the posi tion. This new l.nv authorizes the state supnlntendent to refuse the Is nuancp of nn emergency certificate or Eliza . lillhaai; Wm. Ma: bingo w rcvoKr i.n emergency certineate a H. . Q; 'AiiHie A. Bonn v- jn tu holder doc noi comply with Wi'i. P. rlicU., et ui '.s ,,, rc i;t ..,., on hidi it was tnant- cd. " o be on the ra'o aide we arc urging teachers to put forth oery J. cases wi i Contir.t v. Enrl vs V8 C. B. & Web V! lied lIlSMDFtfd Of 1 I'V.' fi-rm V. . H. Tollcy iin-sft;ii Licvi Ki, iiioom , . ti. a : wr.. it. rucu., et a: -. 'cbstrr Uytiitty "Wink ''jrr, ul a C. B. to Qj Jo an Pcu vs Cm.-, odd n, et'al; UavMT Z. MummertVd tmamBswMm&tucrmnKmjrjmmrjm'UMmXAMitM pa,nmifXsrimicMmrvt H.MMM. l'.toh vs lEduar Some of us arc famo:u farmers, vs Jas. E. Harris otnlj ...:,.: .t..n hn.t th .u.ii rinf i .lohn-on B. Wisccnrver I -tock to Swift's and Armour's; blow- i in in our dough for land t'ha . Iv'dien, ct al. Alice Bc-sie Mc-' nfort by ludy at home and sianmor Melnlo h; Clark Dr.WMMcBridel DENTIST OVER STATE HANK Ncbrnkn Dr. R.V. Nichclsow DENTIST VTVAR A WITT TRUSS' t"A y( AMD WONT HUnT V OIllCC Over AlbrlKlit'o Sloro Nebraska studied crop rotation, lerinizer, con-1 nervation; all the questions of tho nn-, i tion we jirofcss to understand, but 'the greatest crop wc'io raising is the I one we most neglect that's our crop ! of boys that wo pause not to reflect that we can no-, always tarry, and that some day Tom and ! Harry, must our present burdens I carry, carry ably, or rejecting. Arc we training up our laddies so they'll love the dear old farm; will the home steads of their daddies hold for them 'a potent charm? Or a tendency to i wander, and their precious youth to nil l f 1 1 ... squander in the towns and cities yon- OOld and liUaranteea Dynler, are wo viewing with alarm? jhii .jinn says lie never iriuurs any of his lime in play. Jiibt such bloom ing hide-bound critters help to drive the boys away. Growing lads for pleasure's hanker, be they sons of bum or banker; give them those in which no canker lurks to mar a com ing day. Give them of the things you treasure, blooded calves, a bit of land; time to take a fuller measure of the joys of every land. We can keep our sons, or lose them; better ways vs Koscoc Rurch; Grace Humevs Robert llum'e; TV il flnll vh Aflnlnb Xtnivmfnlinvst: We have ,j0hn Bnrkley vs Guy Merrill; Arthur CHAS. L. COTTING The Druggist Get our prices before buying your winter supply of Conl. We can furnish you the best for less money. Farmers Union ElovtUor. I. Householder vs Peter Nispol; Wm. )'. Kittle vs Edgar Bender; ISIyra May Jones vs Le Roy Jones; Eflic Holcomb vs John Ilolcomb, ct al; John A. Elliott vs Wm. D. Gutslmll, ct al. Continued By Order Of Court State vs Cherral Koontz; State vs Lloyd M. Crabill. Divorce Granted And Alimony Mabel Boyd vs Braxio C. Boyd. Divorce Granted Jas. P. Hansen vs Jessie W. Hansen. Cases Consolidated Vaughn A. Hall vs Wm. Kittle, ct al. Leave Given Defendant John C. Brown To Intervene. Security For Costs Given Luther E. Brown vs Willard A. Brown. Judgment For Plaintiff Floyd Robcrson vs C. B. & Q; Margaret Williams vs Wm. A. Cutter, et al; County of Webster vs Arnold H. Hochstclter, ct al. Dropped From Docket A. 0. U. W. vs Daniel Garbcr, ct al. Sale Confirmed And Deed Ordered Chas. F. Gund vs L. P. Scgrist, ct al. Settled And Dismissed Frank 0. Dcllahoy vs Otto Gragert, et al. 1 f mBKWJm IIiJP ' I I i I Hi !S mmmWKSm I I Get this booklet x nh.idh tells " I I What Edison Likes Ira Music" I ' i HERE is a certain song which he thinks everybody ought to have. I jl noias a tascmauon tor Mr. I Edison. I That song is "I'll Take You Home I Again, Kathleen." 1 I 'I " R Mr. Edison has his other favorites, too. He listens to them in those mo ments of relaxation which he snatches from his never-ceasing research work. Wouldn't it be interesting to know tiiese tunes? Get a copy of "What Edison Likes in Music" (use our Edison Requisi tion Blank). Know Mr. Edison's 25 favorite selections. Note his personal views cm what is good and what is bad in music. See the six selections he thinks everybody ought to have. You will get new side-lights on Mr. Edison, the man, also valuable mu sic suggestions you can use. This is the booklet the magazines have been talking about. We haven't a large supply. The demand is heavy. So, act promptly. The phonograph which Mr. Edison has for his personal use is acknowl edged to be the most perfect type of sound-reproducing instrument in the world. We have its exact duplicate. Come in and hear it Ask for the Official Laboratory Model. You can buy it on our Budget Plan. That is, we'll make a gentleman's agreement with you. JlIu LICENSED EDISON DEALER w'gxfgy.wj'y-'.'j'; i higgyy. wm i i itna oi...ui.ti) m isv 2Slr Phono QpanhnOith a Sout" y Study This Picture! Know What It Means ? It means that famous vocalists 'and instrnnien tatists have complied their performances Hth the RB-CUEATION of those pcrfonnances by tho New Eiiiaon. It meuns that there is no differ ence between the living performance and the RS-CREATKD performance. It moans thiit only the New Kdison civtt music exactly as urent artists fve it, for only tho New Edison sustains this test of direct comparison. (Tie Now Bdiban also pfays nil ma.os of talking machine records, -mrpluya them belter.) K Bring or Send this Edison Requisition Blank Whoso favorite tunes would you like to know? Namo : Addrmi- j Whit JwliKon Like In MuBlr u booth ttchins of IWUon, 12x15, for Iramlnit. C I!nw)ii CT. Music the Story of the New Kdlnon. - Vhut Did lidikon Do Durlrm tho Wor? f school attendance to . ocure the reg ular certificate if they t!ire to teach next year. It shall be our puv ios( to keep down the issuance of emergency certificates to the lowest minimum possible. House Roll 102. This act deter mines length of term in all school districts and provides state aid for weak districts. It provides six months school in districts having loss than 10 children who arc 7 years old and under 1G; and 9 months in districts having 10 or more children who arc 7 and under 1G. In districts having less than 5 children 7 years old and under 1G the school board may use funds for board, transportation and other expenses of such children while attending school in another district. Districts must levy 40 mills to be eligible to state aid and if said levy, plus the amount on hand and estima ted amount to bo received from school apportionment, docs not amount to $700 in districts where there arc 5 and less than 10 children of the above named ages will receive as state aid the difference between $1000 and the amount they can raise by 40 mill levy supplemented by school 10 children of these ages shall re reive as state aid the difference be tween $1125 for each child of said ages and tho amount they can raise locally as above indicated. County su perintendents arc urged to immediate lv notifv district boards desiring state aid that they must levy 40 mills, and notice of higher levy must be given in accordance with S. F. 220. It will be necessary for dis tricts desiring state nid to levy for general school purposes an amount in dollars that shall bo equal to forty mills on the last completed assessed valuation of the school district. To vote more than 35 mills for general puropses Senate File 220, now in force, provides for a twenty day no tice in a newspaper and inquires a sixty per cent vote. The higher levy may be voted at the annual mooting or at a special mccttng called for the purpose upon proper notice. Should this bo done at a special meeting it should be held in time to certify tho low to the county clerk before his books ft re closed. We are very much pleased with our normal training appropriation of $224,775 which wo think will be ade quate to give aid during the school years of 1921-1922 and 1922-1923 to all tho schools that meet our re quirements for approval. Superin tendents and school officers of normal training high schools should exercise the greatest care in meeting the re quired regulations if they desire the aid. Why the Snort We sat In front of them at tha theater. It was during the tense mln- ate of tho play when the heroine was ont,f tn nnrt forever with her sweet- f - . . - knltfnA heart: "Say," eaui lae -womuu ucu D3 to her friend : "Do yon break many dishes? Xon know I'm awfully ua lucky that way."Detro!t Free Press. Chinese Family Relations. There 13 no such species ns the "old mnld" In China. The lot of the con cubine Is not, generally speaking, hard; and the position Is respectable. A concublno Is ordinarily taken In default of Issue from the wife. Tho children of concubines are legitimate. A man would not dare to brace public opinion or the wrath of his wife and her relations by taking n concublno against his wife's wishes. Father and mother are equally vcnorablo in the eyes of tho child; the father Is "the etern one" and the mother "tho gen tle one," but both are notoriously In dulgent to their children. ' . la 14 15 18 20 25 2G 27 04 35 3G EIGHTH GRADE, GRADUATES ; Following is the lift cf Vebster Count? btudeutfl who lim'e recently ptissed Hip state eighth giade cxitni inuioiifj: Dint, i Donald Houchin b Fredu Alber jj- 9 John Adnmi i " 10 Ffoln Ohmttodd' l& Ralpbnite' .' ' Ricluird Hubert Harold McCoy Jessie McCallum Lloyd Jensen OBcnr Ramey Howurd Means Grace Norrja Jennie Stansor Irene Drdke Chns. Simpson Lois Fcis Helen Schenk Artliui' Grcig Fay Jnhn Frank Havel Agnes Strobl May Koenig Laura Colburn Elwin Shipman Ruby Bobbins Luvida Watt Evelyn Ainack Marvel Shipman Howard Miller Arthur Blobaum Alvina Hartman Augusta Rose John Blobaum Frieda Blobaum Leon Cutter John JefTery Porter Harvey Irene Pitney B ronton ScharofT Joseph Huppcrt Onno Goos Walter Spilker Raymond Echtcrnach Lvdia Bctz Walter Koch Albert Schmale Dora Barlells Paul Smith Mabcllo Gcnercaux Ncta Nclms Lowell Anderson Harold Anderson Marie Busking Irene Frcy Myrtle Erickson Mary Faimon Albert Faimon Chas. Williams Bonnie Banks Henry Peterson Howard Frits Helen Fritz Eunice Hanen Etta Alberts Ruth Henderson Paulino Rnthjcn Mildred Rathjcn Vcrr. Cummings Austin Goth Onal Jones Dorothy Oberhcidc John Nolotte Calvin Rossiter Thomas McClure Elmer Wilson Lylo White Esther White Vera Mudd Kenneth Mann Irma P.ppvo Gladys Vance Malilon Carpenter Irene Thompson Myrtle Beck Oliver Blobaum Frank Grecnhalgh Marie Kniggo iteniy muuui) 37 38 41 43 48 49 51 59 GO Gl G2 G3 G5 G6 GS 70 74 75 78 81 83 85 87 90 Bcv. Hartman's School Anna Luhn Willie Arndt . Walter Hartman Alfred Sommerfcld Daniel Krucger Alfred Frahm Oscar Kocpke Leonhardt Dahms Irene Staehr Willie Kort Benate Ernst Elsie Warukc m Degree o Honor Notes The Decree of Honor will meet next Tuesday afternoon in tho 1 O. O. F. ball at 2 o'clock. The members are re quested to be present as tho committee for the good of the order will give a program. The Red Cloud Mill Leased and opernted by W. II. Rob erts, who re-opened the mill two year? ago, is making tho Hour as good, If not better, than In the past. Try a sack of Red Cloud Best Flour and boost your homo mill. Every sack is guaranteed and is sold by all the merchants all the time. He is also prepared to grind corn, barley and all kinds of feed Patronize your home mill The Margin o? Safety is repioontod by tho anuiunt of insnnuioe you ynrry Don't In'il jour-wlf into u fancied seciultj BociiiibP flic- bus never touched you It doesn't follow thai you're Immune Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and you better find timo come to thojoiliee and we'll write a pollcv on your houso, furniture, htorar merchandise. -LATER MAY BR TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL Reliable Insurance Woticc. To Creditors In tho county I'ourt ol Webster County. Nebraska In the mutter of tho citato o! Niels Jen sen, Iieceascd. Creditors ol urtid istnto will take notice, thai tho time limited for prost-mallou nnd lilinu "I claims oalnst sahl estate It Septoin turiotb l'J'Ji.andfiir tho pnymunt of debts In November I ttb 11)21, that I will filt at tho coun ty court room In said county on the 10th cloy of Jam', r.'-1 to inmlnc.hcuraudtillovall claims duh Hied which aro a llrst orBceond lien upon said mtiitc. and on tho 12th day-" September U-l, to examine hear, allow adjust all claims and objections of tjent creditors duly Hied. Hated this llth day of May. 11)21. (seal) A. D. HANNKY County JudKC. Congregational Church Notes Rev. Mary II. Mitchell, Pastor Preaching services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m, Prayer and BJble Study Friday et-v log at 8 o'clock. All' are wefcomfti''-j jfif I i . t lM7.otMiJXjoea. "jT' s vi It rUu i ! I "in f tjWESCi"rKt;s: "V mr twm.. , e. & a it