The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 19, 1921, Image 1
wnmwm9 1 igprs w,, U ,,0,,,,,oy'"o..i,iJ 1 9 55j- i -- t t gSriPFSr -? F"W?'-Pf B?5 -ft'V9"UIHS'BEc 7m1 H ''j isiP- tJ 1.jfrX 2 t J rg jiV A tJ w jK Jt ""t?VV it. JflfliH LLLLLLffflLrWjt C-niHtk'BBhdEB'fife-''van'VLHn " "T " j ; J,.,.". t illiiSP 1 i V . r-F5ft5r5irf??5a-f in iKI f'fi't.lMPn - t irrr r, -vSv.-s? W.KH??iirjgirw?P7ffi2Pv7-! jitos&acReh. zzr,Z2ZZ&i iTi-T.- -v-J -y --:- 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, MAY 19. 1921 NUMBER 20 UNIVERSALIZE .JUYOUB lbni jy? ins BMi . fH? a ffl'nr88 : a"an tt?- c: "- --S"" KITCHEN Quickly Cleaned anapuiTwaii Ready for other JLiayf CLEAN when put away today, clean when used again to morrow. The beauty of "Uni versal" Seamless Aluminum Ware isn't all in its looks. It also is in its service. It will work for you day after day and always in a Silting way. It will save you lime in cooking better meals. It will save you time in cleaning. "Univeisnl" literals are seam less. Rims are tightly rolled to give them stiffness. Sides and corners are rounded for quick, easy cleaning. Cool handles doubly braced. Tight-fitting lids on pots and kettles. AH the newest features for lasting sat isfaction in "Universal" Alum inum Varl We have everything jor you. You uccilcveiythwg :rc have 'fer tile SWHITE LINE on Knobs and Handles foe Mark of Genuine Universal Aluminum r" 1 tliM 1 ii 1 1 ! 1 1 11 1 m nwi 1 11 inMMfiiMnnn p i iN x lia avath vxwl m m ) JflMl-MfT'E SEAAttES5 V.WHITE LI ALUMINUM MltL TRINE'S Hardware Legion Prepares Memorial And Decoration Day Program As Mcmonnl Sunday Hud Decoifttlon Day are drawing near .Messrs Foe, Heck hikI Johnson huvc been selected as a committee from the AtnPilenn Li'kIoii l'ot to woilc In conjunction with our Krand old cltimi, comrade S. It. Kincrof the Ci A 11. who tins had active charge of netting up the program for thee to dnys for the pa-st tweuty some odd years .The pro gram will be published in Hi" local papers next week. The Legion tutm bars will turn out in unifoim for Decortilion Day mid will also attend the memorial services on Sunday but not in unifoim. All the rest of the ex-service men lire invited to attend the services of this organization. Red Cloud Will Celebrate The Fourth of July At ii meeting of the Fire Department Tuesday evening the members decided to celebrate the Fouith of July heie thisyoar. Diffeient committeoh wete appointed and have commenced mak ing plans to make this one grand event Hint will not be fut gotten for ninny yeuio to join". Witn the co opeiatiou of the business nun uo doubt a very goo 1 program can be anauged tor this day. Let every body get Ini-y and boos to make it a micccs-. " yair mssm EC .raimrauiM mum a iiuun iwonmMM ON THE, FARM Spring work on the farm will be requiring the time of every farmer. The work has to be finished at a given time. Little at tention is give to other matters. Still, the matter of nourishment must be thought of Let us supply your wants jn groceries canned goods, relishes, cookies, Etc. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee We'll pay market price for your produce P. A. Wuilbrandt I Groceries and Queensware MMMMffllfflllfflM Bring In Your Harness Wilh the beginning of spring work on the farm conies additional demands on your equipment. Inspect your harness, and for the best of repair work give me a trial. Fofel Bid. Cloud J i Oi BUTLER Ncbrw The Explorer Pleases People "The KxploH-r," a lour act duuna, amis presented by local Mi-ent last Alonnay evouing for the beuetit of the Red Cloud l'ot of the Ameiican Legion to a large and appreciative audience Chailes Piehler and Miss Grace Ketigle as Alexander .Mackenzie and Lucy AlWton played the leading roles splendidly. Mr. and Mrs Paul Polnicky appeared a" Kicimrd Looms and Mis. Crowley in a courtship that was very amusing, while Everett Stroup cat ried out the part of (Jeorge Allerton, a jouug man with no moral courage, so well that pait of the audi ence felt sorry for him .Mrs. Everett Stroup nppeared as the aristocratic Lndv Kelsey in a manner that was very pleasing. The interpretation of the parts of Dr. Adamsou by Llton i'ope and Dr. James Cat berry by Lloyd Harker was good. Lloyd Hinesi who directed the play, represented Sir Robeit Houlger, Bt , in a typical English fashion. The entire company is to be congratulated as the play is a difficult one to present Miss Helen Windolph, who did fairy, ballet ami Spanish flirtation dancing after the flistaot, greatly delighted those present. She is a woudeiful lit tle dancer and was loudly applauded. The orchestra composed of Messrs. Itetz, Mercer. Reed and Windolph, played between acts The selections were appropiiate and their execution unexcelled. After the perfoimancH was over all those who took pait in the play and the membeis of the oiclicstra were guests of the Ameiican Legion at a dainty lunch eivt'd at the Powell .t I'ope cafe Fire Damages Valley House Wednesday evening uiimit ten thirty a lire broke out in the old Valley House on Kast Fourth Avenue After the alarm tiad been tinned in the llremen responded quickly ami with two hours lighting had the tin out, but it burned the roof oir ttie building and damaged the second story considerable. This building is one of the old laud marks of the city and in the euily dajs was a popular lintel It, Is owned by John Erlckson and we did not l-arn whetti er any insurance was carried. Two tenants occupied the building and part of their household belongings were saved. The derailment bought two new nozzles somHtlme ago and Chief Havel spoke hiuhly this morning of the manner in which the H rem en used this equipment to gain control of the rlnmes Sam Temple Passes Away WomI was received in this city Tues day to t ne "f feet that one of our former citiens, nm Temple, of Katishs City, .Mo., Iind pissed uuay on Monday aftprnimn after having suffeied from a piualyttc stioke which he ieedved a few dajs ago. Mr Temple IihcI been spending several months at diffeient health itsoits in hopes of improving his health and recently returned home While a icsldent of this city several yeais ago he was engaged in buying and shipping live stuck and made many friends hire who tegiet to heHr of his demise. Seveial yeais ago he moved n Kansas City, Mo., wheie has since been an employee of the ltagland Live Stock Commission Co., and was one of their most faithful men A wife, one son and n daughter, along with a large circle of friends are left to mouin his death Program For Baccalaureate and Commencement Exercises FolloAiug is the program for the llaeeulauieato sei vices to be held nt the Mcthodis chinch on Sunday even ing, ule tor the Commencement Ber- to be held at the Audi'' ntiin next Thursday evening. The ( lass Play will b givptrtiext Wednediy evening at the Auditorium. HACCALAUJtUATi: -Muiuh :.l .Mih N It. Hush Song Invocation Hev lladdook Anthem Choir Solo Mis H. E. IMielman Seinion Hov. I W. IM-on Song Uenedictlon Kev. II. W. Cipe COMMENCEMENT Matih Vocal Solo Mis. Hughes Salutatory Mlldtcd Pope History llernlce Sherer Vocal Solo Mis.S U Fliirancc Class Pi ophecy Uuth Oveiing Valldictory Dale Dickson Music Address Dr. Donald MacKay Presentation of Class ...Sup. Iloltzen Presnitntion of Diplomas M usic Male Juai let Tickets for the Class Play and Com uieucemuut Exercises will be placed on sale Monday at 9a. in., at the Auditorium. See Our Charming Presents ror Brides And Sweet Girl Graduates 0H AF NO TIME IN HER LIFE CAN YOU BETTER SHOW YOUR DE VOTION TO YOUR FRIEND, BY SENDING HER A REMEMBRANCE THAN WHEN SHE GRADUATES UNLESS IT IS WHEN SHE WEDS. FOR BOTH OF THESE OCCAS IONS WE HAVE BEAUHFUL, AP PROPRIATE GIFTS. COMETOSEE OUR WARES AND IT WON'T TAKE YOU LONG TO DECIDE WHAT TO GIVE. WHEN ASKED, WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR SELECTION. W fih 's? We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right I G B. ti. Newhouse Ka ctoud Jeweler and Optometrist nm i'i!j,:r,iriiniL,iin:,iiiiiii1!K1;'l:Ti;!,iir'" r ' t m. "mximm mmmmmn7Xumtmmmmmmnn Degree of Honor Notes TheJDegree of Honor met Tuesday afternoon and initiated twocandidate A laige number of niembt-rs were pres ent to hear the repoit given by Mis. Llngstoni who attended the district meetiugat Edgar. The distilot con ventioi. will be held in llu Cloud next year. After lodge closed the fourth division served a tluee course lunch The High Cofl of Living Did Come Down COMPARE THESE PRICES Grace Church Services Trinity Sunday, Nay 22nd Sunday School at 10 a ui Morning Sei vice and sermon by Kev. .1 M. lUtes at 11 a. in. No evening service. One Year Ago Today 100 Pound Sack of Sugar $32.00 One Sack o! Best Flour 4.25 One Bushel Potatoes 0.00 One Pound Gypsy Boy Coffee SO One Con Pink Salmon 30 Ono Can Best Pork and Beans 20 Four Pounds Navy Beans 60 Four Pounds Acad Rice 70 Six Cans Good Peaches 3.00 Six Cans Good Apricots 3.00 Six Bars Soap BO One Tall Can Milk 18 One Can Standard Corn 20 One Can Standard Peas 20 ONE YEAR AGO TODAY THE ABOVE GOODS WOULD COST YOU $61.03 TODAY $9.00 ::.: 2.00 .... 1.10 35 15 15 25 .25 1.45 145 .35 ... 13 .13 .... 13 Today $16.89 The Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. A GOOD Pr.M'K TO TltADK Red Cloud, Neb. Mrs. Ira Chandler and baby n f .rawMnnmmiiitfflM Yuma, Colorado, arrived in the city Wednesday morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Starr. Kranklin K. Helfinstlno and Alice K. White, both of Smith Center weie granted a marriage license by Judge Ranney Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Mcintc auto cd over from Bladen Monday after noon to visit her father, Al Hoffman and other relatives. Miss Hazel Moore returned to her homo at McCook Monday evening af ter visiting with her grandparents, Mr. antf Mrs. A. Clark. Ovreno Commandrv No. 14. K. T., will hold a special communication in the Masonic hall on Friday, May 27, commencing at two o'clock. The la dies of the Eastern Star will serve a banquet at six o'clock. yWJW.W'. Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB l T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 76M ,,VWWVNjVtfWWWWVVWV CONE TO RED CLOUD JULY 4th I VW