,f t 4 111 V a T '11 V' fflfff ., - j , fn " s '(' ' Women's LIHIMMilWMIIIWWWIWIWII www i " hwiiwww iwnwiww II I III MIM III II "' MaMWIIWWW -i. Stat Farm Bur?attvNotc8 One million members this year, is the goal of the U. S. Grain Growers Inc., tho new grain marketing com pany, according to G. H. Gustafson, president of the company, who re cently visited his homo in Lincoln. The membership campaign will prob ably bo started in Nebraska within tho next thirty days. 1 ; - - -- -J - . - i . -Nifty New Bungalow Atyrens- Pctcalc from 95c lo $3.00 Ginghams from $2.00 to $4.00 Style: and prices too numerous lo state in this small space If you will come in we will be only too g'ad to show them Tho Webster county Shorthorn breeders association was recently or ganized. C. 13. Steward was elected president, C. W. Johnston, vice presi dent and Frrd Householder, secretary treasurer. Mr. Householder and the county agricultural ngunl, Henry It. Fuusch, were named to meel with like committees from other breed or ganizations, and with the fair association-'. lo you -AND- Evcry ft'cw Spring ant! Summer Wearable Hosiery -- Underwent -- Corsets Gloves House Aprons -- Shirt Waists -- Blouses Skirts -- Petticoats A Complete Line at New 1921 Prices On January 1, 1911, it cost 17.4 cents to ship 100 pounds of livestock from North Platte, Nebraska to Omaha. Today it costs 20.5 cent?. And it cost GS.G conts to ship 100 pounds of meat in 1011 from Omaha to New York City. Today it costs 132.5 cents. These figures have just boon made public following an investi gation made by the transportation department of tho American Farm Bureau Federation at the request of Secretary of Agriculture, Henry C. Wallace. 11 . 1. L .' lowing cwriUea: Ttyyer, OtotUGijfol Scotts filiiff, Lincoln, Custerolin son, Fillmore, Cuming, Douglas, "Polk, Madison, Morrill and Holt. Four hundred business men of Lin-, coin, members of the Chamber of Commerce, listened attentively to tho fundamental principles of the U. S. Grain Growers Inc., as told by Clif ford Thome, general counsel, at their noon-day luncheon last Saturday. Mr. Thome told the Lincoln businessmen that all the farmer is asking for is a chance to do business in a sane, constructive manner jVl n3 thoy are doing. In the afternoon Mr. Thome addressed an interesting mooting of fnrmoi's in tho Lin1ell Hotel. COAL Step.-. !me been taken in Hamilton county to pool the 1921 clip of wool. All of last year's pool has been sold with the oxcoption of the th and Tiths blood. The prices secured were as follows: Fine and medium clothing, 27 ' cents; ',4 blood clothing, 27 cents; tags 5 cents; dead wool, 15 ccnt; fine seedy, 17 to 18 certs; medium black lO1 cents to 17',i cents; h blood staple, 20 cents. Wc are in the coal business and will try to have a supply of good coal orf hand at all times, and will have a price on it that will save you money, Wo have a car of Sunnyside Maitland now, and will have a car of N1GCERHEAD in a few days. You will find that these arc extra good coata. We are selling this coul on a close margin and will lnvc lo sell for cash. Plrnse do not ask us for credit. The Farmers ei& Elevator G. A. KAILEY, Mgr. n fowiiws. afJTWPMSJLnwuwrKsTiJttxjj!fc? f xwarrraaamnxm According to .f. N. Norton, chair man of the legislative committee of the state federation, aU but two of tho measures which the- federation had officially endorsed were enacted into laws by the 1921 legislature. In making the above announcement, the farm bureau gives equal credit to the other farm organizations which aided in pushing farm legislation dur ing the recent .emon. This Is par ticularly true of the Farmers' Union, as their legislative program was very similar to that of tho farm bureau. After carefully considering iho na tional grain marketing plan, as em bodied in the articles of incorpora tion and bylaw of tho U. S. Ovain Growers Inc., tho members of tho board of directors of tho Farmers' Union of Nebraska, have voiced their approval of the plan r.nd have urged all Union members to Five It their support. Tho Farmers' Unon In Ne braska had 40,099 members and nnny of its state officer? are assist ing in promoting this news grain mar keting plan. arbara fPhares . The Women's Store Red Cloud - - - - Nebraska WANTED A lady aged 30 lo 40 vnnra In 1rrrn linuen -for n nirm with j three children. Good wages to tho right party. Write I3ox S07 Ilcd Cloud. E"rglar a Ctnefaelor Tin !.:!! Iniitern llnhpd through the tlsit. Then cntno the r?a'n of n revolver. "Hands up !" Mud the head of thu family ; "you're a btirglnr." "Y-yes," capped tho Intruder. "What have you stolen V" "Your wife's pug dog." "It-mt Kr-If Hint's all you mny sneak out quietly." "And yntir inother-ln-lnw's parrot." "IliutllyV Well, hero Is snmo loose elinngt1." "And your OnugMer'a gramophone." "Good I Here's smno more lnoso change." "Also your snnV violin." "Yhnl 1 Great S eott. man, I'll opt-n a special bottle. There oertnlnly will be some pwup in th' tint from now onward." A membership campaign was launch cd in Sheridan county on May 9th and will continue indefinitely. Sheri dan county Avill be the forty-first or gnni?cd county in the state to carry on a campaign. E. L. Dennett wa3 recently named county captain and tho campaign proper will be in charge of A. J. Dewald of Thayer county.' Clean-up campaigns Were conducted the past week in the fol- Correct Way to Recelvo Burglar. The old plan of offering a burglar a cigarette and nsklug him to take a chair whllo you telephono to tho po 1 lice Is not now so successful as In tho past. The best plan Is to tncklo tho fellow right nwny. For this purposo you should step behind him, tnko hold of his coat and force It over his face. Then tie his left arm to his right leg across the bnck. Properly carried out, this method rarely falls. London Punch. Notice of Administration Quit 8itab!. Tho lady una buying a gun for her Httlo boy as a pri-si'in. "I want a ron'lv rlc( one, please." .Mio Mild to the -'. ,'i ueper. "Yon nmihuti." ho answered; "how will this one do?" "What 1o ynu put In It?" asked the Oligomer. "Jut nidlnnry rnp. or I hnvo an other one hero thnr shoot" lti;:." Tho lady lor !;ed delighted. "Oh, I'll tnUf that one." she exclaim ed. "That will '" i;mP" "ultiiMe. Wo hnvo a liuv .'i.n!i! ind,tlwTo are lots vf ''igs in 1 1." ;:.', viiiugh Sd .-'.' n John GriiTcth vis driving a new Cfiwlnlinlmi. mv fliir1i lm mivplinsPfl from Ogelvic Bros. In the I'luinty Court of Webster I'otmty Ni'brnsl.n la tho innttorol tlir citnte of Niels Jtii"cn ilueenvul. To All l'ppwns Intorcstcd In Salil Kstnte Notlro Is lioreby kIvcii that ltny Mayo gunrdlnnof UnhmuxJcnsuii lias thUdny Hied n petition la the county court, prnylnu Hint adinlaimrntloa of ald estate may be Krnntid toUcorxolt. McL'rnry ns ndiuliilstrator, and thatfinld iietltlon will bo heard before tho court on the inth day of May UJi, at tho hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., at the county court room la the city of Hrd cloud, in said county, when all persons Interested In ald matter may ap pear and rIiow cauo why the prayer of pet! turner should not 1. granted; and that notice oi the minx or mid petition, and the hearing thereof, bt gl en by publishing a copy of this order in the Itcd Cloud Chkf, a legal wi'okly newspaper printed and of Kcnoralelrculatlon In said county, for throo connccutlvo weeki prior to nald day of hearing. Hated tluVJrtth day ot April lifflt. A true copy. (Seal A. V. Itanncy, County .Indue. Msrry Englsnd. In the old deslgnutlon, Merry Eng land, tho word merry does not mean thnt the people of tho kingdom were specially noted for their merry-makings, hut thnt tho country was pleas nnt, agreeable, a beautiful land of plenty. The word merry is used In this sense when we say "tho merry month of Mny," meaning that Mny Is a pleasant month. In this senso the poet Edmund opencor spoke of "Merry London," nnd the earlier poet, Chuucer, wrote a city "thnt stood full merry upon a haven side," thnt is, It was n fine, plensant city, built be side a haven, or harbor. -ABLUE SERGE SUIT 'tMiilMwi IS ALWAYS GOOD. REAL HAND TAILORED AT $40 $42,60 $43 $47 THE HUGHES WAY FOR CLOTHES TROUBLES e Frank SL Hu&hes Co, CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIE'S TAIL9KS JTCEN'S TAILORS BOTH PHONE3 W, Call and Deliver fcaCKauimtiBnjM iMUKyMxanwirt --'! rjMMsowaaiesssffl rTV-rri 1 Spring1 ! Here 8 l mmfo. HtfSfcniSS., . A " ' - i - ,. - ... u. i 7 srtr. oui. -OfiHCt jamcdjtffc iSSfefeTl i&e&&Prrfl . . UfTilfn i ' TV TOW fnmo llin PI if a XN horses nnd mulo3 to shed. . i . il -T fflJS- ,-MIMilli r- ' '., ..cawwi Cnlvos Colts Lambs Timo for work Timo to tone them up anu urive out the worms. Dr. Hess Stock Tonic A Spring Conditioner and Worm Expcllar JVod It to your rows for Its syMera-toning. bowrl-cli-nnjlnC. aptirtWiiBcf. fects nnlj to condition thorn tor calving, it mouas more milk, teud It tu brood lots b aSd ihSatH t "hive out the onr s. It rriirywi brood so 8 of. nniiUmtian. t Exciliiitforc.sBtIambinCtlrao. itPoiitainBTonirsforUiodiiJMtlon. Law Uvea f or thu toowrls. Diuretics for the kidneys. Vrrmifucoa for tbe wooai. Why pay the Peddler Twice My Price? Vc have the Dr. Hess Agency. Call on us. Chas. L. Cotii3 : The Druggist 1 M. ... a - tit.. L..j nf nrrt ti ft tti tt till us ou mucn ucck you neve, ivs nui-c u mvhuii v -u... A mm & mmf&t. 1IJH8 1 c-PKtd f ?j Yi I1 1 B g ft J B N nIX n ilW 1 Mfe L MWMBMJiMilMaMBfcWwWWMi4liWraa!gt .jK?aiBriaTwni The Red Cloud Mill Lon&ed and opomted by V. il Uut rts, who reopened the mill two yoais age, Is makhiR the Hour su good, if nut better, limn la the pne,t. Try ti wuuk of Red Cloud Bett Flour and uodst your homo mill, Kvery sack is guartiuteod and Is sold by all the inetchnutfiitll tho time. Ho Is also piopavcd to grind .rn, barjey and all hinds of feed Sutronize your home mill Dr.W.H.Mc Bride ' ! i i nm"lmmmmmmmmmmmimammmmmmmmamm- ade b its inventor $mmmtm tr m n c n. -ekm ii vm w umssz jc mr ma wurTxrr i mi t: tyum iam rin kj m u ms&ww MbBJ'&&'KPm m& mimmmmi i SS'1 HJ "WJ eFJ ifgtfi ey y K i'if "' ' a j lO)??! l " H Qj . &w "$ Phonograph flttf&fc So-M DENTIST OVIJU STATE UAN1C A .V. Mr ,. ' THOMAS A. EDISON invented the New Kdisoii. And in the shadow of beautiful Llewelyn Park, Orange, N. J., lie built and equipped thu finest, most modern phonograph laboratories in the world. There he makes the New Edison and Riiards its quality with zealous attention. Think a moment ! What other pho nograph or talking machine is madt, protected and sansortd by its inventor by an Edison? Mr. Edison spent three millions of dollars in research work to perfect the New Edison. Then, to prove its perfect realism, he stood the New Edison side by side with the Hvinrj artist and matched its voice with the actual performance of the livin; artitt. Mo one was ble to detect any differ ence between the two. The New Edison has stood this amazing test over five thousand times before more than five million people. Again we ask you to think .1 moment. What other phonograph or talking machine can r.ustain this test of direct comparison with living artists? A' GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT If you love music your credit is good hero. A gentleman's agreement is all we ask. Use our Rudnct Plan in buying your New Edison. jjja t(5 7? t3 i V3 0 fflo W( &w v? Licensed XUXC 1 . . V'OmeMW iTtiM-IWII -WLiddk&.mr-jit.. L idbr J) 'i i iggHHH'.!!! HaVnCT BCTI gTBTMSBSIl ewni Edison Deales1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i 1 1 1 .1 u COUPON Bring or send this coupon. Mark the items you want. No charge or obligation. Name . AiiJresn. , , , , Vhoc favorite ttiaea would you like to know? Q What Ivdifon lU.es la Music. Q Booth etchiiiff of lidison, 12x19, for framtajj. Edliori and Music the Story of the New Edisoa. Q What Did Edison Do During the War t (uuueun; " nv , . '" - -. J' Mf- 1 ,".vNu.7.-i,.. .,,.v., - )r ! im&jGieanvii?