The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 12, 1921, Image 7

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    m wm-f,mM:n pwy fc L fe
I 3
Mint leaf, peppermint or lus
cious Juicy fruit, either
flavor is a treat for your
sweet tooth.
And ail are equally good for
you. Teeth, appetite and
digestion ail benefit.
Your nerves will say "thank
your vim will respond.
Relic of Great British Monarch
Found at Rouen.
If You Hoed a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
I y0U '"
I WRIGLEVS is liked for what II
I It does as well as for its BIG
K value at the small cost of 5c. 1
1 The Flavor Lasts I
Society Beggar Knew How to Get on
the Soft Side of Mrs.
Gobsa Golde.
"Charity, begins nt home," snld Dr.
Wilbur I. Crufts of the lntcrniitlonal
Itefortu bureiui of Washington, "hut no
truth Is so disregarded as this one.
"Two beggar women met on the
street one day.
" 'Fine coat you've got there. Where
did you land It?' said the llrst beggar
'"Old Mrs. (lobsu Golde gave It to
me,' said the second beggar woman.
"'Is that so? I've begged at Airs.
Gobsa Guide's hundreds of times, and
Sim never gave me n cent. How did
you worl; her?'
'"Well, you see,' said the first beg
gar woman, stroking her new coat com
placently, 'I didn't tell her I was beg
ging for myself. I pretended 1 was
begging for the heathen.' "
A Sunflower State Social Note.
A Hiawatha bride of a few months
Is back home. She brought homo n
Mack eye, a present from her hus
band. She will suo for divorce.
Hlnwatha World.
Don't care is as good n medicine for
some physical ailments as anything
Friends Tell Good Story on Lawyer
Who Has Risen to High
Position in State.
Col. W. II. Holmes, stnte superin
tendent of game for the department of
conservation, was admitted to the bar
on reaching his majority. Ills first
case was to prove that a certain mule
belonged to a certain negro. Ho won
tlie case.
Subsequently in another mule case
lie proved the animal belonged to an
other negro. Then he was elected dis
trict attorney, and the llrst case he
had to prosecute was one concerning a
mule. The mule had been stolen and
was over the line In Mississippi. He
was going to abandon the case, when
one of his former clients approached
him and said:
"C'unnel, ef I was you all, I'd go
after dat mule. Dat's tie mule been
Mippohtln' you ovar since you was u
And In nil three cases it was tlio
same mule. New Orleans Times-I'lca
All the cork used In the world In
a year weighs little more than 1,-00
Well men forget sick men's promises.
B a g A A ' I
It's So Easy to
Make the Change
There's no bother and no '
sacrifice in turning away
from the ills which some
times come from, tea and cof
fee, when you decide on
Postum Cereal
Ilien you have a rich , full-bodied
table beverage which fully satisfies
the taste and there's no ingred
ient to harm nerves or digestion.
TRousands'have changed to Postum
as the better meal-time drink
and they don't turn back.
Suppose you try the change for
ten days and note the result.
"There's a Reason for Postam
'Made by Postum Cereal Co.,Inc, Battle Creek,Mich.
I tt v-
Intact, Though Shrunk In Dimensions,
When Discovered In Vault of Fa
mous French Cathedral.
The reported discovery of a cofiln
containing the heurt of Hubert Bruce
at Melrose abbey reminds the Man
chester Guardian that the "lion heart"
of King ltlciiard 1 was not discovered
lu Houen cathedral uutil Queen Vic
toria's reign.
In 1S,".8 some antiquaries obtained
permission from the nrehblshop of
Itoueii to search for Hlcliard's heart,
which tradition stuted was near the
high nltar. Their excavations revealed
a roi'innlintit Ileum of Hlclllinl. it! good
preservation, with the exception of
the nose, hands nnd feet, which appa
rently had been broken so as to Hut
ten the elligy when the present pave
ment was laid over It.
Their next Hud was a leaden case
Inscribed "Ulchiird Coeur de Lion, Due
de Normandle, Hoi d'Angleterre."
A hole had been made In the lid
probably by robbers, for It is said that
the leaden case was originally Inclosed
In a sliver casket and that some coins
were placed therein.
The heart, which was enveloped In
green talTeta, proved to be Intact,
though shrunk in Its dimensions. Af
ter sojourning for a time lu the arch
bishop's palace the heart was trans
ferred to the Houen Museum of An
tiquities, where It lias been kept ever
Hlclinrd's other remains are many
miles from Houen at Kontovrnult ab
bey, where they lay, as he directed,
at his father's feet. Napoleon 111 once
promised to hand over to Itritalu the
I'lantageiiet relics, hut they have not
readied Knglnnd.
In ISCiH, when Lord Derby became
premier for the third time, ho re
minded the emperor of his pledge, but
to no effect.
"If you Insist on the fuliillment of
my promise," said Napoleon, "the rel
ics shall be transferred to Knglnnd,
but I hope you will release me. The
people of Fontevrault raised such a
storm of protest when I announced my
Intention of removing them that 1
thought bettor of It."
Fontevrault abbey now serves ns n
convict prison, but visitors are ad
mitted to the vaults, which contain re
cumbent eillgles dressed In their rny
ul robes of Henry II and Queen Flea
nor, their son Richard, and Isabel,
widow of Klne John. These were hid
den away by some monks during the
Reign of Terror, when the IMantagenet
tombs were desecrated.
The royal eillgles arc ndmlrablc ex
amples of medieval workmanship.
No Dogs, Births or Deaths.
No births, no deal lis, no dogs.
A tract of land subject to these sin
gular prohibitions Is the sacred Is
land of MlynJIma, sltunted most gor
geously in the Inland sea of Japan.
With the trilling exceptions of en
tering the world, leaving It, or start
ing a "kennel," you may do practical
ly what you choose there.
Stringent religious regulations, dat
ing far back Into history, forbid thesu
small adventures.
Occasionally a baby, anxious to be
gin existence, hurries Into the world
before Its time.
Nowadays humanltnrianlsm J?
stronger than Shinto lnw, and no
more terrible penalty Is exneted from
the unlucky mother thnn that she
shall he moved to the mainland as
soon as possible, and remain there
for 150 days.
As for death, onco the poor sufferer
at this last gasp was ferried across to
some other shore lest ills fluid breath
should pollute sacred solh
Now, If needs must, lie Ts allowed to
die in peace, but his hodyls Instantly
removed to Ono for burial, and the
chief mourners who attend the funeral
are obliged to nbscnjjthemselves from
Mlyajlma for fit) days' of ceremonial
purification. From Continental Edi
tion of the London Mall.
i.a.A-- a o o -ft tf-
Ilare you ever slopped to rcison why
it is that so ninny products that are ex
tcnuivcly advertised, nil at once drop out
of sight and are noon forgotten? The
renpon is plain the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost dells itself, an like
an endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by those who have been
benefited, to those who arc in need of it.
A prominent druggist says "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, a
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn statements snd
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root is. due to the fact,
so many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer &, Co., llinghamton, N. Y.,
and enclose ten cents; nlfo mention this
piper. Large and medium sire bottles
for sale at all drug stores. Adv.
Now An Electric Doll?
Whoever heard of an electric doll?
The Idea has been patented by David
Xnldcn, of Fast Orange, N. J., and,
with the help of an armature In the
head of the doll and a little battery
to energize It, he gives to the mani
kin lifelike movements of tho arms.
The nrms are connected by a spiral
spring; which passes through a tube
that is hung on a rod carried by the
armature of uu electric magnet. When
the electric magnet Is energized the
arms are agitated with movements
simulating life, the effect being In
creased by the resiliency of the spring.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Catnrrh Is a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions.
Tonic nnd Dlood I'urlflor. l)y cleansing
tho blond nnd bulldltn: up the Systom,
normal conditions and allows Nuturo to
do Its work.
All OrugRlsts. ClrculnrH frco.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Warning I Unless you see the name
"Bayer" ou pnekugo or on tablets you
aro not getting genuine Aspirin pro
scribed by physicians for twenty-ono
years and proved sufo by millions.
Take Aspirin only ns told In the Unyer
package for Colds, Headache, Neural
gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache,
Lumhngo and for 1'uln. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Unyer Tablets of As
pirin cost few cents. Druggists also
Bell larger packnges. Aspirin Is tho
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacctlcacldestcr f Sulleycucld.
Tho Responsible Party.
Jlmmle's report card was full of
distinctly poor grades and the mother
was scolding him about them. She
even threatened to deprive him of
picture shows If thej were not made
better. "Why, Just look nt Teddy S "
bho said. "Almost every ono of his
grades was excellent."
Jlmmle's downcast face became
even more so. "Well, It's your fault
my grades aren't us good us his," he
"My fault," ejaculated his mother.
"What nonsense l How did you get
"Well, his father Is a widower and
the teacher Is looking for u husband."
camu back bis perfectly lucid answer.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
' " I I I -
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body
full of youth and health may be
yours if you will keep your system
in order by regularly taking
W 't- 'MIM
aua "V
Tho world's standard remedy for kldnsr,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, th
enemies of life and looks. In use sine
1696. All druggists, three sizes.
Look for Uio name Gold Mdl on mtmrr boat
and accept no Imitation
GSC53" br-iKaia-MWSaartl
When iliocn pinch or corn nml hunlons
ache, get a ji.ickOKO of ALIiCN'U TOOT
ISAUtS, thn antlaciutc pawilvr to be Nlmlien
Into thn nhoea It luliri tlin stint; nut of
corns and bunions, Klvea Inntant relief to
Smarting, Aching, Swollen feet. 1,600,000
pounds of pjiwdcr for the. foet were unod
by our Army and Navy during the war. Adv.
Force of Habit.
"And how did your love letter uffect
the pretty teacher?" "Shu gave me a
general percentage of thirty."
The average man piHs In so much
time preaching that be husinouo left
for practice.
Silence Is sometimes the best emol
llentjtor. one's mistake.
They'll Do That.
Trumpeter Steadinan -l never pay
old debts. I forget them.
Private lloldel Rut how nbotit new
Steadinan Oh, I let them get old.
It Isn't much of n parade that one
can put on In the presence of relatives.
No sense of economy reconciles n
mnn to n squeaking bnlf sole.
Located on our own promises
nnd Ubcd lu tho
Natural Mineral Water Baths
Unsurpassed in tho treatment of
N Heart, Stomnoh, Kidney and
Liver Diseases.
Moderate charges. Address
1 4th and M Sis. Lincoln, Neb.
Let Cuticura Be
Your Beauty Doctor
Sotp 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcua 25c
Why Castoria?
VEARS ago Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups were tho remedies
in common use for Infants and Children; Castor Oil so nauseating as to be
almost impossible and the others all containing Opium in one form or another,
but so disguised as to make them pleasant to the taste, yet really to stupify the
child and give the appearance of relief from pain.
It required years of research to find a purely vegetable combination that
would take the place of these disagreeable, unpleasant and vicious remedies that
from habit had become almost universal. This was the inception of, and the reason
for, the introduction of Fletcher's Castoria, and for over 30 years it has proven its
worth, received tho praise of Physicians "everywhere and become a household word
among mothers.
A remedy ESPECIALLY prepared for Infants and Children and no mother
would think of giving to her baby a remedy that sho would use for herself,
without consulting a physician.
Moor Hens.
Lord Grey of Fallodon In his leisure
time has been watching the ways of
moor hens living In his garden, nnd
tells nn Interesting story of their
scheme of coping with their growing
families. The second brood of a tea
son follows quickly on the first, and
the elder children are given duties
nnd responsibilities. They help to
feed the young ones, pnsslng on food
given them by the parents. vThey help
In building nursery nests, nnd when
the parents are rearing the third
brood they are often left In solo
charge of the second.
Something Lacking.
"Yer see, mum," said Grimy Gus,
"It's like tils. Six months ago I had
a little home of me own, but I made
an unfortunate marriage. My wife
kept me In hot water nil de time."
"Too bad," suld tho woman dryly.
"It's a pity there couldn't have been
a little soap In It. Only six months
ago, did yiHi say?" Boston Trnn
An lmovement.
"My wife has been studying geology
and the house is so full of stones that
I can't find a place to sit down."
"What will you do about It?"
"I've Induced her to take up astron
omy." "Is that any better?"
"Of course; she can't collect aped
Ml" Pearson's Weekly.
fn Children Cry Foe
Ve.t Contents irPluid Drachm;
AVC3C wobuch- --, :-
I similtuinsuiciuuu "--,:
I HnthcStomachsandnoww
neither Oplam.Morphlnciior ,
Serai. KotTotic
m l
Kkhmttnfiinf J
. . . . n J-,fi
LOSS or 3";,.-,
liwSIroile Sianarwj-
. t
Have You Tried It?
Everybody has read the above headline; how many believe It?
Have you a little-one in the home, and has that dear little mito
when its stomach was not just right felt the comforts that come with
the use of Fletcher's Castoria? You have heard the cry of palm.
Have you heard them cry for Fletcher's Castoria? Try it.
Just help baby out of its trouble tomorrow with a taste of Cas
toria. Watch the difference in the tone of the cry, the look in the
eye, the wiggle in the tiny fingers. The transformation is complete
from pain to pleasure. Try it.
You'll find a wonderful lot of information about Baby in tht
booklet that is wrapped around every bottle of Fletcher's Castoria.
Bears tho Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.