The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 12, 1921, Image 4
BED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHEBT MawraMiiwra THE RED CLOUD? CHIEF Hod Cloud, Nebraska 'LULIbUk'D bVFKV THURSDAY a lie J D 1 J Pictures Theater, 1. r Jtsst For Comparison 1913 - - 1920 - - 1921 has been figund cut, that in building a certain house, the LUMBER cost $1,600.00 in 1913 $3,300.00 in 1920 $2,000.00 in 1921 Freight has advanced $280.00 on this material, since ipj, which makes the lumber cost at the present time a trijle over $100.00 more than it did in prj, exclusive of the freight raise. Piatt & Frees mawmmmwmmm .ntercd In tlic lohtolUce nt He d C loud, Nob as Second Olnns Mnttcr A. D. McAKTHUl,'I3dHor ud Ownor H!i;;n; ufot t o e. IfiH l&ttS7) . i.r '.'' Kr- itsv :i" r! BATTERIES pc.- v -tJ.uuay euiu j-vvGijr-uay VrJ'" I-" IN';; J--... .L v'fV!l. w'.iS:'jlrJ'-'.;j. - 'fl . J-' iVnn TTea on T?.virl V . -w w - - .rrj".w m. .. ; r , u'- '"A-r. ''i'T;.' When you telephone, the current from an '. Exide Battery sends your voice over the wire. ' There are numerous other ways in which Exide Batteries arc serving you daily. , . The Exide Battery for your car contains every -; lesson learned in making storage batteries for every purpose during the past thirty-three years. That's why it will prove a real economy to you in long-lasting power and care-free service. The Red Cloud Battery Service Station CARL S. McARTHUR, Manager. Advertising Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, 10 & 2i Pi VAWA', WW IF ITS FENCE POSTS We Have 'Em Maone- Qellatly Co. "Talk with us about fence posts" wvtVVwjwv.v.vwwawawv E. S. Gaurber Wall Paper, Paints. Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures "Quality" Job Printing Dp. t E. GflWP GHIR0PHAGT0H PHONES Ind. 1 93-X Dell 48 Office Tumurc Dldg, formerly Occupied by The Margin of Safety Is represeutod by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself Into a fancied security. Because fire has never touchod you it doosn't follow that you'roimmuno Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and you better Und time come to the oflloe and we'll write n policy on your house, furnituro, store or merchandise -LATEH MAY UK TOO LATE- C. TEEL R-eliacble Insurance WINTEIl WHEAT llEl'OUTED IN EXCELLENT CONDITION The Nebraska May 1, crop report shows a winter wheat condition of 02 per cent, and an ncroago abond ment of 2 per cent, a ryo condition of 93 per cent, very largo stocks of hay, slight decrease in acreage of all hay and live stock losses below the ten year average except in sheep arc the salient features of the May crop report of tho Nebraska Depart ment of Agriculture and Bureau of Crop Estimates. About 2 per cent of tho acreage of winter wheat was abandoned. Tho greatest loss is In west central Ne braska where drouth conditions pre vailed last autumn, winter and this spring. This leaves 3,235,000 acres of winter wheat for harvest as com pared with 3,335,000 acres harvested last year. Tho condition of tho re maining acreage is 92 per cent as compared to 93 per cent last month, and indicates a crop of 56,548,000 bushelB ns compared to 58,029,000 bushels last year. Except in west central Nebraska tho stand of winter wheat is very heavy and the crop is farther advanced than usual for this date. Soil conditions were very favorable last autumn and the crop waa planted earlier than usual. Low temperatures this spring injured some of the leaves and killed a few of the stalks or branches, but most of the wheat is still thicker than de sirable. Tho condition of rye is 92 percent as compared to 92 per cent last month. Tho adverse weather condi tions reduced the acreage slightly in west central Nebraska but the pres ent condition is good. Some of the oats were injured by the low tem peratures and a few of tho fields were rc-sccded. Preparation of ground for corn is well advanced, but planting is being delayed on ac count of the cold conditions! of tho soil. J The acreage of wild hay isj report ed at 96 per cent of a year ago. The acreage of tame hay is the Is'ame as a year ago. The condition of all hay is 92 per cent. About 22 per cent of last year's hay crop remains on farms as compared to 15 per cent the previous year. Tho condition of pasture is 91 per cent. The losses of live stock from ex posure were less than last year due to the mild winter and largo supply of feed. The losses of horses and cattle from disease were less than those of the preceding year, but the losses of sheep and swine wore great er. Tho losses in sheep were large? than that of the ten year average. However, the present condition of health is good, and is reported as follows: Horses, 98 per cent; cattto, 98 per cent; sheep, 96 per cent; swine, 96 per cent. Acreage and condition reports for tho United States arc as follows: winter wheat remaining for harvest totals 38,721,000 acres compared to 37.773,000 acres hnrvested last yevir. The condition is 88.8 per cent forecasts a crop of 629,287,000 bush el" compared to 577,763,000 bushels last year. Tho condition of rye Is 92.5 per cent which indicates a crop of 72,007,000 bushels as compared to 69,318,000 bushels last year. Tame hay, 50,879, acres compared to 57, 915,000 acres last year. Wild hay, 14,963,000 acres compared to 15,266, 000 acres last year. The condition of all hay is 91.5 per cent. About 19,440,000 tons of last year's crop of all hay remains on farms B3 com pared with 11,377,000 tons a year ago. Vaudeville U Hil I Ml ieu HI W U1l1lill Mllif WlKilfMIII Pfl IIU'IBWWIIWJIW LI irfjiiii iiioiic aiiin Red Cloud' D 0 m Big Special! VMS&BEEMMzimmmmja3mErs2is: SATURDAY Mitchell Lewis In Jack London's Burning Daylight ALSO A TWO REEL COMEDY Mr.Windolph at The Organ iUI I I M Vc lfDlfr 5Pfp1u PB1 S33H2raSEK3?FMFi3Kaa2; Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST HED CLOUD ledge' NEBRASKA ' 7 ?.'"C0.SVCl!r Albr8l"' Htoro The Mystery of the Cook's Pet Parrot pretty. Red Cloud Nebraska Baptist Church Notes Sormonetto and morning sermon at 11 o'clock. A Bcrmonette to the little pcoplo. Sermon theme: "The Ladder of Suc cess". Our ovenlng subject at 8 o'clock will bo "Tho Dylnff Drummer Hoy" or "He that Diroots 11 night". At 10:45 tho Cotei lis in prayer will mout in the church parlor Conductor Miss Mary Christian. 7:15 p. in., tho Seniorities will as scmblo in the wost room with Deacon Ooble as leader. Topic: "How to En. joyOno's Work", Ecclcsiastes 3:1-13! 5:18-20. Tho Bible school mcots at 10 o'clock. General themo "Working with Oth ers." I. Cor. 12:4-27. The Willing Workers will meet Fri day ut 2:30 p. m., In tho church parlor. Come and bring a friond with you. Clydo'FraJshir 'was oyer from Red Cloud, Saturday7Wansa'c'tlng business and meeting his friends. Lebanon Times. A FUNNY paper recently. SLIPPED ME a good laugh. WITH A "wheozo about. A FAMOUS ventriloquist. AND WHY ho had quit. 1 THE VAUDEVILLE stage. IT SAID ho dlflcovorod. HE COULD mako more jack. SELLING WOODEN parrots. SO WHEN I got home. I PASSED tho Joke. TO OUR cook, who owns. BOTH A speechless parrot. AND A sense of humor. BUT 8fcJE muffed it BECAU8E SHE didn't know. WHAT A ventriloquist wag. SO 1 had to explain It AND ON the way out MM I BLEW Just a whiff. OF CIGARETTE smoko. AT HER amusing old. FOOL OF a parrot. WHICH NEVER talko. AND I said, "Poll. HOW D'YOU like It?" AND TO this day. IT'S GOT mo guessing. WHETHER IT was cook. OR THE blamed bird. WHICH SQUAWKED back. "THEY 8ATISFY." CHESTERFIELDS speak for themselves. They let you know you're omoklng. They "satisfy" and vet, they're mud. An Impossible com bination, you say? Sure everywhere but in Chesterfields. The blend does it and the blend can't be copMt Sltcstefneld ypn m0 CIGARETTES Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Married The marriago of Alfio Eli Hansen and Miss Althca Olllc Campbell was solemnized last Suuday afternoon nt '2 o'olock at tho homo of the bride's parents, in Garfield township, Kcv. N, B. Wagoner ofllciatlng. Tho wedding was a very pretty affair, tho ceremony bolng performed in tho presence of only immedialo relatives, after which refreshments were served. Tho newly wods will bein housekeep ing at,onco on tho groom's farm Uoth parties have lived hero all their lives and have many friends who wish them well. Every sack of nod Cloud Best Flour is guaranteed. Try it. For'saloby all merchants. W. II. noberts, Miller &, Managor. m7n;nrinTnTmmTmnni:!!mrimnmTTTniTimmitiriffiiiiiwnmmTrtmrTmnTmnnngnmm 'niniii'jiii r'"""'ifflwiHinniEMfl CHEAP ADVICE! Advice is one of the cheapest things In the world. It's as free as the air. No matter what vour troubles may be, just let it be known and advice will come piling in. The old maid knows how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and even a bald-headed drug gist can sell hair tonic and get away with it but the advice you seek, not the kind that is volunteered, is the kind you want. We are not a volunteer in the advice business, but If you are a patron of ourbank and ask advice on financial matters we will be glad to help you in any way we can. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floianee, Preiident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. FJoiance, Caihie DtrotUt QuarantetiX by thf.Depoiitort QuaranuPFuntt of tht Stat of.Htbratka D 4