RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I ' I ) packed in-tin. o Keep the dainty freshness in TH FAIRYSODA ITEH BISCUIT I " -...iinir" nn "U, 5HOYwniituAitRlEs, UJWWrVNAWMAlUT ThtRo tiwty "so-boocV crackers ore not merely Kompthlnc to "help out" In prepnr In n mriii or lunch but food highly nour Uhlne iiud iilwuy relished. Fairy Sodas ax beat for every cracker Use with sourm and salads, for sandwiches, for picnic, school and other lunches crumbled In meat loaf and scalloped dishes and, In fact, In all ways crackers can bs used. Ask your Orocor for I -TEN'S FAirtY SODAS and bo sure you Ret tho genuine. 8 Awful Sick With Gas lHHBBHSJESBM SJSBBSMBBSiaSSBSV Eatonic Brings Relief "I have been nwful sick with gas," writes Sirs. W. H. Person, "and Eatonic Is all I can got to give mo relief." Acidity and pas on tho stomnch quickly taken up and carried out by Kntonle, then appetite and strength come hack. And many other bodily miseries disappear when the stomach is right. Don't let sourness, belching, Moating, indigestion and other stom nch ills go on. Tnko Katonlc tablets after you eat see bow much better you feel, nig box costs only a trill with your druggist's guarantee. BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the presont time for young wouiun over nineteen years of ago Who have had at least two ears in high school to take Nurses Training in general hospital. Our graduates are In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nebraska atlEMOLA MANES THt SKIN OtAUTIFUL. lo. tndri lt-t m ttd rompl.ttan IfeaWrw rwn, II ES. Dr. C. M. D.rry C., 2S7S Michigan Avtnu, Chlcjjo NEW OMAR LIFTS HIS VOICE Arizona Poet, However, Strikes Differ- ent Note From That Struck by the Great Persian. Omnr Kbnyyaui bald Hint he could dine on a loaf of bread and a Jug of wine; with Her beside him and feel content In the wilderness but he only meant that he liked the des ert mid his old tin Lizzie, and the crooked roads that make you dlzzle, that start any place and lead nowhere, tiiid just keep going and never care. lib liked the mesiiulte and the grci.ewood smell and the long hot days tnat feel llko h 1; the red sun sets aim Hie cool moonlight and the soft, sweet air of tho desert night for Omar Khayyam was a wonderful man, who lived his life on an easy plan, with Ids girls and his wine and u big silk tent My, oh, my! What it life he spent. The desert Is here llkt It always was but you can't Khayyam uny more, becuz In these dry days when even home brew Is on the list of the things tnboo, old Omnr Khayyam and bis jug of Juice would soon get locked In the calaboose. Saiome (Ariz.) Sun. The Builder. Knlcker Is a full house tnx exempt? Bocker Not always; you have to give your wife u present If you loose. Prohibition thnt prohibits might bo termed n plans stopper. don t OuyFairy Sodas SSffisi DRINK U POSTUM There'tftaReasoif 7 iPSSBI T ) ! 0STUM ; ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Take Aspirin only as told In each package of genuine Buyer Tablets of Aspirin. Then you will bo following the directions and dosago worked out by physicians during 21 years, and proved safo by millions. Tako no chances with substitutes. If you seo the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can take them without fear for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, 1'iirnche, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell Inrgor packages. Aspirin Is the trnde mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaccticacldcstcr of Salicyllcacld. Adv. When money tnlks we never stop to criticize lis grammar. For your daughter's sake, uso Red Cross Ball Blue in the laundry. Sho will then have that dainty, well-groomed nppenranco that girls admire. Cc. The nearer some neighbors tho dearer they are not. To Have a Clear Sweet Skin Touch pimples, redness, roughness 1 or Itching, if any, with Cutlcura Olnt ' ment, then bnthe with Cuticura Soap ' and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and i dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to leave a fasclnntlng fragranco on skin. ( Everywhere 125c each. Adv. 1 To err is human and to seek to lustl. fy the error Is bumaner. Catarrh Can Be Cured Catarrh la a local disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARKH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through tho Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease. Rives tho patient strength by Improving tho general health and assists naturo In doing Its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Side Comment. Little Belle's Sunday school teacher was to be married. A gift beautiful enough to express the love and admi ration of the whole family was bought, and little Belle was permitted to carry the treasure to the home. When the bride-to-be herself opened the door Belle said In her sweetest tone: "Miss Ann, mother sent this to you with our love." And then, half under her breath, exclaimed: "I heard her tell papa last night sho hoped you'd llko It; goodness knows 'tis better than anything we have in our house 1" Exchange. Abandoning Totem Poles. Alaska is losing Its totem poles. Because of the gradual decline In ob servance of native customs, totem poles are no longer erected, and tho elements are wearing down those re maining. The largest collection of totems In the North, it is said, is to bo found in the abandoned Indian village of Old Kassan, 125 miles from Ketchikan. The village was deserted several years ago, after a disastrous lire, the natives mov ing to New Kassan. Old Kassan's totems nre of many sizes and descriptions. Some are of Im posing proportions, with tho four dis tinct emblems of the bear, the crow, the toad and the eagle represented. The poles are carved, from base to pinnacle, with gorgeous language. Tho totems are carved on cedar, which Is slow In perishing. f If Coffee agree B3 S ItlK AMEDRKN (Copy for Hum Wrlmiunem sumillccl ti) tho American l.pirlmi New Service ) WOULD PROBE LEGION CLAIMS International Association of Rotarv P Clubs, Shocked at Reports, Orders Natlon-Wldc Survey. Aroused by charges of the Allied can Legion Hint tho government has failed in Its duty toward disabled vet erans of the World war. the board of directors of the International Associa tion of llotnry Clubs has ordered a nation-wide survey of the situation "to prove whether American Legion reports are based on hysteria or upon actual facts." The Rotary organization hns In dorsed the Legion's consolidation pro gram for the relief to the disabled and will support the Legion's efforts to obtnln Its enactment Into law, ac cording to Chesley II. Terry of Chi cago, secretary-general of the Uotary clubs' organizations. "The r0,000 American business nnd professional men who form the S00 Hotary clubs of the United States, have started out. to gather the actual facts In their respective communities with regard to the manner In which tho United States government Is handling the cases of disabled ex-sol-dlers," Mr. Berry stated In n letter to P. W. (albralth, Jr., commander of the Legion. "The Botarlans have been shocked by the disclosures made by the Ameri can Legion regarding the circum stances surrounding the rehabilitation of Uncle Sam's disabled ex-service men. Kach notary club Is appointing tt special commit tee to Investigate conditions In Its community nnd re port to the club. Every club will then report to tho headquarters olllce of notary In Chicago. The result will bo that from SOO communities in every part of the United States will come evidence of business and professional men to prove to tho American people whether or not tho Amerlcnn Legion reports nre based on hysteria or upon actual facts so revolting nnd heart rending ns to cause (he whole Ameri can people to rise In their might nnd do Justice to the men who sacrificed themselves for their country." The Legion's natlonnl commander nsserted that his organization will welcome the Rotary investigation. "I hope Its findings will be given the widest publicity," be snld. "It will be found thnt the Legion hns not overstated the case in any particular." LEGION MAN IS LEGISLATOR California Member of National Execu- tive Committee Also Serves as Maker of Laws. Although he was forty-one yenrsold rhen the World war started, Charles II. Kendrlck of S n n Francisco, Cal., member of the national ex ecutive committee of the American Legion, served w 1 1 h distinction In the army, and wns cited by Gen eral Summerall, commnndc-r of tho Fifth Army corps, "for dlsplny of ex ceptional devotion to duty while un der bombnrdment by the enemy's guns'.' during tho Meusc-Argonne of fensive. Mr. Kendrlck was educated In tho public schools of Snn Francisco nnd Is engaged In tho selling of real estate and development of agricultural lands. Commissioned a captain in the no mount service in August, 1017, Mr. Kendrlck trained nt Camp DIx, N. .7., nnd was sent- overseas in July, 1018, attached to tho Twenty-sixth division ns remount otllcer. Ho served with thnt division during the St. Mlhlel drive, and nt the opening of the Mouse Argonno push wijs mnde remount ofll cer of the Fifth Army corps. After thp armistice ho was promoted to ma jor nnd dlsehnrgcd from service In February, 1010. Mr. Kendrlck's devotion to Legion affairs during the time ho wns a mem her of tho stato executlvo committee led to his selection ns representative of California on tho national body. Press Women Are Interested. The Women's Press club of New i'ork city hns become interested In American Legion wclfnrb work and has udopted a ward nt Fox Hills hos pital, Staten Island, New York, con taining 0T disabled veterans. The club's committee visits the hospitnl twice n week supplying the men with articles of clothing, tobneco and reading matter. An Idea sponsored by tho clul) of providing "gardenettes" or window boxes for tho various bos pltals where ex-service men are be ing treated has become popular with relief organizations. Tho school chil dren of Leonln, N, J., collected funds and bought a window box for the hos pitnl. Virginia Auxiliary Convention. Tho llrst convention of the Wom en's Auxiliary of the Virginia Depart rneni of the American Legion will be held May 13 and 14. IDjION BIG CHIEF IS LEGION BOSS Only Full-Fledgcd Indian at Head of an Ex-Service Men's Organization In America. MnJ. A. B. Welch of Mtiiitlnn. N. D., Is the only full-Hedged Indian chief ami commander of an American Legion post in America, lie Is wearing the of llelnl dress of u head chief of the Sioux, which he was authorized to as sume when he was adopted by their great chief, Jlolm (irass, many ours ago. lie is now the duly elected chief of the Sioux, In addition to his duties as commander of () Cilhert S. Fur nets post of the Legion at Maudlin. A elernn of the Spunlsh-Aiiiorlenn war mid a participant in the Mexican border evpedltlon. as well as an an tlority on customs, sports ami ceremo nies of the Indians, citizens or North Ihikoia were eager that Major Welch should lend a baltnllon of Indians to France. Major Weich volunteered to do so. but his offer was refused by the War department. Nevertheless, a number of Indlnns were Included In the detachment of men which Major Welch took to France In December, 1017. He served upon the staff of (Jen. Hunter A. Liggett and on Armistice day was with the artil lery of the Third division, south of Se dan. When he arrived in (iorninny he was unined as otllcer In charge of civil affairs In the Coblenz area, which po sition he held until the divisions came back to the United States In Septem ber. 1010. During the Philippine Insurrection Major Wrlch was a participant In tho MAJOR A. B. WELCH. capture of Paco, Morong nnd other towns along tho shores of Lngtinu de Bnlila, including the important city of Calnmha. MnJ- Welch and stnte officials of the Legion will speak at funeral cere monies for Albert Grass, grandson of Chief John Grass, who was killed In action near Solssons. The Indian hero, who went overseas with Major Welch, will bo burled at Cannon Ball, N. D with the full tribal rites of the Sioux Nation. BIG MEN AS LEGIONNAIRES Pershing and Wood Are Numbered Among Members of Posts of Ex- Servlce Fellows. Tho Amerlcnn Legion has represent ed In Its membership not only the first and last men to enlist for the World war, but also two of tho best known military leaders In Amerlcn, Gen. John J. Pershing nnd MnJ. Gen. Leonard Wood. Two Legion posts nsscrt thot Gen eral Pershing belongs to their organi zations. They nre the George Washing ton post No. 1 at Washington, D. C, and Lincoln (Neb.) post No. 1. Gen eral Pershing was considered for the nomination of national commnnder of the Legion, but declined to allow .his name to be presented because of his military duties. General Wood is a member of Gen eral George B. Crook post No. 43-1 of Chicago. He has spoken nt n number of Legion conventions in ninny parts of the country and hns been nn actlv worker for the Interests of the ex-serv. Ice men's organization. NAME LEGION POST FOR HERO Connellsvllle (Pa.) Organization Hon. ors Memory of Milton Bishop, One of Its Dead. Ever mindful of their fallen com- rades la France, members of th American Legion have named the greater part of their posts in honor of men who made l no supremo sacrifice. When n post of tho Legion was organized at Con nellsvllle, Pa It was named Mil ton Bishop post No. 801, in com- w.-iMniiXtyff m inemmorntlon of tno Heroism of Mr. Bishop, who was killed In ac tion. ' Mens Words. Rub BInks married because ho was homeless. Dub And now I suppose he is home less. American Legion Weekly, x- 46Mg0Mb-jj 'L yf frfcfr' IS. REIFENSTEIN. AGED 67, Declares She Would Like To Put a Bottle Of Tan lac In The Hands Of Every Sick Man, Woman and Child In This Coun try Never Saw Its Equal. "I am sixty-seven years of age, but In all my experience I have never known n medicine llko Tanhic. Think of It I At my uge to gain twenty-live pounds In weight, but that is Just what I have done," said Mrs. Kmiiiii neifensteln, of No. 1137 Webster ave nue, Syracuse, N. Y. "If 1 hud It In my power," she con tinned, "I would put u bottle of Tun lac In thu homo of every sick man, woman and child In this country, for I know what this wonderful medicine would do for them. For almost two years I was almost n nervous wreck. I did not dare to leave the house or even go up town unless my husband went with mo. I was ufrnld to even cross the street and had it feeling of dread all of tho time. "My stomach was weak nnd easily upset. For days ot o time I would go without solid food. I could not rest at night to do nny good and felt tired nnd worn out nil of the time. Some days I could hardly drag myself across the room and wns so weak and miserable I was ready to give tip. "My health Is lino now nnd I eat anything I want and never have n touch of Indigestion. I have never slept better than 1 do now My recovery Is tho tnlk or our neighborhood, ns It wns generally believed I could not lust but n few weeks longer. This grand DON'T What to Take for CONSTIPATION ICARTERS IITTLE IVff- PILLS Comfort Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap And Fragrant Talcum Soip 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Money Is not tho main thing. Know ing how to take cure of It Is of more Importance. If you uso Tied Cross Rail Illuo in your laundry, you will not bo troubled by those tiny rust spots, often caused by Inferior bluing. Try it and see. God Is unwearied llfo that nevyr dies. &he Nationally Accepted Wfoll lint No Paclagt Genuine Without Crou and Circle Printed in Red i Beautiful Sanitary Durable Economical jfor Homes, Schools, Churches and nil Interior Wall Surfaces Alabastine can be applied to plastered walls, wallboard, over painted walls that have become soiled, or even over soiled wallpaper solid on the wall and not printed in ai.Jine colors. Alabastine it a dry powder, ready to mix with pare, cold water, full direction! on each package. Ahbaitine h packed in white and beautiful tint. Theebr combining and intermixing, enable you to carry out individual color plan, in mi".c.m"K rugs and drapers. Alabastine is used in the finest rcsidenVei and public buddings, but priced within the reach of all. .. ana You will readily appreciate the economy of Alabastine over paint or wall paper, and its results will be most gratifying. l New walls demand Alabastine, old walls appreciate Alabastine. I MIX IN ONE 1 I MINUTI WITH I I COLO WATER I If your local dealer cannot or will not supply you, take no substitute but write far Alabastine designs and we will give you name of nearby dealer. Alabastine Company 16S2 Grandvllle Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. IS 25 POUNDS i SV "rri-TrTiinrwiiiimrai MRS. EMMA REIFENSTEIN, 337 Webttcr Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. medicine has brought me health and happiness and I Just can't say enough In Its praise." Mr. J. neifensielii. In comnientlnir on his wife's statement, said: "Yes, her recovery lias been a happy sur prise to us all. A few weekn ago I bad no Idea she would be able to pull through, but now she Is In better health than I have ever seen her and, the credit Is due to Tanlnc. Wc hnvo been married lift -two years today and I don't believe I have ever seen her looking any better." Tanlnc Is sold by lending druzidsta everywhere. Adv. I.KT THAT COUflH CONTINUKl Spohn's Distemper Compound will knock It In very short limn. At thn Omt ulcn of a oauxh or cold In your home, t;ln a few ilnneii of "SI'OMN'S." It will net nn tho Bliiniln. allmlnntn tho dliieaiie Rerm nnd prevent furth er destruction of hody hy dlsense. "SI'OHN'S" hnH been th standard remedy for DISTKMl'UU. 1NFI.UHNZA 1MN1C EYE CATAIUllIAL, KKVKn. COUCIHS and COllJs for a quarter of century. 60 centu and 1 U. nor bottle at all drue stores Hl'OIlN MEDICAL COMI'ANV. l " uOHUIUf, INI. Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. They cleanse your system of all waste matter and Regulate Yonr Bowels. Mild - as easy to itake as SUgar. Ctnulne tear tlgnalurt .itZ&SZcC Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ItaioTrlanania-H.tHaaJrFaniiil Kettorra Color and Beauty to Cray and Faded IlaU . nui uoanmiircMta. nipoiChrm.Wli.l'tclioTiie.K.T HINDERCORNS n.,. o. w.' cUt Ultcox CusuiUit Works, ratctwcaaTlk XTt Stone Deaf. Money may tallt, but have you ever noticed how hard of hearing it la when you cull It? Cinclunutl Ei. qulrer. Harvest time Is Nature's dividend date. A sofa Is often used as a spoon holder. To Get Alabattint Reiulti Yea Mutt Aikfor Alabattint by Name vrmxv sri Inil ONLY TOO! HKoto to ktra $$ -I