The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 28, 1921, Image 1
f V to i , 85 ' Hi, A Newspaper Thnt Gives The Mens Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $2.00 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. APRIL 28. 1921 mmwwaunTMuiixiiiigwi imi imiamwi MiiinainmiiiiiHiii.iiniiiBi c 'if & 4Sy to was2 PYREX Nothing can adhere to its hard, odor-proof, grease proof surface. It is easy to keep clean for it will not chip, craze, bend, dent or discolor and always remains new. PYREX is the original the first transparent oven ware and is guaranteed not to break in actual oven-use. PYREX is made in shapes and sizes for every practical baking purpose. It is a saver ot time, tucl and dishwashing drudgery. TRINE'S Hardware fitmrMimntmmmiTnTmmTa GN THE FARM Spring work on the farm will be requiring the time of every farmer. The work hat to be finished at a given time. Little at tention it give to. other matters. Still, the matter of nourishment must be thought of Let us supply your wants in groceries canned goods, relishes, cookies, Etc. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee We'll pay market price for your produce P. A. WMilbrandt Groceries and Queensware maiinroiimiMiiaiiii BilMIilBniHlB A BLUE SERGE SUIT MnntlMHlUWMi iiiiriiiri-iir-TTTTri i irr " IS ALWAYS GOOD. REAL HAND TAILORED AT $40 $42.80 $46 $47 THE HUGHES WAY FOR CLOTHES TR.OUBLES the Frank R. Hughes CREAMING DYEING REPAIRING LADIE'S TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS BOTH PHONES We Call and Deliver Pool Hail Changes Hands The llun I'mitest, whiih was IimIcI lit the M K church Tuesday overiim:, was wiiii hj- the third Kiade by one votn. V. ilnos.ilay morning the bi llatf was i n up In the front of the third grade fin m and tt is to remain there for the a of thi' selionl year. This grade in to entry the Hag thru school up to the time of graduation and at that time is to be presented to the kinder Kin ten and liny aio to do likewise Sunt. Iloltzeti was piosent and gave a bhort address alter which the pupils gave, tho oath of allegiance and Hag salute. Third Grrde Awarded Flag Messrs. It. II Keith and G It. lleclt, who have conducted n pool and billiard parlor in tills city for several months have bold the same to Messrs. Moon and Morris of Hastings, who will take possession next Monday. The new proprietors have hud considerable ex. periouco in this line of business and will continue to render courteous treatment to the patrons of this amuse ment parlor. Mr. JMoon conducts The Mooutjtuohe House ut Hustings und also owiib tho Saratoga Milliard 1'arlora at Lincoln. Mr. Ueolc has not made any plans for the future but will continue to re. side minis city. New City Marshal 1 Motiflm I'vonlnt: the City Council met and continued thu appointment of Lawretuv Doyle as maishal of thisi city, lie relelving N. P. Phillips who lias accepted a position with Pipkin's National Detective Agency of 0'iiilui, and has already taken up his duties I with this company. While marshal of litis city he carried out the duties of this ollloo to the best of his ability and his mfitiv Irieuds are pleased to learn that he has a more lucrative position. This city now is in the same class with New Yotlc and other largo cities who employ only Irishmen as "cops" as .Mr. Doyle, huliu able to qualify as to na tlouallty and no doubt will prove to be an efUclcnt oillcer. NEW CITY OFFICIALS SWORN IN MONDAY It. F. Oatnian, president of tho City Council, called this body togeth er in regular adjourned session on Monday night, at the Coun-il Cham bers, with all members present. Phil Traut again appeared and asked that action be taken on water main laid by him at an expense of $122.98, but the matter was referred over to tho now Council. The report of tho Advisory Com mittee, that the City Engineer had been instructed to repair tho ap proaches to the pavement, was ap proved. Tho Employer's Liability Insur ance Association filed written notice denying liability in tho C. R. Lcwis Crabill case. City Engineer Goo. H. Overing, at tho request of the Council, at its last meeting, presented an estimate of the cost of extending tho storm sewer on 8th Avenue' to Crooked Creek as amounting to $4323.00, whereupon an ordinance to be known as No. 44 was passed. The following claims were then allowed: Geo. II. Overing $ 45.28 , 78.00 . 58.46 . 2.10 . 3.05 . 27.88 . 180.00 . 18.77 , 24.20 . 40.20 51.00 Chas. Barrett Frank Clauson Geo. Trino Grico & Grimes E. W. Stevens Nat'l Refining Co. tjrano Uo. Sunderland Mch & Sup. Co. Midwest Elcc. Co. Henry Lewis The Mayor Elect Mary Peterson and Counctlwoman Henrietta Hummel were sworn in to their respective of fices, President Oatman officiating, af ter which the old Council adjourned sino die. On Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock Mayor Mary Peterson called the Council together in special session, for the purpose of organizing tho now Council, granting pool hall li censes and appointing a city mar shal. All members woro present with the exception of Councilman Crnhill. Tho bonds of S. R. Floranco, as city treasurer and O. C. Tool, as city clerk, with due and proper surety, were examined and approved. Tho applications of J. E. Ellison, Henry Clauson and Moon & Morris, for pool hall licenses wero presented and grnnled. In tins respect it might not ho out of place to Ptnto tha Mrs. Hummel took tho broader viewpoint by sayinjr, while sho per sonally was adverse to tho operation of piirh, yet bolioved the majority should rule. Tho mayor's appointment of Law rence Doyln as city marshal at n snlaw of $75.00 nor month wa con firmed, after which the Council ad journed. Change in Train Service At Rd Cloud, Commencing May lit No. 1 1 Krs,L will loavu at 2:1ft a. m. No. 171, mixed train to llaxtliiKs. will leave at. 1:00 p. in. Kor further pur tiuulars consult N. U. Itush, Ticlua Agent, Will Move Furniture Store The Graham Furniture Co., have leased the Potter building which wus formerly occupied by tho Tepee Smoke House ntul Billiard Parlor. They huvo several carpenters at work building a bulconyiu this room and also making some minor chauges. After they havo completed their work thu celling and walls will be painted u steel gray color after which the Graham Furniture Co., will move their stock of furniture into this room. Mr. Johnson states that he has ordered a few car loads of the latest creations in order to make their line complete. As this building is a good location they will have more ample pace to show their goods and uo'doubc thblr business will increase. On Monday evening Mr. 'Johnson who served several months in the army and like the rest of the "back privates' did his share of barrack police duty and learned to sorub the lloors and in order to commemorate by-gone days ho scrubbed tho floor in his new head quarters. Bad Storm Sunday Night Sunday evening between eight and nine o'clock a terrific storm visited this scotlon of the country, accompan ied by rain and hall which resulted in several tornadoes striking the farm homes In tho vlolnity of this city. A barn at the E. J. Overing jr., homo and the barn and .windmill at W. V. Deal's plaoo was demolished -by the wind, and last but not least the oil der rick on Mrs. Hosmer's farm, which re presented several thousand dollars of our citizen's money, was destroyed. The frame oil house at the power plant was also wrecked. In this city several windows wero broken out of tho houses by hall and a few large trees wero up-rooted while the streets wero strewn with limbs from tho trees. At the Romiue farm southeast of the city tho largo barn was totally de moltshed and a few hogs were killed by tho flying wreckage. Ills garage was also destroyed. Tho tornado next visited the farm of Dalo Montgomery where his barn was wrecked. Tho farm tolephoue linos running south wero torn down and a largo number of farmers were busy rebuilding these lines Tuesday. On tho enst of the city tho barn on tho Henry G-Uhntn place was destroyed and a number of telephone polon be tween this city and Lester wero torn down. Probably the two places worst hit wero the J. B. Wlsecarvor farm just north of town where his barn was do stroyed, a number of trees torn from the ground and debris scattered o ver the place, and tho Walter Kasser farm ii'jithmst of heie where his fine home w as moved from its foundation and w recited and severnl small buildings demolished. Part or the roof was torn from the sod house on thi farm which wns erected ill tho early days by Chas Uut. Measrs George La w and Dub Postr m.Iiiik iiuiir Uuwletf hud the misfortune of losing several head of hnrwti und tlmir burnt which were HkewUe du. stroyed by the storm. TIih local drug store, were kept busy cutting glass Monday to replace the w.indow punoa whleh had been broken iii the country. Most of the farmeiB carried insur ance whloh will oitnhle them to erect more substantial barns us soon as nd justinetit is made by the rcipeotivo compauios. NUMBER 17 See Our Charming Presents ror Brides And Sweet Girl Graduates iixzzsmm M NO TIME IN HER LIFE CAN YOU BETTER SHOW YOUR DE VOTION TO YOUR FRIEND, QY SENDING HER A REMEMBRANCE THAN WHEN SHE GRADUATES UNLESS IT IS WHEN SHE WEDS. FOR BOTH OF THESE OCCAS IONS WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL, AP PROPRIATE GIFTS. COMETOSEE OUR WARES AND IT WON'T TAKE YOU LONG TO DECIDE WHAT TO GIVE. WHEN ASKED, WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR SELECTION. cfe We Make 'Quality Right Then the Price Right I B. H. Newhouse Red aoud Jeweler and Optometrist jve&ra ' V ,w !tf J' Besse Auditorium Wednesday Evening, Nay 4th AAA i &! vL O.V,1 m .j.'.'.''a','.'. .TmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimB -' ... - twoix' Douglas Mac leap. & Doii3 May in, Thoinas H, Ince Roducuox Tlie Rookie's Rjstum A Pwamount Picture 99 aThe Rookie's Return A PARAMOUNT PICTURE FEATURING Douglas MacLean and Doris May A five reel comedy that will chase your blues away if you see it. This picture is being s .Jn for the benefit of the Red Ctuud Post 23S, American Legion, GOOD MUSIC ADMISSION 30c Come out and help the bojsl L