BED CLOUD, MSBRA0KA, OHHf J- ' Brinft Bn Your Harness TPWWrtwn Willi the bcyinnirg of spring work on the farm comes additional demands on your equipment. Inspect your harness, and for the best of repair work give me a trial. Fogel Bldg. butler Red Cloud Nebraska v fl ftUPl Bf Here f 9igmkwm9mM ' H . - .JWii R c - 2 ..'M1W' gl rmuttK43BHfe P- -"' IVajTCS . -AMKKLr.1 D Here ifsg l .. .. ... . ,-. i u t i... 'r". ,... ...!, R i TiTfiiv mmni w 1'iirn i;nivoa L.OILS i.aniu. innu iui nuia u I I l tion that an equal sum be raised by subscription. The remaining $39G, 000 for the university is for general expense and improvements. The other items .added to the 1)111 arc for varl-on- Mat" (.cn.tvtmcnts and for some I special purposes. t After n debate that was more or less warm in spots the hou: e approv ed Senator Reed's bill requiring state 1 v.ido rojri.stration of voters, Register ing will be done by the assessors and nfw registration- in not required tin- ; ic -s one chunges his residence. The object of this bill is to compel voters to refrain from switching around in primarfes. A voter may change Ids party affiliation by notifying the coun ty clerk not less than thirty day b fore a primary election. NEW RECORD I-Oll TWO-YKAU OLD COW NOW como tho Pigs Calves CollsLambs. Time for work iiorbos and mules to ohed. Time to tono thciu up and drive out the worms. Dx Hess Stock Tonic A Spring Conditioner end Worm Expctlcr IVrd It lo your rows fnr lta flyftcm-tonln. bowcl.clrnnslnri.,nptK!tllrifi ef fect and to condition llicm for calvlntf. rt im-ann more milk. I rod It to brood nowa nnd ilioatnlodrivn out tho worms, ltrrlicvraliroodmiwspr constipation, liccellenlforowri ntlnmuing tlmo. 11 cmitalnnTonlrs (or Uio ditfostloii. Uvea for Uio bowels. Diuretics for tlin kidneys. Virmif uges lor Uio woama. Why pay the Meddler Twice My Price? Wc have the Dr. Hess Agency. Call on us. Chas. L. Cotting : The Druggist i (a Tell us how mucli t:cck yet lisie. We hue a rickage to suit. KRWS I-KOM THE houte idea for charging tuition of STATE CAPITAL high school pupils nnd changed the Hoth lioutes have approved a bill bill so it provides that high schools establishing game preserves at Valcn- shall charge actual cost, only. When tine and Hnlsoy. I this feature was under discussion in , the house it was claimed that such In the future Nebraska girls will ' a P'ision in the law would provide not come of age until they are 21 in- for !m endless number of lawsuits. jitoad of 18 as in the past. i , ' Nebraska now lias a law creating a After being pulled back and doctor- commission to license and regulate cd 501x10 the Omaha charter bill was horse races. Uut the commission will advnnced to third reading by the have nothing to do with races at state house. and county fairs. An old law pro- hibits racing at fairs nnd docs not The senate approved a bill provlil- allow fair funds to be used for purses ing for th-j placing of non-partisan but another law -allows trials of candidates on the regular ballot but speed, which answers the same pur without party designation. pose. The College of Agriculture has es tablished a now state butter record for a two year-old cow. A Holstcin bred and owned hy the College pro duced 8C7 pounds of batter in one year, thereby setting a new mark for an animal of her age. The Col lego also owns the state champion cow for. nil ages. In a year complet ed December 23, she produced 1,.'110. 06 pounds of butter nnd 29,554.60 pounds of milk in 305 days. The Col lego has developed eight remarkable cows from the standpoint of produc tion, the eight averaging 003 pounds of butter in a year. A cow in the College's herd now milking has a seveii'day record of 23 pounds of butter, and it seems quite probable that she -will make a 305-day record of at least 1,000 pounds. Not Allowed to Do That. "Mv lot'.rr" "ait) ii I'Pinp'niiinnt at Clir' 1'ivtli t'-'i'-e enurt. "tl.ri-atHnu lo t( i Mr qi .ipo p'ree " It w poilil.-'! i nt 1" I It i tin- tt'.ii!,' I ii hr'-nch of tin biiv. Loudon Ptnic-li. Song of the Wires. , Tlif If ... .ilng Hittind hoard frutn tele graph wlrus Is Mid lo ho the srirg of the bnroint'fpf 5 If It Is low, n elcuico In the weather may come In two day.; If sharp, it may h homed late. Mt on Common Level. There Is ore fild In which the wle man und the font meet on a i-iunn-ou UpI. Ti.atJs wln they fall hi lnv nn! ii'ljo their nm In hand. Oregon Journal. bibim Not Trot Charity. We liPlUve It W4t .Kinersoii who sr.Id you Iind lo ,tIvo nffvc-tlon Willi nionoy In order lo make It ''mint. So intiili charity 1 I oeket deep. Whertln He's Wise. It often happens that the wisest of men riin Into problems lie knows iinthlnjr almut. hut as a rule he proves III v lo'ij in- ert'Unsr In an expert. Dr.W.H.McBrid -v u CtJt!rt3T OVER STATE HANK The Beebe substitute for the house The house took another crack at the movie bill passed the senate by a supreme court commission bill nnd good majority. The next question is this time, it is believed, killed it dead what the house will do with it. enough so it will stay killed. It is prc- ' dieted that this action will result in The Foster resolution recommend- serious delay in supreme court bust ing tltnt the governor and board of ncss. One reason the court is unnblc control do not employ convicts on to keep up with its work is because a ' ,nay votc bonds not exceeding thirty COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES (By Superintendent) Tho&e wishing transfers, should get their blanks from the County Super intendent and make arrangements bo fore Juno 13. There is another change in the cer tification law, English composition and Book-keeping arc again included. Normal training graduates of the class of 1921 will not bo required to take these. The seventh grade have only one trial at the eighth grade examinations. Those that took in April will not be allowed to take in May 5 and G. The eighth grade may tnke two trials where they have failed or require higher grades to bring up their av erage. Whenever a teacher gets a school, she should send to the County Super intendent, also tho director should send a card. In this way we can Jceen informed and get our positions early enough so that wo will get qualified teachers and the extra teach ers will have plenty of time to got ph-ocs out of th" country. According to the now taxation law. Article III and Article VI schools R d Cloud Nobmskn SwJLMitBSt Ml and don't go anywhere else to buy 4 Summer Underwear BJA If ir JUWLB ers . Overalls Hosiery WH HAVE THERff FH1 L. rap -.. .. m i M 1TM a ft t7J - a X VSJ rrtSTri THi ttv3 fT Ml S K-S M ittv s, Mgr. ' J. f. Edward iiManasKxamKEiHiraimwiB road work was promptly laid on tho pnrt of its membership is physically table without debate. incapable of work. The house and senate finally agreed The hoio-o killed the child welfare to fix the salary of the governor's bill which provided for a board of private secretary and deputy state child welfare in each, county. This officers at $2,010 per annum. The was tho last of tho important child original bill provided for $3,000 but welfare measures which provided the house thought $2,500 was enough, good jobs. Tho original bill provided for n paid superintendent of child The senate advanced tho Amorcian welfare in each county. This was cut Legion boxing bill after cutting out out in committee of the whole but it the section that limits admission price was finally thought best to kill the to one dollar. The senate also ad- entire bill, vanccd tho co-operative banking bill. I At the time this was written the Tho senate revived a bill that was hig fight was on in the house over billed some time ngo which provides the new taxntion bill. It is impos- -r transferring the legislative refer- sihlo to predict what the outcome once bureau from the .university to will bo nltho it is expected that tho the clerk of tho supreme court. It bill will be passed in some form. It was advanced without discussion. is apt to ho radically different, lnSw- ever, from the bill passed by tho scn- Thc senate changed the Douglass ate. A representative of tho Minnc- prlmary bill so it only provides for sola tax department was imported by two convention nominees instead of the house committee to explain the three. II. B. Howell made a hard workings of a similar law in that fight against this bill. Ho says it state means the. death of the primary. I J The senate killed the house anti- At tho time this was written the Jap bill and adopted in its place a governor had signed 90 bills, . GG substitute prepared by Senator Hoag from tho house and 21 from tho sen-1 land which includes all aliens. Aliens ate. The house had sent 207 of its ' who arc eligible to citizenship have bills to the senate, passed 45 f.cnntc five years in which to establish their files, killed 411 of its own bills and' citizenship. It is claimed tho sub.sti 2G tenate bills. ' 1' llJIi'I'S tutu accomplishes all that was provid- ed by the house bill in tho way of Senator Ilccd says 11. 11. 100, pas- ( keeping Japs from acquiring real es- 3cd by tho house, nullifies tho paro- tato and also applies to all aliens chial school law which was passed' who fail or refuse to become citizens, two years ago. The bill was under ' This is a feature that was frequently careful consideration in tho senate in ' mentioned in the house debate, order to remove the objectionable1 features. per cent of tho last completed a.-cs ment. It also provides that the amount levied for general school pur pofes rha'l not exceed in any one year thirty fi- o mills on the dollar of the asses od valuation; and provides fur ther that a levy not exceeding one hundred mills may be made after submitting tho proposition of tho in creased levy at an election or special meeting called for tho purpose or at an annual meeting, notice ' whereof shall have boon given for at least twenty days m one or more newspa pcr.i published in tho district or coun ty to the qualified voters of the dis trict, and if sixtv per cent of the votes cast at such election or meet ing shall he for tho proposed in creased lovy tho boa-d may make the 1pv in such amount as may be named in the election notice. Teachers 'examination, April 23. Jack Walf-h now probably has a better opinion of tho legislature. His Tho senate approved tho bill pro- countv seat bill wa3 killed some time viding for a state flag and a revision 'ago nnd then, last week it was lifted of tho state seal, after changing tho by the house and passed. If this bill word flag to banner, also the bill al-1 becomes a law, as now seems likely lowing cities and towns to make a Crete will have to wait ton years stews W lF-t$ isx levy for advertising purposes. Oteth bills have been signed by tho fovcrnor. Tho houbo reached a high water jnurk of speed on Saturday, April 9th, when it act d favorably on 37 hills qnd only killed one, The last days of tho session when every one is anxious to quit and go homo is tho time when bitte fail to rcccjvo all tho attention 'iay deserve, The senate refused to concur in tho before making another attempt to se cure tho county scat. Several other countic. are interested in tho bill. Ono of the objections to it was that it would start county scat fights all over the ttato. The sonato finance committee mill ed $1.3fi0,00P lo tho appropriation bill. This rni'-cs tho total of tho bill to $22,800,000. Of tho added amount $740,000 is for tho university. Of tho sum added for tho univcrcity 350, 000 is for a new gynasium on condl- Miss Ida M. Green Will (ilvc lecture nt Mrtlioilist Church On Tuesday evening, April Sflth, in, tho Methodist church, Miss Idu M Green of California will give her lect ure on "America Tho Hope of tho World". Miss (Jreeu is it tcmperiinco worker and lecturer of national ropu. tntioii ami without doubt will have a great message for you In connection with this lecture Micro will bo a ling contest, llnllots for dis tribution will bo given on Monday to the 3 !.' and Cth grades in tho school. Vote for one of tho four gradob. Adults only can vote. The bullots will bo taken up at tho church door on Tues. day evening aud tho grade rocelvlng the highest number of voto will bo presented a beautiful live by eight Hug, Kvorybody Is invited to attend tills meeting. ' " .. ' HI jggazBBffiiigraasyaHraaOTCT f f 11 cfH -v Tfr-mT? v -vrafa leJNUW icu. i mm i r my Cfc A-.iiVW .UMUt s253 ISON1 Gives You $ I lipi . . i 1 1 Will II Ul I I -1 ill ftwm :lwMk 1 1 Z. ' TTT-l I " M perfect 3 Realism n tfi Free Portrait of Mr. Edison Frnnklln Booth, who liasinade famous portrait ctclilnKi of Lincoln and Roosevelt, liaa just com pleted a line etching of Mr. Edison n$ he looks trxlny. We will tw BlaU to give you a proof, done on offset paper, luitublo for frarJnsr. slie 11 x 19. 'I his :.roof Ix-an a fac hlmlle autogrnpli of Mr. lUllson. Come In and ask for It. tvo phonographs in one choice of 17 period models good music at its best mechanical perfection Gentlcman'o Agreement The New Edison is the only phonograph that Re creates singing or playing so perfectly that the 31k-Cukatiox cannot be distinguished from the original performance. It plays needle records better than the talking machines. It also gives you the ultimate achievement in sound rcproduclion the Ue-Cheation of music from Edison He-Creations. The New Edison is the only phonograph with all models made in pure period designs it adds a real furniture lr,n,-,irv lo your home. Ask us for our book, "Edison ami ' iusie. " The New Edison brings to you all the world's good music at its best the guyestdance music, the loveliest vocal selection;., the most stirring instrumental per formances, everything! The New Edison has a perfection of mechanical con struction worthy of Thomas A. Edison. It is built to last a lifetime No needles to change. If you lovo music your credit is good here. A Gentleman's Agreement is all we ask pay cash or suit your own convenience.' our easy-pay Budget Plan. Ask us to explain 1 E VcXiirWhsir. miT.'rjIt'MM'X'T'jr.'Ilil H. NEWHOUSE s . & .t. je" y jfJWVJ i BOYS & R'1 m Red Cloud, Neb I s n F '& S & ST. & vV V