The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 21, 1921, Image 7

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    . rv .., n
IT 2.
It's nwful to hear n tomcat tell on
other tomcat to go to the devil.
Red Cross Ball 'Blue Is the finest
product of Its kind In the world. Ev
ry woman who has used It knows
this statement to be true.
Willing to Serve.
"Want to go on an investigating
"If It Is headed In the right direc
tion. I don't mind Investigating Ice
conditions In Havana harbor." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
All Settled.
"Do you think your father will for.
give ua for eloping?"
"I'm fcure he will," answered the
"How can you be so sure?"
"Wolf, you bee, dear, I felt a little
acrvous" ubout It, so I asked hiir. be
fore we stalled." Boston Transcript.
Kinds of Berries.
One kindergarten teucher was in
structing the class In nature study,
and was asking the children to name
ns many kinds of berries as they
rould. Itnspbeiry, strawberry, f,'0
ftorry and huckleberry were mentioned,
Jmt tbu list was not complete without
the Inst "berry."
Johnny .stood up In his anxiety to
be the lirst to name It.
"Library, library Is another one," he
Sight Regained After 23 Years.
Mrs. Jenkins, wife of a iimon living
nt Klenr-de-LIs, n little village near
Pengnm, In Monmouthshire, has Just
recovered her sight after being com
pletely blind for 22 years. She was
struck by lightning 23 yenrs ago, and
In consequence of thi shock she lost
tier sight a year afterward. .She also
uecnmu subject to trances, some of
tvhlch Insted as long as 11 days. On
i Saturday night she suddenly ex-
' rlalmed to relatives In the house: "I
tan see," and began to describe the
objects around her. Her doctor be
lloves the recovery will be permanent.
London Times.
fcrrtVit-n TY-i-nr-i-a-n'-tri-rJ vr - r7
It's Really Amazing
me amount or nounsnmenc
you'll find in a small dish of
Grape Nuts
"With, cream or good milk added
Sweet with, its own sugar,
developed from the grains in
the making, this sturdy blend
of wheat and malted barley
contains, in compact form and
at low cost, the nutritive and
mineral elements needed to
"build health and strength.
Every Meal"
Next time you
want to concen
trate on a Piece
of work just slip
a stick of WRIGLEY'S
between your teeth.
It's a wonderful help g
In daily tasks and 5
sports as well.
and hard
places come easy,
gives you comfort
and poise it adds
the zest that
means success.
A great deal
Matid "If the third finger Is for the
wedding ring, which Is for divorce?"
Marie "The finger of scorn."
Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough nnd itching with hot
baths of Cutlcuru Soap and touches of
'Cutlcurn Ointment. Also make use
now nnd then of thnt exquisitely scent
ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum,
one of the Indlspensablo Cuticura
Toilet Trio. Adv.
Thought She Was a Parrot.
"You are charged with being drunk
and disorderly, sir."
"Your honor, there must be n mis
take bomewhere. I hntl n few drinks,
but I'm biirc I wasn't disorderly."
"The young lady cashier who had
you arrested says you were poking
crackers through the brass bars of her
cage and haying, 'Pretty Polly, pretty
Polly.' " Birmingham Age-Herald.
It Was His Brother!
At n crowded dance one evening a
follow I had Just finished the previous
dance with bumped Into me. Feeling
Indignant at him for having trampled
on my pet corn nnd new satin slip
pers, I exclaimed to my partner, "That
fellow Is about ns light on my feet
as the bird they call the elephant."
"Yes, it's too bad. My brother Is
Just learning to dance and you know,
the first hundred years ate the hnrd
est," was the unexpected reply. Chi
cago American.
Smart Dog,
"I've Just paid threo dollnrs for nn
alarm clock, and I consider It positive
ly dlsgiaceful 1" grumbled Brown one
"But why buy nn alarm clock?" an
swered Jones. "I have a dog that Is
as good as any alarm clock. lie barks
oery morning nt 5:f.O o'clock."
"Whnt a wonderful dog!" remnrked
Brown, without much enthusiasm.
"Yes," continued Jones, "all I Imvo
to do Is to get out of bed and hit tho
dog, and then he barks, and I know It
Is time to get up."
- y - nWTrfire - TJ Sn
-- fir
Copy for Thin Department Supplied by
the Amerlcnn l.eclon New Sertre )
Indiana Legislature Appropriate! Near
ly $10,000,000 for Legion Struc
ture at State Capital.
A sultnblo national headquarters
building of the American Legion In
Indlannpolls was assured with the pas
sage of three bills by the state legis
lature, appropriating almost $10,(KK),
000 for a war memorial structure,
which will huse the legion's main
Five city blocks In the heart of
Indianapolis will be used for the me
tnorlal project. The building will be
erected In the middle block, with the
remnlnlng plots transformed Into n
magnificent city plira. At one ex
terior of the memorial site Is loented
the Federal I'ostolllre building, erect
ed nt a cost of ?0000,000. Facing the
outer end of the plaza Is the $:t,000,
000 city library.
Tentative plans for the construction
of the buildings are now In the hands
of n state commission, of which l'ost
master General Will II. Hays Is a
member. Selection of the architect
will bo mnde by the National Institute
of Architecture, following n contest In
which nil architects of America have
been Invited to participate. The legis
lature set aside n fund of 5100,000 to
defray expenses of the contest and to
award the artist whose designs and
plans are adopted n prize of $no,0(K).
Invitations hnve been Issued to na
tional headquarters of tho Grand Ar
my of the Kcpublic, the Women's Be
lief Corps, Service Star Legion, Amer
ican War Mothers, Spanlbh War Vet
erans and Women's Auxiliary of the
Legion to occupy quarters In the Me
morial building along with the Legion.
To Dr. T. Victor Keene, national
executive committeeman of Indiana,
will go much of the credit for making
the war memorial possible. Dr. Keene
fathered the movement from Its In
fancy and fought for It when other
legionnaires, although supporting the
tlghr, were fearful of success. Dr.
Keene was the first olllrer of the
icserve corps of nny branch of service
called to active duty during the World
war. He was a colonel, medical corps,
In command of base hospital 70 over
Friendly Title Assigned to Kansas
Woman Member of the Legislature
and Called "Lcglslady."
Mrs. Ida M. Walker, first woman
member of the Kansas legislature, Is
honored by Amer
ican Legion mem
bers of that state
with the title of
"Mother of tho
ISonuts," for it was
Mrs. Walker who
drew up and
pushed through n
state boiyis, which
grants ex-&ervlc6
men one dollar
for each day of
military or- naval
service during the
World war.
Although Mrs. Walker ennnnt quali
fy for membership In tho Legion or In
Its Women's Auxiliary, sho has been
n tireless worker for the cause which
brought tho organizations Into exist
ence, nnd for which they now stand.
During tho World war bho was state
director of women's work In the Bel
gian relief fund and also served as
food administrator for her county. Tho
"Mother of tho Bonus" also assists
her husband In the publication of u
weekly newspaper nnd Is a former
president of tho Knnsas Federation
of Women's Clubs.
The ndvent of Mrs. Walker to the
legislature resulted In the coining of
a new word. At loss to distinguish
between mnlo nnd fcmnlo members,
tho recent session decided to refer to
women lawmakers or "leglsladloa."
Mr- tSa
sssfci3? f WK
QL- 7
mK&& Mm
Directory of General Information of
Especial Interest to All Ex-
Service Men.
To aid the veteran of the World war
to adjust his n Hubs with the govern
ment and to MSUlu other Interests of
ex-M-rvlce men, the American Legion
has published the following directory
of Information centers:
rOMl'KNSATlON CLAIMS: Comr-rnwi-Hon
and Claims Division, Bureau of War
Hlsk lnruriuicf, Washington, I). C Out
standing (.latum which cannot bo adjusted
loudly and tlioso which huso lonK' boon
held up by complications In correspond
eni)' with olllehil bureaus inuy bo sub
muted for udJUHttnetit to tho Compensa
tion I Alitor, Tho American Legion Week
ly, New Voik City.
(iOVLllNMlONT IKSmtANCi:: lnmir
anco DUIslon, llurrau of War UlHk limur
uncc, WnshliiKlon, 1) C.
Allotments and Allowance IMvlMon, Bu
reau of War Kluk Insurance, Washington,
D. C.
DlMslon, Army Plmuiie Olllcc, Washing
ton, I). C.
Hon, Army rinunco Olllce, Washington,
LIHUUTY ItONDS: Uond Urunch,
Armj IMnanco Olllce, Washington, IX C.
additional, tkavi:i, iav claim:
Additional Travel l'ay Section, Army
Mntitu'o Oftlce, Washington, L. C.
letter or In person to District Voca
tional Olllccr, Kedeial Hoard for Voca
tional education, at one of the fourteen
regional olllces; or wrlto directly to Ho
habllltutlon Division, Federal Hoard for
Vocational Lducatlon, Washington, D C.
TIUIATMLNT: Apply to cither (1) Dis
trict Supervisor, U. 8. Public Health
Service In one of fourteen reglonnl dis
tricts, (2) I'leld Lxamlner ut one of eight
branch olllces of Bureau of Wur IHbU
Insurance; or (3) wrlto directly to Sur
geon General of tho Public Health Serv
ice, Washington, IX -C., or Hospital Di
vision, Bureau of War Illsk Inuurunco,
Washington, D. C.
CIVIL SLUVIcn: Civil Service Com
mission, Washington, D. C.
VICTORY MKDALS: Apply to neureit
Main Recruiting Olllce, or write to Vic
tory Medal Section, Adjutant General's
Olllce, Washington, D. C.
to the Adjutant General of tho Army,
Washington, D. C; Tho Bureau of Navi
gation, Washington D. C, or to the
Major General Commandant, U. S. Marine
Corps, Washington, D. C.
graphic Section, U. S. Signal Corps,
Washington, D. C. Catalogues listing
titles of Army photon and giving prices
of various sizes may be consulted at
most public libraries,
LAND: Apply by letter or In person to
either the Public Land Olllce, Department
of the Interior, Washington, D. C, or to
any one of tho branch oftlces throughout
tho country.
TION: For Information as to both na
tional nnd stato leglslaHon, apply to
Chairman, State Legislative Committee,
American Legion, your Department Head
quarters. GRAVES (Service to Dead): Ccmeterla!
Branch, Quartermaster General's Office,
Washington, D. C.
EMPLOYMENT: Apply to employ
ment oHlcer of Legion post, or to em
ployment officer of Department Head
quarters. If employment offices are not
maintained by your post or department,
your Inquiry will bo referred to the proper
Youngest Member of North Dakota
Legislature Produce Results for
His Fellow Buddies,
To Robert .T. Iloyd, a member of
Gilbert O. Grafton Post No. 2 of the
American Legion
nt Fargo, N. D.,
goes the honor of
being the young
est member of the
house of repre
sentatives of tho
North Dakota leg
islature. He Is
twenty-live years
A former presi
dent of the Kargo
Trade and Labor
assembly and an
active member of
'"3F fy
the Pressmen's union nt Fargo, Mr.
Boyd was actlvo In support of .sev
eral bills advantageous to orgauled
lnbor. He was also a strong advocate
of legislation backed by the North Da
kota department of the Legion.
Among tho results of his work nre:
the passage of bills making Armistice
day n legal holiday, protecting the
Legion emblem and Increasing tax for
bonus fund from three-fourths to ono
mill on taxable property. He also led
the fight which resulted In the pass
age of n resolution urging congress
to pass the Fordney live-fold compen
sation bill, n measure backed by tho
Victory for the Legion.
Tho closing of the United Stntes
public health service hospital for tu
bercular ex-servlco men nt Marklo
ton, I'a'., by order of Assistant Secre
tary of tho Treasury ISwIng Laporte,
Is regarded by American Legion olll
clals as u grunt victory for tho ex
servlco men's nntlonal policy In re
gard to disabled veterans. This hn
pltal was llrst denounced ns an Im
proper placo for tho treatment of tu
berculnr ex-service men by F. W. Gal
briilth, Jr., nnttonnl commander of thu
American Legion, In n speech In Phil
adelphia last November. Ills htnnd
followed numerous Investigations
mndo by government authorities, and
n public uppcal from 00 tubercular
veterans being treated thero.
First In Membership Contest
In tho first published list of leading
posts In the Kansas membership con
test of tho American. Legion, Cnl
Mathewsou post No. 230 of Kdmond,
Kan., takes first place. Next In order
are tho Legion posts at Sterling, i:ik
hart, Weir and Logan. Soventy-clght
posts In Kansas have already passed
their 1020 membership, while ten posU
Imvo no delinquent members.
Mrs. Robert
O. Reynolds
"I have actually gained twenty-live
pounds and I Just think Tanlac Is the
grandest medicine In the world," said
Mrs. Hubert O. Beynnhls, 127 North
Denver St., Kansas City, Mo.
"For ten long years I suffered from
n very bad form of rheumatism, stom
ach nnd nervous troubles. My appe
tite was mt.v poor. What little 1 did
eat soured on my stomach and 1 suf
fered the most seere pains In my
hack, hips and shoulders. My rheu
matism was so bad that I could not
raise my bauds to comb my hair nnd
my arms hurt me to my linger tips.
I became so weak and run down that
I lost nil my energy and life had be
come almost n burden. 1 tried many
things but nothing helped me.
"I had only taken my tlrst bottle
of Tnnlac when I noticed my appetite
was Improving nnd I could Mcep bet
ter nt night. I have taken three bot
tles nnd the way it has helped me and
built me up Is really astonishing. 1
can eat anything and everything with
out the slightest disagreeable after
effects. I sleep Just fine at rilght and
am In better health than I ha-c been
for years. I am glad to give thK
statement, hoping that any who are
suffering ns I did may experience the
Biime wonderful results which I be
lieve they will If they give Tanlac a
fair trial."
Tanlac Is sold by lending druggists
everywhere. Adv.
"Waggle nnd his young wife uro In
separable, aren't tluy?"
"Yes; he culls her Ills altnr ego."
Education Is only like good culture,
It changes the size but not the sort.
II. W. llepcher.
A Dangerous Period Through
Practical Suggestions Given by the Women Whose
Letters Follow
to carry women safely through tho Chnng-o of Jjil'o. Sho says:
"It is with pleasure that I writo to you thanking you for what your
wonderful medicine has done for me. I was passing throitgh the Change of
Lifo and had a displacement and weakness bo that I could not stand on my
feet nnd other annoying symptoms. A friend told mo about Lydia E. Pink
ham's: Vegetable Compound and tho first bottlo helped me. so I got more.
It cured mo and I am now doing my housework. Vour medicine is certninly
womnn'B friend nnd you may use thi3 testimonial a3 you cliooao." Mrs. Mary
Lister, C08 Frank Street, Adrian, Mich.
It is said that middle age is tho most trying period in n woman's lifo, and
owing to modern methodsof living not one woman in a thousand passes through
this perfectly natural chango without experiencing very annoying symptoms.
Those smothering opells, tho dreadful hotflnshes that send the blood rushing
to tho head until it seems ns though it would burst, and tho faint feeling that
follows, as if tho heart were going to stop, those sinking or dizzy spells nre all
symptoms of a nervous condition, and indlcato tho need for n special medicine.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is n root nnd herb medicine espe
cially adaptod to act upon tho feminine system. It acta in Buch a manner
as to build up tho weakened nervous system and enables a woman to pass
tills trying period with the leost possible annoying symptoms.
Women everywhere should remember that most of the commoner ailments
of women aro not tho Burctical onesthey ore not caused bv serious displace
ments or growths, although tho symptoms may bo tho came, and that is why
so manv
many apparently serious ailments
ratable Compound, as it acta as a
lerioua troubles.
Lydia 13. Pinkham's Private Text-JfJooIc upon "Allmente Pccn
liar to Woniou" will ho sont to you froo jipon request. "Write
to Tho Lydia E, Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts;,
Xhla) book contains, valuablo information.
Makes Hard Work Harder
A bad buck makes a day's work twice
as hard. Dacknchc usually comes from
weak kidneys, nnd if headaches, dizzi
ness or urinary disorders are added,
don't wait get help before the kidney
disease takes a grip before dropsy,
gravel or llright'x disease sets in.
Voan'a KUlncy Pills have brought new
life and new strength to thousands of
working men and women. Used nnd rec
ommended the world over. Ask your
A Nebraska Caso
F. J Knhlcy, prop.
blackBinlth s n o p,
Crete, Nubr., nays
"My back nnd kid
ne s g a v o o u t.
When 1 bent owr
I could hardly
straighten up be
cause of tho sharp
pains through my
kidneys. My kid
iiey acted Irregu
larly nnd the secre-
tlf.llu tint. I,ltlill.
cnlnrpd and then UX UukJ lif
again clenr I decided to try Doan's
Kidney Pills and used them until I was
Get Doin'i st Any Store, 60c Dos
Death only a matter of short time.
Don't wait until pains and aches
become incurable diseases. Avoid
painful consequences by taking
he world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladdor and uric odd troubles th
National Remedy of Holland since 1690.
Throe sizes, all druggists.
Look tor the name Gold Medal on erery boa
nd accept no imitation
Located on our own premises
and used In tho
Natural Mineral Water Baths
Unsurpassed iu tho treatment of
Heart, Stomach, Kidney and
Liver Diseases.
Moderate, chnrges. Address
DR. O. '.V. EVERETT. Mar.
4tb and M Sts. Lincoln, Nek,
I n&ro a bargain or joa, come quick.
Uedar Itaplda, Jtmst
Which Every Woman Must Pass
Afton, Tenn. "I want
other BUfFering women to
know what Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
hns done for mo. During the
Change of Lifo I was in bed
for eight months and had
two good doctors treating
mo but they did mo no good.
A friend advised me to tako
Lydia E. Pinkham'o Vege
table Compound,whichIaid,
and in a short time I felt
butter. I had all kinds of bad
spells, but they all left ma.
Now when I feci weak and
nervous I take the Vegetable
Compound and it always does
mu good. I wish all women
would try it during tho
Change of Lifo for I know it
will do them good. If you
think itwill induce somo ono
to try tho Vegetable Com-
fiounu you may publish this
otter' Mrs. A. KELLEn,
Afton, Tenn.
Mrs. Mnry Lister of
Adrian, Mich. ,r.(Ulslier
testimony to tho valuo
of Lydia 13. PinklinmM
Votrotablo Compound
readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham
natural roatorativo and often prevent
tfilSlRM fw
l?wBB---I5- MMr