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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1921)
r v ) v 1 f3 K ' ft &v r , -.. 'i aW i. f A Ncnspaiicr lhat Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $2.00 ' ' "' - " ' ...I. ,.,i..---. .,...., ljil . i ' i . ,i ; I............I. ;: ; -- VOLUME 49 if w EASY to nimiiiaii iinniii i,iiiiiiMarCTiraXT3Mn3agi3uiriw-TgTCTorgyTMntitg ft i.i. i .. ..... ... i . .....i .. - m-.l j H j-aB-TjjaiCT B-aaaaagwiFaiBway var nay, j K e Nothing can adhere to its hard, odor-proof, grease proof surface. It is easy to keep clean for it will not chip, craze, bend, dent or discolor and always remains new. PYREX is the original the first transparent oven ware and is guaranteed not to break in actual oven-use. PYREX is made in shapes and sizes for every practical baking purpose. It is a saver or time, tucl and dishwashing drudgery. TRINE'S MMiim ON THE Spring work on the farm will be requiring the time of every farmer. The work has to be finished at a given time. Little at tention is give to other matters. Still, the matter of nourishment must be thought of Let us supply your wants in groceries canned goods, relishes, cookies, Etc. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee We'll pay market price for your produce P.A.W J& Groceries and mira-itM irnrafTTT A BLUE SERGE SUIT .iiM.i p. IS ALWAYS GOOD. REAL HAND TAILORED AT $40 $42.S0 $45 $47 FOR CLOTHES gg. The m CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIE'S TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS BOTH PHONES We Call and Deliver r-ii. uj in... '4.i?Hr wash PYREX i Hardware FARM' JiLJi, BUii Queensware a "" TROUBLES Hutte Go. andt RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. APRIL 21, 1921 ntraj ' u. ' in u..m.i.jjnjinflg jwwciqrgnavrTwgwKTwminm ummwiwiw Entertain Pastor and Family At tht home of Dr. ami Mrs .T. V. I stockman on Wednesday evening kI n-i'i'ption wns (riven in" nonor of Mr. .Vi.iiinl Mrs Samuel lltttditiiin mid ) l.ttiiiiy liy the L-ulles Guild of ("mo I l.pi-i'opa! rhuieh .tioiu fifty guests wore prt'sont. In the ieoivii)g liiiH wi'ie llov. J. M. Pates, Mis. .(. V. stool-man, Mr. inn. Mrs. Hiirdmiiiimi'l their daughters Ivy Msy mid Florence tiertrutle. A short musical program viis rend, ored, after which refreshments were hi'tved A good time was enjoyed by nil. A Good Show Coming If you we ii lover of a good clent) show you should see Hillman's Ideal Stock Company who come to the Audi torium for a three day engagement commencing Thursday, April 28th. This company comes to Red Cloud recognized as one of the best stock companies that will visit this city this year. Their plays are of the ltttest as well as their vaudeville features be- twetn nets. The Hillman Stoo't Co. canys all special scenery forea.'h production. If you want an evening's enjoyment you should btc their shows as there is a big treat in store for you. Uout.iuish the opening performance. r Takes' Own Life Tuesday morning Ncah T. Harvey, aged 'S3 years, son of Mr. and Mrs N. B. Harvey, residing north of Imivalu committed suicide. The young man having become despondent lately over the illuesR of Ids mother. He together with ids brother were farming their fathor's farm. IIo went to a straw stack it appears aud set the stack a fire then shooting himsolf with a shot gun. The body was burned beyond recog nition. He loft a note in the house stating that lie would be fouud in the burning straw stack. County Attorney II. S. Fee and Sheriff liuffor conducted an inquest aud the jury brought in a verdict Stat lug that he came to his death by shoot ing himself. Funeral services were held nt tho u a Wednesday afternoon, Hov.Scho- - ttiiiMvn Tniniiinnnf ntne t- t 7 - 1U LUIUUUi XUlUllUOUb WU3 1UUUV. lu tfie 1'ayue cemetery. Grace Church Services Fourtli Sunday after Easter. Sunday School at 10 a. ui. Morning service at 11 a. m. Evening service at 8 p. in. All are invited to thetc services. Baptist Church Notes Sabbath School at 10 o'clock a. m. Superintendent . I. M. Hewitt. Topic: "Problems of Poverty and Woalth". Isaiah fi-8-10; Amos 8:4-7; Luke 10:19-25. Outline of Lesson I Woo Against Greed. II Warning Against Greed. Ill Witness Againsu,GoodlessuesH. Wo invite you to be present. At 10:15 the Coteries lu Prayer will meet in tho church parlor. Conductor, Mlbs Mary Peterson. Hcrmonttto and Sermon 11 o'clock. A sermouettc to the littlo people. Sermon theme, "The Trillor and Ills Reward". In tho evening wo will join in tho charge of tho distribution of tho ccv Union sorvicc at tho Methodist church j tificatcs. Tho High School building at Su- pcrior was destroyed by firo'lSunday morning. -, fl4jSSfI2SIl John Sorenson departed Monday morning for an extended visit at his old homo in Norway. C. D. Robinson went to Thcdford Monday morning after spending a few days hero with his wifo and family. Alf Nolan and Ilalph Hunter will load their fat cattle Friday and they i will have nu extra stock train to Chi - cago wliero tucy will have their cuttlo on tho market Monday, Public Reception For I The Lady Officers, Kreryi'ii who attended tin loivpi ion for tho huly mayor and e.iiiuil. woman, Min Mary Peterson an I Mr-. Huinmoll.nt the eoiirthout Tiics.liiy evutllng, Miri-ly hadnne gritiiil ami "Inr- I lous fifllir. hpftre it whs over, list Hi,, ittg'to til. t-ptiuuhus, hearing the music, itiduiKing !n aotiuTUltiliiMur-4, viewing tlm yny it-u'iralions I'Verywh'-ii and sipping punch between limes. Tills reception was the idea f Mrs. Cans. Potter ami carried out by a largo group of ladles of the city These lad ies gavo each ollleial a large bouquet of AmoricMii beauty roses; the voters of tho First ward, from which comet the Couucihvomiu, presented each ollleial with largo bouquets of carna tions. The Mayor and Couucllwornan were so ovorcome by this public demonstra tion, of their esteem and worth, that they could hardly reply in iltting phrases of gratitude. The spectators of this scene are even yet talking of the appropriate speech made by K. J. Overlng jr, to tho in coming ofllcerB aud his well wishes to them for a prosperyuo year in public affairs, thereby expressing the senti ment of tho public at huge. lied Cloud has won a reputation thru being the only town in the state, of its size, to have a lady mayor. 'Mauy are just the least bit appre hensive oi how this new power is to manifoi itself -in Its early efforts. Women have never had a chance to swat extravagant government before, and ate not the sort to overlook the weapon that has been put into their hands, and are the kind to employ it for the public good when the time comes. This reception for these lady otllcers oertaiuly provides food for thotiiht for those who fear that women's intelli gence is scarcely up to the responsl "biltties of public affairs and their di rection. ''Women will, of course, do as they please, but the wiser they become in public affairs the mor apt they are to do tho right tiling. Our hats are off to our lady Mayor and Cotincilwomau aud due heed will bo given them when they raise their voices in council in behalf of Hod Cloud'3 best iuterosts. Highway Association Meets lleatricu, Neb , April 19. Delegates from points in Iowa nud Colorado were iu attendance at the annual meeting of the Golden Rod Highway Association held in tho chamber of commerce rooms hbre today. Ovoi one hundred boosters residing along the highway from Nebraska City to Oxford register ed at the morning setslou, which was followed by a luncheon. President J. W. Smith of Struttou presided. All of the old otllcers wero re elected for the ensuing year. Plans for maklug the highway to the Colorado lino wero adopted and a coutract awarded for extending blauo platts to Culbortson, State Journal. CERTIFICATES NOT OUT UNTIL JUNE( Owing to tho great amount of, work in preparing and distributing the certificates of service, which tho ; state of Nchaska will givo to every . veteran of tho world war, these docu- menls will not bo ready to bo turned over to local posts of tho American Legion until June. Sucli announce ment has just been made by tho oflko of tho Adjutant General who lias State headquarters of tho Amerl- can Legion had planned to have these certificates given out to Legion mom- bers by their posts on Memorial Day, but now it is expected that they can ' bo given out on tho Fourth of July, 'which wouldbo very appropriate. i Over 60,000 of these certificates aro new being pack.d in mailing tubes. . Kvory world war veteran who cnlist- 0l or wasi inducted or commissioned in this stato will receive ono of them. ; ti,aV nm 'vnw elaborate and will ' -jA ., , bomicn1-. The m n vrcl7 1UCC kccpsake.-Ihe Midwest Veteran. wstfmm-wm uiimmmrrrmjwmwvtmuma yjixKwwvn tjsisszss iee Our Useful Jewelry SURROUND YOURSELF- AND THOSE YOU LUXURIOUS TOILET NECESSITIES. THEY WORTH LIVING. WE HAVE A SUPERB LINE OF TOILET REQUIREMENTS AND USEFUL ARFICLES OF JEWELRY. WHEN DESIRING PRESENTS FOR OTHERS, OR ARTIC LES FOR YOUR OWN USE, COME, AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU. WHEN IT COMES FROM US IT is We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right PI E.H.Newhouse I Kcd ciouj Jeweler and amiiraBnumTiiiiiaiiiiiciiiHiii; Tl Captain of A Three Act Comic Operetta BESSE AUDITORIUM Friday Evening, April 22nd Auspices RED. CLOUD HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS' MRS. FRANK R. HUGHS, Director Tickets Now on Sato at Auditorium Box Offico MKinnu pililiVffii'ntnii'ff.rL'iinniiCT'iiiqu'iiniiiiiiiiiiijTjnrai "rCTSPMTOmn Advice is one of the cheapest things in the world. It's as free as the air. No matter what your troubles may be, just let It be. known and advice will come piling in. The old maid knows how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and c""i a bald'headed droit gist can sell hair tonic and get away witl .-tit the advice you seek, not the kind that is volunteered, Is t j.d you want. We are not a volunteer in the advice bujine; .1 if you ere a patron of ourbank and ask advice on financial u-dtur we will be clad to help you in any way ve can. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiancf, President Rod Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flo-nnce, Cesliier Depotllt Qmranttttllvthi Dtpotltori Quaranttt Puntt 0 the Stat of Mbratka rcmt-iipi -nt:5 NUMBER 1G LOVE WITH MAKE LIFE Optometrist Ncbrska ie Plymouth Curtain at 8:13 o'clock t.- --ftMi--f9,