The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 14, 1921, Image 8

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xid CLOUD, mil imc a, 9Rtr
The senate made short work of the
bill doing away with the non-pnrtl-can
bollot. Only eight minutes was
required to kill it.
The nnti-pickcting bill was one of
the hardest fought measures in the
house. It had only two votes more
than was necessary for passage.
The senate passed tho farm bureau
seed bill after amending it so farmers
can sell seeds in certain quantities.
This bill now goes to the governor.
An attempt was made in the house
to revive tho Cronin bonding bill but
it failed. Such u law as this will un
doubtedly be passed sooner or later.
Speukcr Anderson wa presented
with a handsome gold headed cane by
the members of tho house and Mrs.
Anderson was given a big fern and
a box of candy.
In spite of the fact that both
houses ale anxious . to finish their
work and go home tho practice still
continues of wasting lots of oratory
upon the desert air at every opportunity.
Tho senate committee n revenue
and taxation has its back up becauso
cf alleged misrepresentations of the
now revenue bill and pVoposcs to
make detractors of the bill come in
and prove their statements.
After hearing the report of the com
mittee that was appointed to investi
gate rents in Omaha the house decid
ed that it is not necessary to take
any further action. The committee
found no evidence of profiteering.
Five thousand dollars a year is get
ting to be the fashionable salary for
Nebraska onicinls. This is the amount
fixed for the clerk of the supreme
court. The house also agreed to fix
the .salary of the supreme court re
porter at $1,000 a year after once
cutting it to 3,000.
The bill uniting Douglass and Sarpy
counties was amended so tiio 'now
county would be known as Sarpy in
stead of Douglass and was then kill
ed. When it came to a show down
neither county seemed anxious for a
The senate is evidently in no hurry
about quitting. A motion to appoint
a committee to confer with a house
committee on the question of adjourn
ment was voted down. It is hoped
thnt the business can be wound up by
the end of next week but there is no
certainty jthaWuch, will be the case
The house passed the Omaha char
ter bill without spending any time in
discussion. This is the largest bill in
point of size that was submitted. The
opinion seemed to be that if Omaha
wants this bill it should have It ana
that no time should be spent in argu
ment. The senate had already pushed
the bill.
The state chamber of commerce is
making an active fight ngainst the
taxation bill because it authorizes the
'ix commissioner to reassess proper
ty. It is said this feature would re
dt in jnaking county and local as
"ssors mere figureheads. This bill is
going to have active opposition in the
house from other sources.
Tlie house also passed the substi
tute water power bill without discus
sion in spite of the fnct that It. B.
Howell, who was backing tho origin
al bill, asked that it be killed if any
changes were mnde in it. The sub
stitute contains some radical depar
tures from tho Howell ideas but the
cpmmittee thought tho changes desir
able. '
Governor McKclvio sent a message
to tho s-enate asking tho passage of a
bill allowing the slate banking de
partment of trade and commerce to
act as receiver for failed banks. The
purpose of this bill is to keep such
hanks under the supervision of this
department instead of turning them
over entirely to tho courts. It will
also save expense.
practitioners easier but does not ex
empt them from observing quarantine
laws and regulations.
The state prison now contains C3D
prisoners,- the largest in the history
of tiint institution and about a third
more than it is intended to accommo
date. Warden Fcnton has served .no
tice on sheriffs that they cannot
bring any more prisoners to the pen
until some of those now there arc
discharged. The crowded condition
is due to the wave of crime and to
the suspension of paroles.
When the dead line fell Monday at
2 o'clock on nil bills yet in the hands
of the sifting committee 71 were left
out in the cold. Among them is the
press association bill requiring the
publication of tho personal tax 'oil
and the Green bill regarding polit'cal
advertising. Newspaper men and
printers will not object to the killing
of tho latter. A number of other
good bills were killed. Only .sevens
bills were reported out by the sifters.
After n four hour debate the house
committee of tho whole advanced tho
language bill to third reading. The
vote was G5 to SI. Tho chief feature
of the debate was the strong stand
taken for the bill by Dr. Hoffmeister,
who was born, renred and educated in
Germany. He says most Americans
of German birth wnnt such a law.
Some strong statements were made
in the course of the debate which
could not have been enjoyed very much
by those who have been lobbying for
the passage of the bill.
The house passed the grain grow
ers' warehouse bill with only one dis
senting vote. This bill which pro
vides for warehouses on the fnrm and
the issuance of certificates against
such grain. A fee of $5 must be paid
to an inspector before certificates can
be issued. It is believed thnt this bill
will be of benefit to farmers by mak
ing it possible for them to hold their
grain and equalize tho supply that
goes to market. The bill is now ready
for the governor.
time to replace scrub stock on the
NIZE The Hereford breeders met Satur
day and after hearing M. B. Tossom,
Extension Specialist of the Animal
Husbnndry Department of Lincoln,
talk they adopted a constitution and
by-laws and elected officers for the
ensuing year as follows: Frank
Bean, Red Cloud, President, Earl Mat
tock, Bladen, Vice-president, P. H.
Larrick, Bladen, Secretary and Treas
The next meeting will be held Wed
nesday, April 20th at 2 p. m. at the
farm of Frank Cathcr of Bladen.
The Hereford breeders will boast Calf
Club, Tuberculosis Eradication, en
courage tho castration of inferior
bulls, .show at tho Stock Shows and
Fairs and visit each other's herds and
co-operative sales. With a good live
organization that the Webster County
Hereford Breeders organization prom
ises to be watch the Hereford indus
try of Webster county grow.
Boys and girls interested in Sow
and Litter Clubs of Pig Clubs, come
to the meeting Saturday, April lGth
at tho court house at Red Cloud.
County Agricultural Agent
They can plant shrubbery and grow
flowers and add to the beauty of their
They can clean up their back yards,
and get rid of the unsightly rubbish
and weeds in the alloy.
They can keep their walks in re
pair, and their shade trees properly
pruned, and create a general appear
ance of clcnnlin'css and thrift on every
Then when a public meeting is call
ed for tho purpose of inauguracing
civic improvements they can attend
the meeting and raise their voices in
behalf of that which is good for tho
town and ngainst anything that is
not good.
All of those things operate to make
a clean and attractive town, and such
a town advertises itself by its own
Every citizen can bo a booster, if
he or she so desires.
But like charity, it should begin nt
homo. Journal, La Cygne, Knnsns.
Many very estimable people of this
town are sincerely desirous of doing
their bit to boost our home commun
ity. "But what can I do?" they ask.
There is much they can do, and tho
best place to begin is at home.
They can keep their houses and
fences in repair.
They can keep their lawns well
seeded and mown.
ivyr nvi a i i rr-i i
mrs. ilo. -macK 1. l . Amack :
Amack & Amack i
The man who does not advertise be
cause his grandfather did not, ought
to wear knee breeches and queue.
The man who does not advertise be
cause it co"ts money, should quit
paying rent for the same reason.
The man who does not advertise be-'
cause he tried it and failed, should
throw away his cigar becauso the
light went out.
The man who doesn't advertise bo-,
cause he doesn't know how himself
ought to stop eating because he can't
The man who does not advertise be
cause somebody said it did not pay,
ought not to bolievo that the world
is round because the ancients said it
was flat. Business Printer.
TVTOW come tho Pifis Calves Colts Lambs. Time for work
IN horses and mules to shed. Time to tone them up and drive
out the worms.
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic
A Spring Conditioner and Worm Expcllcr
Feed tt to your cows for Its system-toning, bowcl-cIcansinS. npnctizlng ef
fects anil to condition them for calving. It means moro milk. Feed it to brood
sows and ohoats to drive out the worms. It relieves brood sows of constipation.
Excellent for ewes at l.imbinK time. It contalnsTonics for the digestion. Laxa
tives for the Dowels. Diuretics for the kidneys. Vermifuges for tho womia.
Why pay the Peddler Twice My Price?
We have the Dr. Hess Agency. Call on us.
Chas. L. Cotting : The Druggist
' Tell ci how much stock ton have. We have a package to suit.
, .
The house made short work of the
anti-cigarct bill last Thursday even
ing. The intention was to dispose of
k in short order but a few supporters
of the bill wanted to air their views
and two or three made short talks
against it. The bill was killed by a
vote of about 2 to 1. If there was
any public sentiment in favor of such
a bill a different story might be 'old
but most of the members were con
vinced that the enactment of such a
law would bo adding only so much
dead timber to Mio statutes.
The senate child welfare committee
killed the sennte movie bill and re
ported the house bill for considera
tion. Senator Bcebc has a substi
tute bill which he is going to try to
get passed in place of tho house bill.
Senator Bcebe's bill gives a list of
pictures that may not be shown and
requires each exhibitor and distribu
tor to deposit 51,000 with the state
treasurer. If he is convicted of vio
lating the law he forfeits the money.
If not, he may get his money back
in thirty days after he sells out or
quits business but it must remain on
deposit ns long as he in business.
After spending almost an entire
day talking about the movie bill the
sennte finally decided to lay it over
until 2 o'clock Monday before taking
further nction. Tho committee report
ed out the house bill for discussion.
Senator Bcebc proposed amendments
which, practically, amounted to a new
bill. Tho substitute bill does not pro
vide for a board of censorship. It
specifies what pictures may not bo
shown and intends that it shall be en
forced tho same as other laws are
enforced. It also provides for a
81,000 deposit which will be forfeited
in case of violation of the law. The
big dispute was over tho adoption of
the substitute. J ho voto was a lie.
At the time this is written it is said
that two pr moro senators who voted
for the house bill are about to chango
their minds and that it will bo killed.
The senate took favorable nccion
Thursday on S. P. 249, which is the
same as II. R. which was kljlcd by the
house early in the session. The vote
in tho house was C5 to 35. There is
no reason to think that the decision
T.ill ho changed when the house sets
another crack at it. This is tho bill
that gives tho Omaha water board
the right to go into the electric light
ing business.
A call of tho houso was nocessnry
lust Thursday morning to secure the
passage of the. Christian Science bill.
Considerable discussion was caused
By this hill. The hill has passed the
aenato and is now up to the governor.
It legalizes tho practice of Christian
'' ' Science and makes thc work of the
Farm Bureau Notes
The Webster County Shorthorn
breeders held their first consignment
sale. Thirty-sis head were sold and
while tho price tho consignor received
was not ns high as it might have been
the purchnser will be benefited and it
ig'tustcp toward putting better cat
tlo in'the county. Prices were writ
ton reason of a farmer replacing his
grades with pure bred stock. Some
bulls were sold that should liavo been
castrated and tho sooner tho breeders
ofpurc bred cattle get tho habit and
make" it a practice to castrato these
inferior bulls tho hooncr Webster
county will' be noted for it's good
herds of cattle. Too many breeders
are in the habit of buying a cheap
herd bull and on tho other hand ex
pect farmers to pay them a fancy
price for tho off-spring of this cheap
bull. There never was a better
tr i
ir ' lllJlrr Musics rertect
PW I Ttif .jam. I
' I-1 Mirror MR
i 'ill i ill 1 1 h 1 1 IImiIP i
fcwwAy tmFm&sxr
&wm '.
I Ttw 1
'-' a
jn& naw
Jho Phonograph wfoh a Soul
The New Edison is like the perfect mirror
that reflects form and feature, true to every
line and subtlety of coloring. It gives you
an exact Re-Creation of the singing or play-J
ing of the living artist or artists.
Mr. Edison spent 7 years of his time and 3
millions of his dollars to develop the perfect
realism of trie New Edison. He has proved
this perfect realism by comparing the New
Edison with living artists 5,000 times before
more than 5 million people. The New Edison
is positively the only phonograph which can
sustain this test.
We have,for you,aproof onoflsetpaperof the
famous Franklin Booth etching of Mr. Edison,
as he looks today. Size 12 x 19 inches. Bears no
advertising matter; suitable for framing. Just
fill out the ballot, and bring or mail it to us.
E. H. Newhouse
Bring r mail this ballot)
Mr. Edison has jast made n
list of his 25 favorite tunes.
Wht other well-known
American's favorite tunes
would yoa like to know?
Write hifor her name hero
Your name.
This ballot entitles you free
to any or all of the Items listed
below. Check which you want:
O Franklin Booth Portrait of"
D WhetBrflMmLUceilnMutla
a (Booklet)
D Edison and Muilc (IIluj.
trated Booklet
r,rnHvht Did Edlion Do Dur.
ing the War (Bulletin)
-? a, X '-&'