The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 14, 1921, Image 7

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Toloi) thepiln of
Com-.. Bunl.nj. Callousn. UIMtn.Tlrtd,
Aching, Swdltn, Tender ltd. use
The Anil senile. Healing Powder to
Shnkc Itto Yoir Shoes atul sptlulcle
C.11 ufvilt4r m art v4
; this. packAce vf,
' v
Pw rr 1 ail m '
No Rtoro Misery
After Eating
ifsf Takes An Eaionlo
"The nrst dose of Katonlc tlltl mo
Wonders. I take It lit meals atul nm
to longer bothered with Indigestion,"
writes Mrs. Ellen Harris.
Thousands of. people, like this denr
lady, gratefully testify about Katonlc,
which does Its wonders by taking up
and carrying out the excess acidity and
pases which bring on Indigestion,
heartburn, bloating, belching nnd food
repenting. Acid stomach also causes
.bout seventy other non-organic ail
ments. Project yourself. A big bos
of Eatonlc costs but n trifle with your
druggists guarantee.
Exceptional opportunity at the present time
for young roinea over nineteen years ot ajje
Too have had at least two years in high school
take Nurses' Training In general hospital,
ir graduate! are In great demand. Address
Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln, Nebratka
Developing, Printing
and Enlarging
Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
(E.iBtuiau Kodak Co.)
bept. K, 1217 O St Lincoln, Neb.
MKNT, works on nil Suwlnit Muclilnvx l'rlce
12.00. 1'erMonul checks 10c extra. DuUkIhi
Bales Co., 1328 N. 16th St.. nirmlnKliulii. Ala.
AGKNTH Men or women, sell Illch Orade
Toilet I'repnrntlons, Extraiia, Soups, l'er
fumes. Sellers. Hepntcrs. UIb commissions.
Naomi Chem. Co., 3837 Broadway, Chlcaito.
OUKtiON l'UUNKS. 23 Ml. llOX, FKBl'AIII,
larite, JO. 00: medium. S4.60; .mall. St.OU.
No Man Has a Right to Waste His
Own Time or Steal That
of Another's,
Life is composed only of two things,
time nnd effort. One Is useless with
out the other. Both should be ns
nearly 100 per cent productive ns we
re nblo to make them.
Try ns best we may, the end of life
will find us with muny things un
done. No mnn ever wholly completed the
2nsk allotted to him. There is a ren
eonnble excuse If into our use of time
no waste creeps.
For the man who wastes his own
time or steals another's there is nei
ther exense nor valid reason.
I'ut n value on every minute. Be ns
anxious and as certain to get that
value ns you are to gain tho worth of
four dimes and your dollars.
Itemember that once it minute hns
passed by It Is gone forever. F. A.
Walker In Chicago Dally News.
If you would become popular with
idolent people nil you have to do Is
let them Impose on you.
Mnny n man knows from experience
that It Is far easier to llnd a wife
than It Is to Iom her.
Farmers never do understand why
town folks regard fried chicken as
such a luxury.
?j 5 " mam
1.1 Will trf wWsbW
Can you do it now? If you cant,
there's something wrong.
Many find coffee a disturbing
- element, so wisely leave it off
and use
Postum Cereal
agBffi I
Wiere's a Reason forPostum
Made by Postum Cereal Co.,Ic.a
battle Crcch,Miclu
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports from druggists
who ntc constantly in direct touch with
the public, there is one preparation that
ha a been verv successful In overcoming
these conditions. The mild nnd healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swatnp-Uoot is
soon realized. It stands the highest for
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of the
prominent Life Insurance Companies, in
an interview uu tuc ouujcti, uiuut ue o
tonishing statement that one reason why
so rrnny applicants for insurance are re
jected is because kidney trouble is so
common to the American people, and tho
large majority of thoso whoso applica
tions are declined do not even suspect
that they have the disease. It is on mIo
at oil drug stores in bottles of two sizes,
medium and large. ,
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation- send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y for a
sample bittlc. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. auv.
Experience chooses Intelligent peo
ple; fools go on blundering to the end.
There Is n snnko In every Eden, In
all probability.
The prices of cotton nnd linen hnvo
been doubled by the wnr. Lengthen
their service by using Red Cross Boll
Blue in the laundry. All grocers, 5c.
One Thing They Know.
Friend Wife Wbnt do you men
know nliout women's clothes, any
wny? Friend Hubby The price.
Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum
When adding to your toilet requisites.
An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby
and dusting powder and perfume ren
dering other perfumes superfluous.
You may rely on It because one of the
Cutlcura Trio (Soap. Ointment and
Talcum). i!Gc each everywhere. Adv.
Shop Talk.
First Printer (bnvlng got rid of
bore) "That fellow's a type, isn't
he?" Second Printer "A type? lie's
a case."
Too Bad.
Sculptor (to his friend) Well,
what do you think of my bust? Fine
piece of mnrble, Isn't?
Friend Magnificent. Whnt n pity
to have made a bust of It. It would
have made a lovely washstnnd. Pear
son's Weekly.
Harold' Obeyed His Mother.
Harold had been given penJsslon
to go to his grandmother's, who .Nxul
near by. It was nearly noon, nnd
grandma Invited Harold to stay to
To her mystification ho said: "I will'
If you ask me twice more."
She did so, nnd Harold enjoyed his
luncheon. When his mother called
for him Inter, grandmu asked her what
he meant.
His mother said: "I told him not to
stay to luncheon unless you Insisted
upon It."
Willing Messenger.
Come Seven Johnson was relating a
tnle of wonderful experience In the
war while his negro admirers listened
"Vessuli, Ah looks to do right nnd
here's a big bunch of Bushes comln' to
ward me, and Ah looks to do left and
derc's anoder big bunch comln' toward
uu-, and Ah looks ahead and dere's do
whole Bush army comln' toward
me "
"Yns, yos, and den what did yo'
"Man, Ah thinks of nil do poor
'Merlcnns back of mo waitln to git
pounced on and Ah spreads de
news!" American Legion Weekly.
Postum is a pure
cereal drink con
taining nothing that
can possibly disturb
nerves or digestion
'You'll find Postum
has a delightful fla
vor that fully satisfies.
iHPiovED umroiM international
uy msv. i; i. Ki'i.WA-rmt. d. n.
Trnclier of KnKll'h 111 bio In tua Mood) Inalltute or Chicago )
'. 1921. WtMern Newnii.iprr Union.)
LKSSON TKXT-Mark 6:1-3. John 6:17
II ThcHH. 3.C-13.
GOMJ10N TKXT-Not slothful In busl
nes; fervent In h,nrlt; serving tho Lorii.
Itont. 12:11.
t'rov. 2:29; 2S:1J; 31:10-31; Unli. .2S.
I'ltlMAKY TOl'lC - A Child Whc
JUNIOR TOI'IC-The Ant nnd tho Slue
gard. ,
WorkerB nnd Shirkers.
Labor PrublvniH.
Work In relation to CSod has a dlf
fcient meaning than In relation to
man. in relation to Cod It means
continued activity directed to some
purpose or end. In relation to man it
melius mnnunl labor.
I. Mighty Works W-?ught by Jesus
(Mark 0:l-:).
As Cod's obedient servnnt, Jcsns
energetically gave himself up to Ills
1. Teaching In the synagogue (v. 2).
This He did on the Sablmth day. He
could let no opportunity to do good
J. The result of Ills teaching (vv.
II, .'$). (1) The people were astonished.
In their astonishment they asked
questions: (a) From whence hath this
man these things? (b) Whnt wisdom
Is given Unto Him? (c) Is not this
the carpenter? (d) Are not Ills sis
ters with us? That His wisdom nnd
power were superhuman, they could
not doubt. The only answer to their
questions Is Christ's absolute Deity.
(ii) The people were offended (v. 3).
Not being able to answer their own
questions uud to believe their own
eyes and ears, they rejected lllni.
This rejection was not because they
knew Hlni too well, but because they
knew Him not at all. Ills country
men Judged Him by Ills brothers, sis
ters, nnd father, and therefore failed
to know Him.
II. "My Father Worketh Hitherto,
and I Work" (John 0:17).
Jesus had on the Sabbath day
healed nn Impotent man. They sought
to kill Him for this good deed, and
when He linked himself with God In
this they more earnestly sought to
kill Him. They tried to kill 111m be
cause He made himself equal with
Cod. The special points of equality
with God were:
1. Giving life to the dend. 'No hu
man being has ever been able to raise
another from tho dead. 'The Jews
rightly Interpreted Ills claim to being
able to raise the dead as u clnlm to
12. Judging mankind. No human be
ing Is wise enough to Judge his fellow
being. Christ's claim to be the Judge
of mankind they Interpreted to be Ills
claim to Deity, and they were correct.
III. The Man Who Will Not Work
Should Not Eat (II Thess. :i:G-l).
There had developed among the
Christians at Thessalonlca a tendency
to Idleness. Some were neglecting
their lawful earthly callings ercn to
the extent that they were becoming n
charge to the church. From the con
text of the Thchsnloniun epistles It
would seem that this serious condi
tion was the result of wrong views
concerning the" second coming of
Christ. Such as this Is wholly wrong
and absolutely contrary to the signifi
cance of "the blessed hope." The at
titude of those possessing an Intel
ligent view of the Lord's coming as
taught by Christ and the npostles, Is
earnest attention to the present duty.
"Occupy till I come," is Christ's
charge. Speculative star-gazers have
brought this precious doctrine into
disrepute. Unceasing fidelity to all
the responsibilities of the picsent Is
the correct attitude of those who are
waiting for the Son from heaven. To
correct this wrong, Paul
1. Asserts his authority to com
mand (v. 0). This uuthorlty was
given him by Christ.
'. Commands them to withdraw
from those who thus walk disorderly
(v. 0).
3. Paul's example (vv. 7-D). Paul
picssed with groat enrnestness tho
doctrine of the Lord's return, nnd yet
consistently continued In his lawful
culling. In order to not be chargeable
unto them he labored with great
earnestness night nnd day.
4. Those who will not work should
nor. eat (v. 10). This Is the right
principle upon which to base all works
of charity. It Is the efficient euro for
pauperism. The right economic order
has as 'Its foundation principle: Wprk
In order to ent. This should apply
to all classes, rich and poor.
0, Busybodles exhorted (vv. II, 12).
Idle, men nnd women always become
busybodles. Paul's exhortation Is that
they with quietness work and cut their
own bread.
Mnn'a Glory.
Man's glory lies In his striving nftrj
tho best; his shame, ln contentment
with the second rnto. Tho banner un
der which the true mnn marches bean
tho word "Kxcelslor," but thu goal
upon which he Axes his eyo hears tin
Inscription, "The Best." Church Mis
sionary. All. Seeing One Will Discover.
No fullncy can hldo wrong, no sub
terfuge cover It so shrewdly but tha
the All-Seeing One will discover and
punish It. ItlvaroL
Menaboshu Mad the Earth, According
to tho Legend Great Lakes Ara
Bear Tracks.
Menaboshu, according to tho legend
of the Chlppotvu Indians, was the cren.
tor of all tilings. lie nvowed one day
that he would make the earth. But
the almighty creator did not llud his
task easy, for he wanted to make tho
earth larger than any other thing,
Truly he rounded tho soil between his
powerful hands, until It grew Into n
great ball; but,' freed from their touch,
It fell In a heap. In this way he tr'od
again and again; each time he saw
the muss crumble. Then Menaboshu
mixed water with the soil to form
mud; mid, besides, moulded It about
ii great rock, when behold a still
larger ball. The mass, nt lust, kept
the chosen shape.
The creator, pausing to rest from
his toll, beheld his matchless work.
Mcnnboshu next undertook to de
vise the many living things which
dwell on the earth. Before tho sur
face of the giant ball had time to dry.
In fact, the lusty god began to make
the animals, last of which was man
began to make the animals, one kind
after another, on the broad palm of
his left hand. Among others he inadQ
the benrs.
The tlrst bear soon escaped from
Its nmker. The wild beast, with Its
untried strength, leaped to the enrth
nnd bounded straightaway across thu
continent of North Amerlcn. But the
land where tho sprawling benr's hugo
paws struck the earth was still so
fresh nnd soft thnt they left deep
tracks. All was strangely now.
These deep marks on our continent
quickly filled with water. Scnrcoly
had the frightened bear bounded away,
when tho beautiful lakes Superior,
Michigan, Huron, Ontario ond Krle
appeared, full to the brim. They nro
old ns the first bear's tracks.
The creator now hastened to mnko
rnln. At sight of tho water, filling
the lakes, ho began to fear, lest the
soil again fall In n heap; and he
caused the rain to fall from the sky.
so long thnt the lakes overflowed their
shores. And the water from Superior,
seeking tho level, flowed toward Krle,
the track of the foot which wtruck first
and settled, under the bear's weight,
much lower thnn the others tho wa
ter, on Its way to the sea dropped
abruptly from Ontnrlo Into Erie. And
lo! the Falls of Niagara I
And Menaboshu, ending his Inbors,
again beheld his work.
The Power of Silence.
There Is nothing In this world which
works to grenter advantage than to be
silent. No one likes to be Ignored. It
hurts like the mischief to have an an
tagonist throw up n barricade against
which we have no powor. The mo
ment the other fellow Is silent, thnt
minute all detailed plans of nttack
nro worthless. The only thing ono
ran do Is to be silent nlso, and there
you nro! Though but an armistice,
the action of conflict Is over.
Tho one who refuses to converse
mny bo one you hove no nse for. Still
It bothers you. You are annoyed, your
pride Is Injured at the realization thut
the one you hold In scorn has the op
portunity to Ignore you. The moment
you resort to tantalizing banter you
acknowledge tho final defeat. If you
fall In line nnd Imitate you compli
ment. The secret Is to steal the thun
der first.
If one you love keeps silent It hurts
twice. Once because you have no Idea
how deeply you may have offended to
bring down upon your head such pun
ishment, and again because the loved
one could Ignore you. Just think over
the conquering points of this silent
weapon. New York Mall.
Tears Brighten the Eyes.
There Is n very widespread belief
that the process of crying tends to
weaken tho eyes and rob them of
brightness. Actually, tho truth lies
In the opposite direction, according to
an dentist.
Thu shedding of tears (provided
that the weeping Is not overdone) Is
one of the greatest aids to softness
and brightness of the eyes.
Tho explanation Is this: The eye.
need n bath Just ns our bodies do.
There In a certain quality In the "tear
liquid" which does not exist In water,
and that Is why a tear bath Is of much
greater value than a mere bathing
vith cold or warm wnter.
There Is n possibility that ono of the
reasons for the superiority of femi
nine eyes In point of limpidity nnd
brightness over tho male optics Is the
tendency of tho gentler sex to indulge
In moro or lusa frequent outbreaks
of tenrs.
The moral Is that If you want to
have what novelists cnll "eyes like
the flshpools of Ilcshoon," give the
eyes a tenr bath at least onto a week.
Wants a Free Trip.
""Rnllronds requlro thut when a body
Is shipped to any point tho under
taker Bhall purchase two full tickets,
but It Is optional whether uny one ac
company the body.
Tho following unique proposal was
sent to a New York undertaker re
cently: "Within the next five weeks I am
duo at Snntn Fc, N. M., nnd as I
understand there aro times when the
near relatives of one who has pnsscd
Into hazy oblivion cannot como to
New York to toko charge of same, 1
hereby hold myself open nt nny time
within tho above named period to ac
company said obllvloiiH party to any
point In tho West or Southwest us a
matter of covering my transportation
In exchange for said services."
Declares Tanlac Enabled
Him to Eat Better, Sleep
Better and Work Bet
ter. Has Gained Thirty
"I consider Tanlac the grandest
Jnedlelm In the world, for I liae
actually gained !!0 pounds In weight
slnc' began taking It. It has Just
Kliu,ily filled me with new life and
energy and for the first tin e In years
I can sit down to the table and en
Joy three square meals a day like
other people. In fact, Tanlac has
made me eat better, feel better, sleep
better and work better, and I guess
that's all a man can expect of n
"Before I took Tanlac, I was off 25
pounds In weight and was so badly
run down I was hardly able to do my
work. Nothing seemed to agree wltii
me nnd my food Invariably soured on
my stomach. I would always have an
uncomfortable bloated up feeling In
my stomach, nnd although I tried
many kinds of medicines, I never got
relief until I took Tnnlac.
"I nlso suffered considerably nt
times from Rheumatism, but this has
nil disappeared. In fact, this wonder
ful medicine has made u new man out
of mo In every way. I feel years
younger and can do as much work as
In any dny of my life.
"Of course, I nm only too glad to
give you my testimonial because I
want other people who are suffering
ns I did to take this medicine nnd get
What to Do for
Disordered Stomach
Young Corn Husk Evidently Was
Never Intended for High Place
In Modern Life.
J. D. Rockefeller, Jr., said In a Y.
M. C. A. address:
"The successful business man todny
Is one who knows how to chooso his
managers. A successful modern busi
ness Is too vast for any one man to
handle. So managers are essential,
and If these mnnngcrj are badly
chosen, failure follows.
"Tho unsuccessful business mnn Is
apt to deputo authority to such crea
tures as young Corn Husk.
"Young Corn Husk's daddy sent him
to the mill ono dr.y to try to sell the
Benson's wheat crop
"Corn got hold of n miller nnd sub
mitted u handful of wheat to htm.
Tho miller examined the wheat care
fully. Then he said:
"'How much more hns your father
got lllcc this?'
" 'lie ain't got no moro like It,'
young Corn nnswered. 'It took aim
all morning to pick thlit out.' "
Most of the scolding letters are
never written; but more than enough
Honest poverty rnnks ns high with
some people as dishonest wealth dues
with some others.
Organize; even people who won't
Join will give you their moral sup
port. ,
True mnrtyrdom lets somebody else
advertise It.
Tho best thing to do In it hurry Is
wmRimwAim "mtM Mfyfrnrnt
jrafi& . wrorci N v""' t"
vamv 'jii .....jffln.ik'.r vufi)nut
"jM1 Vr VP'PfTc m9Hh Un jmIX
j" '"V
Of Pittiburg, Pa.
Tho above remarkable statement
was made by Harry M. Allen, resid
ing nt 1000 Saint Martin Street,
Pittsburg, Pa., a well known em
ployee of the Oliver Iron & Steel
Company of that city. Mr. Allen In
a well known member of the United
Presbyterian Church and Is highly re
spected by all who know him.
Tanlac Is sold by leading druggist!
everywhere. Adv.
;Take"a"good dose of Carter's Little Liver
Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after.
You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to
follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness,
Dizziness. Sick Headache. Upset Stomach and (or Sallow.
Pimply, Blotchy Skirt. They tnJ Iht mlttry cf Contllpalton
Cenulnebear sill Pill; Sm.ll Doit; Smill FtUt
Never climb a mountain till you
come to It then maybe It won't bt
Luck usually strikes up an Intimate
acquaintance with hard work; some
times not.
If certain people only tell the truth
It matters not about tho uncertain
Worry Is the Interest pnld on trou
ble In advance.
There Is no gospel In n kick.
Weak and Miserable?
Does tho least exertion tire you out?
Feel "blue" and worried and havo dr.ily
backache, lamcncaB, headaches, dizzi
ness, and kidney irregularities? Sick
kidneys aro often to blame for this
unhappy state. You must act quickly
to prevent more serious trouble. Use
Doan's Kidney Pills, tho remedy rec
ommended everywhere by grateful
users. Ask your neighbor!
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Alfred Eycr,
Ashland, N o I) r , ,
says: "Some times
my bade fairly
fravo out on mo. I
got bo tired nnd
eoro thnt I hnd to
llo down and rest
nt euch times. My
itiunoys ncteu ir
rcKolar. 'I llnnllj
used Doan's Kid
ney Pills. My back,
doesn't tiro out Br
enslly now nnd 1
nm cnpahlo of net-
tins around hotter,
Get Doan't nt Anj Store, COe Box
Think whnt that means tn vnn In
POOd hard dollars with tlin irri-at ri.
ITinnd for wheat at hluh nrlrixi- Minn
farmers In Western Canada have paid (or their land
from a single crop. The same success may still be
yours, for you can buy on easy terras.
Land at Sf5fo S30 an Acra
f located near thriving town?, cood markets, railways land of a
Kind which crown 20 to d5 nushala nff uuhaaft in 4hn a
yppa Brazing ianas at low prices convenient toyour Brain Jarm en
able you to reap the profits from stock raising and dairying.
Learn the Facfs About Wesfern Canada
low taxation, (none on improvements), healthful climate, good
schools, churches, pleasant social relationships, a prosperous and
industrious people. -
'or llliutrutcd lltrtar, tninJ. description of turn oppattanllln la
W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Bee Building, OMAHA, NEB.
Canadian Government Airant.