The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 14, 1921, Image 4
BED CLOUD, i NEBRASKA, CHIEF 'IIMfi C 1 V ,v mm ii ii i iiiiiiiiiirii""in r rrnTrTir-rrnTtTi"rrTnmnTn'TT"nTTTrni7TimTnTTrrTnin rnT"TTnnn7rTrrrT T'Ttt r """"' jLsiJi cr 10 day The lowest priced construction material in the4 world. Buy it. rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Clovid, Nobris! ..Jjf-hWb J.AI.HY THU it i .rtr-frt In U t I-tiRii r tt nt ilirt n tio.Ntb an Hicund lnsi Matter A. D. McAKTHUn,'tK'l'tor mid Ownur Piatt ; Bbgs- u... . u-tUW bU WSA M fe$ BATTERIES toev tjr VlJ . a. An Invitation itftf ' l.'t i'. When your battoty needs attention, to what kind of service station do you go? Do you get unprejudiced advice and skilled work? Please realize that, no matter what make of battery you have, it will be given expert attention at our Service Station and made to last as long-as possible. Batteries are thrown iaway every .day which our experts could economically put into shape to give efficient service. ' rJo.'matter what make of battery te' in -your, car, you will worth' your 'while to get acquainted with our service. When your battery is truly worn out and not before then we will be glad to sell you an Exide, the long-life battery. CARL S. McARTHUR Red Cloud Battery Service Station Advertising Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, ' " " 10 it I2H i Irr-H' Ufalli Slfalli 'lE?j If Ficteires n A f IFIIT AD FI I 1 ' n Theater i U Vauaeville y . p Red Cloud U ptclin t5)fi ZZZ3lfiHll ''jf NEBRASKA FAKM BUREAU FEDERATION H. D. Lute, secretary of the Ne braska Farm Bureau Federation, at tended the meeting of the presidents and secretaries of the mitl-wcst group of federations, held at Indianapolis, 'Aprjl 4nrid"&. He returned to Chica go Tuesday evening to attend the ratification meeting of the grain mar keting Committee of Seventeen, held Wednesday. J. R. Howrtrd, president of the American Farm Bureau federa tion and W. G. Eckhardt of the Illinois Agricultural association, were the principal speakers at the Indianapolis conference. Elmer E. Youngs of Dawson coun ty, president of the Nebraska Fiwm Iiurcnu Federation has had marked success during the past few years in growing potatoes under a straw mulch. The main points to remem ber, according to Mr. Youngs, are: do not pack the ground after planting, use late maturing varieties, plant about May 1, and do not get the straw mulch too deep. Mr. Youngs has secured between 350 and 500 bushels to the acre by this method. A good many of his Dawson county neighbors arc having the same success with the mulch. Over 31,000 members in the Nebras ka Farm Bureau Federation is re ported by J. N. Norton, member of the executive board and chairman of the organization committee, following the successful campaign in Lincoln county. Mr. Norton stated that the clean-up campaign would be contin ued indefinitely. Clean-up work has been done during the past few weeks in Butler, Otoe, Saline, Fillmore, ScottsblufT, Merrill and Douglas counties. rum; Over seventy five sets of govern ment harness have been .ordered by Farm Bureau "members in ' the state through tho office of.H. D. Lute, sec retary. This harness is delivered to the individual farmery for $40.75, plus the carrying charges- Nebraska is not the only state to take up this proposition. Between 200 and 300 sets have been hold in Kansas and Missouri reports that orders for 651 sets have been sent out of their office. 0 a KST agSJg JROBERT WARWICK in 'JACK STRAW' Tbnig h t and 2-reel comedy 'DON'T BLAME THE STORK' LYONS and MORANiii Friday 'A Shocking Night' and a 2-reel comedy 'TWIN CROOKS' Douglas McLean and Doris May x Stars of 23 1-2 Hours Leave Saturday 'Let's Be Fashionable' and 2-reel comedy 'THE BIG SHOW' LARRY SEMON in Sunday 'THE GROCERY CLERK' ALSO 'Dead Line at Eleven9 l111 'fBli 5lrHrr J1JD D HawagMHBBBi WWWVAVAVMViViV.VAVAV.V.V.VVVAVAV.V.'.VAW Own Your Own Mome :i Malone-Gellatly Co, IAIUWWU liWWWW J. A. Crawford, former campaign manager in Nebraska, has been one of the principal speakers at the start of the campaigns in Lincoln and Thayer counties. Mr. Crawford has been spending tho past two weeks on his large wheat ranch at Beardslcy, Kansas. lie reports good crop pros pects and iaid that he expected to continue in tho Farm 'Bureau move ment in his own state. He is a mem ber of the Kansas board for a term of two ycais. MM Mil IIII.IMIIMII.MI II .Ill 11. I I I I !! IM Ml IIIIIMM IWI. II W I I I I I II M I II I III II MM M M r Governor S. It. McKclvie of Ne braska approves of the grain market ing plan as proposed by the Commit tee of Seventeen. In speaking to a conference in Chicago recently he spoko highly of tho caliber of the men on the committee. At the invi tation of the Nebraska delegates and members of the Committee of Seven teen, the Governor attended the rati fication meeting held in Chicago, April G. Were not afraid of having dissatisfied customers; - these Hart Schaffner a?id Marx clothes are rights . If you don't think so money back, " m HOW WILL THEY LOOK IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS? Think of that when you buy clothes this spring. All of 'em look good at first. But only clothes that have the quality and tailoring, look good in a few months - Hart Schaffner and Marx ,!l They're worth more than they cost because they give you - continued service and satisfaction. We'll be glad to show you the new styles and our striking values. E. S. Grber Wall Paper, Paints. Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) i . Electrical Goods of all Kinds , Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures "Quality" Job Printing Dp. E. 6A)EP . GflUlOPKflGTOH .. PHONES Ind. 193.X Bell 48 i ' I3fiee Torture BIdg, formeiljr Occupied by ( , The Margin of Safety Is represented by tho amount of Insurnnce you carry, Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Because fire has never touched you it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no today, If you have time and you better find tlmo come to the ofilee and we'll writo a policy on your house, furniture, store or morchandiso. -LATER MAY UK TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance Speed Up Your Ford Roof 10 valve head and Miller Rao Jnp Uiruurator. iNo cIwhkcs, easy to Install Cheap for cash. Frame & Smith Bros. Garage. , .. Attorney, L, H. BUckledge "WED CLOUD NEBRASKA n MJss, ElsieCather returned to Lln-r coin Sunday rnorninjr after 'sneTidirtt? afow7Iaysltcro with her pamftsjltfrl' and Mr3. C.F. Cuther and oWcr 'rela-' tives. Chnrlcs E. Gunnels, assistant secre tary and treasurer of tho American Farm Bureau federation, who came to Ncbrnska recently to assist in bringing tho Gift-Corn project to an early close, is a Ncbraskan. For several yeras nftor graduating from the Nebraska College of Agriculture, ho served as county agricultural agent in Seward county. Ho then became county agent leader in tho extension service, and for eight months was di rector of extension. For a time be fore entering Farm Bureau federation work ho wns assistant chief of the extension service of tho department of agriculture. REVIEW OF WILSON ADMINIS TRATION. The much discussed New York "Times" review of tho Wilson admin istration contained in its magazine Bection of February 23 published in attractive cloth binding may bo had by applying to James Wm. Bryan, director of publications, Democratic National Committee, or tho James Wm. Bryan Tress, Washington, D. C. Tho volume also contains the New York "World" editorial on the Wilson administration, the Gen, Jn$r Clrris Kani,SrVrats) ftpp?cciatibnofitlio cove a$; of .d'ltfagAleof inationk and the covenant Jtself. 'IPflYlprico prepaid is one dollar. hlrM"k ' ""'- "' A NEW OXFORD EMERY and CLUETT FOR MEN SHIRTS $6.00 $1.50 to $4 THE NEW HATS GOOD OVERALLS Latest Styles for men-Plain Blue $3 to $5 $1.50 The W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co. 'The House of Quality9 V.vVVT MfcjTTTr'hr TWgE?-55gJ.,aw. ,-Wk1 k-,lk"4W. ser5 T-S. 2 ft- - 1 siUMA ggSBSSKH The Red Cloud Mill Leased and operated by W. H. Rob erts, who re-opened tho mill two years ago, is making the flour as good, If not bettor, than in tho past. Try a sack of Red Cloud Best Flour and boost your homo mill. Every sack is guaranteed and is sold by all the merchants all tho tlmo. He is also propared to grind corn, barley and all kinds of feod Patronize your homo mill. Estrayed Have takon up a young Spotted Sow, Owner can hare same f 7 proving pro-I- periy, payiug utimaKoj ""Tc "i Bring In Your Harness With the beginning of spring work on the farm comes additional demands on your equipment. Inspect your harness, and for the best of repair work give me a trial. Fogel Bldg. J. 0. BITLER Red Cloud Nebraska If f our printed matter comes from the BbtoC3K Mtm :W riht' V t " --rf ---- -