The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 14, 1921, Image 1
FF3 ,' I t. 9 1 IV I) I; !; i " K Mk 72 i ( t) Tuwm9mrm W (,!., .Vlf sVov cM ' tvwVe vw,llUlcjnk A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 52.00 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. APRIL 11. 1921 NUMBER 15 nm,iii,iujijiiiTiw wummmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmimmmwBmmmaamaoammammammmmamMimmsmaacEair' C i1 & EAST to wash PYREX Nothing can adhere to its hard, odor-proof, grease proof surface. It is easy to keeplean for it will not chip, craze, bend, dent or discolor and always remains new. PYREX is the original the first transparent oven ware and is guaranteed not to break in actual oven-use. PYREX is made in shapes nnd size for every practical baking purpose. It is a saver or umc, iiici ana jUishwasrunt; drudgery. "The Captain of Plymouth" j Friday evening, April 22, in the Amli torium, the High School Choritb uiidir the direction of Mrs. F. K Hughes will offer the public a comic operetta iu three nets, "The Captain of Plymouth". J E.vcelleut programs rendered in tko past by the students of our schools is BUtlleleut evidence that the people will be assured of n real entertainment in this coming event. LEWIS PRAISES WORK OF NHHRASKA AUT110KESS Enters Four Bulls in Big Sale This morning, Chns Steward, who is establishing n reputation us a breed cr of thoroughbred Shorthorn cattle shipped four of his bulls to Omaha which he will enter iu a sale to be held there Monday mid Tuesday of next week, by a largo number of the cattle breeders of this state. No doubt some new top prices will be made for this brcd of cattle. TRINE'S Hardware mHomimiiB!iir.iiiiiiiaimiiaiiM!iiiiciiB ON THE FARIVr Spring work on the farm will be requiring the time of every farmer. The work has to be finished at a given time. Little at tention is give to other matters. Still, the matter of nourishment must be thought of Let us supply your wants in groceries canned goods, relishes, cookies, Etc. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee We'll pay markej price for your produce P A. Wull brandt Groceries and Queensware mc vmm ran ramraiEraflnramnamnunEomai aHUffl Installs Pipe Organ Again MaiiHger Miller of the Audi torium bus shown his intentions of giv. ing the theater goers of this communi ty the very best in the entertainment line, us the new pipe- organ arrived in the city and is being installed. It is his intentions to have it ready to mo for this evenings program. It is the lirst instrument of tuts kind ever brought to the city and us it is con structed especially for show houses it I ? needless to say it will add grcutly to the.entertalnment of tho people. Mr. Wcudolph of McCoolc who is installing it will preside as organist for a few days, after which Mrs. Roe will bo in charge. Answers Final Summons Marlon Uouchiu, agod 47 years, who had been in poor health for the past two years, passed away Saturday after noon at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. F. Smith, in the First ward. Tho de ceased was born aiQ grew to young manhood iu Webster county but for several years had resided at Bcnidjo, Minnesota, to which place his remains wore shipped Tuesday morning, for burial. A wife aud two children and several brothers and sisters are left to mourn his demise. Martin Paul Foe Martin Paul, tho four months old son of Mr. aud Mrs. H. S. Foe, passod away Monday evening after a very brief Illness. Funeral services were conducted from tho homo Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Hates in chargo and interment was made in the city ceme tery. The sorrowing parents havo the sympathy of the community in the loss of their first born, Classy Suits The Kind You'll Want Because They Fit THE HUGHES WAY FOR CLOTHES TR.OUBLES The Frank R. SWies Go. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIE'S TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS m BOTH PHONES We Call and Deliver Grace Church Notes The Teaching Mission conducted by Rev. Win. F. Mayo O. II. 0. ended on Wednesday evening. Much interest was manifested and tho Splrltuul up building of our peoplo was strengthen ed. On Sunday next the services will be as follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 a. m, Evening sorvico at 8 p. m. Evorybody cordially welcomed. Baptist Church Notes Pastor at Largo E. T. Haddock Sabbath School at 10 a. in. Supt. J. M. Hewitt. Topic "Labor Problems." Mark 0:1-3; John 0:17; 11 Thoss. 3:0-13 Come with us and join a olas. At 10:45 tho Coteries In prayer will meet In the church parlor. Conductor Miss Mary Christian. Morning sermonotto and sermon at 11 o'clock. A sermonotto to tho llttlo poople. Sermon theme, "Character". 7:15 p. tn the Seniorities will as semble, loader W. D, Edson. Evening sermon 8 o'clock. Subject, 'Tho Wages of Sin." Como to those services and receive a blosslng. Tho Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Uodklss Friday afternoon at ;ov. , Nebraska's foremost citizen is Willu Sibort Cathcr, novelist, and her nnmo will be associated with the state long after other names have been forgotten, according to Sinclair Lewis, himself the author of "Main Street," the best selling piece of fic tion published in the last year. Mr. Lewis spoke at the Fontcncllc Friday afternoon under the auspices of the Omaha Society of Fine Arts, and in paying his tribute to Miss Cathcr, he declared: "Willa Sibort Cathcr is greater than General Pershing; she is incom parably greater than William Jen nings Bryan. She is Nebraska's fore most citizen because through her stories she has made the outside world know Nebraska as no one else has done." Mr. Lewis took for his subject, "The American Novel as an Interpre tation of Life." Seemingly his novel "Muin Street," is accomplishing its purpose as "an interpretation of life, for since its publication last October, it has run through eighteen editions. This sucessful writer, n typical, (all, well groomed, diffident sort of Amer ican, insisted that Willa Cather Is n greater author than he ever dared hope to he, although her books have had no phenomenal sale. He tacitly extracted a silent pledge from his audience of 500 that before a fortnight had elapsed they would own tho'Tour books written by thin fnvmor Nebraska woman. "O Pio neers,"- "My Antonia," "Youth and the Bright Medusa" and "Tho Song of the Lark." The speaker classed Willa Cather, Edith Wharton and tho late Frank Norris s a triology rep resenting the highest typo of fiction writers in America. No greater novels of American life will ho written than Norris' "Mc Tcaguc," and Edith Wharton's "Ethan Fromo," in the opinion of Mr. Lewis. "Both these writers, with the see ing eye of the artist, pierced beneath the surface of the drab, shabby, com monplace life and found in seemingly uninteresting human beings possibili ties of tragic suffering nnd superb emotion," ho declared. Mr. Lewis pleaded for a better un derstanding bewteen the worldly man of affairs and tho author, and be tween the capitalist and tho laborer. He believes that through the reading of great fiction, as in no other way, will all classes get a true perception of life nnd learn to know the real im pulses that actuate their fellow men. Thus, ho declared, might racial dis sontions, wars and other devasting expressions of hatred vanish. Omaha World Herald. Commercial Club Meets Tuesday ovening tho Commercial Club held a mooting at Its rooms F W. Cowdeu was present and stat ed that tho r.olden Rod Highway Assn., would hold Its annual meeting at Beatrice April 10th. Piosldcnt Hamil ton was Instructed to appoint a com mittee of four to represent the city nt tho meeting, and also to visit the Uasso Bros, at Falrbury who would like to secure grounds for a wholesale grocery warohouee lu this city. Secretary Weosner stated that tho Rido'iour & Baker Wholesale Co., of Kansas City would also like to lo. cato a warehouse In this city. A committee consisting of O. C. Teel, W. A. Sherwood and P. W. Cowden were appointed to work Inconjucctlon with other organizations In this city who aro planning to havo a reception in honor of our new Mayor Elect, Miss Mary Peterson. G. W. Hutchison, F. E. Maurer and A. II. Mo Arthur were appointed a com mlttco to work with tho Delphlans, P. E. O. aud Boy Scouts In arranging clean-up day for this city. See Our Useful Jewelry SURROUND YOURSELF AND THOSE YOU LOVE WITH LUXURIOUS TOILET NECESSITIES. THEY MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING. WE HAVE A SUPERB LINE OF TOILET REQUIREMENTS AND USEFUL ARHCLES OF JEWELRY. WHEN DESIRING PRESENTS FOR OTHERS, OR ARTIC LES FOR YOUR OWN USE, COME, AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU. WHEN IT COMES FROM US IT IS RIGHF. We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right B. H. Newhouse ncd ciouj Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbttka raicairaimiiiaraoi Oils : Greases E QE 3E Tractor Oil 5 gal. 75c Bbl. lots 70c Motor Oil 1 gal. 80c 5 gal. lots 75c Harvester 1 gal. 80c 5 gal. lots 75c Hog Oil 1 gal. 50c 5 gal. lots 45c Separator - - per gal. 50c Axle Grease and Cup Grease in any quantity and at right prices They are the best grades on the market 3E 3E 1. The Farmers Union Attorney Bernard McNcny, J. W. Auld, Clarence- Johnson and Henry Fausch attended tho Shallcnbcrgcr cattle "sale at Cambridge Thursday. J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb. immiiTOro CHEAP ADVICE! as be Advice is one of the cheapest things in the world. It's as free the air. No matter what your troubles may be, just let it known and advice will come piling in. The old maid knows how to rear children, the bachelor knows just how a wife should be handled, and evrn a bald-headed drug gist can sell hair tonic and get away wltb but the advice you seek, not the kind that is volunteered, is tl iclJ you want. We are not a volunteer in the advice business, tui if you are a patron of ourbank and ask advice on financial ut-tUrs we will be glad to help you in any way we can. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, President Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Florance, Cashier DipotUi QuaranttI by the Oepotltors Quaranttt Fund of the State of Mbraila S ra n 0