The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 07, 1921, Image 9

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The moit widely used remedy In tho
world to overcome (he
effects of catarrh. Catarrh
silent and Insidious In lis
ravages, Invades nearly
every household and
hovers like a peitt
lenca every
and mo
thousands of
One Against Many.
(Solomon wna plainly dejected.
"Think of nil those wives planning
Easter towns 1" he .fried.
Important to nil Women
Readers o! this Paper
Thousands upon thousands of women
fcave kidney or bladder trouble and never
vuspect it.
Women's complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or tho
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy con
dition, they may cause the other organs
to become diseased.
You may nutter pain in the back, head
ache and loss of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irrita
ble and may be despondent; it makes any
Hut hundreds of women claim that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, by restoring
health to the kidneys, proved to be just
tthe remedy needed to overcome such
Many send for n sample bottle to see
phat Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney,
liver and bladder medicine, will do for
them. t By enclose ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binglmmton, N. Y.. you
inay receive sample size bottle by Parcel
Post. You can purchase medium and
rge size bottles at all drug stores. Adv.
ContB mny not niaku the man, but
lawsuits innke the attorney.
RegU S.Pal Off
An antiseptic
dressing for cuts
sores, etc.
A necessity,
where there
are children.
St Street Vew Yorb
to New York City alone from kid
ney trouble last year. .Don't allow
yourself to become a victim by
neglecting pains and aches. Guard
against this trouble by taking
Th world's sjtandard retfftSy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric ttcld troubles.
Holland's Watlonal Remedy since 1096.
All druggists, threo sizes.,
Lok tor (he name Cold Medal on evsry box
and accept no Imitation
All Run Down
Now Feels Fine
Eatonic Ended
His Troubles
"Entonlc la tho only thing I havo
(found to stop my heartburn ncd I
Ithlnlc It has been n grent help In
nervous spells," writes O. 0. Johnson.
An upset stomach mny cause lots
of suffering nil over the body. Eutonlc
helps In Hitch enscs by removing tho
cause of tho misery, becnuso It take.
up and carries out tho excess acid
and gases and keeps tho digestive or
gans In natural working 'order. A
tablet after menls Is al? you need. Rig
box costs only a trlflo with druggist's
lnriini i fjK, ihi .h,n puTisui.
I II Clli U LH ''f" "' "'! II Or. c. M. lorry
J JCISS e"- If they Tirdtch,
lon(JWJj Smart or Burn, If Sore,
nitf CVrC lrr"ated, Inflamed or
lUUR tlt3 Granulnted.useMurino
(ten. Sooth, Refroabea, Safe for
Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for
Free Eye Book. HuU tjt gmtij U.CUom
It strike at the root Ol ca
tarrhal troubles by stimulation
the direction, enriching the blood.
tonlos uo the nervous system and
soothing; tho raw tnd Inflamed mucous
membranes. Pe-ru na leU every oreaa to
wnrklor roDerlv and elves strefiBtb. vlcor
to the whole body. Try it. and like
others. learn what It means to be weU.
Early sprlns; brine with It Conglis, Colds, Distemper. D prs
pared, (lire yonr horse
Spohn's Distemper Compound
at the first sign of a cough. Better still, give It a a preventive
before ha shows signs of sickness. "SFOHN'B" act equally well
an preventive or cure, lly reason of It germicidal qualities. It
expels the disease germn, abates fever, restores appetite and
condition. 60 cents and $1.15 per bottle, Buy of your druggist,
Out of Order.
"That motion Is out of order," said
the cliulrtnun of n political meeting as
he saw a rowdy raising his arm to
throw un egg. Pearson's Weekly.
Name "Bayer" on Genuins
Beware I Unless you see the name
"Buyer" on pnekuge or on tablets yoa
are not getting genulno Aspirin pre
fecrlbed by physicians for twenty-one
yours and proved safe by millions.
Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer
package for Colds, Headache, Neural
glu, Hheumntlsm, Earache, Toothache,
I.umtmgo, and for Pain. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As
pirin cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin Is tho
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacetlcucldester of Snllcyllcacld.
What has become of the old-fash-loni'd
mini who got on lily knees to
Dye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists,
Coats, Stockings, Draperies
Each package of "Dlnmond Dyes"
contains easy directions for dyeing any
article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, or
mixed goods. Beware 1 Poor dye
strcakH, spots, fudes, and ruins mate
rial by giving It a "dyed-look," Buy
"Dlnmond Dyes" only. Druggist
Color Card. Adv.
A" man Is "Just as young as ever"
until he begins to puff on the third
night of hi airs.
Catarrh Can Be Cured
Catarrh Is a local dlscaso greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
thcrcfo.-o requires constitutional treat
Is taken Internally and acts through
tho Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of
the Syatcm. HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINB destroys the foundation of
the disease, gives the patient strength by
improving the general health and assists
nature In doing Its work.
All Druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney &. Co., Toledo, Ohio.
When they do "fancy work" In
Pcrsln It wells for $100 a yard and
Is called n rug.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
OASTOIIIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
TtonMi 4 Via
Signature of Uutffi&ZcMt
In Use for Over 80 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Occasionally a man gees around
half-dressed because It takes so much
to dress his better half.
Watch Cutlcura Improve Your 8kln.
On rising and retiring gently smear
the face with Cutlcura Ointment
Wash off Ointment In live minutes
with Cutlcurn Soap and hot .water. It
Is wonderful sometimes what Cutlcurn
will do for poor complexions, dandruff,
Itching unci red rough hands. Adv.
The giddy girl makes n merry com
panion hut n sorry wife.
Do you Suffer
from Headaches?
Mapleton, Kans. "I bavo been
using Dr. Pierce's medicines for over
thirty years and
can truly say they
are tho best med
icines I bavo ever
used. About
i thirty years ago I
had nick-head-
aches so that half
of my tlnio I was
unablo to do any-
thing. A
neighbor advised mo to
take Dr.
Plorco's Goldon Medical
I took six bottles and
have never been troubled with It
Blnce." MRS. H. C. HUGHES.
Sold by drugglBts for tho past fifty
yean), and has never contained a
drop of alcohol. It can now be had
In tablet form also. Send to Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotol In Buffalo,
N. Y., for a ten-cent trial package
(Copy for This Department Supplied 1
the American t.cKlon News Service.)
One-Third Ex-Service Doys in Institu
tions Are Members of the
Great Organization.
One-third of the ex-service men who
are conllned In hospitals lit thirty-two
slates nre mem
bers of tho Amer
ican Legion, ac
cording to Gerald
J. Murphy, direc
tor of the Legion's
sorvlco division,
who buses his re
port on llgures
compiled In n na
tional census of
disabled men ta
ken by the Le
gion. "With one-third
of tho disabled
Tcternns enrolled in the Legion, ngalnst
one-fifth of tho other eligible ex-service
men, It Is shown that tho disabled
man realizes the results the Legion hns
obtained In Its campaign for Justlco for
the sick and wounded of tho World
war", Mr. Murphy declared. "Tho dis
abled man has not Joined tho Legion
for the selfish purpose of obtaining his
own compensation, for the Legion serv
ice is extended to veterans, regnrdless
of Legion membership.
"Although tho principal effort of th,c
Legion Is to aid (he sick nnd wounded
veteran, national nnd state legislation,
Americanism work nnd ninny other
projects beneficial to nil ex-service
men nre being accomplished by tho or
ganization. These movements nre ex
pected to result In n greater percent
age of Legion members among those
who left tho service without physical
Sessions Alleged for Purpose of Pro
testing Against Negro Troops In
French Army of Occupation.
Pro-Gcrmnn meetings planned for
Ihe near future In n number of cit
ies In tho East nnd Middle West will
bo closely watched by Uio American
Legion, according to national head
quarters of tho ex-service men's or
ganization. The series of meetings,
it Is understood will bo held for tho
purposo of protesting against tho re
ported presence of negro colonial
troops In the French nrmy of occu
pation, despite tho fact thnt tho troops
In question were withdrawn many
months ago.
Cities in which the meetings nro
scheduled are Mllwuukee, Onialin,
Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Louisville,
Chicago, Cleveland and Now York. It
Is understood that Dr. Edmund von
Mnch, who wns rebuffed at Washing
ton, D. a, in an effort to enlist tho
aid of F. W. Giilhmlth, Jr., Legion na
tional commander, In tho project, and
George Sylvester Vlerlclc, notorious
Bochc magazine editor, nro among the
hyphenated Americans who nro spon
soring the movement.
A bulletin from Legion national
headquarters, warning stoto head
quarters to watch for an attempt to
revive German propaganda and to cre
ate sentiment In America hostllo to
tho allies, has been sent out, nnd
steps have been taken by nntlonal ofll
clnls to Influence tho Department of
Justlco to prohibit tho meetings.
"A rccurrenco of German propa
ganda activity In this country Is some
thing the Legion has been watching
for for somo time," said Lemuel
Bolles, nntlonal adjutant of the Le
gion. "I feel that tho greatest check
to a movement of this kind will como
from citizens of Teutonic extraction,
of whoso loyalty nnd sincerity thero
can ho no doubt Loyal Americans
should know of tho sinister efforts to
turn sentiment In fnvor of tho nntlon
with which technically wo nro still at
Josephus Daniels, Retiring Secretary,
Expresses Appreciation for Part X.
In World War.
A message of greeting nnd apprecia
tion to the members of tho Amerlcnn
Legion wns written by Joscphus Dan
iels, fortuor secrclnry of tho navy, Just
previous to his retirement from ofllcc.
Tho messngo follows:
"Upon my retirement ns Ihe direct
ing head of Uio navy, which place I
was privileged to hold during Uio
World war, I wish to send a word of
greeting and appreciation to all who
belong to tho American Legion nnd nil
who served their country In tho nrmy
nnd navy during thoso crucial days.
It was n prlvllego I blmll regard ns
tho most sacred In my Ilfo to havo
been their comrndo In thoso great
tlnys. Thej' truly saved tho civiliza
tion of tho world by their spirit and
their valor. In tho days that aro to
como tho world depends upon them"
for snvlng It from tho perils of pcuco.
I havo profound faith that thoy will
not bo wonting In tho now call uiron
them for tho sumo courage nnd wis
dom In ponco which Uioy manifested
In war.
National Judge Advocate Decides Or.
ganization Officer Ineligible If
Holding Public Office.
A decision of fnr-renrhlng nipon
iinioe as iifi'ectlng the participation In
politics of men holding olllce in the
American Legion lias Just In on hand
ed down by Hubert A. Adiiuis, nn
tlonal Judge advocate of Ihe Legion, In
response- to an Inquiry from the Inter
Post Council of Los Angeles, Oil.
At Its annua! election held In De
cember n Los Angeles post elected
CI. aiming Follette as commander for
HUM. A short time nftcrwnrds Fol
ic! te was appointed Justice of the
pence by the board of supervisors of
l.os Angeles county.
The question nroso whether, In view
of the fact that Follotle had been ap
pointed to nu olllce which, In Its na
ture, except In tho matter of lining
vacancies, Is nn elective, salaried pub
lic olllce, ho was eligible to servo ns
nn olllcer of the Legion.
In his olliclnl ruling, the national
Judge advocate says:
"This being n snlarlcd, elective pub
lie ofllcc, It Is my opinion thnt the
method of filling n vacancy Is not es
scntlnl In determining the eligibility
of a Leglonnlro holding such office.
The olllce Is elective, although the case
with which wo deal Is thnt of un ap
pointment. "The purpose of tho constitutional
provision Is, of course, to prevent, so
far as possible, the uso by n member
of the Legion of his Legion member
ship In furthering a political career.
Consequently, tho effect of nn np
pnlntmcnt. Is In no wlso dlsslmtlnr
from an election, and It Is my opinion
that the Incumbent Is, by Iho nccept
mice of his olllce, rendered Incllglblo
for the olllce of tho American Legion,"
It is believed that ninny Legion
members, nppolnted to political olllces
will bo affected by this ruling.
Distinguished Illinois Buddies Dele
gated to Save National Comman
der on Inspection Trip.
When F. W. Gnlbrnlth, Jr., nntlonnl
commander of the American Legion,
Inspected Illinois posts, ho was pro
vided with on honor guard of two
heroes of tho World wnr, who havo
received 10 medals and citations for
bravery between them.
Left Sorgt. Jack Hlley, M. O. of
Chicago, Is Illinois' most decornlort
wnr hero. Ho wears tho Congres
sional Medal of Honor, French Mili
tary Mcdnl, Croix do Guerre with
palm nnd star, D. S. C, Navy Cross,
Belgian War Cross, Victory Medal
with five battlo clasps nnd four cltn
Hon stars.
Bight Bohert Wnterhouse, n vet
eran of tho 3,1rd Division of Chicago,
holder of tho Distinguished Servlcf
Cross, British Distinguished Scrvlci
Order, Croix do Gucrro and Belgian
War Cross. .
Chief Executive of Texas Urges All
Ellglbles to Become Members
of the Organization.
Governor Pnt Nell! of Toxns has rec
ognized the Importnnco of tho Ameri
can Legion's effort to extend Its In
lluenco In thnt stnto by giving nn tin
qualified endorsement of tho member
ship campaign now under way.
"Ofllclnls of tho department o(
Texns, American Legion, tho organiza
tion which stands ns n living porpetm
ntlnn of the spirit of tho Amerlcnn
soldier during the World wnr, nro now
making nn especial effort to draw
moro ex-servlco men Into their ranks,"
said Governor NeiT.
"Tho record set by tho men who
form tho department of Texas, during
thnt period preceding November 11,
1018, nnd tho principles advocated by
these men blnco they hnvo. welded
themselves Into tho American Legion,"
ho continued, "leads mo to suggest that
tho public would bo serving Its own
ends, ns well as thoso of tho Amerlcnn
Legion, by lending nctlvo support to
tho membership campaign tho hitter
has launched. Tho former servlco
man who hns not afllllnted with tho
American Legion should need no ouo
to point out tho ndvautngo to bo de
rived by him und his country through
his support of this organization; but
In the rush of modern life, somo things
aro overlooked and thoso who havo not
the prlvllego of eligibility for tho
American Legion may aid by calling
this to tho attention of their acquaint
nncefl wlio have been In tho servlco."
I tiilSiSSMA 1
Prominent Rochester Citi
zen Tried Ten Years To
Get Relief, But Tanlac Is
Only Thing That Helped
One of the latest to testify regard
ing tho powers of Tanlac, the cele
brated medicine which has been ac
complishing such remarkable results,
Is Jumes J. Bensley, 101! Elmdorf
Avenue, Itochester, New York. Mr.
Beasley has been chief record keeper
for the Department of Water Works,
city of Itochester, for thirty years
nnd Is u well known und highly re
spected citizen. In referring to the
remarkable recovery of his health by
the use of Tanlac, Mr. Beasley said:
"I have been trying for ten years
to find relief from u case of dys
pepsia. Nothing ever helped me to
amount to anything until I got Tan
lac. This Is saying a great deal, for
1 did everything It seems that n man
could do to find relief. Or course, 1
wns hardly ever sick enough to go to
bed nnd wns most always able to
keep going, but 1 Just never felt
right. At times during those ten
years, my stomnch would become
flour like vinegar. 1 would have un
uncomfortable bloated up feeling lif
ter eating that would last for hours.
I suffered a great deal from nausea.
At times my heitrt would flutter and
palpitate und I would become alarmed
over my condition. My nerves were
on edge nil the time, und I became
Irritable, nervous nnd restless. 1 had
no strength or energy to do anything.
In fact I wasn't like myself nt nil.
Even n week or two ago It was an
effort for mo to get out of my chair
und I felt us si I IT ami clumsy us un
What to Do
Trade Mark Keg.
putting Broker.' and Middlemen's profits in Con
sumers' pockets.
Best Hog and Poultry Peed on the market. It puts the
PEP in them and keeps them healthy.
Prices down to 3Xc per lb. in 00 lb. hands; V.ic in half
barrels: 43ic in quarter barrels. F.0. 11. factory.
Get Free Sample and booklet describing this Wonderful
Consolidated Products
"The only thing forpltrs. Makes them crow like weeds."
K. T. McKILLlP, Ucaver Crossing, Nebr.
"It's the best stuff I ever fed." F. SEI VERS, Iowa.
"A great chicken feed and egg msker."
T. J. LITTELL, Wilber. Nebr.
The pigs sure like it. Best thing forshosts I hare found."
B. VAN HORN. Burr. Nebr.
On the whole, it would seem that
nn overdose of dignity Is preferable
to entire absence of It.
Now Is tfco Tims to Get Rid of
These Usly Spots.
There's no longer tho slightest need of
feeltnR ashamed ot your (rookies, as Othlno
doubls strentth la guaranteed to remove
these homely spots. . . .
Simply get un ouncs of Otlitne double
strenicth from your druggist, and apply n
little of it night and morning and you
ahould soon see that oven the worst freckles
have begun to disappear, while tho lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom
that more than one ounco Is needed to com
pletely clear the sliln and gain a beautiful
clear complexion.
lie sura to ask for tho double strength
Othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of
money bock If It falls to remove freckles.
It's dlfllcult for ti tight-listed preach
er to hold his congregation.
To Insure gllstcnlng-whlto table
linens, use Ited Cross Bull Blue In your
laundry. It never dlsnppolnts. At all
good grocers, Ce.
It Is n sign of spring when tho gun
clubs put forth their shoots.
By Using
Ihe Genuine
X be guaranteed "killer" for nats.Mlee.Oockroaches,
nls and Wslerbuus the greatest known curriers
of disease. They destroy both food and proprrtr.
Steams' Bleetrlo t'aste forces thoae peata to run
from tbe building fnrwstnrsnd frethalr.
Directions In IS lanausnes In erery box.
TROtUes.S&oa&dUXa Hnougb to kill GO to 100 nu
ll. B. Government bays It.
W nil
Vlsw- fii f
Of Rochester, New York.
'old work horse.'
"It Is really remarkable what Tan
lac has accomplished in my case. It
has relieved me entirely of Indiges
tion. 1 never have that distressing
feeling any more after eating, und I
feel perfectly tine In every way. I
will ulwnys feel grateful for what
this wonderful medicine has done for
me uml 1 am only too glad to glvo It
my heartiest endorsement."
Tanlac Is sold by lending druggists
everywhere. Adv.
Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver
Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after.
They cleanse your system of all waste matter
and Regulate Yonr Bowels. Mild- as easy to
take as SUgar. Genuine tear ilgnature jfio?&&C
Small PilL Small Dose. Small Price.
Look at This Price!
3c PerLb-
U. S. Patent Office
Co. LSH?S?
I have a bargain for yon, come quick.
w, l. iinounvs jack vlmi
C'euur lluplds, Iowa
Cuticura Soap
For the Hands
Sosp 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talents 2ac.
Reitoret Color and
Beauty to Gray and Faded Haln
Xy;iniwniChfm. "Wks. Patclnipue.W. T.
HINDERCORNS nmom cnm. on-
lot!., etc., itmii all pilo, ftiiurn comfort to the
ffft. makes wUlnir w, ISj. by mall or at Unuc
Ertt. IlUcox CUeuilcal Worki, l'atcliot-uo. H. Y,
Tina, Mo.: "I think thnt thero are no
mcdiuinca on uio
ninrkut to equal Dr.
l'icrco'8. Alter oui
baby girl camo my
wifo was In n weak
ened condition nnd
could not recaln he
strength. Sue took
soven bottles of Dr.
Pierco'a Fnvorits)
Prescription and eos
well nnd stronu. 61)4
I WA --L dm lllh says that she Jus
could not net alonR
iW" without It. . .
v i bavo used tha
rieusant Fclleta' fo
constipation for years am never without
"I nlways ncenimend Dr. Fierce a
ttmedie3."-WM.L!.ItEYNOLDS. Itouto 1.
Dr. Plorco's medicines contain no alco
hol and uro sold by all good druggists.
Hand 10 cents to Dr. Plorco's Invalids'
Hotel In Hiitrulo, N. Y., for u trial pack
r() of any of lil.s remedlos or write fot
true coullaoutlul medical ad i ice.
Sff'fcv i I