The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 07, 1921, Image 6
H if . MEET OLOUt), ' HlltA!," OHM? 9" 955 e i a J EU i f j ;i I !. IfV I V J I i LiV'NTfrM '. r jv, .? 7KXl A(hST&-ll, ffiX2 iftMSi ll WW im 1 1 j mi yXr ' fJ U I A-1 M ? the world to some Mothers is an album of cunning "IS 5 ttanriMaiJiil Sjj The Greatest irersure iM In . M & of ji BABY Pictures! ? If til fl...ltlfcv. Ivirnu wiuif suic in yuur anus iuuay were io DC xaucn away lemorrow you would cherish every 1 memory. Don't put it off have Photographs gjgg. . made here of your little j, ones eacn weeK or eacn mnntli. t Frequent picture will give you increas ing pleasure as the years go b Bay Ilreiid at. Powell nnd I'opo'sv Frnnk Gnston jvas in Hnstings Friday. Mrs. Gus Schultz spent Saturday in Hastings. The Gleason Studio OVER SMITH'S SIIOESTOHB AS TOLD 8!8?S8S8i!S8 TO US S Eat aud drink Cafe. at Powell it Pope's tf A. O. Ellison of the Watts Construct' ion Co , Is in tho city today. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cowucn spent Sunday -with relatives at Franklin. Fred Gordon and D. E. Phillips ac companied the shipment Sunday to Kansas City. Glen Foe, who is attending the .state university at Lincoln, spent the weekend hqro with his mother. Attorney F. J. day In Hastings. Mundny spent Fri- For Sule llav and Alfalfa. Itiquit of C h Co'tlntr. C. F. Cather was a passenger Omnha Saturday morning. to Good moals (rood 'ervlec modulate prlcei Powell & Popo's enfo Rev. J. M. Bates was a passenger to Hastings Saturday morning. Mrs. May Wolfe was a passcng?r to Hustings Saturday morning. Miss Jessie Kellogg cntcitnincd the J. F. F. Club Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Tanqunry arc the parents of a baby boy born Tuesday. John nnd Howard Hamilton were up from Guide Rock Tuesday afternoon. A. V. Duckcr attended the M. W. A. County Convention at Blue Hill Wednesday. Mr. aud Mrs. August Brinkmanaro tho parents of a baby girl bom Sat urday.' : ' A. C 'Shallcnbergcr of Alma was in the city Tuesday attending the cattle sale. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lewis at Bclvidcro. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Carr spent tho latt of tho week in this city with his parents, Mr. and Mis, Joo Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of Su perior spent Sunday in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson. Bveiysnekof Red Cloud Ilc-t Flour Is guaranteed. Try it. For ssle by nil merchants. V II. Roberts, Miller & Manager. ' John Edwards returned homo Sat urday morning from Clarence, -iMis" souri, whore ho attended the funeral of his father. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Douglas, who have been working in Hatfield's Cafe for the past six months, departed Sunday morning for Forest City, Mis souri, where they expect to make their future home. A. E. Wood, who has been working third trick at the depot for the past two months, left Saturday morning for Yuma, Colorado, whore he will work in tho future. Harry Davidson has taken his place here at the depot. J. M. Hewitt went to Grand Island Monday morning to attend a Sunday School Convention. Mrs. Bernard McNcny and her mother, Mrs. M. C. Sherman, .spent Wednesday in Hastings, Robinhood Pleases People Faith n their own statcmotitsr'that Red Cloud could not successfully nnd profitably giro a high ehiss attraction nt tho Auditorium, whs seveiely slink, en when tunny of these town prophets attended the opeia, "Robin llood"giv en heio Fiitbiy evonlinr of last week. In fact the or era was such a success both from a financial ami nttlsllc stand point that our citizens an- anxiously awaiting the announcement of the ar 1 1 vn 1 of another putfonnatice of this Iclud The lioii&o was void out entitely, It being necessary to add a goodly number of folding eliaiis in older to accommodate the people who came to witness this high class attraction. Xot only weie people of the city and ailja. cent territory piescnt but nlso many from other 'owns within n ladlous of Sivcntyilve miles, even as far west as McCook Tho management as well ns nil those in orested in the success of southern Nebraska's blcgest aud best show house are highly elated over the success of this opera. Tho costuming, stage settings hikI sceneiy equalled anything seen in tho cities. The music by their own orches tra was worth the price of admission. The caste of eharaetois contained such noted artists as Albeit Parr as Robin Hood, Tom fiurtou, the sheriff. aid Georgo Olsen, his ward. Tho puts of tho outlaws were taken by Robert Robinson, Wm. Began, William White and Clara Giay. Elsie Thlede as Lntly Pitzwalter, Madeline Hartfort as the widow and Mary Belter, her daUKhter played ptomiuctit role in tho opcrn. Numerous other characters playing the Villugets, Milkmaids, For resters, Aroheia and Peddlers wcro worthy of note. Tho management of tho Auditorium is receiving many compliments and ex pressions of appreciation from those who witnessed the piny, nnd it Is to be hoped that many more atti actions of this kind mny be booked in the future. ! a llfegSigKraBfj poBsiEasesss tj Were not ajrald of having, dissatisfied customers; these Hart Schaffner and Marx clothes are right. If you don't think so money back. HOW WILL THEY LOOK IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS? Think of that when you buy clothes this spring. All of 'em look good at first. But only clothes that have the quality and tailoring, look good in a few months ! i r f 1 a r i f I I Schaffner and Marx Suits and Overcoats $35-$40$45 They're worth more than they cost because they give you continued service and satisfaction. We'll be glad to show you the new styles and our striking values. I Contractor Bing and George Trot ter of Nelson were in the city Tues day attending to some business matters. Tom Swartz shipped a car of cat tle to Kansas City Tuesday. He ac companied tho shipment. Dining room and kitchen help yantcd. Good wages to competent help. Ludlow's restaurant. MrJ. Tress Hanvood went to Omahq. Friday morning to visit her daughter, Miss Marie, and other relatives. Al Holverson went to Wilsonvillo the last of the week, he being called there by the illness of his father. Jack Kennedy departed Tuesday morning for Kansas City after spend ing a few days with friends here. Lutheran services tho first and third Sunday of every month at 11:30 A. M. Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. ill mu ww m IqI mhj Is ItiV vkl il No Need of Getting Shoes Half a Size Too Large as so many Indies do because they don't pay enough atten tion to the fit of the stockings.1. You can always get the "happy medium" of a comfortably snug fit no waste room in the toes or heels, or about the ankles no wrinkles to hurt and look slovenly. ' ; There's a size in Armor PrATE Hosiery that Is precUely your size. Thfcy'ra Jtmf (never wet and molded) to ilza nnd shape. They'll neither shrink nnd bind your feet, nor stretch and wrinkle under the shoes, after you've worn them awhile. C. D. Robinson went to Lincoln Tuesday morning after spending n few days here with his wifo and family. Mrs. Hines returned to her homo at Wymoro Tuesday after visiting a few days hero with her son, W. L. Hines and family. Mrs. P. N. Wells returned to her home at Lincoln Sunday after visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Teel. Wes Throckmorton spent Saturday at Hastings with his wife who is in a hospital there recovering from an operation. Saturday, Judge Rnnney issued a marriage license to- Albert Sbimlc, of Red Cloud, and Miss Emma Korbcltlr of Milllgnn. Lynn Bush went to McCook Satur day momine: where he will work in the Burlincrton freight ofllce f6r'V55l few weeks. ' Mrs. Ula Cain went to Tobias" Thursday morning after visiting a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lippincott. Used Cars For Sale Reo Truck 1921 model, Reo 0 Tour ing 1918 model, Ford Touring 1020 with starter, Overland "30" like new. All In good ordor Prlred to sell. autton & Shir m in Garage. Estrayed Mr. Curtis, advnnce agent for the Scott Carnival Co, wns in tho city Wednesday and closed a contract with tho Firo Department for a weeks en gagement of this company to show in this city May 9th to 14th. Become they fit so well, they look trim and stylish ; the extra wear you set out of them is due to the extra quality lona-Cbre yarn of which they're made and the special dya (Harmsnot) which positively doesn't burn, rot or weaken the fabric. Cotton, silk or wool perfect in weave, wear and wash. Barbara Phares Miss Lola Coplen departed Tuesday evening for her homo at Colorado Springs, Colorado, after spending sev eral weeks with Miss Mary Peterson and other friends hero. As an Introduction tho Dally State Journal will bo mailed tho rest of this year for only S3 CO, or, Including the big Sunday pnpbr for S4.G0. This Is tho biggest newspaper bargain In Ne braska. The news events of the world arc most Important just now and the readjustments mado will affect your income no matter what you do for a living. Special features nro being add ed, a wondorful new comic, Cicero Sapp, being one of them. "Would You Mniry Your Husband Over Again" is tlio title of a most interesting continued story that will soon. Tho stories alone would cost you many times what you pay for tho paper. Wo will be glad to receive your trial order. Address State Journal, Lincoln, Nob. The Red Cloud Mill Leased and operated by W. H. Rob orts, who re-npened the mill two years ago, is making the flour as good, if not hotter, than in the past. Try a sack of Red Cloud Rest Flour and boost yonr home mill. Every sack is guaranteed and is sold by all the merchants all the time. Ho is also prepared to grlud corn, barley and all kinds 'of feod Have taken up a young Spotted Sow. Owner can have same by proving pro perty, paying dnmages aud costs. H A. Lctson. A NEW OXFORD EMERY and CLUETT FOR MEN SHIRTS $6.00 $1.50 to $4 THE NEW HATS GOOD OVERALLS Latest Styles for men-Plain Blue $3 to $5 $1.50 The W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co. I A A '? ': House of Quality' jr"J r Speed Up Your Ford Roof 10 valve head and" Miller Rac ing Carburator. No changes, easy to Install Cheap for ensh. Frame & Smith Bros. Garage. nifFOHfSAT HOME EXPECT YOU me rui.idTo tell 'em all about ''0HHA,SrUHCfc---c-f2 VISIT Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville ItitiAtnrsFtllidslthrrittTOIrli, Fanny Cloinr.OwiMBS tQDlptii, Ifllllint leulc Eiilronmist LADIES' IIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY everybody Goea; Ash Anybody UMTS THE II66EST UD KIT SHOW WEST OF CHI CI W Bye comfort for near view and diiStance- 1TRYPTOK XV GLASSES XV do the work oi wq paws ol fosses .WTv-rrt J. C. Mitchell M US1C Makes friends HAPPINESS IS NOT A GIFT. IT COMES FROM ASSOCIATION WITH FOLKS WE LOVE AND -MUSIC. MUSIC MAKES FRIENDS. --,.. THE PLAYER PIANO IS THE IDEAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT FOR THE HOME IT ENABLES YOU TO CREATE GOOD MUSIC IT MAKES MUSICIANS OF US ALL. WILL THE FOLKS IN YOUR HOME BE AMONG THE MILLIONS MADE MORE HAPPY THIS YEAR BECAUSE OF MUSIC? WOULD YOU DEPRIVE YOUR LOVED ONES OF THIS HAPPINESS FOR THE SAKE OF A FEW PENNIES A DAY? During National Player Piano Week is the timo to buy your Player Piano K3y Don't Tail to see our special Player Piano Week offerings orb. Co NATIONAL COME IN DURING ir riano April 2 to 9 Convince Yourself - Demonstrations Daily Player Pi Week Mrs. Georgo Van Camp returned to Lincoln Thursday after spending a couple1 of weeks with Dr. and Mrs, Robt..Damcrcll. . The Red Cloud Mill grinds all hind of feed, also has Chick Food and otbor Ground Grain for Chickens. W. H Roberts, Miller & Mgr. Gordon Hamijton was in Hastings Thursday where ho was initiated into theqrder of!lDQMoIay.j';hs order is E. S. GLi-ber Wall Paper. Paints, Oils and Varnieh PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kind Dp. K. E. GflJJP GfllROPltflGTOfc PHONES Ind. I93.X Bell 48 Offiuc Turaure DIdg. forraefly Occupied by Will Wire Your House And ' A .SmfctoM With 3xtuVIf;RE0ClUe) jBJASKA a brrchog jtho .Masons,,,, w. ' i 1.4. J Patronlzo your homo mill. Jeweler & Optometrist !