The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 07, 1921, Image 1
dliiuolu fc r i aC t- , , . I ft f'T IX l ;k?vt6 '-4 Sg-""''- A Newspaper That (lives Viie flcus FIfly-two He-ks Eor.Ii fenr frr $2.00 VOLUME 49 ml M.MIP'aJlllll.M.I ll'lllll lllJUtlHUH.i-llBLgOamtJLMMiH'i.limJ-HPJ M-JiWWUll'UHII I , ' 3 I ( P 'W.. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. APRIL 7. 1921 aumtaciwiiwH wiiLiwwruim NUMBER 14 fm'BLmac,'jjMiu reajmmxmmi mil mm .jMJtMBacw k is EASY to wash PYREX Nothing can adhere to ita hard, odor-proof, grease proof surface. It 13 easy to keep clean for it will not chip, craze, bend, dent or discolor and always remains new PYREX is the original the first transparent oven ware and is guaranteed not to bical: in actual oven-use. PYREX is made in thiipes nncl t??s for every practical hakuiR purpose. It is n saver ot limt', luel t.nJ dishv.-3hint? dru'li,eiy I J-,ww.J2. W TRINE'S Hardware ON THE FARM Mary Peterson Elected Mayor Council Proceedings I The city election nii neie Tuesday ". r. uatman, president ol thouty proved to bo more Inteiesting t lion Council adjourned the lcgulnr session heretofore, the piiucipal eontost lioltif; ' on 5th, to April Gilt at 8 o'clock fu. the otllce of Mayor. It also difl'cr- p. m. owing to the Council Chambers ' ol I rum others on account of having being u.-cd as a place for holding the ' tw feminine contestants in tho nice. ! city election and at this time hocall- Ulth Miss Mary Petcisoii opposing ed Council together in regular ml-' Alf McCrtll, at the head of tho ticket, a, journcd session with all member-' now Interest develop? i. bile neither present. of the candidates solicited votes 'tis i After tho minuton of tin. tmLmnnt. ttaKUrtaBKlLL!tai'iJILJ j i I See iir Useful Jewelry ing were read and approved, Messrs. noy mist, nncl a. it. .MCAnmir, on rumored that their fi lends "tended to the lcctioncrin." The llrst teport given out was that the lady lost bv j behalf of tho Fho Dmmitmnnt. nd-J three votes, but a canvas of tho votis C(l Council for additional file hose.1 mhiwcii nun nn error iiiui ueen mnuu ( Their lcqucst was duly considered and the boys were informed that tho , city would immediately purchase COO additional feet of 3 ply hose. Plllllill 'IVlllf lWiv) timinm-nil linfm-n ! 1 .!... u ti 1:11- .. ' v"" "'' -""-" .... . u0.u m a. . r.u...n.-u Council with a request that ho bo in the unollleial count in McCall's fa or Tliis gave Miss Pctctson 10 votes. The fond expectations of some of our citi.ens wib let down hut d wlioti it almost two to one over Joe Howctt, for City Treasurer. In the south waid the lady defeated her maleopponent, Win. Delnney, wuilo in thu north ward Ancil Crabill defeat ed Win, McCalliun O. C Teel will eontinno to be City Clcil:; only one votn east tigalust him A tubulated lepoit nppears in tie council pieceedings, in this issue. The Shorthorn Cattle Sale The Webster County litccders held a consignment sale in the Auditorium Sale Pavilion, Tuesday afternoon. Tho consignment consisted of H3 head of Scotch and Scotch Topped Shot thorn SURROUND YOURSELF AND THOSE YOU LOVE WITH LUXURIOUS TOILET NECESSITIES. THEY MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING. WE HAVE A SUPERB LINE OF TOILET REQUIREMENTS AND USEFUL ARHCLES OF JEWELRY. WHEN DESIRING PRESENTS FOR OTHERS, OR ARTIC LES FOR YOUR OWN USE, COME, AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU. WHEN IT COMES FROM US IT IS RIGHT. reimbursed for water main laid from Seward street to his premises at an outlay of $122.98. After considera tion the matter was laid over until tho next meeting. Neither was any action taken on a communication from the Watts Con struction Company asking for tho payment of $570.80 held back by tho ! city on contract at tho request of the Engineer. Tho City Engineer was instructed to prepare the assessment list for the County Clerk on Paving District No. 4. He was also instructed to prepare an estimate of the cost of extending tho storm sewer on Eighth Avenue. The Council then proceeded to can cattle. After two very Jable addresses vass tho vote of tho city aml Sch0ol pertaining to live block by Hon. A. C. Elcction hcld April 5, 1921, with lite Flll1)lMmMlttlMIMM following results: CITY ELECTION Vote Cast Spring wort on the farm will be requiring the time of every farmer. The work has to be finished at a given time. Little at tention is give to other matters. Still, the matter of nourishment must be thought of Let us supply your wants in groceries canned goods, relishes, cookies, Etc. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee We'll pay market price for your produce P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware 3 1st 205 128 7G 2nd 31G 149 191 eel For Treasurer Joe Hewitt S. R. Florence For Engineer Geo. Overing For Police Judge 1GG 20G 432 58 141 119 218 Shallcnberger of Alma and Auctioneer II. S. Duncan the sale started. The total amount of thu sale was 8.1477.50. The following is tho list of buyers: 12 Mr Roberts, heifer $295.00 11 W. U Vauce, heifer 2G0.0O For Mayor 13-W. It VHnce, heifer 225 00 Mary Peterson sub-Mr. Roberts, heifer 200.CO Alfred McCall 15 II. Somerhalder, heifer 1Gb 00 For. Clerk 1G Mr. Marvin, heifer 10500 O. C. Teel 11 J. It. Wisecarver, heifer.... 18000 8 II. Somerhalder, heifer 1C0 00 2D, 22 (J. C. Bllekonstaff, heifers 200.00 18 -J. 11. Wisecarver, hoifer 90 00 21 Rich Rowcn, hoifer 80.00 23-C. C. lillckcustair, cow 87.50 24 J. U. Wisecarver, cow 85.00. W.Stewart 27-Jack Elllnger, heifer 07 w For Councilmen 23, 29, .'50 I. Woodward, heifers 195 f'O Wn1i Dclaney niG. A. Wonderly, hoifer 57.00 Mrs. Hummel 1 Jim Doyle, bull 250 00 A rj Crabill 10 J. II. Hamilton & Son, bull. 20O.CO ym McCallum 2 J U. Wisecarver, bull 80 CO 0 -Goo. Hououin, bull 52.C0i SCHOOL ELECTION 9 -Win McCllntock, bull 72.50 . Vote Cast 1st 2nd 7 G. A. Versaw, bull 55.00 205 19-Guy Day, bull 85.00 B. F. Perry GO 3 Fred Caldwell, bull 75 00 ! C. J. Pope 52 r. a n..un K..n r, r.n ' u t wn 35 Fred Hedge, bull 55.00 20 Wni. Gorlach, bull 57.C0 33 Low Williams, bull 12 50 34-Goo. Griffeth, bull 15.00 3G John Ryan, bull 40.00 Ki We Nike 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right B. ft Newhouse Red oouj Jeweler and Optometrist &: iiiiiiniM To'l Maj.'H 277 270 177 359 182 153 227 380 139 223 3G2 9G 10G 10 223 113 110 Oils : Greases DC 3E 3 331 25G 201 221 Total 53G 31G 253 288 32 (Juy Thompson, bull R. P. Wecsner G7 Tho above canvass being declared correct Council instructed tho City Clerk to issue certificates of election in accordance therewith. 1'ho following claims were audited 35.00 ,ami allowed: 25 R. Uowen. bull 37.00 Grace Church Notes Classy Suits The Kind You'll Vant Because They Fit THE HUGHES WAY FOR CLOTHES TR.OUBLES The Frank R. Hughes Co. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIE'S TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS BOTH PHONES t We Call and Deliver Tho Right Revorcnd Geo. Allen Reccher D.l) , llishop of Western Ne- o. C. Teel braska, will be in charge of the morn. ' gam Mountfortl Ing service at Graco Church Red Cloud q r lcwjs on Sunday, April 10th. r'nink ciauson ... On Sunday evening Dean Tynor of -jjd Amack fit. Mark's Pro-Cathedral, Hastings, ' g j Fiorance will be hero also Rev. Win. Francis ino'r Sherwood" Mayo O. H. C. who will preach tho ser- p G Turnure mou , In. F. Oatman .... "Father" Mayo us ho is familiarly j Hoffman Known is one oi ttio uest mission q q rpeej R. R. Frazier 200.00 W. A. Patten 1G0.00 A. Clark . ..- 135.00 Rort Perry . - 130.00 S. R. Florence G77.91 45.00 150.00 111.G0 13.30 1 100.00 .. . 100.00 50.00 50.00 r. 50.00 50.00 59.00 preachers of tho Episcopal church in Ju,lges and CieriS 30.00 tho United Stutes, and will stay In Red j Carr ' G.00 Cloud Monday, Tuesday and Wednes . R MoArthur'ZZZI-11 7.05 day April 11th, 12th and 13th, con. SmUh & McKimmcy ducting a VMIssion". I York Blank Hook Co services on wic inner iiiree uays win bo as follows: Holy Communiou at 9 a. m. Evonlng sorvlco with ndilress or ser mou at 4 and 8 p. m. Everybody welcome. Tractor Oil 5 gal. 75c Bbl. lots 70c Motor Oil 1 gal. 80c 5 gal. lots 75c Harvester 1 gal. 80c 5 gal. lots 75c, Hog Oil 1 gal. 50c 5 gal. lots 45c Separator - - per gal. 50c Axle Grease and Cup Grease in any quantity and at right prices They arc the best grades on the market E 3E HE 3 The Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb. pi CHEAP ADVICE! 20.25 9.20 21.25 120.00 4.50 Pittsburgh Meter Co 150.93 Mutual Oil Co. .:.... 217.05 C. T. Dickenson Frnnk Peterson . Geo. Trine Advice is one of the cheapest things in the world. It's as' free as the air. No matter what your troubles may be, just let it be known and advice will come piling in. The old maid knows how to rear children, the bachelor knows jmt how a wife should be handled, and t'n a bald-headed drug gist can sell hair tonic and get away wltr ' jt the advice you seek, not the kind that is volunteered, is t J you want. We are not a volunteer in the advice busing .1 if yod are a patron of ourbank and ask advice on financial ..... cr- we will be glad to help you In any way we can. Mid West Elcc. Co .., Three tiains of stock consisting of'Nnt'1 Refining Co ,,,,,, I Crane Co. . one hundred and twenty four cars i . 103.28 180.00 305.00 , passed thru here Sunday to the mar- Joo Crow of Republican City was kets at St. Joe and Kansas City. ' in the city Saturday. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, Preiident Red Cloud, Neb. S, R. Fiorance, Coiliier DtpotUi GuaranlHdby the DipotUon Quarantt Fund of thi Statt of A'tbraska fi.' . ' . .. M