The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 31, 1921, Image 8

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Gnsollno, ether and bcnzlnSoould
ot bo kept on shelves In n cnblnet In
tho house, the nntlonnl board of flro
underwriters says In n recent article.
It Is exceedingly dangerous, as either
.gnsollno or benzine glu-s oft at ordl
nnry temperature Jnllummublo vapor.
Through these vapors, n light at a
distnnco limy Ignite tho liquid. If
there Is n munll leak In the container
In which any. of the liquids wo kept,
sufficient vapor may form to enuso a
violent explosion. With ether tho dan
Kcr Is even greater than with gnso
llno or benzine.
m Lumfinv flfwii
A 0 -A1U w
The house approved n bill enabling
the lleutcnnnt governor to draw the
same salary as the governor when he
is acting as governor.
Lace Tree.
The lace-bark tree provides tho
women of Jamaica with rendy-madu
,.lnce, from which apu, bonnets, and
nets are made. The Inner bark of
the tree la soaked In water and di
vided Into separate layers. Each lay
or Is stretched and spread In the sun
shine. Tho application of water
bleaches the lnce. A tree that nour
ishes In tho South Sea Islands pro
duces fruit Which, iin n fnnil. rrantn.
bles very closely a newly baked loaf.
On account of this It Is known as
tho bread tree.
Says Two nd a Half Million
Starving Armenians Need
Help at Once. '
Soap Mentioned In Olble.
The word soap Is to be found In
tho Bible, In Jeremlnh, Chap. II.,
verso 22, which reads: "For though
thou wash theo with nitre, and take
thco much soap, yet thlno Iniquity Is
marueii uororo me, snlth tho Lord
God." Tho word will bo found in one
other passage, namely. In MnlnchI,
Chap. III., verso 2: "Uut who may
abide tho day of his coming? and who
shall stand when he appeareth? for he
Is like a refiner's lire, and like fuller's
Ft. Sheridan, III. Major Qcncrnl
Leonnrd Wood, commanding fho aixth
Corps Area, has Issued a tautun sacri
fice appeal for fundi to savo the Ar
menians from annihilation by starva
tion nnd dljonst', "I foul that how
ever many and however worthy the
other appeals which are being made to
the great heart of America these days
may uc," Ho says, "this cry from tho
little children cannot remain unan
swered." Tho Near Enst Itellcf, 1 Madison
avenue, New York City, which has
been charged by Congress with tho
American rellof work In fho whnin
Nenr Enst, hns formed n specinl "Len
ten Sacrifice Appeal Committee," of
Which Mujor General Wood Is chair
man, Charles V. Vlckery secretary nnd
Clovoland n. Dodge treasurer, to put
before tho American peoplo tho des
perate need of the Christian popula
tions of the Near East, who have suf.
Two bills opposed bv union Inlim-
have been reported out by tho sifters.
One prohibits picketing, the other
provides for nn industrial court.
Senator Hitchcock will be one of
tho speakers at the legislative ban
quet. A. J. Weaver is nlo on the
list. The banquet will be held April
msAt, two yuura. as tne appropria
tions now stands it gives them about
$100,000 less than they had the last
two years. They hope that the scs
ntc finance committee will add to the
All but ten of the child welfare
bills have been killed at one time or
another and it is doubtful about all
of tho ten being approved. There
wore G3 of them to start with.
The new blue sky bill passed tho
house with only three votes against
it. Tliis bill does away with licens
ing stock salesmen. This proved to
bo one of the most objectional fea
tures of the present law. Manv
thought that when the state issued a
license it thereby placed its approval
on the stock and salesmen were not
slow in playing up this feature.
Exf6e 'i
To Remove Grit From Eye.
Small foreign bodies which aro not
Imbedded In the eyeball may often be
removed by going Into a dnrk room,
looking up toward the lighting fixture,
then turning tho light on quickly,
writes a correspondent. If tho light
Is strong enough, It will cause a vio
lent reaction which will cause the
particle to bo washed to tho corner of
tho eye. It Is then easily removed
by means of a clean handkerchief.
The United States Wearing Away.
An average of y."i tons of soil, peb
bles, nnd mck Is carried by the riv
ers into tho ocean every year from ev
ery square mile of tho United States,
according to the United States geo
logical Mirvey, department of the In
terior. Thu Immensity of this contri
bution may be bettor comtirnlipmiml
when It Is realized that the surface
of tho United States covers a.OSS.&Ofl
square miles.
4P jKTlVW.'' WAi AU -V'CT fc.Ti.
? $fttlfi$)RU&w Jttlli aK&Ij
i wmtMmm&mtsi&MM
. k4' n- ntrt t.muasMURp.K k. ia.r i
The Epperson bill reducing the
number of judicial districts in thn
state from eighteen to nine nnd allow
ing additional judges in each district
was approved by the house.
Tiie senate refused to nass a bill
providing for a stntc medical inspec
tor to bo appointed bv tho state su
perintendent of school and work from
his ofllcc. One reason was because
such an official would duplicate work
now being done by the state health
department. Another reason is that
the senators think wo are getting
too much in tho way of Inspection.
The bread bill finally passed the
senate and went to tho governor for
his approval. Hereafter bakers must
make standard weight loaves of bread
instend of any size they wish.
It is still talked that tho session
will adjourn at the end of next week.
If the supply of oratory keeps us no
lnrge amount of work will be accom
plished in tho time that is left.
So far an unusually small number
of bills have passed both houses and
secured tho approval of both houses
and been sitrned by the coventor nnd
most of them arc of minor import
ance. If the present intention of ad
journing early in April is carried out
the legislature is not likely to have a
ver big grist of new laws to show
for its efforts unless considerable
speeding up is done.
You Have a Right
to Expect More
than ordinary lasting power from an Exide
It was the first automobile bntlcry, as it
was in central station and other fields long
before automobiles were invented.
The Exide for your car is the result of
experience gained in every field by the oldest
and largest makers of storage batteries in the
R-ed Cloud JBattery
Service Station
Tiio house voted in favor of estab
lishing a bureau of criminal identifi
cation in the public welfare depart
ment where finger prints, nnd Ber
tillion measurements may be kept.
At Long Range.
A gossip Is never willing to repent un
kind remarks to your face. We recent
ly heard one when accused of thla
try to Justify herself by saying: "Gos
sip, madam, Is a Koclal attack con
ducted on the approved principles ol
modem warfare you aro not sup
Posed to seu the person at whom you
ore shooting." Uoston Transcript.
Forest Exhauotton a Danger.
The Department of Agriculture savs
that the crux of timber depletion s
the exhnustlon, or partial exhaustion,
of the forests that are most available
to tho bulk of tho population of the
country. One-half of the lumber re
maining in continental United States
is In three states, bordering on the
.Pacific ocean.
Bible Statistics.
In tho Iilblu mention Is mndo of
nineteen different precious stones, six
metals one hundred and four trees
uud plnnts, thlrfy-llve animals, thirty,
nine birds, six fishes, eleven reptiles,
menty Insects and other mwiM crea
tures. t-
Cats and Doq3 at Peace.
There Is one place near Philadelphia
whore cuts and dogs dwell together in
jience. It is a cemetery devoted to
decensejl pets. It Is nt Frnnclsvllle
mil contains many handsome tombstones.
Cold Causes Stale Dread.
Prof. .7. H. Kntz of Amsterdam, lias
found that low temperature makes
Sreud stale. At HO degrees F., It was
iresli after -IS hours, but when the
temperature was reduced to 122 do
trees the bread began to grow stale.
Injuries by Falls.
Tin- greatest number of deaths
'Hwgod to any one ncoldumnl .'mhu
tl.114 or lfr per lO.lHXi is shown for
ilN. The rate for this tnuo varies
lut slightly from ear to year.
fcred and arc still suffering tho hor
rors of war.
Among tho prominent members of
General Wood's Committee nre Secre
tary of the Treasury Andrew W Mel
lon. Mrs. Corlnne llonscvolt Itoblnson,
sister of the late President Itoosevolr
cx-Prcsldcnt' W. II. Tuft, Mary Garden
President John Grler Illbben of
I rincetoa University, Hlshop-Kloct WIN
llnm T. Manning of New York, Dr
Henry van Dyke, David lie'lasco. Sam'
uol Gompers, Frank A. Muasev, Mm
Cnrrlo Chapman Cntt, Mrs. Henry Mor
genUinu, JmIiij G. Mllburn of the Amor
lean liar Association. Miss Elizabeth
Marbury and Mrs. Medlll McCormick of
General Wood's Appeal
As Chairman of a Sneclal CommKt..
of rcproaantatlve men and women of
the country, charged with placing be
fore the American people the desperate
need of two and a half million Armc
nlans, the remnant of the oldest Chris
tian nation, whose Bufferings through
sixteen centuries seem to have brought
them no nearer peace, liberty or se.
curlty, I beg your personal co-opera-tlon
and Influence to forward an ap
peal for a Lenten Sacrifice Offering to
enable the Near East Relief to go on
with Its work of mercy.
Over one hundred thousand llttlo
children who have been kept alive by
American generosity for the past three
years are abcolutely dependent upon
the support which America gives them
through the Near East Relief.
I feel that however many and how
ever worthy the other appeals which
are being made to the great heart of
America these days may be, this cry
from the llttlo children of tho land
where Christ gave' his life for man.
kind cannot remain unanswered.
Will you help to cave this martyred
Fifty-seven bills suffered death in
house committees under the rule that
nil such bills must be reported out by
a certain date. A smaller number
met death under a similar rule in the
Tho house also voted in favor of
selling small tracts of school lands.
those under 10 ncres, and town lots
but an nttempt to amend the bills so
it would include tracts of 160 acres
or 040 acres failed.
Senator Hoagland's bill to do nwav
with all fees in tho university was
lulled. University authorities say
they would not object to the bill if
they arc given enough more money
to cover expenses.
The bin providing for county aid
for poultry association was killed in
the house. Representative Reed and
other bachelor members mitrht have
been for it more strongly if it linwVf,0
provided for chicken inspectors. W.1 jf
The nate also approved' tho hill
fixing salaries for county judges but
with some amendments that made a
conference necessary with the house.
The senate is inclined to bo more
liberal in the mntter of salaries than
the house and in providing for assistants.
Vidian and African Elephante.
The most distinguishing point of dlf
Arrenec between the Indian eiephnnl
and the African elephant Is tho size
and shape of the ear. The oar of the
Afiican elephant Is much the larger.
Discreet at All Times.
A caddy, wo aro Informed, should bo
perfectly dumb while a golfer Is pre
paring to lilt the bull. And perfectly
deaf when ho misses It, wo suppose.
No Need to Be Too Modest.
It is generally pretty safe to tell
People you know all about everything.
Hcst of them will not know any bet
ter than to believe It.
Early Writing Fluid.
Tor several centuries nn infusion of
mt galls with sulphate of iron com
posed tho only known writing Uuld.
I Hats Off to Lightning.
In Quito every one uncovers to a
lash of lightning. ' , " ",
Locaard Wood.
toJor Ooxeral,
Wushington. Piosldviit Hardin' ' :n
given his hearty endorsement to Hi.
ppeal being madi by MnJ. Gon. l,.i,.
nrd Wood oa hehnlf of the Near n.i .t
Jtoliet l Madison Avenue, New Voii.
City, for a nntlon-wldo Lenten Kaorl
Dee Offering to save the starving
Christians of tho Near Hast.
The President's letter reads:
"There ought to bo no cessation or
relaxation of our sympathetic Ainorl
can efforts to bo of servlco to these
stricken people. One can well believe
that they will not survive if we with
draw the rolief which has heretofore
been so generous from tho private
American purse. It lias seemed to me
that all we have done has borne divi
dends tenfold In the consciousness that
we hao done an huiuuno thing for a
peoplo -well deserving our generous
"I wish you tho very greatest sue
cess in furthering tho great relief
movement to whlrh you nro now glvln
your attention.
Voto for Alf McCall for
'f - -I l-.IJ.l.AJ..j..
The senate passed tho hail insur
ance bill with nn amendment pro
viding that only 10 per cent of the
money collected is to bo turned in to
tho state. The balance- y to be hold
by the county clerk in each county.
It is said that the women who sat
in fhe galleries and worked in the
lobbies can claim the credit for the
passage of the censorship bll in the
hoife. Xow that women aro voters
who can blame the men for catering
to their wishes?
Roth houses adjourned last Friday
until 2 o'clock Monday. If present
plans for adjournment avo carried out
all members will remain until the
finish when they romo back. Tho rule
has been to lay ou" every second and
fourth Saturday.
The movie people express their de
termination to have tho censorship
bill submittd to a referendum if it
becomes a law. If they secure 40,
000 signers to their petitions tho law
will be suspended until after the next
general election. If they only secure
20,000 tho referendum will ho hold
but the Inw will not bt suspended in
the meantime. With their facilities
for securing signers it seems certain
thnt they will get the -10,000 ifhd this
Every grain producer and grain deal
er will bo interested in tim n,
nient that tho Chicago Board of Trade
ns. just appropriated Twenty-Five
Hundred Dollars ($2500.00) to fur
ther the work of the Horse Associa
tion of America. This I.Wnf nn.
nouncoment is of far reaching signifi
cance. It means that the greatest
ffrnm market in the world has rec
ognized the menace to grain sales re
sulting from the displacement of
horses and mules by motors. It
means that the methods of the Horse
Association, in giving reliable infor
mation on the use of horses, are ap
proved b.V tho ei'Pfltnet: Ilnn,.,l
!&VmtIe . Tt I)roclins the position of
t,..n jii no uncertain terms.
the extended displacement of
horses nnd mules by motors resulted
in economic ga.n to the nation as a
whole, the campaign or the Horse
Association of America to Increase
tho production nnd use of horses and
mules, would not be warranted. The
Association states that ample evi
dence lias already been secured to
prove that in many instances, such
displacement is cnonomically unsound,
resulting in less reliable, less efficient
service, at greater cost. Consumers,
grain dealers nnd grain producers
alike suffer from sucli substitution,
which, according to a lending traffic
manager in Now York City, is due
chiefly to ignorance on tho part of
business men regarding the actual
cost of operating horse drawn and
motorized equipment. As detailed
costs aro brought to their attention,
through the exhaustive, thorough
work of the Horse Association of
America, horses and mules will again
come into more general use in nil
zones of city hauling and farm worlc,
where they render efficient and more
economical service.
ii.iijijj f!Ti i! p ' : lilt I1 ! I iB
D m
Bring in Yeiar Harness
Wrth the beginning of spring work on the farm
comes additional demands on your equipment.
Inspect your harness, and for the best of repair
work give me a trial.
Red Cloud
If your printed matter comes from
the 'Chief you-know it is 'right'
"1 T"W""""lWI w"'wi'W .
I 0
Two members made tontntivo ar
ranccinents the other day for a fistic
encounter but, up to the present time,
it has not been pulled off. One en
thusiastic fan proposed that tho
house make an appropriation to buy
gloves for tho contestants.
It is understood that tho sifting
committee will report out three news
paper bills but it is doubtful about?
tho tax roll bill getting out. It will
have some strong support in the
house if it comes out but it is likely to
strike rough sledding in tho senate.
Eye doctors had all kinds of bad
luck in tho house with their bill
tightening up tho requirements for
those who would engage in tho busi
ness of fitting glasses. Ono member
said tho object of tho bill was to
make it possible to charge 20 for a
$2 pair of glasses.
University authorities are seriously
concerned over the reduction in. tho
amount they asked for to pay tho ex
penses of that institution during tho
Because the older birds furnish the
greatest number of tuberculosis
cases, tho flock may well bo kept freo
tf thono two years old or older, says
extension bulletin 03 of tho College
of Agriculture, "Tuberculosis in Poul
try." Tho elimination of tho older
birds is always n good .practice and
will undoubtedly help to retard tho
si-rcad of tuberculosis. Sanitation is
-also an important consideration in
the prevention of this disease; Clean
liness of pens, houses, eating and
drinking utensils, well-lighted and
ventilated houses, have on excellent
influence on the general health of
the flock as well as on tho resistanco
of the birds to infection. Over
crowding should bo especially avoid
ed, v because should nn infected bird
be present tho intimate contact with
many birds in close quarters is the
host possible factor for tho rapid
spread of tho disease.
Classy Suits .
The Kind You'll Want Because They Fit
The Frank i, Hufc Co.
BOTH PHONES We Call and Deliver
Citizen Ticket Fills Vacancies
Mary Peterson, Mayor.
Anoil Crablll, for Councilman In 2nd
Win. Delunoy, for Councilman In 1st
Br. it E.
PHONES Ind. 193-X Bell 48
Office Turnure Bldg, formerly Occupied by
Attorney L. H. Blacklcdge
The Wobhlor Cpunty Shorthorn
Breedors Consignment Sale will bo
held in th Auditorium Stock Burn
Tuesday, April f eommoneing nt 1 p. in,
Tho offering consists of '20 BuIIh, 2i
Oiwsnnd Heifers Seotoh and Scotch
Tipped Shorthorn unttle. Tho bulls
aro&lrcd by Villiiuo Avon, Grand Vict
or 4th, IU'd Shamrock, Golden King,
Royal Stnr, Kosowood Sultan, Ko&e
dalo Archer nnd others.
Had Wamlnrj Enough.
A West -Norwood m-in who described
himself us u poet told the magistrato
liiftt ho hud twice been knocked down
by n motorcyclist. Our opinion Is that
lie should have given up poetry when
ho was knocked down tho first time.
London Punch.
That Goes With Peppermint, Too.
"Many girls exhaust their energy
chewing gum," remarks a writer. Tho
more pepsin, tho less pep, so to speak.
Boston Transcript. ...
E. S. Geu'foer
Wall Paper, Paints. Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all KindV
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You with Fixtures
"Quality" Job Printing
The Margin oF Safety
Is represented by the amount of
insurance you curry. -
Don't lull yourself luto a fancied
Because ilre has novor touchod you
it doesn't follow that you're immuno
Tomorrow -no today, if you have
tlme-and you better find time
come tp tho olllco and wo'll wrlto
a policy on your house, furniture,
store or morclmndiso.
FLelidLblo Insurance
.'j - ig