The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 24, 1921, Image 7

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Tells Childless Women What
Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Did for Her
Millaton, Wis. "I want to givo you
wora 01 praiso lor your wonderful
mcuicinc. wo aro
very fond of children
and for a consider
nblo time after wo
married I feared I
would not have any
owin to my weak
condition. I began
taking Lydia E.
Pinkhanvs Vege
tablo Compound and
now I have a nice
strong healthy baby
irirl. I can hunestlv
say that I did not suffer much more
when my baby was born than I used to
auffer with my periods before I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound years ago. I give all tho credit to
your.medicine and snail always recom
mend it very highly." Mrs. H. H.
Jansskn, Millaton, Wisconsin.
How can women who are weak and
sickly expect or hopo to become mothers
of healthy children? Their first duty ia
to themselves. They Bhould overcome
tho derangement or debility that is
dragging them down, and strengthen
tho entire system, as did Mrs. Jansaen,
by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and then they will bo
in a position to give their children the
blessing of a good constitution.
RtjUlPit Off
For sores, broken
blisters.burns, cuts
and all skin irri
tations. -9
Also innumerable
toilet uses.
State Stntt Ifew York
Ladies Let Cuticura
Keep Your Skin
Fresh and Young
Soip 2Sc, Oiatmcat 25 and 50c, Talcoa 25c.
Watson K. Oolentn,
1'atam Lawrer.Wuhlnslon.
1). O. Addcaand book ire.
SUUsraiaonabla. UlghwtfftreDCM. UoUlcrrlciW.
Duelling Safe Outdoor Sport.
Duelling lu Mexico is much less dan
gerous tluin u Jaunt thonigh the
streets of New York. A., a harmless
outdoor sport It Is In a class with cro
quet or I.enox avenue pool. Not a
week passes In Mexico City but that
eoino one Is Insulted and demands u
duel. "Pistols at twenty paces In the
Uosque of Cliapultepoc" Is tho watch
word. When deputies In tho chamber make
tlrndes against others, the olTended
parties agree to meet. The event Is
widely advertised and the participants
meet on the Held of prospective car
nage. Just then n messenger steps up
ami declares that the duel Is forbidden
by the government. All are satislled.
Tll How to Get Quick Relief from
Head-Colds. It's Splendid!
In one minute your clogged nostrils
will open, the air passages of your
head will clear and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking, snuffling,
blowing, headache, dryness. No Vrug
Cling for breath at night; yoor cold
r cutnrrh will be gone.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Crenm
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing crenm In your nostrils. It pen
etrates through every air passage of
the head, roothen the Inflamed or
awollen mucous membrane and relief
comes Instuntly.
It's JUHt fine. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh. Relief
comes so quickly. Adv.
One Was Enough.
"Could I eee Mr. Grumpson?" asked
the hrlhk caller.
"I suppose so," Bald the clerk, gloom
ily, "If you don't euro what happens
to you. ) got one good look at him as
he came in this morning und I assure
you that will last me all day." Bir
mingham Agc-IIeruld.
Love Is responsible for a good many
fronts In summer and a few hot waves
In winter.
Wo nro none of us above tho Influ
ence of pain. Aristophanes.
Nliibt and Horala.
Haw Strong, Hielthy they Tirdtch,
Smart or Burn, if Sore,
Irritated, Inflamed or
Granulated, uaeMurine
D.(...lia Clf inr
oiten. ootfasa.
Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for
arnmrnro ramran
rSL in"'' lIliM
ill- ;
rree tye book. RaiMriKta4rU.,CUa4
Bv f (f orriS Easter dawn," the lilies say, ;
Y- n, A "Anc Christ, our Lord, is risen to-day. v
I l "ct cvcrV heart be glad."
r' pp But in God's acre far away,
! - 1 ' , He l'cs wn0 once was blithe and gay;
T i My heart with dole is sad. '
- V41illl- " "What means the Easter dawn to me?" EBfe'
1 7 s -iK- 1 asked in gray despondency, Wsm
-' ' , "My life s drenched and dead." SS
v vx & W$W b& : "ne ,es nu'vc'J as in pain. Isli
- $Mmw A'fw$ "The one you love will live again, 3gm
! M ' -''. Nvvn And ever live," they said.
Htas M ow nvc tne dearest ones wc knew, PS
P; sct Secure from pain and carc,M lH
' " s$m& yM$it "ms antncm or" yur r'scn King. mWi
' & &i W Tlieir fragrant censers looked at mc IH
rfyT' I mk- S In love, and whispered tenderly: HBB
',-4vt " l &, J$mk "Yourself more freely give." ji9j
Elaster, the Great Festival of
tlie Orient, Is Interest
ingly Celebrated
The name of Jerusalem Is repeated
on Kaster day by millions and mil
lions of followers of the Christian reli
gion as well as the Jewish. If one
htops to think how many tlnms the
word Jerusalem has been repeated dur
ing the U.OOO years that have passed
since the appearance of the Nazarcne
on the platform of the world history,
one must admit that there Is no city
In the world that can llval with Jem
Milem In faiiie. The name of Jeru
Fiilem hof become a familiar and sweet
name to many a nation and many an
IN RKQtiNT reports it was men
tioned that Jerusalem has been cov
ered by a white carpet of snow 20
inches deep, and that due to the ex
cessive snow load one of the old olive
trees in Gethsemiine gave way and
fell. Tho fall of this tree has again
fulfilled unother prophecy stating that
Jerusalem will ho delivered from tho
hands of the Turk when one of, these
trees should fall.
The Easter season Is by far the
busiest und most Interesting one of
Jerusalem. The setting In of spring
makes It possible as well as pleasant
for. tourists and visitors from all parts
of the globe to gather In the Holy city
and seo with their eyes tho place
whose name Is world-famous and on
which scenes occurred thnt tended to
bring about decisive turning points In
the history of the human race.
ONE of these places la tho Garden
of Gethsemane. As the Hebrew
name Indicates, Gethsemano was an
olive garden, with an "oil press" on
Its grounds. Tho present garden Is
hltuntcd on tho western slopes of tho
Mount of Olives, a little dlstanco up
from the Kldron vnlloy. Although
very much reduced In size, It still con
tains some of the old ollvo trees that
stood there when tho Galilean spent
tho night with his eleven followers be
fore ho was betrayed. Tho place has
been turned Into n beautiful flower
garden, and from here cards are sent
to all parts of the world with flowers
from Getheinane glued on them.
On Green Thursday before Easter
the vast number of visitors wulk
down the slopes of Jit. Mini, on
which tho temple stands, cross the
Kldron valley near Slttl Minim, the
tomb of St. Mary, and enter the gar
den after ascending a distance up the
Mount of Olives. For inck-of space
to accommodate the visitors, they are
allowed to remain a short Ume on the
plnce, during which they can sing n
hymn or read a passage from the New
Testament and then make room for
newcomers. Hymns characteristic of
nil Christian nations are sung In nl
most every civilized tongue In the
quietude of the garden.
BUT the most attended festival Is
the celebration of the Holy Light.
The celebration Is world famous and
i early attracts visitors from all parts
of the world. At one o'clock In the
afternoon of the Snturduy before
Easter, the light Is given out from tho
front chamber of the tomb by tho
Greek Orthodox Patriarch and Is
passed on by the anxiously waiting
youth of Jerusalem. Every Individual
who carries a candle lights It from tho
light next to him and In a marvelous
ly short time tho light Is passed on
through the different parts of the In
terior of the church, out Into the yard,
up to the Isltors on the flnt roofs of
the church, through tho city and out
Into tho churches of tho whole coun
try. BEFOUE the war the Turkish mili
tary force used to police tho oc
casion to prevent any disorder, but
mostly to show that Islam Is dominat
ing even on the very sacred grounds
of Christianity. IJut since the en
tranco of the victorious General Al
lenby, the policing was done by Tom
mies or Australians, who wero par
ticipators In the celebration nud whose
presence was deemed essential only
for preventing molestation by pick
pockets. Gordon, an English nrcheologlst, dis
covered a hill outsldo the Damascus
gato which has tho shape of a skull
with holes urranged so as to form two
eyes, a nose and a mouth. At tho
foot of tho hill Is a garden, and on
one side of the garden is a tomb hewn
Into the rock. Tho tomb corresponds
to tho description of the tomb men
tioned In the New Testament.
TnW Easter Sunday la celebrated at
daybreak In the Holy Sepulchcr
with a very Impressive service. Yet
tho main celebration is In the streets
of the city and the homes of the peo
ple. The children enjoy the game of
trying to see how many eggs they can
break by the ones they have, holding
them In a vertical position. The bro
ken egg becomes the property of the
winner. Kaster Is the great festival
of the Orient. On this occasion peo
ple have parties to which they Invito
their friends. Greetings and good
wishes are exchanged both orally and
In writing. The best Syrian candy nnd
sweets, as well as the best dishes, aro
found on the Easter meal table In
Syrian homes.
The Jaffa gate, which was made fa
mous by tho entry of General Allenby
to Jerusalem, Is the most Important
gate of tho city. Alongside of tho
gate Is the entrance, which was made
by tearing down a piece of the an
cient wiill to foim a suitable entranco
for Wilhelm Hohenzollern In 180S. In
front of the Jaffa gate, also called Hal
el Kalll, or tho Gate of the Friend,
three principal streets 'meet, namely,
the Jaffa slreet, David street and the
road to Hetlilolium.
THE place In front of I5al el Kalll
Is tho busiest bectlon of the whole
city. An observer of tho life during
Easter time sees a mixed human
stream passing In nnd out through
the "Gate of the Friend." This con
tinuous stream Is made up of repre
sentatives of all nationalities, tongues
and creeds.
15al el Kalll Is the center of tralllc
of the city. Here the vehicles stand
In lino ready to convey the natives,
as well as the tourists, through tho
city and through the country. Camel
caravans In their characteristic Mow
pace share the pavement with the
modem motor-driven cars. A scene at
the Jaffa gate during the Easter sea
son has no equal In any cosmopolitan
city In any part of the world, and Im
presses upon the observer the Impor
tance of the city nnd the fame which
it owes to tho occurrences of tho
Easter season U.000 years ago.
CALVAItY was a hill on which
criminals were crucified. Tho
crucifixion was an old Eastern habit.
The historical hill of Calvary, on
which tho three crosses of that Good
Friday stood, has disappeared. On Its
site the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
has been built, by Helena, tho wife of
Emperor Constnntlne of the Byzan
tine empire, In tho Fourth century
nfter the Christian era. On this place
the celebration of tho foot washing
and tho Holy Light takes place.
The foot washing Is celebrated on
Greek Thursday In the court of the
church by tho followers of the Greek
Orthodox faith, reproducing the foot
washing that took place In the room
of Zlon 2,000 years ago.
You must say "Bayer"
Warning! Unless you sec the name "Bayer" on tablet
you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed bf
physicians for 21 years and proved safe by millions.
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets ol
Aspirin," which contains proper directions for Colds, Headache,
Pain, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbag.
Il&ndy tin boxes of 12 tablet oot but few cent Larger pacing,
aplrla U th trad nark of Oajrar Manutaetux of MoDoaoUoaokUatr at aUarUaaaM
Mode of Reckoning Is Simple, Yet the
Matter Is Frequently Subject
of Dispute.
The Twentieth century began on the
first day of January, 11)01. In com
mon usage the First century means
the years A. 1). 1 to 100; the Second
century the years 101 to 'J00; ami the
Nineteenth century the jears A. D.
1801 to 1000. The Fifth century be
fore Christ wiib COO to 401 II. C. A
century begins with the beginning of
the llrst day In Its first year, and doeB
not end until the close of the last day
In Its hundredth year. Tho mode of
reckoning Is often confused with the
common mode of stating the nge of a
person. A person born at the begin
ning of the Christian era would he
called one jear old during his second
year, that Is during the course of the
year two; ho would be called two
during tho year three; and forty dur
ing the year forty-one, etc.
II You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
Have yoa ever stopped to reason why
it is that ao many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost sells itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by those who have been
benefited, to those who arc in need of it.
A prominent druggist says "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, a
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my cuhtomcrs testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn statements and
verified tctUitnony of thousand who have
used the preparation, thn success of Dr.
Iylinei;'s Swamp-ltoot is due to the fact,
so many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder nilmentu; coirects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which caiifos rhciimntiym.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Hoot by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinphamton, N. Y
and enclose ten cents; nlso mention this
paper. Largo and medium size bottles
for sale at all drug stores. Adv.
In Gangs.
"It's queer how theoe robbers nil
get Into gangs," remarked Mr. Smith,
looking up from his evening paper.
"Llow Is that?" asked his wife, look
ing up from the society page.
"Oh, I see hew on the front page
how the Hrown family's cook married
the owner of their apurtment house,"
he explained.
Oye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists,
Coats, Stockings, Draperies
Each package of "Diamond Dyes"
contnlns easy directions for dyeing any
article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, or
mixed goods. Hewarel Poor dye
streaks, spots, fades, ami ruins mate
rial by giving It a "dyed-look." Buy !
"Diamond Dyes" only. Druggist has
Color Card. Adv.
Tho Wrong Nut.
"The whole thing lies In a nutshell."
"Yes, but you'vo got hold of tho wrong
nutshell." Cartoons Magazine.
Poverty Is the Btone upon which
many wits aro whetted.
Stearns' Electric Paste
Alo BUItK DKATn to Waterbafi, AnU. RU
and Mice, Thrae pet are tho crouicst earners of
lliia ana MUST 1IIC UJL.I.HU. tuj airoj
tola food ana property.
Directions In 16 Unfuas in (Terr box.
BiAr tot ne two sUei Uo and IU&
V. 8. aoniBBwat bays It
Some Flying.
During the year Just passed pilots
at March Hold hnvo flown a distance
equal to forty-six times around the
globe. Jules Verne's hero accora
pllshed the fent of going once "around
the world to 80 days." According t
March Held statistics, thts record
would be far and away bested, as far-ty-slx
times around In 305 days would
reduce tho time for one clrcuuinavlga
tlon to 7 days 'JO hours and 20 eo
onds, to get down to minute detail.
Rub Pain right out with small trisf
bottle of old "St. Jacobs OH."
Stop "dosing" KheumaUsm.
It's pain only; not one cane la tftf
requires Internal treatment Rn
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil"
right on the "tender spot," and by tat
time you say Jack Hoblnson eaf
conies the rheumntlc puln nnd dlstreaa
"St. Jacob's Oil" Is a harmless rhe
mutism liniment which never dlaap
points- and doesn't burn the akin, n
takes pain, soreness nnd stiffness freat
aching Joints, muscles and bonea
stops sciatica, lumbugo, backache aad
Limber up 1 Get a small trial bottl
of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Ott
from uny drug store, and In a moraeat,
you'll be free from palna, achea
stiffness. Don't suffer I Itub raes
ttsni away. Adv.
"Would you love me as much If fath
er lost all his money?"
"Hut he hasn't lost It, has her
"Of course I would, you Billy btjr.'
IUrmlnghum Age-Herald.
Everybody knows some things an
some people that they would Ilk t
know- less.
St. Joseph, Mo. "I aara
taken two vials of Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets and will say
that they are wonderful. I aava
takon other kinds of pills but Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are ta
finest medicine I have ever takea far
constipation. Also my husband saya
that he never saw a medicine Ilka
them; they have done him lots al
No. 1311 North Twelfth Street.
All druggists sell tha Pellets fat
2Cc a vial. Try them I
As One Raised
From Dead
Eatonlo Mmdo Him Wm'J
"After suffering ten long month
with stomach pains, I have takea
Eatonlc and am now without nny palai
whatever. Am as one raised from tad
dead," writes A. Percllleld.
Thousands of stomach sufferers ra
port wonderful relief. Their troubld
Is too much acidity and gas which.
Eatonlc quickly takes up and carrlea
out, restoring the stomach to at
healthy, active condition. Always car
ry a few Eatonlcs, take one after eat
ing, food 111 digest well you will
feel fine. Big box costs only a ttlM
with your druggist's guarantee.
BmoTDnam-fltepllalrri lit f
RMtoraa Color awl I
Baaaty to Gray and FUd tiafcl
toe. and Si Mat UrocrUt. I
ninwu Chrm. Wtt. Ftf botn,H.TJ
I Ooraa,
loDKt. .. itooa ail Mia. Mara eo
fMt. BukM wftlktn ajiv. 11a. b Mali atf &
(Ilia. UUoosClMululWMka.rktokccaa.H.V..
I hsYB a bargain for jon, oona aatek.