. .rJvVl BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF r 4 SB'1" :;. B- eases Them All ! AFTER EVERY MEAL The How It Worked Out. "I Bent .Tosh to college," sulci Farm er Corntossel, "so tlmt he'd liuve the advantage of a better education than I had." "How did It work out?" "Josh overdoes his gratitude. Ile'H 11 the time showln' off his Intellec tual superiority so us to mukc me feel that I got my money's worth." Jud Tunkins. Jud Tunkins says he can't under stand why some people think It's tiny kind of a comfort to explain to u man that his troubles are his own fault Baby's Httlo dresses will Just simply dazzle If Red Cross Bnll Blue is used In the laundry. Try It and see for your self. At all good grocers Cc. If the conceit were tuken out of some people there would be nothing left to bury. Many n man thinks he Is choosing n wife when the privilege Is nil hers. Your New Home should he made artistic, sanitary ad livable. These walls should be Alabastined in the latest, up-to-the-minute nature color tints. Each room should reflect your own individuality and the treatment throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors. The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can bo made just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of Alatetine Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper How much better, when you have a new home, to start right than to have to correct errors afterward from former treatment with other materials, when you come to the use of Alabaitine, as does nearly every one sooner or later. Once your walls are Alabastined you can use any material over it should you desire, but having used Alabastine you will have no desire for any other treatment. Alabastine is so easy to mix and apply so lasting in Its results so abso lutely sanitary -and so generally recognized as the proper decorative material in a class by itself that it is becoming difficult to manufacture fast enough to supply the demand. Alabastine is a dry powder, put up in five-pound packages, white and beau tiful tints, ready to mix and use by the addition of cold water, and with full direc tions on each package. Evtrv tackact of 'eenuini Alabaittnt has cross and circle printed in red. Better write us for hand-made color de signs and special suggestions Give us your decor ative problems and let us help you work them out Alabastine Company 16M Crandvllla Ave. Grand Rapids, Mich. MIX IN OMI MlNUTSWrrM Q tOlPWATJtaJ It appeals to. everybody because of the pleasure and benefit it affords. The longest-lasting refresh ment possible to obtain. Sealed tight kept right in its wax-wrapped impurity-proof package. 5! Flavor Lasts Mistakes We Often Make. There Is a proverb which reads "The ninn who never mude u mistake never mude anything else." There Is a great deal of truth in that saying. Sometimes we come across one of those perfect Individuals who claims never to mnke mistakes, but more often we find that these very sumo persons not only make mistakes but very grave ones. The Cuticura Toilet Trie. Ilavlng cleared your skin keep It clear by making Cuticura your every-day toilet preparations. The soup to'cleanso nnd purify, the Ointment to soothe and ' heal, the Talcum to powder nnd per fume. No toilet tnble Is complete without them. 25c everywhere. Adv. ' A Secret. Harry "What do you mean by say ing I'm a fool?" Larry "Well, I'm sorry was It a secret?" Keep your eye on small opportunt- ties. They sometimes grow. WM Ilia aSuhMartiirk. If -UX MliaJJLMJ 1, J H OMY TOOL NHMDTOWIY IMPROVED UMF0EM IKTEMATIORAL SlNRfflSdlOOL Lesson (I)y HEV 1' II I'lTVCWATKIt. D I, Tcnclnr of HriKll'li lllble In lUe Moody llllils InMltute of OhlmKU ) ((c) I 31 . W'fhtPin NewtpapT Union ) LESSON FOR MARCH 27 THE LIVING CHRIST. M'.PSON Ti:XT-Mntt. IS l-'-'O COLDIIN THXT-l am ultli you always, evrn unto the end of tile world Matt. KUPKIin.NCi: MATKHtAL-Matt. 27; Gl-tO. Mu til t! 1-18. I.tlko b oti. 14.12. John 20.1-18 l'htl 3 S-I t f'KlMAItr TOIMC-The KnMcr Story JUNMOlt TOPIC - Our Ever-Present Friend INTEItMEDlATE AND SKNIOH TOPIC Christ Our Living 1. meter YOt'NO PEOPLE AM) ADULT TOPIC ChilBt In the Life of Today. I. The Empty Sepulcher (vv. 1-7). 1. The earthquake (vv 1-4). This occurred when tho glorious angel de scended from henven to roll the stone nwny from the tomb. This work of the impel was not to nllow .leBUs to escape, hut to hnw Hint the tomb wns empty. Christ needed not even the help of n glorious angel, for He wns raised up by Ills own power us the seal upon Ills atoning work on the cross. The open tomb and the ungcl sitting upon the stone with calm dig nity Is ii picture of God's triumph over the devil, nnd the terror of the keepers Is n sample of what all of ChrlM's enemies shall one day experi ence when lie comes In glory to reign as King. 2. The imgel's lacnge to the wom en (vv. 5-7). (1) "Fear not" (v. 5). While (he enemies hud occnslon to fenr, these women who loved the Lord received good news from the empty tomb. The Lord will not long leave those who follow Illm in love In mis pene nnd dread. The empty tomb puts nn end to nil doubts and fears. It Is the evidence that the question of sin Is I'ealt with, and that God Is sat Isfled and eternal victory Is secured CJ) "Come, see" (v. (5). The angel told the women that the Lord had risen and Invited them to come nnd see the place, where He lay. The rea son He invites them to come In Is that He desires them to make sure about the facts. The Lord made spe rial effort to convince the disciples of the reality of Ills resurrection. He remained with them for -10 days, glv lug them many Infallible proofs. (3) "Go quickly" (v. 7). Having seen for themselves, their responsibility was to go tell the message. While It Is Important to be convinced of facts, one should not stay too long because there Is work to do Experience Is necessary before testimony They were lo go quickly to the disciples with the message, .itemed that the Lord would go before and meet them. II. The Risen ' King Meets the Women (vv. S-10) The women quickly obeyed the com mand of the angel nnd were running to bring the disciples word Jesus met them on the way. Those who hnve an experimental knowledge of Chrlt Miould go speedily to tell oth ers of It. All who go quickly with Ills mcssiico. the Lord will meet on the way. When they snw Jesus, thai He was reallv the Lord, lliey worshiped Him. They knew that He was the Son of God, therefore entitled to be worshiped. III. Paying Money to Circulate a Lie (vv IMS). Thnt Jesus aroe from the dend could not even be denied by the San hedrln. They could see but one way out of the difficulty, thnt was to bribe the keepers to tell n lie. They had paid money for His betrayal ; now they pay much more to circulate a lie about His resurrection. What a won derful power money has over the lives nnd consciences of men! It will not only Induce people to He. but it even muzzles (he mouths of preachers IV. The King's Great Commission (vv lft-20). lty virtue of Ills royal authority He Issued this great command to the dis ciples. In order to prepare them to receive this command. He declared un to them thnt all power In heaven nnd enrth wns given unto Him. This Is most fundamental. Only as the dis ciples rcnlize the Lord's power are they likely to go about with the mes sage. 1. "Go, teach all nntlons." This is the first and primary business of the disciples The risen and mighty Lord Issues this command to all (v. ID). 2. Huptize them In the name of the Triune God. Those who have become disciples of tho Lord should leceive that rite which signifies that relation ship to Him (v. IP). 3. Teach them to observe nil Christ's commandments (v. 20) Those who become Christ's disciples blinuld be taught obedience to all His commands. All who thus obey Him shall enjoy Ills abiding presence, Christ's abiding presence guarantees the success of the enterprise. Prayer. In the morning, when you nwnke, nccustom yourself to think first upon God or something In order to His serv ice: and nt night also, let Him close thine eyes. Jeremy Taylor. Unhesitating Advance Wins. "It Is not the spurt nt the start, hut the continued, unresisting, unhustlng advance that wins the day." Owed All to Mother, All thnt I am. or hope to be, I owe to ray angel mother. Lincoln. "DEAD" SIX YEARS American Tells of Suffering in Mexican Salt Mines. Only Recently Gained Freedom, and Did Not Know Anything of tho World War. The World war hud been fought and won, and he did not know a word about It. He was Mate Magulre, an engineer art! graduate of the Boston Institute of Technology, who for six years was a soldier of fortune In the rebel urniy of Mexico, and for live years and eight months a prisoner nt hard labor In the Mexican salt mines, during which he never saw the light of day or a newspaper of any kind. Magulre reached Tacoina n short time ago after a thrilling escape from (he mines, In which he hnd been con demned to life Imprisonment after his capture by the Moxlcnn federals. He has just taken n position In the county engineer's olllce In Tacomn, says u Ta coma letter. Young and adventurous, Mngutro Joined a troop of men from the United States who were lighting under Ma dera. He became hecond In command of nil the troops and wns part of the time directly under Villa. Ho was truly n soldier of fortune. Hut one day Magulre and two other olllcers went Into Chihuahua because they henrd trouble was brewing there. They entered a cantlnn through n rear entrance. Here they found sev eral of Huerta's olllcers carousing. They hnd nothing to do but surrender to them. Tliey were gagged, tied and taken 0." miles on horseback to tho headquarters of a United States half breed serving under Huerta. Here at a general court-martial they were sen tenced to life Imprisonment In the salt mines of Chihuahua. "It was worse than a death sentence, to us," said Magulre. "We had heard about the conditions of the salt mines where unbelievable conditions were ex isting, and the workers were being Just tortured to death. "We were dropped some 1,000 feet In the ground in a bucket. We felt as though wo were being burled ullve, nnd when at last I .stepped into the mine, with Its few dim candles, the femous lines, 'All hope ubandoii, ye who enter here,' entered my mind. It was just pure and simple hell. Hats, glla monsters, scorpions, lizards, Ilea and other underground creatures were In the surroundings. Food consisted of beans nnd llabby pancakes. "That we might get n little tobacco we sacrlllced part of our meals. No medical uld of any sort was available, and the denth rate ran nbout one prls oiier a day. Tlrelr bodies lay unenv eied for weeks sometimes. In all the live nnd two-thirds years I wns In there I never saw a newspaper or magazine. In fact, I didn't know there wus such a Hilng as the World war. "But fate nt last favored us. Tho guards, we noted, were on a carousal that evening. When they came down the shaft we ended their careers with blows from huge stones. We donned their uniforms nnd made off. I went tr.wa'd the United Stntes border, which wns 130 miles north, and tho other two olllcers went down south. "Well, now I am here, thank God 1 Ambition for adventure Is wonderful, bur adventure Itself of this sort is far from entertaining." Use of Peat as Fuel. The burning of peat has an Indi vidual as well as a nationnl signifi cance. For Instance, consider this from Peter Chrlstlanson, professor of metallurgy In the school of mines nt thi' University of Minnesota : "There Is scarcely a farmer In tho stnte of Minnesota, except In tho southeastern, western nnd extreme northwestern portions, who could not make himself Independent of a coal supply for heating purposes by prewir ing nnd using peat from his own farm. Incidentally, peat Is found In sixty four of tho eighty-six counties of tho stnte. Other states have lots of It, too. "All the mnn needs to do Is to take spade, cut the peat from his bog In blocks nnd dry It. He enn do It cheap er than he can pay $15 or $20 for coal, too. My father burned peat for years here In Minnesota and It made nn excellent fire. Farmers aro using It for fuel In some sections of tho stnte, particularly those from the old countries, who are acquainted with Its use. Valuable Invention. A nnvnl Invention llr.w used du-ins the war may revolutionize the task oi tho pilot. A cnblo seventeen miles In length Is now lnld from Portsmouth harbor to the Warner light on tho channel side of tho Isle of Wight. Tho cable Is charged with a high frequency current, by means of whlcli a ship fitted with a receiving apparatus may locate Its position arid Hnd its way. Such an Invention, If ndopted In all tho more difficult ports of navigation routes, would not only ndd greatly to the safety of ships, but savo much valuable time that Is now lost. Lon don Dally Chronicle. Uninfluenced. "Does your wife lnfiuenco your vote?" "Not nt nil," replied Mr. Meekton. "Henrietta wants mo to vote accord ing to my own Idens; but It Is re markable how thoroughly my views nlwnys coincide with hers' nfter sho has taken thq trouble to express them nnd to assuro mo Hint sho Is perfectly willing to go on elucidating until I fully comprehend." PE kN5 r$i. ii-k-& v "? v. :& .& 88 ; mt& ssxsi.?s53a "SSs3N TAJU7S M LIQUID I0LO CVIRYWHCRI Kill That Cold With CASCARA k QUININE kB5 for C.M-. Ce..fha AOMV Neglected Colds Tak m cleaner. Keep this standard Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Rallavaa Orippa In 3 days Excellent for Headache Qulnlna In this form does not affect the head Caacara Is beat Toads Laucativ No Oplat in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT What to Do for SICK HEADACHE Take a good Pills then I CARTERS IITTLE IXEfR PILLS KIND.HEARTED LITTLE BOBBY He Meant Well, but He Won't Go to the Movies With Mamma Again for a While. Bobby, a four-year-old Columbus boy, Is nn observing youngster; tilso, he Is kind-hearted and willing to oblige, characteristics that were brought out in a recent Incident which was embarrassing to his mother. Bobby's mother Is young and pretty, und to enhance her good looks has frequent recourse to a powderpuff, with the usual remark that she fears her face Is shiny. One night this week Bobby eat with his mother In a movie, and directly In front of them ont a bald-headed man. Ills head was shiny, and this attracted Bobby's attention. "Say, mother," he said excitedly, "that man's head Is awful shiny, Isn't It?" Ills moUier's look of distress evi dently wns Interpreted by Bobby to mean sympathy for tho man with shiny head, for he said, loud enough' to be henrd for Bevernl rows of scats, "Moth er, couldn't you lend him your powder puff?" Indianapolis News. New Source of Paper. From a mixture of sugar enne ref use and bamboo fiber a Trinidad planter has succeeded In making n pa per equal In quality to tho best wood pulp product Some people fall to recognize oppor tunity when It comes up and shakes hands with them. lllllllllllimi """"""" Its Appeal Grows! Many people start to use InstantPostum temporarily in place of coffee or tea for health reasons. But they soon learn to love its rich flavor and its purefwholespme qualities are so apparent that they adopt Postum as their regular meal time beverage. " There s Sold by grocers everywhere Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek,Wich. p AY ' lm,- ., &k "IT SAVED MY LIFE" Thi Fielinf Tributs ! a VYomn it - RU - MAD Hlfl IXTTH-fTWILL DO YOU 8000 T-ro-hMtUodMnatoiB. I feel tsfa In tiylot Jhtl H MTd mj Ufa. 1 iu all nio down lad mite rtblB when I eomnno4 ukln r-rn-n, bat in cutbo road to tocomr MW. iM&BotttiABkjoatooaittch." Mis. Giuatvt Avtrtvon, It. F, I). No. 7, iAgriagt, IntlUnt, A tettrlfltth!fbrias hope antl the prorata of health erwy sick n4 suffering woman. Tarhapa you know what It meaaa to har your dally duUfa a mUcry, erer? SBOTamant an effort, stomach darasgaiL pnlna In Uin head, tack Mdlolna moat ot the time, narrat raw and qui rar Inc not moment Avt or night free from suHerinj. Do aa Mrs. Anspaofh did. Taka Pa-ru-aa. Don's watt hut start right away. AND La Grippe are Dangerous remedy handy for that tret i dose of Carter's Little Liver take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. A few doses restore your organs to their proper functions and the Headache and the causes of it pass away. In the same manner They regulate the Boioch and prevent Constipation. SeBna1tuere-a, &?&ZC SH Pul; Small Dose; SaaU Prict I DIDN'T LAST LONG ENOUGH Possibly the "Woman In tho Sky" Didn't Use a Really Good , Kind of Feather. fiu Two little tots were still trying out Christmas sleds although It was a week or more after the holiday and the short hill down which they were coasting was entirely devoid of snow In spots. They would slide nlong for n few feet until they came to a bare spot, drag their sleds over tho barren place to Hio next patch of snow and repent. "Where does the snow como from?" the smaller of the two children, a boy of about four, suddenly iiBked. "My mother says It Is some woman wny up In tho sky shaking her pillows until the feathers fall out," wun Hie uulve reply of his companion. "Well," exclaimed the boy, after a thoughtful pause, "I wish her fcutbera wouldn't melt." The Vanishing Point Mary Garden on lier return from Monte Carlo said ut u dinner In New York : "You will hnrdly believe It, but In France skirts are getting shorter. On the rromenadc des Anglais in Nice and on the Casino terrnco In Monte Carlo It almost seemed as if they shortened nn Inch or so every dny." "Where will this Hilng end?" a movie king usked In awed tones. "If skirts," Miss Gnrden answered, "get much shorter, they will end In being nothing but n hem I a hem I" nm n n nn n rm mm ir: i m i in ;mi i n iihitt a Reason " POSTUM A BEVERAOE f iffrt prt f WM " tmll porUan of Holm Postum Cereel Company, ,M,IWIW w nnucH.mm.un. ! iNSTANr? ir ii A ' ' !i