The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 03, 1921, Image 7
ikM!3WitS;) RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF fcw iT? ' 1 j - Aspmr Then it is Genuine Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years and proved safe by millions. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper directions for Colds, Headache fain. Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago. Handy tin boxc of IS tablets to but s trw cento Larger paduigM. la Ik. trad aark llarar Maaulastara Maaoactlifl r of auayllQasa Tha Alibi. "Prisoner nt the bar, you are barged with vagrancy, having no vis lblo means of support Are you guilty r not guilty?" ' "Not guilty, your honor. Norn, hake hands wld de Judge ; Judge, meet ! wlfo I" Richmond Tlmes-Dlspatch. f 1 aVx y .AiAsf w IW 1 farmers from a -- your, kind which grows SKIPPER REGRETTED HIS FIB Persistent Questioner, In the Classic Language- of the 8treet, "Got Back at Him." The deep-sea fisherman often has a harp tongue and Is not likely to "get the worse of u verbal duel. But George, the skipper of a Yarmouth trawler, who figures In "North Sea Ushers and Fighters," by Mr. Walter Wood, certainly met with his match once whether he knew M or not. "There's land people 'ho come and bother you with foolish questions," he complained in recounting the hard hips of a skipper's lif "I try to put 'em off, but can't allva do It, There was an old lady who worried me past endurance with h Questions, ask to' If the berrto's ere caught In barrels- a.s rVheM sometimes Been 'em that say In. shops. I told her no, and then the aggravated me to that extent that J told the only fib I ever spoke In my "'How do you kill 'era when you've, taught 'em?' she asked. "We blto off their heads,' I an pvered.' "filio looked at tho catch of herrln's are had. 'My I Myl' sho murmured, walkln' awoyj 'How tired your poor laws must be I' " Tho way to carry a stiff load Is to ave a stiff upper lip. 'W'JEtiJMBm vkxkw. . i vrr:tnwm x amsmsmssmm SaB41K.raL?la. -u -JT M'ST MJ IIITJIIVfl vawczn&u&zwjs&jci m BEWlfiPXSmMSBaZ.' W 3Dw&WW8m&& JiBBE MaHoM WiTyJ-i afH SMaflliL Choice Parte of Selected Grains give to GrapeNuts its health and body-building value This wheat and malted barley food is so processed and baked that the nourishing Qualities and pleas ing Aavor are folly brought out Health a Reason No Doubt About His Lovo. Host "Arc you quite nure he lovea you?" June "Love me? Why, ha went down on his knees In dump mows with now white flannel trousers on to propose to mo." Uoston Ulobe. Marriage opens eyes and purses. IN EVERY STABLE Spohn's Distemper Compound li the on lndlapensabla remedy (or contagloua and Infectious dlMaaes among hoinn and muli. Ita aucceea a a pravantlva and cur (or DIHTKMI'HU, I'INK EYE, COUGHS and COI.D3 for mora tban twenty. nix years la tha hlgheat tribute to Ha merit a medicine. It Is endoraed by th. beat horaemen and live atock men In America. Iiuy It of your drufglat. 10 cents and 11.16 per bottle. 81'OHN MEDICAL CO., Ooahen, Ind., C. S. A. tj I LT W L v .- a r L.f 1 M , Think tvhat that mean to win In Rood hard dollars with the Brest de mand for wheat at hlah nnee. Manv In Western Canada nave paid lor their land ainirle ctod. The same success mav atill he lor you can Duy on eaiy terms. Farm Land at $ 1 5 to $30 an Acre located near thriving town, rood market, nilarivi--land of a 20 to 48 bush. Is of to tha aera.' uood grazing lands at low prices convenient to your grain (arm en able you to reap the profits from atock raising and dairying. Leam the Facts About Western Canada low taxation (none on improvements), healthful climate, good schools, churches, pleasant social relationships, a prosperous.and industrious people. Tor DIoatntiKl I'Kratcr. map, deaerlptloo of (arm opportunities hi Manitoba. Sukatehcwan and Alberta, rarioMd railroad ratal, at., writ Oaaartmaat ot Immlgratioa, Ottawa, Canada, or W. V. BENNETT, Room 4, B Buildlir, OMAHA, NEB. Canadian Oovernmant Agant. BaasasaasBBBBBaasBBBBWHsBVsa EMPLOYED "NOM DE PHONE" Few People Will Blame Mr. Kraember llcht for Pressing John Henry Smith Into Use. "Is Mr. Smith In I" Inquired the vis. ltor at the office of a Newark business roan. "Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith T I don't think we have any person by that name," replied the office boy. "John IJcnry Smith wob the name," said the caller. "lie gave It to me over the telephone." "Were you looking for John Henry Smith?" Inquired a member of the firm who was passing by. "You want to see our Mr. Kraemberllcht This la a new office boy, and he Is not aware thaf John Henry Smith Is the tele phone name of Mr. Kraemberllcht. Mr. Kraemberllcht found that It was Im possible to make any one understand his name over the telephone, so he sim plified It to John Henry Smith. A nom de phone." "I sec," said the visitor. "You might also call It a phoney name." Newark Sunday Call. girl seldom begins to take life seriously until she has been up against one caso of unrequited love. Lots of men wouldn't know what to do with their money If they should ever get out of debt. 'frrPlOVTD UNirOSM INTERNATIONAL SIINMSO100L Lesson (Dy IlKV ! II KITSSWATUn. D D. Teacher of Knxllsh llibln In tha Moouj Ulble Institute of Chlcngo ) (. 1921. Western Newspaper Union ) r' - LESSON FOR MARCH 6 JESUS AMONG HIS FRIENDS. LESSON TEXT-Mntt 2C.1-13. GOLDEN TKXT-Shc lidlh done what she could. Mark 14 8 ItBI-'UitENCE MATKIIIAL-Mark 14:3-9, Luke 7.36-50. John 12.1-8 PIUMAHY TOPlC-ShowIng Ojr Lovs for Jesus. JUNIOlt TOt'IC-Glvln Our nest INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC -Our Hest for Christ YOUNG PEOPLE AM) ADULT TOPIC -The Liberality ot Lovo. I. The Jewish Authorities Plotting the Death of Jesus (vv. 1-5). 1. Christ's Fourth Prediction of His Death (vv. 1, 1). lie, with divine Insight, predicted not only the fact of ills denth, hut its time and man tier. Dentli was no surprise to Him. For this lie pre-eminently en me into the world (Heb. J:H). Ho calmly walked up to death. 2. The Authorities Plotting (vv. 3-fl). In f-ecrct conclave they were plotting how they might silence His voice by putting Him to tloiilh. it was the di vine purpose thill He bhould go to death. They In their wickedness were plotting to do that which the divine plan line ordained. They try by sub tlllty to take and kill Him. Their plnn was to do Ill's after the Pnbs over feast, lest there he nn uprising among the people. Sntnn, through his conspirators, was trying to hin der the offering of the sncrllicial I.nmb at the appointed time. II. Jesus Anointed by Mary of Beth, any (vv. 0, 7). For the identification of Mnry ce John 112:1-8 and Mnrk 14:8-1). This anointing occurred when Jesus was nt meat In Simon's house. Mary had the keenest spiritunl apprehension ol all the disciples. By sitting nt His feet In loving fellowship she obtained a grasp of truth which none of the other disciples did. She snw Hint His body wns to be broken mid Hint His precious life was to go out. She en tered Into fellowship with His suffer ings and the Joys of His resurrection. This Is shown In this wonderful sym bolic net of bringing her most precious possession and lavishing It upon Him. Knowing that no loving hnnd could minister to Ilim In Hint drend hour, Hhe did this service In loving nntlcipn tlon. It wns the highest expression of love. Genuine love takes no ac count of cost Is not calculating. III. The Indignation of the Disci ples (vv. 8, 9). The utter baseness of the disciples is in strange contrast with Mnry's love. Judas Iscnrlot Is the leader, but the whole apostolic company are led over. The spirit of fault finding Is very contagious. The one whose heart Is tilled with bn9e purposes enn offer mich plausible reasons for things thul n whole company can be swept off 'their feet, not perceiving the real pur pose underlying It all. The real thing Hint hurt Judas wns the losing of the money which the ointment might, have been sold for, not that he cared for the poor. IV. Mary Defended by Jesus (vv. 10 13). Jesus would not allow His most np preclatlve disciple to He under the cen sure, so He came to her rescue. Though all the disciples cennured her, He had nothing but the highest praise If we can but have His praise, what need we care for the censure of men ! He bestowed upon her the very high est praise possible when He said, "She hath done what she could." (Mark 14:8). In this defense Jesus teaches, according to Doctor Erdman : 1. That no gift to Him can be too great If made In grateful lovo (v. 10). "She hath wrought a good work on me." 2. Care for the poor and other du ties which are of perpetual obligation may give way before an opportunity for service which cannot recur (v. 10) "The poor ye hnve with you always. Sometimes even charity is not the highest expression of Christian devo tion. 8. Jesus appreciates the meaning and motive of our bervlce (v. 12). He estimates them at their highest possl ble value mid Interprets them in the light of His own love and knowledge He declared that tho ointment poured upon Him was a preparation of His body for burial. 4. The Influence of nn act ol' Chris tian service will never cease (v. 13). Tho example of Mnry Is still filling the earth with the fragrance of loving service. Through this act of uacnlcu luting love Mary's name has become Immortalized. As the result of this defense Judas Is so stlngtngly rebuked Hint lie has tens away to betray his Lord. For tho Rich Man. The only way for n rich mnn to be healthy Is by exercise and abstinence, to live as If he was poor; which wns esteemed the worst pitrta of poverty. Sir W. Temple. God Will Provide. If I am faithful to tho duties of the present. God will provide for the future. Ilodel I. Wants Experience. All Is but llp-wlsdom which want! experience, Sir I. Sidney. RUB RHEUMATIC PAIN FROM ACHING JOINTS Rub Pain right out with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." Stop "dosing" Hhcumntlsm. It's puln only; not one case In fifty requires Internal treatment. Hub soothing, penetrating "St". Jn'cobs Oil" right on the "tender spoL" ami by the time you sny Jack Hoblnson out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. "St. Jncob's OH" Is n harmless rheu matism liniment which never disap points and doesn't bum the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and hones; stops sclntlca, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Limber up I Get a small trial bottle of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from nny drug store, and In a moment, you'll bu free from pnltiH, aches and stlimess. Don't suffer I Hub rheuma tism uwny. Adv. Evidence to the Contrary. "The argument you an? using, sir, does not leuya yon a leg to stand on." "It certainly must, for It Is made up entirely of foot notes." HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied In Nostrils Opena Air Passages Right Up. Instnnt relief no waiting. Your (logged nostrils open right up; tho air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, sutilTlIng, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath nt night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get n smnll bottle of Hly's Crenm llulm from your druggist now. Apply n little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing crenm In your nostrils. It pen etrates through every passage of tho head, soothes tho Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief cornea In stantly. It's Just fine. Don't stny Btuffcd-up with a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv. You Tell 'Em. Hoss They also serve who only stand and wnlt. Hob True. In fact, Hint kind are always serving: never bossing. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA, that famous old remedy for Infanta and children, and Bee that it Bears the 52k$gSS" Signature In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Prolonging It. "Two heads -aro better than one." "Uut some lecturers want, about six heads to n discourse." Everybody Wants a The Cadillac is known and respected the world over for its everlasting and constant Dependability Some day you will own a Cadillac and find out for yourself why truly critical people are more than satisfied with their Cadillacs year in and year out. FILL OUT THE COUPON if you want to know good cars We want to send you free a very complete book "Details of Construction." It describes all the fine "inner workings" of a modern, car, and beautiful pictures make the reading very interesting. Send for it now; ifs an educator. I J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC COMPANY j OMAHA, NEBRASKA I Please send me your "Details of Construction" which you I are offering free, without obligation on my part. I I Name Address L IllllllllllllllllliillllllM Has Your Back Given Out ? Aro you dragging along with n dull, throbbing bnekache? Do you feci Inrac in tho morning; midcr ulinrp twinges at every sudden move? Then there's something wrong I You may never have suspected your kidney, yet often it's the kidneys that are at fault. You mny lmc headaches and dlzy spells, too. Use Doan'a Kidney Pills. They have helped thousands and should help you. Ask your nelghborl A Nebraska Case Two; nnf , Mrs. Elcnora Jezcw Rkl, 2000 K. St., Au burn, Nebr., snys: "An nttnek of tho grip about eight yours ngo weakened my kidneys. I hal tcrrnlo hnclc nchcfl find could hard ly do my hnuBOWork. Dizzy spcllH would roino over me. I nlno Buffered from dull hondaclicfl. My kid neys acted Irregularly and my rout was broken nt nlKht. A counlo boxes of Donn's Kill I MOO l'llls cured mo entirely." Get Dosn's at Any Store, 00c a Box DOAN'S p'SK FOSTER. M1LBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Cuticura Soap The Velvet Touch For the Skin Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talctm 25c. Nebraska Directory RUPTURE : of all varieties cured lu a few ilny without a aunrlcn! operation or detention from bnalncu. Write or call on DR. WRAY HERNIA INSTITUTE . 410 Patera Tru.t Bids. OMAHA (Vl5w- DR. R.D. WITHERS DENTIST Orer Meier Drni Oo. Corner 13Ui and O SU. LINCOLN. NEB. BUTTERMILK FOR HOGS AND POULTRY Either powdered, In 100 lb. nacka or condensed, In 600 lb. barrels. Write, us for samples anil Information. THE FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. Br-Products Dept. Omaha, Nab. s. s. shea: OPTICIAN 1123 O Street a Lincoln, Neb, Omaha Crematory r Send for illustrated booklet Address or call on ; Forest Lawn Cemetery Assn. 720 BrandeUTheatre Omaha, Neb. Cas9 . gSjLViff'V IB KJdnoy mom Dependable Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Dottles and Dniry Supples; H? Catct and Chlcknn Coopi KENNEDY A. PARSONS CO. 1309 Jone.SL 1001 E. -llhSi. OMAHA SIOUX CITY Horses or Mules Wanted We need at once on one of our farms a good team of mares or mules which we will accept as part payment on a new Chandler or Clsvcland automobile. CARD ADAMS MOTOR COMPANV Dlltrllutatt Lincoln, Nebraitia KODAKS Developing, Printing and E-nlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (K.-mlman Kodak Co.) Dept. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb, tatai&lat &$ &$&&$& Modern Investments . Ton y and Inroit by mall. Dlntanoa la no bar. Von bur nf na a ftrui rir MortgagnDondnn Nnbraaka farm land or any oilmr aix-urUr nqtiallr Rood on aTon- 'amant plan, and wo pajr ruu Six I'erOnl ntpr it on each pajmant to data of teule menu tlon profltnbln to too than a turlnst trcounlor bonding and loan (tuck and uexl to I.lbertr llondi In natttr. Wrlln (or dricrlpUro folder. LINCOLN THU8T COMPANY Drpt. M-I Lincoln, Nub, $ A A $ A $ A A It A 'AS&SA$ASSAAASAt utUTniouTon SERVICE ? $PmM Wl,, Von w IlWip, Vlien Yoo Want IT Eloctrio Starter Specialists Distributors of Prosto-Lite Batteries RANDALL & NOLL Phone D4136 317-21 S. I lib SI. LINCOLN, NCI. SANITARIUM SULPH0 SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own premises and used in the Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed in tho treatment of J rheumatism Heart. Htomnch. Kldnnv and Heart, Btomach, Kidney and L-ivcr Diseases. Moderate charges. Addrcaa OR. O. W. EVERETT. Mqr. MltiaadM Sts. Liacoia, NB. Car ? iatH. 1