The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 03, 1921, Image 4
1XD OLOTOtV iHEllAIKA, OMDEf THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THUR8DAY Entered In the roitoJTlce nt Hcd Cloud. Neb at Bccond CIms Matter' A. B. McARTHUR,!Edltor and Owner m r . . ., .il 2xi6e r Pictures Vaudeville AUDITORIUM Theater Red Cloud "i 6 i I;, i i ( ! 1 i l .4. BATTERIES You Have a Right to- Expect More ' than ordinary lasting power from an ExidO Battery. ' It was the first automobile battery, 09 Sfc was in central station and other fields long ' before automobiles were invented. The Exide for your car is the result of " experience gained in every field by the oldest and largest makers of storage batteries in the world. R.ed Cloud Battery Service Station nJaaataaaa a Xm-jLimmmlWaaaaaa l SPECIAL SALE! HORSE MILLINERY and MULE JEWELRY Begins Feb. 19 : Closes March 5 Lost ! ! Golden Opportunity tf you fait to buy at this Special Sale. Strayed! from the path of ccono my by not satisfying your wants at this sale Stolen! Your time and money by overlooking and not purchasing at this sale All auto and harness repairing dona noatly and promptly FOEGEL If DITTI CD Red Cloud Building J. U. BUlLEiK. Nebraska iraimwnnin Lumber Today The lowest priced construction material in the world. Buy it. Piatt Frees lM I ! At our Blue, Brown and Gray Serges uaV V W for real values in hand tailored suits 'THE HUGHES WAY' The Frank R. Hughes Co. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING LADIES TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS Red Cloud, Nebraska PLAN OUTLINED FOR UNITING OF CHURCHES The following plan, or constitution, Bubmlttcd by the committees of tho Church of Christ and tho Christian church, was adopted by the congre gations of tho two churches, at a meeting on February 25th, and no doubt will form tho working basis upon which a permanent united or ganization will eventually bo erected. A careful perusal will show that the outline has been constructed on a liberal scale, with an effort made to meet tho requirement of all, no mat ter of what denomination. f Ab will bo noted tho purpose set forth is of sufficient scope, whllo tho name "Community Church," likewise, is thoroughly befitting, sinco tho en tiro outline discloses no restriction as regards tho uniting of other churches with theso two, in fact they arc ex tended an invitation to do so. Tho plan or outline follows: NAME Tho namo of tho church shall bo COMMUNITY CHURCH OF RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA PURPOSE Tho purpose is to assit in unifying the Christian forces of Red Cloud, and to promote the religious inter ests of our community and thus ad vance the Kingdom of Christ. ORGANIZATION Each of the churches uniting, or who shall hereafter unite, shall select three persons from its membership, who shall constitute its representa tion on tho executive committee. Tho executive committee shall meet immediately after their election and elect from their number a president and secretary and shall hold their office for one year or until their suc cessors are elected. The executive committee shall hold its regular meetings tho first Sunday of each month at 3 p. m. The presi dent of the executive committee or any two members shall have power to call a special meeting of tho com mittee on notice to the other mem bers of the committee. The commit tee shall have power to appoint any committees as they may deem neces sary. Tho executive committee, shall byti unanimous vote of its .membership,' recommend a permanent pastor. But such pastor shall bo chosen by majority vote of tho congregation. However the executive committees shall select temporary pastor. The ceremonies, practices and dis-' cipline of tho church shall be deter mined by a majority vote of the ex ecutive committee. Tho executive committee shall appoint a finance committee for the church, which com mittee shall devise a budget system for raising church finances. The con gregation shall elect all officers for tho conduct of all ether business of the church. CHURCH ACTIVITIES Other church activities shall be united, 'organized and supervised by the congregation. MEMBERS Any person desiring to join this church may do so and shall have the privilege of placing his or her fellow ship with the church of his or her choice. PROPERTY The Church of Christ shall permit the use of its property. BENEVOLENCES All missionary money shall be equally divided among the church bodies represented. UNION Wo invite the co-operation and upion with us of church organizations and indivduals of Red Cloud on tho above conditions. AMENDMENT These articles shall bo amended by unanimous vote of tho executive com mittee after one month's notice to each church uniting. Committee of Church of Christ (Christian) Committee of Christian Church Adopted February 25th, 1921 by the two congregations. rn fml 0 Direction JACK TILLER Manaf er CHET MILLER Tonight Friday Saturday Sunday lUI Monday Tviesday Prices 15c-30c UNDERNEW MANAGEMENT VIVIAN MARTIN in HIS OFFICIAL WIFE Also Uncle Toms Caboose llmrl Two Kinds of Love With an All Star Cast Also 14th Episode The Phantom Foe Tho Blggast Hit of tho Season SO LONG LETTY If you can't laugh don't come. Also A Parcel Post Husband NORMA TALMADGE in THE WOMAN GIVES And A ROLIN COMEDY IL m ?HE Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Omco Ovor Albright's Store lied Cloud Nebraska Dr.W.H.McBrith DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud , t Nebraska i i ' ' 'Childish Reading. Tho child worships heroes and ac cepts tho printed word as an oracle. Plausible action, for hlni, Is not con fined to tho four walls of bis homo or to the street that he knows. And books In the first reading years do not seem to reflect comment upon, or make amends foffllfc. Tho talo that unwinds from their pages Is more real than reality. Never again, for most of us, will come that complete im mersion In tho utmosphere of a story that Is tho even mildly Intelligent child's liiullenable birthright. Ex- change. i j. Famous Whoppers. "My wlfo never would say anything like that to: mo. Sho knows I wouldn't stand for ltk,Detrolt News, ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa '- aaaaai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ' W$m ART? t-TTTPI? VESi3WW;?JB Iftffjjstf &?f ri'''i""wlil")i''ll''"i;1" ,,'""t'v-t-ittTt ?BglPfrtigfr& i aaaaaawfaaaamSramw Jtfft IhTv nmaaaaaaBaammamtfSjEwi jLamMMaaaaaaaaaaaakmmm2maMyJmammwkmaaE -CSaaat ' aaaaaawKcLTaaMTaLaLaaaitSiri wr'aaanaaaBwBaaamTaawWMaaawaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTEEmZ WaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamSSTBi PaM vj9?maaaaaaaBmaaaaaaaaaa9aaaaaaaaaaawam BB3 n iFJ.fflB rfnlaaaa ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam y's J! a B aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawl A aaaam ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall st? aaam aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj j ir la aak waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2&aMikjK vCsamfaaaaM 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaaaatkkaamaaaaaaaaam aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ' The Old Beech. The old beech kept me dry enough whllo tho rain beat steadily on his head, but he knew how to preserve the downpour for hid own needs. From the mass of the leaves It passed to the ramage of the twigs that bore them and gaining. In volume, descend edua trickle to tho branches and a brisk, fountain to the boughs. Then the many channels mot at the fork; to run down tho bole In a ton-eat and vanish nmler the mosscovcre4 earth. Eden Pbillpotts. Beriuty'a Advantage. Tho bet ejjK tuny not he Inside the whitest shell, nor Is tho best bargain always to bu found behind tho most showy front, but tho woman .with a prelry fuc'o' continues to Inspire confluence. VVAVV.-A-JVV.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.VV-V.VV.V.VVA-AVJVVIAVW i Own Your Own Home . 44 s" i m -. ' ' 'tor -,) , . jM alone-Gellatl COi , vvvvvvv-vwvv.-avvv.vj-avvsawjvjvvwvavvvuvwww "' 0 D ij V K V i-L I :,7 - v i-- fxv ry-1 ' w ' rtf; -r -fvr v& --T. Trr. rr&KB r.'arrrrwiraa irtK ( WtnA j MiUii- ; . r- t yw-t-firrrfftv i . .i .i in lp h ir cy"-jr't 'f "" " " -.. --" mmnaaaakkwamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM (i-- - ;- t- -- . -z.mmammmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ; JSSastetE tc ww-MrsibM m ru inM'inllfM,''1 ''W.1' s V jWWri . f - mtmmimivivzi