The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 24, 1921, Image 3
aegnmtBi RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t I y C B WELL TO DO H. W. Boring Says He Is In Better General Health Than He Has Been in Years Since Taking Tan lac "Since Tanlnc lias overcome my troubles I liavo gained twenty pounds In weight and am In better ,;enernl bealtli Minn for years past," was this straight-forward statement made u few duys ago by II. W. Uorlng, a prominent and well-to-do farmer liv ing at Overland I'arlc, Knns. "During tbo two years I suffered I tried everything I knew of to get re lief, but nothing seemed to reach my case until 1 tried Tnnlac. My appe tite wob poor and my digestion was no bad I could hardly retain my food. Nothing agreed with me; in fact I was almost a confirmed dyspeptic, My whole system seemed to be out of shape. I would have pains across the funnll of my back so hail ut times I could hardly move nround. "My nerves were all unstrung and I would become up-set at the least little thing. I seldom slept well at night nnd, finally, became so weak and run-down that I lost weight rapidly. I wns also troubled a great deal with catarrh nnd of mornings had to spend n half hour r more clearing up my head. ( "This Is Just the condition T was In when I began taking Tanlac nnd It certainly has been n blessing to me. It Just seemed to be made especially for my case. I Improved from the very first. My digestion now Is per- What to Do for CONSTIPATION ICARTERS IITTL.E IVER PIL SCENERY BIG PART OF PLAY , Modern Theatrical Productions Evi dently Depend a Great Deal on the Stage Setting. "The Keggar's Opera" Is now being presented In New York with the com pany that was gathered for the Lon don revival, nnd settings which ul"o crossed the ocean. It was not that It wns cheaper to bring the scenery over, but simply because It would have been Impossible to duplicate the original sets without doing a great deal of eighteenth century research work that would mean going over the name ground that had been carefully covered by the London designer. The situation is hardly a parallel to that of "Her Own Way," tho Clyde Pitch comedy which could not ho played for several days after the date set for the London opening because the scenery had been put on n steam er other than -that taken by tho com pany. Pitch had written this play with Intricate though unobtrusive scen ic effects constantly In thought. Tbo result was that, broadly speaking, the special scenery for this play actually did some of the acting. Fire escapes were used in Paris as long ago as 1701. If There's Any Question whether coffee causes sleepless nights follow ed by drowsy days change to InsimtPdstom This table drink is pure and wholesome.has a flavor that pleases , and is made -"instantly in the cup;, "You can make Instant Postum stronsj or mild to suit individual taste, there is no waste, and whether you need one cup or ten it's always ready. "There s a Reason? for Postmn Hade hy Postum Cereal Compaigr.lna. Battle Creek! Michigan. . FARMER 2 BBBBBBVMBuk SBBflK$BBflsaBYMPBBBBBBBa Huj )'tl!$ 1 II II. W. BORING ot Overland Park, Kansas feet nnd regardless of what I cat I never Buffer any bad after effects. "The pains across my back have en tirely disappeared. The catarrh has left me, too, nnd my head Is perfectly clear. I am no longer nervous and rest well every night. I have re gained my lost weight and nm feeling better and stronger than I have In years. I am going to keep Tnnlac In my house so it will be handy at all times." Tanlnc Is sold by leading druggist everywhere. Adv. Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. They cleanse your system of all waste matter and Regulate Yonr Bowels. Mild as easy to take a'S SUgar. Genuine teat ilgnalutt ytanf&ZSxC Small PilL Small Dose. Small Price. ADVERTISING IN OLDEN DAYS Collection In Pennsylvania Museum Shows It Was a Fine Art a Few Generations Ago. Advertising was a tine art in Phila delphia when Dock street was a canal. The proof that the merchants and business men of those days were cog nizant of the value of printer's Ink is u large collection of billheads, cards, newspapers and other advertising media that has just been purchased by the Pennsylvania mubeum for dis play In Memorial hull. In those days every business mnn of note used tho columns of the news papers. The front pnges of the dallies of the time were devoted largely to advertising matter. Virtually all of the business men nlso used elaborately decorated bill heads, generally copper plate engrav ings. The custom wus copied from Kngland, nlthough the Philadelphia printers often struck an original style. Philadelphia Public Ledger. Had She Heard That? -"My dear, since It's Impossible to dress my dolls decently, 1 never tnke them out." Paris Le Journal Amu snnt. "-J DISEASE CAUSE OF ANIMAL LOSS Three-Fourths of Ailments Which Ruin Valuable Herds Can Be Prevented. STRICT SANITATION NEEDED Contagious Maladies, Sporadic AIL merits, Parasitic Troubles, Accl dents and Neglect Are All Quite Disastrous. (Prepared tiy the United States Depart ment ot Agriculture.) Every jour the people of the United Slntcs lose over $U00,(HH),0X) directly (nnd no one Knows how much Indl teetly) through diseases of farm ani mals. This Is a hi rye loll when dl titled on a per capita basis, and when It comes home to the farm stock-mis-er who finds a valuable unlmal dead In the ham, or an epidemic spreading In to his herd, the loss Is sometimes disas trous. The most iettet table feature of the case Is that probulily three fourths of the loss could he prevented. Five Causes of Disease. There are llvn principal cuincs of disease and death of farm animals contagious diseases, sporadic dlseirse, paruhitlc troubles, accidents and ne- ( loot. Contagious diseases can be avoided, or at least their consequences Kreutly diminished. If farmers will learn to co-operate with the United States Department of Agriculture on'1 the urlous statu livestock and sani tary authorities, who are striving to maintain animal health. Fanners should report promptly to the nearest olllclals any suspicion of the presence of contagious disease, and they should observe carefully all regulations In re gard to quarantine, sanitation, nnd care of animals, as protection against contagion. Tuberculosis Is onp of the worst scourges among animals ant. It thrives best In damp, dark, lll-ventllated sta bles. It Is less common among ani mals running at large. Llgl'it, dry, well-vent Hated stables and dry, clean barnyards or paddocks lire essential to the health of farm animals. One val uable point In combating contnglous diseases, especially tuberculosis, Is to start the herd with anlmnls thnt not only are free from disease, but are of Proper Care Keeps Farm Healthy. Animals stork thnt Is not predisposed to dis ease. Ofllclul tests of herds are made on request nnd through co-operation of the United Stntes Department of Agri culture with livestock sanltnry offl clnls. Purchase of breeding stock from these herds Is a wise precaution. Care also should be taken to obtain stock adapted to climatic nnd local conditions. The other sources of ani mal loss nre largely a matter of In telligent and careful hnndllug. Sporadic nnd Incidental diseases, such ns disorders of the digestive nnd respiratory tracts, can bo nvolded largely by proper handling nnd feed ing. A proper bnlnnclng of rations has n mntcrlu Influence on the health of live stock. Too much of any food ele ment Is likely to result In digestive disorders, thus predisposing the nnl mal to disease. Parasitic diseases nlso carry off largo numbers of valuable animals every year. They are lurgely tho re sult of Improper housing nnd neglect. The average farmer enn not be ex pected to have the time nnd aptitude for study which will keep him apace with the latebt developments In feeds and fccdii;, animal nutrition and medicines, hygiene, nnd other import ant mnttcrs related to the stock-raising industry. Ho can, however, nvnll himself of the benefit of the studies nnd demonstrations of specialists who hnve devoted their entire tlmo to these subjects. Every stnto agricultural col lege maintains a corps of specialists whose publications and services arc available. Department Offers Aid. Tho department of ngrlculturo Is constantly giving out Important In formation In books nnd bulletins which may bo had on request and In ovcry state the department hns representa tives combating animal diseases. It Is well to consult a local veterinarian In case of any disturbing symptoms nnd to report to tho state veterinarian or tho United States Department of Agriculture, any symptoms which In dicate the possibility of an epidemic. The wise breeder is ovor on tho look out to prevent dlsenso Instead of wult 'i until a cure la necessary. SBBBBBBBBWSsHsSBBBBBBBHfS tHsflsBl I !sSBBflsiBBlUV'JsBfCSB)sK?SdfiftlsiBSW SBBBBBBBIBBbV MAKE COMPOST Hh'AP FOR USE IN GARDEN Start By Laying Down Bed at Fresh Stable Manure Organic Rubbish, Decayed Vegetable, Dead Vines, Weeds and Other Truck May De Used 8lxe Plot Necessarily Varies. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) (tiirden wnste, decayed vegetables, dead vines, weeds, nnd tho organic rubbish that collects about the place during n busy summer may be cleaned up nnd put to work again through tho ngeney of n compost heap. Start the heap by lnylng down n bed of stable manure which has not been burned or heated. The size of the plot will vary with the amount of refuse to bo used; for ordinary uses, If the bed In made 8 feet long by 0 feet wide nnd 2 feet deep It will serve the purpose. Out the manure spread a two-foot layer of refuse and cover It with an other layer of manure. This last Inyer need be only a foot In thickness. He- A- rVwx .nftJ"W4' Vr. ; r i i & tv jv irf sjf-sx ;j.7.s L&Ssttte 25fci& c5v E' S'ir -' $S.3J weK&r-jvx' Don't Leave Manure In Piles Exposed to Weather Conditions Favorable to Loss By Washing Use It to Make a Compost Heap. pent the layers until nil the wnste linn been disposed of nnd then cover the whole with n layer of earth. If It Ir desired to odd to the henp from time to time tho top layer muy be opened - nnd the new ranterlnl emptied Into the hole thus made. This Is convenient for the suburban homo where there Is no animal to consume the kitchen waste. In the spring tho heap Is weljl mixed with n fork and the compost Is rendy to be spread on the garden plot. Tho heating manure will effectively destroy any weed seed present and will nlso break down the structure of most of the materials that have been thrown upon tho pile. The process mny be continued Indefi nitely by simply adding enough manure to Insure heating. Compost is especially valuable for use In hotbeds nnd coldframes. CLEANING UP INSECT PESTS Many of Hibernating Species May B Destroyed In Winter By Clean ing Up Obscure Corners. Much can be done now to reduce the possibility of Insect plngues next summer if n little effort Is directed to wurd the destruction of Insect shelter nrens. Around the grounds and gar dens, under bulges, beside ditches, and In fence corners nre bunches of Insect sheltering weeds or grass. By the time cold wenther approaches many kinds of Insects In the adult or Imma ture stages have taken full advantage of these nooks nnd hidden nwny there for the winter. The bureau of cnto ihology, United States Department of Agriculture, says thnt If these spots are cleaned up nnd the refuse cufnnd burned, many of these hibernating In sects will bo destroyed nnd the dam age from such posts during the com ing season will be materially lessened. PROVIDE BATH FOfl POULTRY Chickens Cleanse Themselves by Wal- lowing In Soil and Dust Box Should Be Accessible. Chickens never wnsh, ns mnny other birds do, but clennse themselves by vnllowlng In soil. Where board or cement floors nre used In tho chicken house, Rome means for dusting should bo provided during the winter months, say poultry specialists of the United fStnfes Depnrtment of Agriculture. For n flock of r0 to 00 fowls n dust box 3 by o feet or 4 by 4 feet will generally be found lnrgo enough, nnd should ho plneed where It enn be reached by sun light dnrlng as much of tho day ns possible. Fine; light, dry dust Is tho best kind with which to fill the box, hut snndj lonin Ic good. Tload dust In recom mended by many, but It is npt to be lllthy. Conl or wood ashes mny ba mixed with tho soil If desired. FARM FOR CENSUS PURPOSES Is All Land Which Is Farmed by Oni Person, Either by His Own Labor or With Assistance. According to tho 1020 census then nro 0,440,008 farms In tho United Stntes. A "farm" for census purposes Is all tho Innd which Is directly farmed by ono person, either by his own labor nlono or with tho assistance of mem bers of tho household or hired em ployees. When a landowner has one or more tennnts, renters, croppers or managers, tho land operated by each Is considered a "farm." t r"trKaHfeah.''' h ViSsfT? ? "VMI vncirz -..VII 3y;jvnTTJtr '..? Vwi. in ?&&$&??. vn iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiifiiinniiimiiiiiiiiinimiiiiinniinnmnia PE-RU-NAg FOR CATARRH OF THE HEAD AND NOSEl ' I began using PE-RU-NA. Tablets thrco yoars ago for catarrh of tho head and noso. Was un ablo to do anything. I saw a decided improvement after ono box and after Tablets or Liquid Mr. Fmft ftrtij OtTrt.uU, Wmia, Mitt nniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiimiifitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiua Kill That D CASCARA Lf QUININE FOR fy AND Colds, Cotfhs yOjVVV L Grippe Neglected Colds arc Dangerous Tak no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for tha Drat anaai Breaks tip a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Qalnlna in this form does not affect the htad Caacara la beat Toass Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Authoritative. She Do you write poetry? He The editors say not. Th Wntclimnn-Exnnilher (New York). WARNING Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you.are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 31 years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"! SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American I Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cosf trot a few cents Larger packages. la taa trad mark of llaaataatur t II eaoacttleacldMtar of BaJltyllcaiO Willing to Walt. "Hut you owe It to yourself." "In that case there's no hurry. 1 find myself a very lenient eredltor." tSftsi fiM us SB!" t MX 1 & 1 k' ,! M . r.iTit ji A-V itTl r; Buy Alabastine from your local dealer, white and a variety of tints, ready to mix with cold water and apply with a suitable brush. Each package has the cross and circle printed in red. Bv inter mixing Alabastine tints you can accurately match draperies and rugs and obtain individual treatment of each room. , .1 L .1 YHHgTaj Hfc.T lwV'm asP'?SlssM ....,..-,-.,-..... Semi-Solid Trade Mark Reg. DIRECT FROM FACTORYTO FARMER, putting Brokers' and Middlemen's profits in Con sumers' pockets. Uet Hog and Poultry Feed on the market It puts the PEP in them and keeps them healthy. Prices down to 3'4c per lb. in 600 lb. barrels; 4Mc in half barrels; 4Uc In quarter barrels. F. O, II. factory. Get Free Sample and Booklet describing this Wonderful rcca. Consolidated Products Co. L?$3& DEPT. 20, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA "The only thing for pljs. Makes them grow Into weeds." it T, McKIIXIP. Beaver Croesing. Nebr. "It's the beat stuff I ever fed." P. SHIVERS. Iowa. "A great chicken feed and egg tnsksr." T.J.UTTELL,WUtr.Nebr. "The pigs sure like it Best thing for shoots I have found." B. VAN HORN, Burr. Nebr. using flvo boxes be- 9 jicvo i nm curcu as thoro has been no return ot tho dis ease In two years." Fifty years of use- g fulness in tho best S guarantee of Po-ru- a na merit. 5 Sold Ereryitkere 3 Cold With Placing the Blame. Professor Why were yon tardy? Tom Class bcRiin beforo I got there. Orange. Peel. Stylishly Sloppy. "Whnt a beautiful girl!" ' "Yes. And with what charming slop plness she wears her galoshes." A SK your local dealer to reo ommend a practical dec- orator. It you are unable to 6ecure one you can do the work yourself, tinting and stenciling your walls to give beautiful results. AlabcistiBe Instead of Kahomine or Wall Paper NO RETURN OF THE DISEASE IN TWO YEARS WtUtfot special tuggutlont and lateil color combination ALABASTINE COMPANY 1M7 Gri.d.m. A. Cnul RpU, Miti. Look at This Price! QS PerLb. SA.t 4c -,.-. FOR Buttermilk U. S. Patent Office fsyW af ULRV ' ""- WPbW q