IV P P W)T fBAB V 1 ' ll 'V. r ukTOunuuu. "- Tte N EW E D IS Ol "The Phonograph z&iCJj ciCji" T W - 'it Mood Change Cha:.. A. NM t .l' -?." C""" " " rtm -i riy -- - miwMP MiliM-J'r , r-,'-' ' ''A V 2. Thmt ui.ji. f MfW Q t 1. B'MiAffu". OJi O -u " 4 HTuI iltJ rtmut M to l At. kntMf " " w. at d M o mi Q ttw0 ttln'mn4 Cm O MftnaoQ ts:!. '-- - .MOODCIIANOt lUjCm-C .c-. ?zr z?r zzz&zrr. t2fX!.JZl- 7. A ' "" - U""1 rt"r' Lds -j . y T w. MorcRluowi DtMtiMisn ! O.A. N J .Mrim. 'vt-ril iMdJJLzz' Help E r v. tv t It ! PI MHtk. 31. UK Mi . A ' ." r, -i- - r- .'" ft. ) Jlfl f V.'VA H I i o disoil Take some Mood Change Charts home, and make this experiment! LET'S imagine you have jirt comehomc from shopping. You are tired and nervous. You step to the New Edison and put on an Edison IU-Crkation. Gradually the music soothes you. You forget fatigue and your "nerves" disap pear. You feel refreshed and light hearted. Mr. Edison in his present great research is studying into the. effects 'of music on the minds and moods of men. Will you fill out a Mood Change CTt, and do your bit for lYTr. Lciisou's research ? Make the experiment in ymjp own home. Come in. Let us give you a supply of Mood Chan.'a Charts. Have your family and your friends fill them out. They will find it more fun than Quija. If you don't own a New Edison, fill out a Chart in our store! Better yet, we will lend you a New Edison and a program of RE-CamA-noNs so that you can give a Mood Chango Party in your own home. E. H. NEWHOUSE 'Bfams&i' A 9 m Pfe1 g & svnd!k$nw 'W' 20 for 20 cents in air. tight pnokaflas. Also obtainable in round tins of SO, Yacuum-soalud. I READ a atory. ABOUT A follow. WHO SLIPPED. ON AN ley hill. AND SfARTED to olldo. AND TRIPPED up. A FAT lady. WHO SAT on him. AND RODE down hill. TO THE foot. AND THEN ho wheozed. "MADAM, YOU'LL havo. TO GET Off lioro. THIS IS as far. AS 1 go." GO WHEN a now olorli WHO DIDN'T know. ' 4 MY REGULAR amolco. TRIED TO soil mo. SOME OTHER hind. OF CIGARETTE. I REMEMBERED that yarn. AND TOLD tho clork. JUST WHERE to cot off. OTHER KINDS will bum. AND GIVE off smolcc. V I'LL ADMIT that much. ft BUT THAT'S aa far. AS I'LL go. THERE'S ONLY ono hind. ft OF CIGARETTE. ft ft THAT CAN, and will, and docs. REALLY "SATISFY." - OTHER clparottca may plonso your tante for a tlmo but that'o aa far an thoy po. With finer tobac cos both Turkish nnd Domestic and with liner blending Chestor fiolda pivo you tho fullest possible cigarotto enjoyment. They alivaya satisfy. It'o tho blend anil it can't be copied. CIGARBTTSS Liggett & Mvrns Tobacco Co. FARM BUREAU MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Tim Afmnlinrnliln C.nmnntm in Wnli ster county is over nnd tho next step ' Js Township Organization. Wa did ' not receive as largo a membership as we would of, had the roads been bet ter. We have now about BOO mem bers and this will be Increa cd as the work progresses. Township Organiration will give each Township their ofilccr., a Di-, rector on tho County Tarm Btueau Board and various Committeemen. Tho solicitors who were farmers from other counties spoke Very high-1 ly of the courtesy and kindness shown j by the drivers who drove them dur- j ing the week of the drive and the farmers that were solicited for mem bership. The question comes up by some of the people out over the county'Whal does the County Artnt do?" Wo will give a report of the past week's work: Saturday Office day, getting out newspaper notes, reports, etc. Sunday Lincoln at State Farm Bu reau Federation office making ar rangements for Township Organiza tion. Monday Lincoln. Bureau of unimal industry, House of Repre sentatives, Extension Service and State Senate. Tuesday Vaccinated 19 hogs for Renfrew Pitney, Inavale, vaccinated 11 pigs for Alva Carpen ter, Inavale. Wednesday Inspected a herd of cattle, where 9 head had died. J. H. Hamilton Poland China Sow Sale. Vaccinated 18 head of cattle for E. E. Burr, Guide Rock. Farm Bureau meeting ar Oak Creek school. Thursday Vaccinated 72 head of cattle for Wm. Kirkpatrick, Poultry Demonstration nt 0. G. Shcp pard's farm northeast of Roscmont, took JO Culls from 120 birds, at tendance 25. Friday Inspected hogs for Dick Thompson, Guide Rock, vaccinated 19 calves for Max Mizcr, Red Cloud, Farm Bureau mooting at Roscmont. Office calls, 22, phone calls, 42, letters received, CG, letters written, 27. Miles by rail, 460, miles by auto, 325. HOG SALE Owing to scarcity of brood sows the Poland China and Duroc breeders will hold a combination sale instead of each holding a sale. Thoy will sell SO head of bred sows of each breed on Saturday, February 2Gth at tho Stock Pavilian, Red Cloud, Ne braska. If in need of some brood sows on your farm, come to this sale. HENRY R. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent. IT LOOKS LIKE A RAIN It was the Arkansaw Traveler, the reader will remember, who came upon a native and asked him why ho didn't put a roof over hts head, and the native replied that when it was raining he couldn't and when it was'nt raining he didn't need it. That was all well enough for Ar kansaw but in Nebraska, rain or fchine, we need a roof. We've had a fine experience during tho past half dozen years in living under other people's roofs and the prices wo paid for the privilege would have bought many roofs. We like to own our own houses here in Nebraska because it gives us a sense of becurity and of thriftines3 both of which are neces sary to our well-being. We might just as well pay rent to ourselves rather than to see the money leave our pockets to be gone forever when we pay rent to others. Neai'ly everyone can afford to own a better home than he thinks at the outset ho can possess. A good home is always an endorsement. It is good publicity. It suggests to a community that its owner has good stuff in him and the remarkable fact is that he gets that impression him self if ho has a good home. Tho most favorable time to' ac quire a homo during the past' five years is in the winter and spring of 192 L for we will sec some prosperous times along in the immediate future and homo values are more likely to hold to their present lovols, or in crease, than to decline. Foresight. i Precocious Youth. The teacher iiUt'd: "Why do leaves turn red In minium?" A hinnll hoy said: "I5ecnuM tiny nro blushing to think liov (,'m'ii they were In sum mer?" Dr.W.H.McBrlde DENTIST OVER-STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska A Crownlno Incident. On n Cornish tombstone n rather piplexlng version of Proverbs 12:4, concludes tho announcement of a lady's death: "A virtuous woman la 5a to her husband." Space did not permit of "a crown" being cut out In full, so nn Ingenious stonecutter sub stituted this excellent abbreviation, Glasgow Herald. Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST OlUeo Over Albright's Store Red Cloud Nebraska The Margin OF Safety Is icproseuted by the amount of insurance you curry. Don't lull yoursolf into a fnnoied security. Bccauso flro has never touched you it doesn't follow that you'roiminuno Tomorrow no today, If you have time and you bettor And tlmo como to tho ofllue nnd we'll writo a policy on your houso, furniture, store or morchandlbo. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance K3 $L C?d O Cj? ifv I TO VttrfwV mf vJM akY9 m'm ei dflh raucscV vl&gsSzl ow ESirJ - 03!r''K3ff3 Comb nation Consignment Sale to be held in the Auditorium Sale Barn Red Cloud, Nek, 1:30 p. m. Saturday, Feh'y 26 25 Duroc Jerseys and 25 Poland Chinas Tried Sows, Fall Gilts and Spring Gilts This offering is of the heavy boned, good feet and good backs. Very best of breeding and mated to sonic real herd boars, such as Dig Instruct or, Prince Col. Supreme, Top Pathfinder, Pathfinder Masterpiece, King Price, Messenger, Red Cloud Clansman, Fashion Duster, Etc i COnrSGVO?3 -Frank Sutton, Inavale; H. W. Lambrccht, Inavale Fashion Stock Farm,' Guide Rock; C. B. Steward, Red Cloud; Chas. Whit. akcr, Red Cloud; W. E. Lambrccht, Inavale; Geo. Dcitlcr Cowlcs. J. K. ELLINGER, Auct. ED. GARBER, Clerk H. R. Fausch, Co Agt., Sales Mgr. Dc wiih Us Sale Day Write for Catalogue ttmmj&Mt&TaUr!ZiWWIVf HI1ITS BATTERIES ,hW n Invitation . When your battery needs attention, to what kind of service station do you go? Do you get unprejudiced advice and skilled work? Please realize that, no matter what make of battery you haye, it will be given ' expert attention at our Service Station and made to last as long as possible. Batteries are thrown away every day which our experts could economically put into shape to give efficient service. No matter what make of battery is in your car, you will find it worth your while to gat acquainted vVith our service. When your battery is truly worn out and not before then we will be glad to sell vou an Exide. the long-life battery. Red Cloud Battery Service Station eyr?sgaaMJWuiMiiui'U Old Lin ? Bankers Life Insurance' Go. 01 Lincoln, Nebraska ASSETS $18,100,000.00 MAURICE FLORANCE Representative Vcbstcr County Dank Dead Letter List Tho following list of unclaimed let ters will bo scut to the Dead Letter Department if not called for by March 2, J021: Juiuos Atwatcr, Mildred Raker, Oscnr Hurch, Chas, Knapp, Mr. and Mrs, W. II. Pnltnor, EIHboii Rosenthal, Henry Sherman, Mr. or Mrs. James Simpson, Jack Trompoter. 11. O; LETSON, Postmaster. South Side Mission Services Regular services will bo held each Sunday as follows: ll n. m., Proachlnp. 2:30 p. m., Sunday School. 7:30 p. m., Preaching, subject "Is Water RaptUm Required of New Tost uracnt Converts?" llrlng notot books aud blblo, faubjcot glvou by special ro-quest. 1 .-', v V "' , j ' v,. v mmmmmimimi 'Z?rnsvi!tx& . mfittZT7irrzrzrT V - W-v -.4 -