w 0mnm4ca3r'c, ttJPLK'P RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF & WRIGLEYS i t C.MMa. aVIM ciuei CaVeiy I'leoi Everywhere All over the world people use this goody for its benefits, as well as its Pleasure. Keeps teeth clean breath sweet, throat toothed. CALCUTTA A (Jq AWs iaMPI appetite S5y3K and "T'RPtj digestion. paws ) vJjL JLy- Still 5c ""CfcaijpSfcifcx ji rfiskssTiig-"i7ii1aar Sealed Tight MONEY IN BREEDING MUSSELS , United States Fisheries Bureau Re ports That a Profit May Confi dently Be Looked For. The biiHlnPHS of breeding pearly ns.sels artltlclally has bixn cnrrled so far -by the United State fisheries bureau tlint n money prollt la confl dently promised. To produce In thin way 1,000 bnby muwcls coKta nbout 20 tents. When they nre full grown 13,000 of them will weigh a ton. Thus the cost of producing a ton of pearly mussels nf tnurket My.o (If all survived) would be, an exnetly reckoned, 5U.08. Ahstim Injc n loss of CO per cent, the cost would be I1.n0. Penrly muswls occasionally yield Taluahle rH'iirls, hut comnierclnlly It Is the shells, lttlllznhle for niotlior-of-pearl, that urc Iwnortnntly to he con sidered. The fisheries hnremi has devoted Its tttetitlon wholly to the propagation of ouperlor varieties f mussels, the 'fcells of which have at preseut time markut vulue of SX n ton. Giving Jp. She A woman lies to Rive up a great deal after she go married. He1 A inun oos nothing else but give up nftc he gets married. Bos ton TranslpL jtauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuub 1 Thelongeryouboil I Pqstum Cereal 1 the better it is a. Yyor reward will be such richness of flavor as would I please most coffee or tea drinkers. Tfiis pure, wholesome cereal drink contains nothingharra- I fill. Its regular use proves f a comfort and an economy. I T I Postum Cereal I "There's a Reason I Sold by grocers everywhere I Made by Postum Cereal CaJnBattle Gtekjlich. iMtinnnnnnnnnnfinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniinnHniinwnnnnnnnn r I sVk CHICAGO 3t N2. Kept Right FURTHER USES FOR RADIUM Its Employment In Pottery Is Said to Be Productive of Results of Great Benefit. Water containing radioactive com pounds Is used as a curative agent, for certain Illnesses. Mere contact with such compounds for a sufficient length of time will muke water slightly radio active. Pottery Is now manufactured which has In It n small percentage of radio active material. This Is mixed with the clay nnd baked in the kiln. Water left In pottery of this nature for a short time will become radioactive by "Induction." and a health-giving drink is made. Such water may also be employed in the watering of plants with good re sults, since the presence of a radioac tive compound neur the roots of a plant Is very helpful to Its growth.- Popular Science Monthly. Promoting Human Happiness. "Did you wish all your constituents a happy New Year?" "yes," replied Senator Sorghum; "and I felt it was a pretty serious oc casion. When a man In my position makes a wish of that kind It Is con sidered a promise and a lot of fellows expect you to get together your h fiuence and make good." I m SECRETARIES FINALLY CONFIRM APPOINTMENT OF GOVERNOR McKELVIE'S CODE SECRETARIES ALL SIX WErFuNDER FIRE Investigation Held Behind Closed Doors and Public Knows Little About Complaints Discussed at Secret Sessions Lincoln Rescinding tho rule for a sccrot session, adopted several weeks ago, th6 Nebraska legislature, in joint UBseniTjly open to the woild, voted to confirm all of Governor McKelvlo's six codo secretaries. Tho special investigation committee of live mombcrB which hnB beon at work for some time looking Into tho qualifications of tho code cubtnet de partment bonds reported uminlmottsly In favor of conlrmlng them. Tho ap pointments are: Secretary of Finance Philip F. Dross. Secrctnry of Agriculture Leo Stuhr. Secretury of Trade and Commerce J. K. Hart. Secretary of Labor Frank A. Ken nedy. Secretary of Public Works George E. Johnson. Socrotary of Public Welfaro H. H. Antics. Secretary Leo D. Stuhr was tho contral flguro In tho fight against confirmation of Governor McKelvlo's appointees. His opponents mustered a Btrongth of 41 votes, of which 6 came from tho senate and 35 from tho houso membership. There were 88 votes to ratify his appointment. Next to Stuhr, the secretary of pub lic works, Gcorgo K. Johnson, drew more fire on the floor of representa tive hall than any other of tho gover nor's cabinet heads. Tho other four secretaries Blld through with only a fow scattering voles against them, cast mainly by senators and representatives who wished to register their disapproval of tho codo law and its workings in genorai. Paid Taxes With Worthless Check If a man gives an unsigned check in payment of his taxes and re ceives a bona fide receipt for it bo fore the county treasurer discovers that the check is no good, has he paid his taxes? This question was submitted to the attorney general by County Treasurer H. J. Curtis, of Oshkosh. When the county treasurer discov ered tho mistake he sent the check back, but the taxpayer produced the receipt as evidence of having paid the bill. The attorney general ruled that he Is not liable for prosecution for having passed a worthless check as he did not make any misrepresenta tion when he issued it, but the state goes on to say that hl3 taxes are not yet paid and can be collected by o distress warrant. Approve Judges' Salary Bill The house of representatives has disposed of tho county judges' salary bill. Tho Bcalo as reported by the committee on fees nnd salaries was trimmed down all along tho line. In its amended form, as approved in tho committee of tho whole, tho bill car ries this schedule; Lancaster county, $3,300; incroase of $300; Douglas, $4,500; increase of J500; Gago and Custer, $2,800 r In crease of $300; counties of 8,000 to 16,000 population, $1,900; counties of 16,000 to 25,000 population, $2,200; counties 3,000 to 8,000 population, $1,600; counties of less than 3,000 population, $800. Report on State Potato Crop A total of 145,286,000 bushels of po tatoes remains in the hands of pro ducers and dealers, according to a statement, issued by A. E. Anderson. federal-Btate crop statistician, based upon the January information collect ed for all states by the bureau of crop estimates. This is only 18,000,000 bushelB more than the reserves a year ago. Of the present reserve stocks, approximately 85 per cent is held by producers and 15 per cent by dealers. Introduce More Welfare Measures With three of tho "child welfare" blllB out of the fifty-three introduced In tho legislature, passed and signed by tho governor, the special commit tee now handling that bunch of meas ures decided It was about time to bring out a few more of them. Four new measures have just been report ed for the general file in tho house. Boxing Bill Is Up Again A decisive victory was scored by the American Legion when the lower branch of the legislature, by a vote of 79 to 15, ordered tho bill to legal ize boxing and wrestling malches under stato provision placed on the genorai Wo. In doing this, the cham ber overturned a majority report from tho committee on miscellaneous subjects, and adopted tho minority report signed by four members of that committee. Oppose Cancelling War Debt MemberH of tho lowor house took an unanimous Btand against cancella tion of the world war debt by tho United States. A resolution to this effect Introduced by Representatives HoffmolBter, Jeary and Mellor is to bo transmitted to tho Nobraska sena tors, and mombors of congress, Attention Is called to tho fact that a proposal comes from overseas urg Ing that this country wlpo out an in 'obtodnesa of approximately ten bll Ion dollars as a means of rostcrln nternatlonal credit and production. IMPROVED imirOlH lirrEIRATIOItAfc SUNMSOKE Lesson (By 11EV. I. U. KITZWATER, X. D., 'lonelier of English Ulbl In the Moody llltilt! InMUiUo of Chicago.) . mo, Western Newapr Union ) - i ! ii aaaa eaawa LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 20 THE WISE AND FOOLISH VIRQIN8. LHSSON TEJCT-Matt. 2:1-13. GOLDEN TEXT-Watch therefore; for yo know neither tho day nor tho hour therein Die Son of Man comcth. Matt 2G:13. HEPKRENCE MATERIAL - Matt. 7:24.27: 24:1-51; Eph. 6:10-20; I Tim. :17-1. PRIMARY TOPIC-Uelnir Ready. JUNIOR TOriC-UcIng Ready. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC Prepared for EmerRenclcn. YOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC -Christian Watchfulness. Tills lesion Is n part of the well known Olivet discourse, giving n pro phetic view of the course of time from Its utterance, Just before the cruci fixion to the second advent of Christ. The order of events In that time are, roughly speaking, as follows: 1. The moral condition of the world during Christ's nbscneo (24:1-14). This Is the period covered by the parable of chapter 13. 2. The appearance of the Antichrist (24:15-20). n. The great advent (24:27-31), In which there will be mighty convulsions of nature, the mourning of the earth'M tribes, and the gutherlng of the elect 4. Warnings to God's people In view of the great advent (24:32-51), the time of advent unknown nnd unex pected. 5. Instructions to saints In view of the unexpectedness of His coming (25: 1-30). 0. The Judgment of the nations (25: 31-10). The present lesion Is one of the two parables designed for the Instruc tion of the saints In view of the com ing of the ChrlNt It has n continu ous application In tho present time (I Thcss. 4:10-18; Titus 2:11-13). J. The Foolish Vlralna Took Lamps But No Oil With Them. (v. 3). 1. Lamps signify Christian profes sion (Matt. 5:10), and oil, the Holy Spirit (Zech. 4). Having the lamps and no oil shows that they were pro fessors of religion without possessing its reality. As soon ns a man Is re generated the Holy Spirit takes up His abode with -Him. The proof that one is n child of God is that he has the Holy Spirit dwelling within him. "If any man have not the Spirit nf Christ, he is none of Ills." (Rom. 8:0). The foolish virgins may have been of good moral character, but tjicy were un regenerated. 2. The wlso virgins possessed hoth lamps and oil (v. 4). They made a profession nnd bncked It with a real life of righteousness. These nre tho true believers. Both the wise and the foolish virgins slumbered and slept. Their eyes had grown heavy and they fell under tho spell of sleep (v. 5). This shows thnt as the Christian age lengthened the real and professing church would cease looking for the coming of the Lord. It Is unspeakably sad that so many even of God's saints, wise virgins, should give up the ex pectancy of tho return of tho Lrd. II. The Coming Bridegroom (vv. 6 12). 1. Tho midnight cry (v. C). In tho midst of the night when all were upleep the cry was made, "Behold the bride groom cometh, go ye out to meet him." How sad it Is that the church hns lost her hope, Is not waking and wntchlng for the return of her Lord I 2. Activity of the virgins (v. 7). They all arose and trimmed their lamps. There will be great activity when the Lord comes, on the part of both the real Christians and those who only mnkc a profession. The pro fessing Christians will then realize that they lack thnt which Is essential to entrance to the mnrrlage feast 8 .The foolish request the wise to share their oil (vv. 8, 0). Tho revela tion of Christ will make manifest the genuineness of our religion nnd ex pose the folly of mere profession. When tlie Lord comes It will be too late to mend one's ways. 4. The wise enter to the marriage (v. 10). While the foolish were seek ing to amend their ways trying to buy oil, the bridegroom came and thono who were ready were admitted to the marriage. 5. The pitiful position of tho foolish (v. 11). They begged tho Lord to open the door that they might enter to the marriage feast. No one can open that door but the Lord. G. The awftil Judgment (v. 12). Tho Lord declares "I know you not." Those who put off the personal contnet with Jesus until that day shall he shut out from the presence of Christ. HI. The Solemn Obligation (v. 13). "Watph, for yo know not the dny nor the hour wherein the Son of man com eth." No One Absolute. God has mudo no one absolute. The rich depend on tho poor, a well us the poor on tho rich. Tho world is hut a mngnldccnt building, nil the stones ore gradually cemented to gether. No one subsists by himself alone. Fclthara. Must Deal With Sin. Wo may forget or Ignore? Him, or keep our minds from dwelling on the thought of Htm ; we cannot he entering Into poaco with Him while sin 'Is kept vndealt with, cherished In our heart Shave With Cutlcura Soap And double your raror effclency as well as promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irritation even when shaved twice dally. Ono sonp for all uses shaving, bathing and shnrapoolng. Adv. A precipice In front, n wolf behind. Latin proverbs. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Beware I Unless you see the nam "Bayer" on packuge or on tablets you are not getting genulno Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer packngo for Colds, Headache, Neural gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbugo, and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bnyer Toblets of As pirin cost few cents. DrugglstB also sell Inrger packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. Real estate Is worth what get for It; jbo is a dog. ono can WOMEN! USE "DIAMOND DYES'1 Dye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists, Coats, 8tocklnas, Draperies Everything. Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains easy directions for dyeing any article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, ot mixed goods. Beware I Poor dye streaks, spots, fades, nnd ruins mate rial by giving It a "dyed-look." Bny "Diamond Dyes" only. Druggist has Color Card. Adv. The pain of parting Is experienced by the small boy when his mother attempts to comb his hnlr. pWEiJs What to Do for Disordered Stomach ICARTERS IITTLE INZER PILLS ;an&Happy Housewives i-$ m- tuwfCPWfwn -XlKiBlEifU is4 ire helping their husbands to nrosner are clad they encourased them to own aava navlnir rent Mold reach prosperity sad independence by feuylng or oasy urns. Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre land almilartothat which through many yeara has ylaMew Irene f 0 4B fcuahsls, of wheat to tha acra. Hundred! of fanners in Western Canada have. raiaed crops in a atagle aeaaon worth more than the whoka coat of their land. With aucb cropa come prosperity, Independence, goo borne, sod all the comforta and conveniences which make for happy Mvlnft ml II l ) phone. new I. opportunities of a of veniences of old settled Far IDoatraUd lluratori fanaivpartanintnaanlloba,Baakatcbwaa, I una aumtu, lyuau vparu ipattaaaat of lavaigratkn, Ottawa, Can., a i W.v.BENHETT lata 4. Im Bis. Oasaka, Htt. JjCSiaGBlS&aaJSafiSiiil Canadian Semi-Solid BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSPPS UMM'i tMMMwC-i K tBS9MMMW Trad Mark Reg. U. S. Patent Offit u ltg,t a 1 1 SM IN SalaVI hatlrfeaa ! MiJ)iHaH,, www -wwww .. WSWVV IIHUUICIUCH I profit and Kail in future deal direct from factory to consumer. Look at The Price of SEMISOLID BUTTERMILK novl 38 cent pound, I, o. b. factory, in 500 lb. barrela, half barrela 4Jc. quarter barrela 4jc No charge for container. Write for Free Sample and Booklet At arrihing thla won derful hoe and poultry feed. It put the PEP tn them, and , Consolidated Products Co. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA P".. 20 Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RE LL-ANS fa FOR INDIGESTION BE A NURSE Kxceptlonal opportunity at the prcsont timt for young women ovcr.nlnotecn years of ag who havo had at If ait tiro tears In high sohool to take Nurson Training in general hoaplUL Our graduates aro In great demand. Address Supt of Nurie, Lincoln Sanltsriusa Lincoln. Nebraska When a Woman is Nervous St. Louis, Mo. "I have taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for general weakness and when run down and suffering with nervous ness, and can truthfully say it has done mc more good than any medi cine I have ever taken, and I find Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta very good to regulate the system. They aid very much in keeping a person in a good healthy Btate." Mrs. Amelia Thorn, 4204 John Avenue. At all first-class drug stores, t Modern Investments ? Too ists -! Inmt bf mall. Dlitanea U no bar. Yon bur of tin a Partn Vint 9 Z Moriio Iloiirt on Nebnuka farm land or , At anrnibxrieearllr equally good . on Ton- a r&fmrnt plan, and w par jouSIx !rCnl a Z Intcrcit on each pariuant to data of MtUo- . Jc tnfnu m a More profitable to yon tbao a aavlaga m accountorbnlliltngand loanilocaaodatrt , to Llbnrtr Uondi In aaretr. jl Wrlta for draerlpUYo folder. m LINCOLN TUUBT COMPANY ft DepUM-I Lincoln, Mek. A S9fS& $!&$& Si 126 MAMMOTH JACKS I bar a bargain for yon, come qnlea, W. 1- neOLOW'B JACK rltuZ Cadar JUplda, low r- n "H MMSsSBBB1BIrKL Mi'"'"'", iV rT a li ijr v KNDORHED rJYH0UHEMEN UNIVERSALITY SPOHIN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND anjoya a reputation equalled by no other veterinary remedy. For twenty-alx yeara It naa been uaed and recommended by tba leadlns boraemen and atoekmin of America. For twenty-els yeara Ita uaa under trying condltlona haa won for K the blgbeat eateem of veteran trainer and driven. SPOHN'8 ahoold be la very atabla to prevent contagion, whether WflMMtiZA, FINK KTB, DIBTBMPHil, COUQ1I or COLD. Bny of yomr drwslat. o eenta aad 11.11 par bottls, BPOHM MKDICAI. CO, Gaaka. Ind., V. & A. Take a good dose of Carter! little Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. You will relish your meals without fear of trouhle to follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and. for Sallow, Pimply, Blotchy Skin. Thy tnd Iht mltery GmiVfiathn. SsnatS?-" s"" pa? a" " Sin 3fcSr 3RP so where thev could make home of thlr and reduen coat of Hvinv nhrni S Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying re sources of income second only to grain growing and stock raWngj, Good climate, good neighbor, churches, y t- TiMIBfi an schoola, rural telephone, etc., give you the J3gWMHaEasBB&. you I theo new land with district. ion- Lor, maitf. il minium a railway rau. i., wnia Government Agent 3 Cents A Per Pound FOR Buttermilk gsEx Ti&sM StHWGt7 IA" CONDENSE? LCKVUtal 3