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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1921)
' tf'"' livHwrtaw" 110 CLOUD, KIBKAiXA, OUIF l 1 V I 1 i'hy vut rtAln Tft uiimtl av , " aaaa m w ai a m hiviiui an Babel of Tongues at Burmece City to Wltncc3 Dedication of New ' Pagoda, ' A curious festival Wns hold not long nfto In Mantlftlny, the clilcf town of Burma. A now pngodn dedicated to the Buddhist religion wag to bn com pleted by tlio placing of a huge crown or thl upon Its Bumnilt, more than 300 feet nbovo tho ground. To witness the cermony caino Bud dhlst from Indo-Chlna, from tho Himalayas, from T.nos nnd Chan and Slnm. Warriors from Katscbln, sor cerers from Mot and people from oth er places made a medley of languages like that of Bnbol. On a street corner would bo seen a barber pulling a customer's teeth. On another corner n Mohammedan bird denier sold caged paroquets to Buddhists, who piously set them free. At very modern booths one could buy ico cream, soun or tea. Ainnuainy was n gorgeous spectnclo nnd tho new pagoda was tho center of It. Every pngoda tins nt Its summit a thl, or cop, tho placing of which ls often a herculean task. The ono to bo raised weighed several hundred pounds nnd consisted of a gilded ball and crown and n great uplndle above It To get It to tho top on Inclined piano of bamboo Bcaffoldlng Ilko a hugo toboggan slldo had been built and was decorated with silk flogs and umbrellas. Up the inclined piano the heavy cap wns slowly pulled. Six days wcro required for tho ascent and ft seventh to fasten It In place. ' Haxiite. convention. I Commitsioneri Preceedihf g A-.jh 4t.lMltM hi Mvna n.rAhlanflfl . " (MIIIIB UUIUI.V. ui mo Ylua i to Ond that his onversatlon was soi (Continued from pngol) ordinary Could this bo the author of "Tablu Talk?" It was n gentleman who evidently expected flnrJItt to speak essays. Enough for him to novo to write them I IIo considered him self off duty when ho wns not at work on something ho bad thought of. Stoddard. 38,000.00 38,000.00 $127,700.00 County Highway nd- Turkleh Debtor's Home Exempt I It Is unlawful In Turkey to sclzo si man's residence for debt, and sufll clcnt laud to support him Is also ex empt from seizure. Notice of Administration In tho County Court of Wobitor County Nobrrnikn In tho matter ol tho catato ot Lconnrd t Thompklns deceased. To All Persons Intorcstcd In Said Estnto Nottco Is hereby given that Eliza M. Tomp kins has tbts day fllod a potltlon In the coun ty court, praying that administration ot said estate may be granted to herself as admlnls. tratrlx, and that said potltlon will bo hoard boforo tho court on tho Hth day ot January 1921, at tho hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., at tho county court room In tho city ot Rod Cloud, in said county, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear and show causo why tho prayer of petltlonor should not bo grant ed; and that notice ot tho filing ot said potl tlon, andltho hearing thereof, bo given by publishing a copy ot this order In the lied Gloud Chief, a legal weekly newspaper print ed and ot gcnoral circulation In sold county, tor thrco consecutive weeks prior to said day ol hearing. Datod this 22d day ot December 1020. A true copy. (Seal A. D. Rannoy, County Judge. Do You Want to See all you can when you go to California this winter? So does everybody else. Therefore the Burlington has' in augurated a new service through Scenic Colorado and The Land of The Mormons, by way of the D. & R. G. and Western Pacific, which gives its patrons the .biggest scenic treat it is possible for a transcontinental trip to contain. And the schedule is arranged so that the most important points are passed in daylight. It takes a little longer to go this way. but it costs no more, and when you have been thrilled by the fascination and grandeur of these scenes along this route you will say there's no route like the Burlinghton through the West. loudont want to be dissapointed about getting space wnen you are ready to go. Therefore, just as soon as your date of departure is fixed, be sure and let me know. mmm N. B. BUSH, Agent WWVWWUWWVWSMVWV i jMt. and Mrs. ED. AMACK Bridges Roads - -..-- Total On motion the Commissioner was instructed to vise tho State Highway Department that payment for n truck should come out of the fund as originally agreed on with Webster county. On motion made and carried the County Superintendent was allowed a sum not to exceed $800 for office help and expenses for the year 1921. Motion made and carried that tho County Assessor bo allowed for of fice help for 1921 a sum not to ex ceed $350.00. Tho appointment by County As sessor Rudd of E. K. Simons as As sessor for Cowles precinct to fill va cancy caused by the resignation ot J. T. Lacy was approved by Board. Motion mado and carried that tho County Judge bo allowed tho sum of $500 for clerk hire in his office for tho year 1921. Tho appointment of Andy Guy as constable for Guide iWck precinct was approved by Board. Tho following Bonds were approved by Board: C. C. Boren, Road Overseer, Dis trict No. 6. E.' Peters, Justice of Peace, Guide Rock precinct. Andy Guy, Constable, Guido Rock precinct. J. D. Buckles, Road Overseer, Dis trict No.. 11. Jas. Mcintosh, Road Overseer, Dis trict No. 10. H. N. Arnold, Road Overseer, Dis trict No. 7. B. W. Stewart, Justice of Peace, Red Cloud City. Geo. H. Overing, County Highway Commissioner. On motion the County Treasurer wns instructed to make the proper refund in personal taxes to H. H. Bentz, who was assessed in Blue Hill village instead of Potsdam precinct. On motion tho County Clerk was instructed to issue, duplicate war rants to Emil Sack for $3.G0 and A. L. Stoner $6.00. Both of those parties received original warrants but had lost them before cashing same. Tho following claims were audited and allowed and County Clerk in structed to draw warrants on tho proper funds in payment of same: GENERAL FUND NOTICE"' " Wo wish to announce a meeting Friday evening, January 14, at tha Christian church for the purpose of laying plans to which all donominn; tion's can agree for holding regular union services nnd to transact any business pertaining to tho same. Signet Mrs. E. L. Morhart Mrs. Cliff Pope t Mrs. Trace Sherer Mr. N. B. Bush. Dr.W.H.McBride. CALL Bell 88 Ind. 193-M TheFRANKR.. HUGHES CO. CLEANING ' DYEING REPAIRING LADIES . TAILORS MEN'S TAILORS , Red Cloud, Nebraska DENTIST OVER STATE. BANK Red Cloud Nobraaka Dp. H. E. GflJDIP GfllHOPRRGTOR PHONES) IND. Office 76-M Residence 190-Y Office 2 Blocks North of Fueman'i Hall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA E. S. Gerber Wall Paper, Paints. Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kindt Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures of E. J. Emerlon Lloyd Rcigle A. D, Rannoy Annie B. Spanoglo F. Starr UNDERTAKING i. Frank Huffer Edith L. McKcighan 4.40 110.00 126.10 41.74 81.05 318.87 114.22 BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB tfAMrtAAftWWVW.V.VWWW No t further business appearing tho Board adjourned to March 1,1021. B. F. PERRY, County Clerk. Paradoxical. Odd that a man should go in pur suit of !il health when It Is nlready run down P.mtnn TrnnsTlnt I 9 EE 3E aft i r. g S9 PRE-INVENTORY ss Br T SALE twnTiiwwri r i iiHiiWii i HE holidays are once more out of the way. You're free to turn your attention to the needs of the family. Come to this stock reducing: sale. We will begin invoicing in two weeks and do not want to invoice any of the winter goods, so will' give 25 Discount on all winter goods, Don't miss this sale as you will save money by taking advantage of this big discount. Here are a few of the many items: . Fleeced Hose Sweaters Cape Gloves -' Kid Gloves Knit Skirts Silks Percale 36-in. wide, good weight while they last 25c yd. Outing in 30 and 36-in wide 25c .yd. 20 DISCOUNT on nainsooks, batistes, and voiles during this sale only. And remember . .'-AV 'W,,fw SALE LASTS ONLY TWO WEEKS. BEGINS FRIDAY, JAN. 7th ,m. flBMBw aaaa aaaaa,. aam aam - . MRS. BARBARA MARES "ESS 3E Outing Gowns Wool Hose House Dresses Underwear Caps Outing Skirts Cap and Scarf Sets Wool Dress Goods Silk Petticoats Bungalo Aprons Fleeced Gloves Furs ffl The Margin of Safety Is represented by tbo amount insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself Into a fancied security. Because Ore has never touched you it doesn't follow tlmt you're immune Tomorrow -no .today, If you have time and you better find time come to the ofllcu and we'll write n policy on your house, furniture, storp or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL The New January VICTOR Records Are Here Come in and Hear Them We will be pleased to have you call R.eliecble Insurance sM KeNEWEDISON, "The Phonograph With a Soul" V zPK r s?&aa m -. 7 vjl ' & X EjjjigBr. 2t55J3s S?StfZg353& -sS3SS! ftfOrZ- At last you can leant What Edison Did during the Wat YOU wondered every body wondered, and E ractically nobody knew ow Edison "did his bit." At last Cthe official an nouncement is out ! Come in and get your copy of the bul letin: "What Did Edison Do During the War?' or write, if you can't call. It tells what Edison did while Chairman of the Naval Consulting Board how he spent months at sea, experimenting ajid in venting devices foV foiling the German submarines, , The bulletin also tells'how Edison stoop! the gaff and kept the price of tlie New Edison down to bed-rock during the era of high costs andsoaringprices. TheNew Edison hasincreasedin price less than 15 since 1914 part of this increase is war tax. The bulletin also tells Mr. Edison's views on our Budget Plan which makes the New Edison easy to buy. B. H. NBWHOUSB Authorized Dealer Red Cloud, Neb. Watch tor the announcement of Mr. Edison's new research " ?. r. l j I Vi ft '.' m ti J 7 m r'i4 fa m i0 n ?& V 1 . - a & v i . V "'.! mi's .,' 1- , 1.H ' k t 4 I Cc't - "- vt.f vr v t ,- a rNr ;flOHM'nf' MiA'13Eftr"af..v .5' ,rfAW