The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 30, 1920, Image 8

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Peafrl Muosel Fisheries Aro a Flourish-
Ing and Very Interesting
It fIichiM ho rotnoinliiTod (lint In ad
dition tti (liolr food vtiliio llsho.s lire
'iit'cosffirj ti otir rivers If wo arc to
lKM'iictiinic the pciul button Industry
of tlic country, whMi employs somu
twontv thousand iK-onlc and yields n
product vnluod at moro than ?5,000,
000. When tlic yotinjj mussels, which niv
of tulcroxroplr rIsmj, nro thrown off
from tin brood pouches of their par
ents nt the proper season, tho larval
mussels slowly drift to the bottom nnd
perish hi a fovv dii-' time, unless they
come In contact with a parsing llsb
of suitable kind nnd succeed In mak
ing attachment. Once this attach
ment Is made, the tissue of the flHh
Krows over the Utile mussel, until It
has undergone, n remnrkablo change
of form nnd structure; then It drops
from the fish to commence Us Inde
pendent life nt the bottom of the
Btrentn or Inkc.
' It Is n further fact thnt the young
of pnrtlculnr kinds of mussels require
Dig gills of particular kinds of fishes
ns nurseries. Tho black bass Ib host
for several sorts of mussels, while tho
klpjaclc. a kind of herring, Is the only
known bost for the best of nil mussels.
As this last mentioned fish la far
from being abundant In Amorlcnn riv
ers, It Is plain thnt much should
bo exercised In Its maintenance.
The mussel fishery thnt supplies the
fresh water pearl button Industry Is
.actively conducted In nt lenst twenty
states In the Mississippi rived basin,
the raw production of shells now has
a value of about $1,000,000. Tho fresh
water pearl button Is now recognized
us nmong the cheapest durable but
tons that can be procured. Tho mus
sel beds have been rapidly depleted,
chiefly because the fishermen In past
'years would retain only the very best
shells and discard as culls all shells
that were of an Inferior grade.
J Necessary action In the way of gov
ernment Iclslf'lon to protect the
mussel tlbKrlcs has been so long de
layed that this unique and rather
Important Industry Is now sure to ex
perience considerable dlllleulty In per
petuating Itself. Plnyil V. I'nrsons,
lu the Saturday Kvenlug Post.
Girls In the Mission Schools In China
Pay O'Mv ?" Year for
Their f.Uals.
It Is refreshing In these days of high
prices to learn that somewhere It Is
possible to get one's dally bread and
Its accompaniments at a low llgurc.
Tljr 7lnco Is China Tengschow, In the
pn??jico of Shantung. There, In tho
nJs-sm school, a girl may have throe
Vs a day for $13 n yenr.
The menu sounds strange to the
Fchool girl cf the western world, but
to the Chinese student It Is highly sat
isfactory. Steamed corn bread and
raw turnips t,:ll IIIV0 l0(, iopt In
brine and then chopped quite fine com
pose tho regulation breakfast almost
all the year. I"or dinner there Is usu
ally inHlet cooked dry like rice, and
some hot vegetable. MVIce a week the
vegetable Is cooked with fat pork In
stead of In bean oil as usual. Supper
Is the same ns breakfast. Perhaps half
a dozen times n year, however, they
celebrate with more luxurious fare.
Christian Science Monitor.
Make Four Sp:eche3 for One.
William Lyon I'lielps, professor of
English literature at Yale, declares ho
gets credit for only 23 per cent of
the after-dinner speeches he actually
makes. "Every tlmo I accept nn In
vitation to speak 1 really make four
addresses. First, Is the speech I pro
cure In ndvnnce. That Is pretty good.
Second, Is the speech I really make.
Third, Is the speech I make on tho
way home, wlilch Is the best of all ;
and fourth. Is the speech tho news
papers next morning sny T made,
which bears no relation to nny of tho
others." Boston Globe.
' Taking After Mother.
Tlert Just came home from college
nnd he had a "shadow" on his upper
lip. lie stopped to say "Hello" to his
His grandfather looked him over
nnd said: "Why, son, you look moro
llko your mother every day."
"What makes you think so?" asked
llort. I
"Why, because your father had a
mustache that'enmo down to his chin.
Just look at that one of yours; you
must take after our mother." Indl
ttnnpolls News.
, Not Like a Lawyer.
MIrnmly, of dusky hue, mnilo a poor
witness. In answer to every question
put to her by the attorney sho In
vnrJnbly replied, "I think so." The
attorney Anally became disgusted.
"Now look here," ho warned. "I
want" you to cut out that thinking
nnd answer questions. Now talk I"
J "Yes, enh," quavered MIrnmly.
"Hut, mlstnh, you sea It's llko dls. Ah
ain't like you lnwyers; ah can't talk
without thlnklnV
I 1
A Long Tlmo to Walt
"Well, nrofessor." lnnulred tho younc
musician, "how do my compositions
1 . ..
pjenso yor
"Why, I think," responded tho older
man, "that they may perhaps bo played
when Mozart. ITnydn, Mendelssohn and
Meyerbeer havo been forgotten." ,
"Rcnllyr' exclaimed tno young musi
cian In' ecstasy.
"Certainly, but not till then," re
marked tho other. noujton Post. .
o A Girlies g
g System H
8 : ; 0
(t), 1920, Western N'ewsti.iytr Union,)
"Discharge nil the female employ
ees," exclaimed old Hugh nertrand,
and he slood stok still lewlng his
employer, Mark Seaton, with the staru
of a startled and perplexed mnn.
That Is the order," answered the
latter tersely, "im-l it Is to bo put in
effect within a week."
Hugh Uortrand made no reply, llo
was an under superintendent of the
town plant devoted to the iiinnufac-,
ture of loose-leaf devices, where hu I
had been" employed for ninny years.
Within tho previous month Mark Sea
ton had purchased thu business from
Its original owners. Ilertrand bad
heard that tho now proprietor was a
tyro nnd a disciplinarian nuil antici
pated trouble. Ho decided to make a
suggestion for the general good. In
a little speech to his fellow employees
a week before the arrival of Seaton,
ho said:
"Wo aro n happy, contented group
of friends nnd have got accustomed to
easy, comfortable wnys In our labors
here, but the world moves and we
want to adjust ourselves- to Its prog
ress. The new management will prob
ably Instull a tlmo clock nnd a system
of penalties for late comers and mnke
considerable alterations In general
methods. Let everyone seek adjust
ment to tho conditions. If wo follow
this sensible course there need be no
disturbing friction."
"I enn't understand whnt Mr. Sea
ton Is driving nt. 'DIschargo tho fe
male employees.' Why, that simply
overturns the efficiency of the whole
business," seriously reflected Uort
rand. Ills daughter Grace, was In
charge of one of the departments, nnd
to her he disclosed Hie situation. She
looked grave and troubled.
"I heard Hint Mr. Seaton was what
Is called a wom.-ui baler before he
came here." she ald. "Only a few
days ngi. a friend told me that
he overheard Mr. Seaton telling n vis
iting friend thnt be did not believe In
keeping women around He snld all
they thought of was face powder, hair
dresshiL' and vanity I fancy he must
have been croed in love, father."
"I don't know," answered Uortrand
gloomily, "but he can't bo human not
to see that the feminine part of our
help elevates our men workers, Imi
refined them to a degree and has uaile
work actually agreeable. I don't know
how It may bo In the city where tho
help Is constantly clmnglng. but here
wo are like a family, well brought up
It wan followed out and the girl
less system duly inaugurated. There
was a parting of lovers, of sisters
even of husbands nnd wives, for In
some Instances whole families had.
worked together. Tho places of the
girls nnd women were tilled mainly
now by boys and young men. The old
male employees were dKsatlslled at
tho new arrangement. Tho pleasant
noon hours In agreeable, harmonious
company gave way to a dull, unevent
ful resting period.
Graco Ilertrnml came In cloe con
tact with .Mr. Senton because of tho
fact that she had always headed tho
girl employees as n sort of leader.
Many went to work In ether towns,
and it was her province to visit Sea
ton nnd secure recommendation for
them. It somewhat softened his- hard
nature to realize the helpful. unsclnh
nature of tho businesslike, sensible
young girl, who expressed no overt
criticism as to his drastic exaction,
but still made him feel that he was tho
menus of causing confusion, and in
.some enses distress In scattering n
community of girls who bad led n
safe, happy life under the old menage.
Within a month there brooded over
the plant a sense of disruption nnd
discontent that Seaton could not help
but notice. Many of the export work
ers, fearing other changes and Infested
wlt'.i a seusv of Instability, resigned to
seek new employment. Nobody liked
the now proprietor, and be felt It.
Several times when he met Grace on
tho street he engaged her In apparent
ly casual conversation, but gradually
brought It about to the labor situation,
and the results of the Innovation he
had made. The girl attracted bim
bo felt the influence of new view
points. Secretly bo wished ho bad
consulted her before lie made tho
chnngo that he plainly discerned was
not beneficial to tho general group.
In a money way. too, there was a
pnlpnblo retrogression.
One morning Grace Ilcrtrnjul bo
came the heroine of tho town. Her
father out of friendship and sympathy
had taken tho place of tho watchman
of the plant, who had serious Illness
In his family. At eleven o'clock, Graco
ran over to tho works to take him a
warm lunch. Sho found him bound
and gagged, and a cotorlo of burglars
In tho office striving to open the safe
which at that especial tlmo of tho
month held nn unusually largo amount
of money.
Quickly Greco hnstcned to tho po
lice. The burglars were apprehended
Just ns they were lenvlng tho plant
with a sum thnt would have seriously
crippled Its owner financially.
Because ho knew his error, because
0110 of tho group ho had treated so
unjustly hnd saved him from possl
bio bankruptcy, Mark Seaton told
Graco later that ho had decided to
restoro former conditions.
And, loving her, and thus having
new Interests In life and Its Issues,
when ho married Grace, her girl
friends knew that her Influenco would
continue to protect their Interests.
. .. --'
Dr.W.H.Mc Bride
Rod Cloud ' Nebraska
Br. R. E. GA
PHONES ) Office 76-M
IND. Rcjidcrce 190-Y
Office 2 Block North of fireman's Hnll
E. S. Gerber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kindt
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You with Fixtures
The Margin of Safety
Is represented by the amount of
insurance you carry
Don't lull yourself into a fancied
Because fire has never touched yoi
It doesn't follow that you're Immune
Tomorrow -no today, If you have
time and you better ilnd time
enme to tho office and we'll writo
11 policy on your bouso, furniture,
store or merchandise.
R.elia.ble Insurance
We received the
fui H ' b 3 Tt'1
IfiA DB SV sr-fl. v-irv
This announcement speaks for itself. At the
ECONOMY. At the radical reduction of 28 per cent no
Red Cloud Battery
CARL S. McARTHUR, Proprietor
Why man
we made this
cigarette for you!
fir w 6f S m
M K Witt IPC z r0 W& ,ffr S9 If
cni, - ..M
JL .
&v' TiA'SS:, the world at any price. You'll pre
j55 inn, '.i;.ii...pare,covon.iiMr. ier quality to coupons or premiums
A.i?v5;j0V''r,i5l thi carton for 'fte bemr or of
sZtsZkll ficc tJppiv or wijen you travel R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO
following notice of
To Bxicle Distributors:
The price of Exide Batteries for automobile starting and light
ing is reduced 28 per cent, effective January 1.
This applies to all sizes and types.
There will be no reduction in quality. The same high quality
of materials, workmanship, and service that has made Exide the
accepted standard will be maintained.
The Electric
m oBEH
CAMELS fit your cigarette de
sires so completely you'll agree
they were made to meet your taste!
Unique flavor, fragrance and mellow-mild-body
due to Camels qual
ity and expert blend of choice Turk
ish and choice Domestic tobaccos
are a revelation! You will prefer the
Camel blend to either kind of tobacco
smoked straight!
With Camels you can go the limit
without tiring your taste. They
leave no unpleasant cigaretty after
taste; no unpleasant cigaretty odor!
To get a line on why Camels win
you so completely compare them
- ,fc puff-for-puff with
importance to every
Storage Battery Company
TST TW &?$ '"S fx
R-!i akt Kd h ta k; . ui m a
&dr v$&P $ J&adX &d&
old price the long-lasting Exide was an
motorist need go without EXIDE QUALITY.
Service Station
Farmers Union Bldg.,
any cigarette in
CO., Winston-Salom, N. C.
Red Cloud, Neb
'f Vi
& ' "