The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1920, Image 6

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    ' r . w
Is Rival
Wavc Power Transmission Hailed
as Newly Come Conqueror
on Industrial Horizon.
New Method la Coming Into Practical
Use Piles Driven and Granite
Drilled Not Same as
Hydraulic Power.
New York. Unheralded except
among a narrow circle of engineer)!
and technicians In Englnnd and Italy,
u now method of harnessing water, In
vented only o few years ago, la com
ing Into practical use. We make the
waves of tho air work for us In a
thousand ways, and through ages lmvo
striven to chain the tides to machin
ery, but wnvo power transmission is
hailed ns a newly come conqueror on
the ludustrlnl horizon. It Is, says
Marian Storm In the New York l'ost,
by no means tho same as hydraulic
transmission of power In tho senso
now popularly used, and It proposes,
In certain fields, to rival electric trans
mission. Capt. L. G. Culleton, It. K., who Is
t present In New York, and who Is a
friend of tho Italian Inventor of tho
system, George Constantlncsco, talked
with enthusiasm of the scrvlco which
he believes wnvo power transmission
la destined to render when tho theory
la more commonly known, declaring It
comprehensible to almost every one In
days when little boys build their own
airplanes nud automobiles, although,
of course, a description of the method
cannot be given without some technical
The Principle.
"The transmission of power through
pipe full of water Is the simplest
'thing Imaginable If anything, simpler
than the transmission of electric cur
.rent over a wire," be said. "You won
der why It has never been practically
applied before, since theorists have dis
cussed It so much.
"Tho principle of the system differs
fundamentally from the usual concep
tion of the hydraulic transmission of
power, where liquid Is made to How
through tho system. For In wave pow
er transmission the liquid does not
How, but power Is handed on from
particle to particle of the liquid, theso
vibrating about a mean position and
transferring the Impulse received from
one to another, until nt last the power
received nt one end of the system has
been delivered nt tho other end."
So far It seemed quite understand
able. "These Impulses In the form of
waves," he went on, "travel through
water at the rate of about 4,707 feet
a second. The machines nre built to
work at forty Impulses or cycles u sec
ond 2,400 per minute."
"What are some of those machines
what can they do?"
"Well, wave power generators nud
transmission piping arc on the mar
ket now In England, and tools of a
good many kinds nre obtainable rock
drills, riveters, coal cutting drills, disc
and chain typo coal-cutting mnchlnes,
Impact screens, concentrating tables,
even plledrlvers."
"Wave power transmission doesn't
seem so very different from alternat
ing current electrical transmission,"
some one reflected.
Wave Transmission.
"There Is n similarity, and It's not
coincidence," Cnpt. Culleton answered.
"Many of tho laws that govern wnvo
and electrical transmission nre Inter
changeable. You'll bo Interested to
know that In wave transmission there
nro tho equivalents of whnt we call In
electrical practice volts, amperes, fre
quency, nnglu of phase, Induction, ca
pacity, resistance, condensers, trans
formers, slngle-phnso and poly-phaso
systems "
lie wns Interrupted by the question
whether anybody could conscript bis
private pond for service by aid of wave
power mnchlnes.
"Oh, naturally, world-wldo patents
cover tho storage of energy In llqdlds.
Kxperlmentnl work has been carried
on In England since 11)14, and early In
the war the British government took
1 1,' iff
bH ' bbV
Timely News Culled From All
Parts of tho State, Reduced
for tho Busy.
been appointed
This beautiful statue, the Gold Star
Mother, now stands In front of the
building of tho Chicago Historical society.
over the entire experimental plant and
made nil tho patents secret, but 1 un
derstand tbnt considerable use was
made of the system In equipping allied
battle planes.
lie explained how docile water must
needs become in the grasp of this In
ventor: "As long as your pipe Is
strong enough to do the work, tho
power impnrted to tiie pnrucics ui
ono end of the pipe line by the gen
erator can't help being delivered at
the other end.
"Do you think, then, that wave
power will even chase electricity out
of the field?"
"No, certainly but It can be u-ed
In cases where It Is not desirable to
use electric power, or In Holds where
electrically operated machines do not
give the best results, ns In mines, or
In boiler shops and shipyards win re
direct vibratory machines are required.
Compressed air at present has prac
tically a monopoly In these fields."
Crewless British Torpedo Boat Picked Up in Channel
vi s.-'WKSr7mii y A 1
vyames. jr&imvammmmmi vmixs
J. G. Ludlam has
postmaster at Lluoln.
Three hundred and fifty-seven names
were added to the Geneva farm bu
reau during one week.
The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Emory 1'lckett of Auburn accidentally
swallowed a safety pin.
Dr. Fred Brother, aged 81), said to
be the oldest free mason in the sta'e.
died last week at his home In Bea
trice. The Norfolk canning factory haa
foecn closed down until next January
due to lack of buying on the part of
C. C. Smith of Exeter wns elected
president of the State Manufacturers'
association at the session held In
Omnhn last week,
The Farmers' State bank of Verdon
Is a new banking institution, which
has made application for a charter
from the state banking bureau.
Flro Chief Harry Whiteside, who
was overcome by smoke while lighting
a fire In a printing plant at Hon trice,
has rocovercd and Is again nt his post.
There are 35 counties In the state
without public libraries of any kind,
according to Miss Nellie Williams,
secretary of the state library conimla
slon. State university frutcrultles will
combat high prices by refusing to pat
ronize hotels, cafes, Movies, dances
and other places until prices are re
duced. Four business houses nt Burchurd
were entered by burglars who escaped
on a velocipede which they stole from
the Burlington railroad. They left the
machine at Pawnee City.
George W. Holdrege, general man
ager of tho C. B. & Q. lines west of
tho Missouri river, after fifty years of
active service with that road, will re
tlro on Friday, December 111.
At the state sheriff's association
meeting at Grand Island last week
Carl Qulnton of I'alttsmouth was elect
ed president for the ensuing year and
Peter Duffy of O'Neill, secretury-treuH-urer.
Kearney dealers are paying a pre
mium on corn, and as a consequence
corn is being marketed tlure from dis
tances of twenty miles and more, the
majority coining from south of the
Platte river.
Tho housing problem ut Lincoln Is
becoming serious, according to an es
timate Just presented of the shortage.
It is said that live hundred houses are
needed at present to adequately ac
commodate tho people who are hunting
Congressman Andrews has named
Charles II. Bllvens and Daniel Stiihbs
as principals to take the examination
for midshipmen at the naval academy,
and Theodoie F. Barnes of McCook as
a candidate for a cailetshlp at West
Because recent surveys have reveal
ed considerable numbers of under
nourished children in small towns and
on farms, the college of agriculture Is
Joining In a campaign to encourage
greater use of milk and butter and the
serving of hot lunches at school.
Students of the university at Lin
coln have been asked to contribute to
a relief fund for students In France,
Germany, Austria, Hungary,
Organized to Help Feed the Starving
Children of Europe.
Omaha. For the purpose of assist
Ing to feed 3,500,000 children In Europs
who will dlo of starvation this winter
unless America feeds them, the Ne
braska relief council hns Just been or
ganized by the stato committees of the
Bed Cross, Y. M. C. A., Knights of Co
lumbus, Y. W. C. A., Church Federa
tion, Friends' Service association,
American Relief association and the
Jewish relief. The organization wns
perfected nt n meeting In Omaha last
Monday, nt which representatives of
the eight state-wide organizations
chose O. W. Wattles of Omaha chair
man and L. W. Trcstler executive
secretary. The council will conduct a
campaign during the holidays for
$.",00,000, every cent of which Is to be
used for the children of Kuropc.
The Nebraska campaign Is to be
waged as a pprtlon of the natlonwldo
campaign of which Herbert Hoover is
chalnunn. The organization rbrough
which Mr. Hoover carried on the grout
relief work In Kuropc Immediately fol
lowing the war will he utilized for this
work among the children of Europe.
"Unless America feeds nnd clothes
these children this winter they will
die," said Mr. Wattles, reading from
u telegram from Mr. Hoover.
"This Is the last campaign In which
America will be called upon to assist
Europe," said Mr. Wattles. "And this
Is for the children. Not n cent goes
to grown folks It's for the jlttlo
children. They must not be left to
Arrangements were made to organ
ize the European Belief council In
every county In the state. Representa
tives of each of the eight organiza
tions which have merged Into tho
European Relief council will get to
gether In each county Immediately and
will arrange to conduct a local cam
paign beginning at once nnd ending
with the year.
Captures Many Prizes at Lead
ing American Fairs.
Remarkable Showing Made at Interni
tlonal Live Stock Show at Chi
cagoCarried Off Sweepstakes
For All Wheat
The French trawler Wagrnm recently arrived at Plymouth, England, with the British tuipedo boat O-70 in tow.
The Wagram had picked up the little war vessel while on her way to Boulogne. No trace could be found of the tor
pedo boat's crew. ,
Strangers Seek
Buried Treasure
Hidden a Century Ago by Coun
terfeiters on Shore of Lake
in Maine.
Gang Worked In Secret for Many
Years, but Refrained From Pass-
Ing Any of Their Product in
the Neighborhood.
Bangor, Me. The fact that a for
tune lies hurled In the dense forest
somewhere along the shores of Money
maker lake, between Robbluston and
lied Beach, well-nigh forgotten by the
few residents of that section who ever
knew It, has again been brought to
A Bobbluston farmer lad, having
-l rayed somo distance from home In
i arch of trout brooks, which might
urnlsh better sport than those nearer
tio settlements, enmo upon two men
'tigging under somo giant spruce trees
near tho shores of Moneymuker lake.
Tho men did not observe him at
first and he watched them while they
tolled in two or three spots. Later,
when he accosted them, they told him
they were digging for worms for halt.
As they bad no fishing tackle with
and as Moneymaker lake lias
lawbreakers and carried Into their cab
In. Ball, the leader of the gang, was
In favor of killing the visitor to make
sure that there would be nu evidence
against them.
If Smith had not strongly objected
Kail would probably have killed the
farmer, but Smith was determined
that the crime of murder should not
no llsh worth catching, the boy thought I be his, and a compromise was ef
this explanation somewhat remarkable. I feeted. The farmer was obliged to
When he reached home he told of Hwear by the most binding oath that
his adventure, and at llrst none could he would not reveal his discovery, and
account for the presence of Strang- was then permitted to go.
ers or for their actions until one of The farmer, after his return home,
tho older residents of the town do- ! hesitated between his- fear of the conn
dared his belief that the two unknown icrfelteis and his -cn-o of duty for a
men were seeking the bailed ti ensure du.v or two, and then told tin- town
which hns lain In secret for almost a authorities what bad befallen him nnd
century and has defied the efforts of what he had discovered. Deputy Slier
treasure seeker for years. iff Dow lies started for the forest, at
Long ago nmny men labored dill once, alons .the route described hy
gently along the shores of the lake. I the fanner.
Ozocho-Slovnkla. The matter was
presented to the representatives of
arlous organizations and the move
,ment endorsed, but action has been
postponed (111 after the holidays.
The Nebraska college of agriculture
The English Lutheran church at Val
paraiso celebrated lis twenty-fifth an
niversary last week with an nil-day
Members of the former Plattsmouth
Home guard company voted $350 re
maining funds In their treasury to
the American I-cglon for use In outfit
ting club rooms.
Bill Rourke, who for the Inst 21
years has been sole owner of tho
Omaha base ball club of the Western
league, has sold his franchise to Fagao
Burch of Houston, Texas.
Automobile bandits operating in
Omnhn stole ten automobiles between
8 and I) o'clock one night last week.
This is a record number for one hour,
according to otllclal reports.
Mike Curtain, alleged slayer of his
father on June lid lust, pleaded guilty
to murder in the second degree, and
was sentenced at Grand Island last
week to Imprisonment for life.
I An explosion in the gas plant nt
l Kearney set lire to the building nnd
caused a damage of $(',0,000. Tho
shock of the explosion was felt 'ill
over the city.
Replies lo si queslloniialte sent to
county agricultural agents by the col
lege of agriculture Indicate that be
tween a third and a fourth of the corn
crop was still In the field December 1.
The Gothenburg Community club
has decided lo bring some of the big
musical attractions to Gothenburg this
winter and the llrst number will bo
the Polish pianist. Leopold Godowsky.
The report of Slate Land Commis
sioner Dan Swanson shows a total In
crease of $103,4(17.(1(! In receipts from
lands leased and lands sold by the
and j stato for the two years ending Novem-
Something that lends empbnsls to,
and affords definite proof of, tho gen
eroslty of the soil and climate of
western Canada, Is shown by the
numerous exhibits made by both the
government and Individual farmers
nud stock raisers of that country, at
many of the leading state nnd county
fairs In the United States this season.
Particularly Is this the case with re
gard to exhibits made ut the Inter
national Live Stock ''Show recently
held at Chicago.
First and foremost to the average
farmer will appeal the fact that
Canada carried off the Sweepstakes
for all wheat, and tbnt out of a total
of twenty-five prizes, Canada took
twenty. In oats the Grand Champion
ship wns won by a farmer living in
the Province of Alberta. Canada also
was awarded the championship for
Durum wheat, while for Flint Corn out
of n total of ton prizes, Canada took
first, second, third, sixth nnd seventh.
Not only In grains did Canada prove
her right to rank as n first clnss agri
cultural country, but she carried off
many prizes for cattle, horses, sheep
nnd hogs, a partial list of which fol
lows: Cattle, Cannda was awarded the
championship for Grade Shorthorns,
also In the College Special class, Can
ada gained first, fourth and sixth
Horses, Grand Championship for
Clydesdale stallion, nlso Grand Cham
pionship for American bred mnre, ns
well ns first for three-year-old Clydcs
dale stallion, first for one-yenr-old
Clydesdale stallion, and second for
Uie aged clnss.
In the Belgian clnss, Canada ob
tained first nnd reserve for Champion
ship Belgians, ns well an second for
Aged stallion.
Sheep, Canada obtained Chnmplon
ship for block, male and female, In
addition to first prize In nil group
Hogs, In tho Yorkshire clnss Canada
was very prominent, Inking the Cham
plnnshlp for pen of Yorkshires, nnd
championship for best single bnrrow,
as well ns over twenty first, second
nnd third prizes In other classes of
,Wlth regard to the live stock shown
It must be borne In mind that these
have not been fed on corn, on which
the average western farmer plnces hla
reliance, put on the wonderful onts
nnd bnrley grown In western Cnnndn,
supplemented by the nntlve grasses,
of which a most artistic display was
made by our neighbors to the north.
Cnniula has conclusively proved tbnt
not only can she take prizes for the
grain she raises, but can also take
prizes with the nnlmals to which
these grains have been fed. and thll
In open competition with the world
her 30.
Nebraska will be required to enlist
(5, 100 olllcers and men for the national
guard In the next four years, accord
ing to a stulement Just Issued by
Adjutant General Paul, who has plans
again won a notable victory when its ' for the reorganization of the guard al
live-stock Judging team triumphed over most completed.
but the search was abandoned, and
until this week no one bail been known
to have hunted for the treasure for a I
quarter of n century.
Moneymaker lake la surrounded hy
a heavy forest growth' and Is In a
somewhat Inaccessible phue In north
ern Washington county. It derived Its
name from a gang of counterfeiters
who, early In thu nineteenth century,
dwelt In a cabin on tho nlioro of the
lake anil puisued (heir unlawful em
ployment of making money, chiefly
Imitations of silver coin.
Later their names were known to
he Bnl!, Smith and Blalsdell, Here
they lived for many years In secrecy
until one nay, nnaosi n century ago,
a Robbluston farmer, looking for some
cattle which had strayed from his pns.
ture, came upon their cnbln unawares
and discovered the nature of their em
ployment. He vab telzed by tho three
Before leaching the cabin of the
counterfeiters the olllcer came upon
Ball, who was doing sentri duty.
Deputy Dowues. a courageo is mnn
advanced upon Ball. The latter fired
bringing down the olllcer at the first
shot. Oilier olllcers later inptured
Ball, but Smith and Blalsdell escaped
and have never been heard fioni since.
Ball was tried, convicted of murder
and was executed.
Before his dealh by hnnJng the
counterfeiter said hat a large sum
of money had been bidden v him
at tho foot of a tree near his cabin,
but he defied any one lo find It, and
refused to tell Its exact whereabouts.
He said most of the money wns la
genuine silver coin, the spurious mon
ey having been distributed elsewhere.
As soon as the story became known,
nud for many years after, hundreds
tried vainly to find the bidden hoard. I
college teams fiom several other big I
combelt states at the International
live-stock exposition at Chicago. Ne
braska ranked ahead of such states as
Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota,
Illinois. Ohio, the Dakotas and Texus.
It was defeated oaly by Purdue uni
versity of Indiana, and (but by a nar
row martin.
The obtaining of a fair price for
agricultural products will be the mu
eral keynote of the discussions al the
meetings of organized agriculture hi
Lincoln January 3 to 7. Increased
production anil the general betterment
of farming will not be neglected, and
will come up for promluenl considera
tion at several meetings, but fiiriiie'ra
Just now are moie Interested In heller
prices than In anything else.
Hard times Is lining .oiinishu
churches, according to Ite. .lolm It
Giirrettson. of the Ncbiuskn welfare
association who lias Just completed a
visit lo chinches In the Mule. He at
tributes a 1!0 per tent Increase In at
tendance lo luck of employment and
the llnanclal depression.
Nebraska municipalities school ills-
Farmers of the Canadian settlement
In the Stanton neighborhood have cut
all farm laborers' salaries to $50 a
month. Many farmers have been pay
ing their men, who had families, $100
a month, furnishing free house, giving
them milk, potatoes and fuel as well
ns allowing them to keep a Hock of
In addition to hundreds of letters to
tho College of Agriculture from farm
ers legardlng the keeping of cost ac
counts, communities are organizing to
do the work. In a co-operative way.
Farmers of Cheyenne county recently
voted to keep accodnts In everv school
district. Three communities in Platto
county have also organized to know
the cost of producing next ear's
Flie which started In the basement
of Hie Greenwood block al Wymote
caused a loss of about $."i.0()0 lo Iho
poMolliie and the building In which
it Is located. The origin of the the
is supposed to huve been spontaneous
The home of Dr Edwin Ma.xej. for
mer well-known professor of lav at
Their Choice.
The children were going to have a
itepfather. Mother hnd just made tho
announcement nnd was waiting to
hear their opinions of her choice. Nine-year-old
Ruth's came first. "But,
mother, he hasn't any hair," she pro
tested. Mother smiled. She had been afraid
they might offer worse ones than this.
"But your own daddy didn't bnvo
much," she smiled.
For n minute Ruth was silenced,
but she wns thinking. "I know, moth
er," she admitted, "but you were
young when you chose him. Now yon
know more nnd It does seem like yoq
ought to be a better chooser."
trlcts and counties have issued tiehle I the stale imlversll.v, at I ollcgevlew,
the amount of bonds In the last bleu- was soL on lire, a damage estimated
tiluni as In the preceding two, venrs, lie ,ut $1,00(1 resulting. Kindling in a bus
cording to records compiled by !. E. j ket and lags In closet, and bureau
L;.wrence. clerk In charge or bond dt aw ers, saturated with kerosene In
reglslratlon at the stale auditor's I dlcated that the lire was of luceiidlniy
office. ' origin.
The Cass County Farm Bureau, co- Nebraska unlvcrsltj is now a full
operating with the state mill national Hedged member of the .Missouri v aney
Under Fire.
"What sort of jpenker Is he?"
"I don't know, no seems to be al
right for plnln talking, but I don
know how'd he'd bo If they started t
heckle him."
organizations, is planning a nix mem
bership drive for the woi k of De
cember 13.
The llobb .Motors company and the
Patriot Motors company, two Lincoln
roiporntlons, have been held to be In
solvent In a decision made b.v Pulled
Stales Judge T. ('. Munger.
The new Platte county courthouse at
Columbus was dedicated. last week by
tho Masonic grand lodge. Grand Mas
ter Franilenberg of Omaha and Grand
Custodian Robert E. French of Kear
ney had charge of the services.
Conference, tead.v to comply with all
the rules of the oiganlzatlon and will
compete for the fool bull championship
In llHil
Pairolmaii .loo Treglla is to be given
the Hi si medal awarded under a new
plan for rewarding extraordinary
bravery and efficiency In the police de
partment al Ouniliii. Treglla thwarted
an arson plot to deslro.v a restaurant
anil looming house In Urn! cltj, by
catrylug out of the building seveial
blazing basins tilled with iiillai nimble
material and oil soaked smv.ii,N.
uisimuiUvv i
v to wit .