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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1920)
EBO CLOU, IX . If : - " '- v Iff wb . If m The December - ' 8 ft; ' ; ' Victor . - ;pppr' November Weather Report . Temperature: Mean HO deg,, nmxi uium GS deg. on iSth, minimum 12dtpr on Kkh. Ptfclpltittion: Total l 01 inelit". Snowfall: Total 0.3 Ineli. Number of days Clear 11, pirtly cloudy 5, cloudy 11. Pifvailiiitf wind Direction X V 15 days Rainfall vltK'u Jan. 1,21 0? Itu-lies. C'Imis. H, Ludlow, OI)oiU'r RED CLOUD WILL PLAY McCOOK E. S. G Berber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures DP. E. GAJttP GHIROPRAGTOR I ( r PHONES IND. Office 76-M Redolence 190-Y Office 2 Blocks North of Fireman's Hall RED CLOUD NEBRASKA I ? t I ' , ; I Are Here lffA ' I' j Don't Fail to Hear These i j ft( j December Records' tfHBRl Vj-iv M .Ml . . r). kA.l u .. . " IfiilKfH Yes Sir-ee! . I JHjllV : jBHHjMpBHf We made: this ciga r 'BPJPJBBBBjF rette to meet W9 Br AV your taste! V I i w , IB Hl R raft B?lfer ' ' fe&K w fflk, J"$k i .5. ,;9H& Lutheran Church . snKiwnr&n or surety I- ! ii i ! i h iviniiuii' if I .Ml' lll'l'l' ( II l I i pAMELS have wonder- ful full-bodied mellow- mildness and a flavor as refreshing as it is new. Camels quality and Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos win you on merits. Camels blend never tires your taste. And, Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odorl What Camels quality and expert blend can mean to your satisfaction you should find ,out at oncel It will prove our say-so when you compare Comets with any cigarette in the world at any price! Omi arm told mvrywlur ttintiflctlty aaJ pJka4 of 30 miifttm for 30 ; or tut pekijt 300 cttfaraft) m a fan Mpa-avnKf Mrfon. W atrontly ncommtao' tua carton for (A Man r office tapptx or whtn you fraraA R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WnutoavSalwa, N. C. FARM LOANS If you want a farm loan call and are mo for I am ready to make loans with absolutely no delay. J. II. BAIL-BY. Lutheran Church Sunday School at 10 A. M. Confessional Service nt 10:30. Regular Service nt 11 o'clock. Row 0. Ilcinit::, Paster. mmwmmmmMmmmammmmwmMMwnmmxatmmcmimaKamTwrwtmMMMmmnamiMmammmmm2 OVERCOATS New Sleeve Linings, New Velvet Collars REPAIRED And you Wear it all Winter. FRANK R. HUGHES. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING l'limies Ri'd 88193 M Hed Cloud. Nebraska We Call (Hid Deliver We Pay Ruturn Cbure8 on Out otVi'own Work I iini't 'n l i oi. i' n-'iy i niit 'i f a iu it'll The Chief, is the Home of Quality Job Printing lli'iMiisi lln- hi- nm't'r touulinil ou itdnenn't foMmv ilut you're imunrio Tomorrow -no today, if you Imve time and ynu Ixittcr (hid tiiui ooiim to tint olllco Hiid we'll writ a policy on your liouso, furniture, btoru or nioreliaiidist). LATER MAY MIC TOO LA J fj- O. C. TEEL R.eliaLbic Insurance RKD CLOUD A post game of football .is to bo played between Mc Cook and Red Cloud high schools next Saturduy at McCook. This was de cided at a conference held here to day between local school authorities and u committee from McCook, con sisting of Superintendent True and two members of their school board. A game played here between these teams somo weeks ago was unfinished because of a disagreement after the referee had ordered a player out of the game. A compromise was later effected by which the unfinished game was to bo resumed at McCook but the local school board vetoed the prop osition. After conferring with citi zens hero today the McCook author ities consented to an entirely new game and the locnl board agreed to this. Tuesday's State Journal. Kansas Pickups Mrs Inmost Freeman is on the sick list Fay Upp mid tiimlly spent Thmsdny tit Hu I). IC. (ireivull home. 10. B Spurrier und family tite Suti duy dinner with Henry Itibeuow nti'l rtifp. L. O. Vnnue and wlfo of Lebanon .pnt Sitturdiiy with tholr daughter Mrs. Bmost Freennin. F. M. Uiown and Eurniu Iiijriitn tin fuuiilles t Tliunk-giviug dinner with Mr. Htid Mrs. Oeorgo Rohrer Frank Urown ptliclia'-ed about seven hundred bushel or corn at Mr. Mary Cat per's sale and had it shelled Inst Saturday. .lames Spurrier and wife and Mis. Ethel Slonllter ate Thanksgiving din tier with their gniudpirents, T. S. Spurrier and wife. Harry Ithoads of Macoupin. 111., Earl Abbott and wife, Oeorgo Mntson and family, Robt. Latmigan and family and Rex Kellhan Were entertHlned at the K. E". Spurrier home Thanksgiving d.iy. The pie supper at the Mt. Hope school house was pronounced a success. The teacher and young people had put in, a great deal of work ou the program, vlduti Was well reudeted. There were llftythree plus and the amount taken In was flftyone dollars. A Few of My Bargains in KANSAS WHEAT LAND 1!0 acres 4j tidies front good town, good grn-s, 15 feot to water, for quick sale $12.00 per aero will carry buck ?400o at (I pet cent. G(0 acres. Smiles fiom town all in guibs, 'JoOaercs bottom land all can be funned but about 10 acres, close to school, good neighborhood, uud hurrounded with good improvements, 50 feet to water, S20 per aero will carry buck SAGOO at Ojiercent. 4S0 acres, with Improvements, 8 miles fiom good town. fiO feet to water, 80 acres under cultivation, adjoins hchool, a bargain at 825 per acre, S1800 back at G percent. 1C0 acres 814 miles from town, level as n Hoor, good grass, 830 per acre, S1000 back. 320 acres 04 tulles from town, 10 acres in wheat, !-. delivered, 1C0 'acres wore broke which could be put In barley in spring, every foot can be cultivated, priced at 8.10 per acre, SlOoo back nt 0 percent. 1G0 acres fine level qunrter excopt about 10 acres, 150 In cultivation, 100 ncros In wheat 4 of wheat at machine goes with tho place at 10 jer acre, S2000 back at 7 percent. 320 acres, 1100 tillable, 200 acres under cultivation, 120 in pasture, 7 room houe, barn, granary, well and mill, loused for 1021, for one third delivered, 5 miles from town on graded road, a baigalu ut 610 per ucrc, i 1000 back at 0 percent OCO acies, 4 mile.s from town, finest imptoved farm in county, 10J acres good alfalfa hind, pumping plant Irrigating 10 acres, good spring in pasture, 290 acres seededto wIiphI goes with the place for SCO per acre, terms at rt t or cent. 100 acres l.'J miles from town, all in grass, level, good sell, this goes fcf S2t per acio. If you ate. interested in any of the abovis come in and see mo and set a date to go down and look it over. 1 make the trip in auto, and about three days is all Hint is requited to make the trip and look the land over to jrnir satisfaction 1 belelve I uin giving you good advise when I tell yon to lici quick for land i.s sure to advance, as paities in northwestern part of Kansas are selling tluir land there and coining in hero to buy. Geo. W. Hutchison Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Abstracts Ind. 63 PHONES g&j- Red Cloud Nebraska mmoniifliimKiiiiin Grace Church (Episcopal) 10 a. tn., Churcti School. 11a tn , bencc-ness Smith will con duct ti Bible Class during absence of Rev J. M. Pates. Rupture Expert Here Szclcy. Famous In This Specialty. Vailed to Superior F. H Seeley of Chicago and Phila delphia, the noted truss expert, will personally be at the Union Hotel and will remain in Superior Wednesday only, Dec. Sth Mr. Seeley says: "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, but con tracts the opening In 10 days ou the average case, lleing a vast advance ment over all former methods -exemplifying instantaneous otl'ccts imme dUtely appreciable and withsaudiug any strain or position. Tills instru int'tit received the only award in Eng land and in Spain producing results without surgery, injections, medical treatment or prescriptions. Mr. Seeley lias documents from the United States Government, Washington, D. 0., for inspection. All charity cases without char ire, or if any interested call, he will bo glad to show same without charge or fit them if desired, lluslneRS demands prevent stopping at any other place in this section. P. S. Every statement In this notlc has bean verified before the Federal and State Courts. F. H. Seeley. The Standard of Excellence We have always endeavored to give our patrons the very best merchandise that can be obtained on the markets. The utmost care is exercised in the selection of the brands of goods we offer our customers. Our many years of experience in the Grocery business enables us to determine just what brands will meet with the approval of the trade. We wish to call particular attention to our line of CANNED GOODS. When buying be sure to specify DELMONTE Having handled this line for many years we do not hesitate to recommend any kind of Canned Goods bearing this name. Our personal guarantee stands behind every can we sell. When you want the best in Staple and Fan cy Groceries call on or phone us your wants and they will have our prompt attention. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware HIU!!llllll!lllUniM incnMraiu raRirnimimmmnnnniimininnniraiiEruiffiinEnHBeiti "Quality" Job Printing Notice of Probate In tho County iourio! Webster County NobrrtRka State ot Nebrnnka, I Ka Webster County, f To all pcrsoiiB Interested In tho oslato ot (JeorKoI). McCnII Pcceimul; TAKKNOTICi:, that a petition has been tiled irnyliK that iholtiHirunient lllcil In tl.ti court on theS-M day of November, A. 1). 1!M, purporting to bo tho last will and testament otsald deceived, may be proved and allowed and recorded nH tho last will and testament ot (leorKoH, McCall, deceased; that said In Htruuient bo admitted to probate. It Is hereby ordered by tho court, that alt portions Interested lu said estate appear at tho County Court to bo held In and (or eald county on tho 17th day ot Docoiubcr, A. I). 1SW0, at ten o'clock a. in., to show causo, II any thero be, why tho prayer ot tho petitioner should not bo granted, and that notlco ot tho pendency ol said petition and tho hearing thereof, bo kIvcii to all persons Interested In said matter by publlshlnita ropy of this order In tho Ued Cloud Chief, a IokiU wcokly now paper printed In said county, for tlireoconso cutlva weeks prior to until day of hearing. Wltnes my hand and the Fcal of said court this '.2d day ot November, A. 1. lO. (Seal.) A. L. ltanncy, County Judgo. The Father of Success is WORK The Mother of Success Is AMBITION The Oldest Son Is COMMON SENSE Some of the Boys are PERSEVERANCE, HONESTY, FORESIGHT, THOROUGHNESS, ENTHUSIASM and COOPERATION. The Oldest Daughter Is CHARACTER , Some of the Sisters are'CHEERFULLNESS, COURTESY, LOYALTY, CARE, ECONOMY, SINCERITY and HARMONY The Baby U OPPORTUNITY Get acquainted with the 'old man' and you will be able to get along pretty well with the rest of the family One of the Greatest Aids to Success is a Good Bank Connection THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flotance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flounce, Cattuet DepotUs Guaranteed by-the Dtpotltort auaranUe Fund of the Stat of Xthratla uiiiiiniiiunuinnnM Christmas Display We're showing a beautiful line of Manicure ' and Toilet Sets, Leather Goods, Dolls and Games. Our usual large stock of Books of all kinds. CALL and SEE. Chas. L. CottinS The Pm&flst t irti m Ami. U M V. h & "'I. "C .Ir j ' Vt f i! f 4 tf wr .? i.sf ! -rr .l i U "!