The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 02, 1920, Image 7

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Frem a thotorratA JrfiUg"5a3ls"s"sB'g &J. JM
rWHBrEvtii7vl.piBD w PivA xii -ft.Twi!ii,v...)iii.M, Cj ftf JK n& jBaBMiBMMWBC-Xff',BBBTBB
H. km.
Before buying that.
OCmas phonograph
Come-hear Ifechmanino
on the Nev Edison
only made Re-Creations for
the New Edison. He has also made
recordings for one of the standard
j We are glad to announce that
these talking-machine recordings
may now be heard. We wan t you
to hear them and compare! De
termine for yourself which gives
you the real Rachmaninoff.
Let us play RachmaninofTs
Edison Rs-Ckkations for you.
Mark how clear, how true the
piano tone. See how every note
in his runs, every accent in his in
terpretation, every shade in his
pedalling is perfectly Re-Created.
pr This was provedby a test made
at Mr. RachmaninofTs home in
New York City. He played the
Second Hungarian Rhapsodic
(Liszt) in direct comparison with
the Re-Creation of his perform
ance by the New Edison. The
absolute fidelity of the Re-Creation
to the artist's original peformance
astounded the listeners.
Make the Rachmaninoff com
' parison. It will guide you right
in selecting your Christmas phono
graph. Am k oho '
about our Budget Plan
It brings your New Edison for
Christmas without squeezing your
pocketbook. Remember, too, that,
in buying a New Edison now, you
are virtually buying a before-the-war-value
with an after-the-war
dollar. The price of the New
Edison has increased less than 15
since 1914, and a portion of this
increase is war tax. "Edison stood
the gaff" to keep his favorite in-!
vention within the reach of every1
one who loves beautiful musicOil
I -'f
Authorized Dealer Red Cloud, Neb.
' I
t - . , .
I ts-U-T -TTTW1., ... . . . .
r '- I I 4. fcM '"'"I,!., I
- L-Zzn.
r ii i xtfH
755? Phonograph
aOith a Soul"
Evanston, Illinois
Our Street Department'n tervice five two-ton, Model " Reo Irucks and one
Model "S Reo roaditer.
The two Irucki first purchaied, equipped with Lee automatic ide dump3.yaidteel
bodiei entered lervice April 2, 1918. One of theie wai wrecked Augu.t 8, 1918 and
replaced August 24, 1918.
On July 26, 1918, our Special Garbage Truck entered lervice, equipped with a
wooden body deiigned to c'arry 120 garbage cant of one cubic foot each. '
On March 26 and April 9, 1919 two more truck, entered .ervice. There are equip
ped with 3-yard Woodi' hydraulic hout rear dump itetl bodie.
The roaditer entered lervice May 14, 1918.
Trme.truck have hauled cruhed .tone, .and, cinderi, aihei, rubbi.h and garbage
continuowly over paved and unpaved dreeU and alley, in all kind, of weother.
The consumption of ga. and oil hat been very low, the repair, .mall, and I contider
the rejult. remarkably good.
h. ,Il.,?.'0,(1,leModeViF,n,e,l'in,e,v;cefrom Mu& 26. 1919, equipped with
Commiuioner of StreeU.
v w ,
- aBBMMMMmwMWmMmmmMmmmmmmmmm
Let Us Figure on Your Job Printing
WE will be pleased to Inspect your
battery at any time and as often
as Is necessary, free of charge.
Our service is the expert kind,
and our experience is (always at your
disposal. Should repairs bo necessary we will
make them at a moderate charge.
The "Bxf&e"
Starting and Lighting Battery
Is the famous "giant that lives in a box.'!
You have heard of this battery and its
unique features it's the original Unit
Seal Battery; extra powerful, easy to
care for and repair. Let us explain Its
features to you.
Take advantage of our free service
Red Cloud Battery Service SU'n
v jFC
Plan Outlined to Do Away With Con
struction of Forms Remedy
for Undermining.
Instend of Kolnp to tlit troublo and
expense of ninkltiR forms for tho con
creto culverts, If tlio ditch Is temporar
ily filled with enrth and tamped, these
may lie mndo with no forms at nil.
Ono such culvert wns made novernl
years iiro that lias withstood timo and
frequent tiso niul la 8tlH without any
Tho lllUBtrntlon shows how this tnc
of culvert or bridge Is constnicted,
writes Dnlo 11. Vnti Horn In Missouri
nnd Kansas Farmer. If a plcco of
lnnd Is to ho drained, this mny bo
I fTtf siwt !
SUF-. J.. y
How Culvert Is Constructed.
built first nnd the ditch dup afterward.
If nn old ditch Is to ho brldKCd, the
fill may bo made for the tlmo being
and Inter removed. Tho concroto Is
mixed In, tho right proportions nnd
laid on the rounding surfneo to tlio
proper thickness, nnd with Rultablo re
enforcing. Trenches should bo dug
at cither sldo to mnlcc a good footing
to hold tho culvert rigid nnd to take
tho weight of londs passing over It
Mnny concrete bridges fall to stand
tho test of high waters. If tho foot
ing In too shnllnw, they undermine
Remedy for Undermining.
during a flood, nnd cither crumblo or
nro made unsafe. A slmplo remedy
for this Is to provide a shallow wall
running across the upstream sldo of
tho opening, and a part of the bridge,
This should extend to the bottom of
the side walls and should not bo over
Ato or six Inches above the low wa
ter level. This checks any tendency
toward undermining and prevents
debris from wedging in the bridge.
Highway Improvement Is a Business
Proposition With Farmer and
City Dweller.
When It tnkes four horses to pull
on empty wagon to town and wheat Is
going off in price ench dny; when tho
mall carrier gives up In despair, nnd
tho children cannot get -to' school, tho
farmer cannot help wondering how
much this condition Is costing him
each day.
Figure ns ho mny, ho ennnot got
nwny from tho fact thnt good roads
are lndlspensnblo to agricultural pros
perity. Tho city dweller Is alike concerned.
Tho farm on a good rond hns scores
of possibilities for tho development of
Its resources to every ono open to jho
fnrm on n poor rond. Incrensed ex
penditures greater buying powers.
In the enrly days of poverty many a
county bonded Itself for hundreds of
thousands of dollnrs to sccuro rnll
roads to promote agricultural develop
ment. Three-fourths of nil tho freight
t'ao rnllronds haul must sooner or Inter
movo over tho public highways, and
every ton so moved Is costing at an
average rato of 23 cents per mile.
Verily, rond Improvement Is a busi
ness proposition a matter of dollars
nnd cents.
Keystono State Led Nation In 1019 In
Mileage of Contracts Let for
Road Building.
Pennsylvania led tho nation In 1010
In mllcngo of contracts let for road
construction, nccordlng to tho state
highway department. Up to January
1 tho stoto awarded contracts for
tho building of 070.20 miles of du
rable highways. Its nearest competi
tor was Illinois, which contracted foi
510.70 miles.
Pennsylvania's 1020 program calls
for tho construction of approximately
800 milea of roads. Tlio department
says that Pennsylvania Is fur ahead
of other states In tho organization
It hns perfected to build durable high-ways.
Average of School Year la 180 Dayt
In Five States Having Best
Road Systems.
Good roads mako It posslblo to hare
better school advantages. In tho flv
states of tho Union which have tht
best systenr of public highways the
avernga length of school year la 1B(
days. In tho flvo states that bar
given the least attention to road Im
provements the school year Is lew
than halt that long.
American Red Cross Will Havi
Health Centers In All Parti j
of United States.
- W
The American Itcd Cross has lnunclfr
ed upou a nutlon whin cnmpnlgn of
flchtlug disease and physical defect
araoug the American people. A new
nnd unique hoalth Institution hns cored
Into being ns the result of soveral
months' study by tho Hed Cross Health!
Service Department at National Head
Ofllclnl In charge of the dopnrtment
predict thut before long this new henttht
activity will he In nrtunl operation all
over the country, nnd Hint tho sign
"American Hed Cross Health Center'
will becomo ns fntnlllnr to tho peo
ple everywhere as aro now tho signs ol
tho telegraph companies.
Duty Long Before War.
Thu Interest of the American Keel
Cross In the fight against disease la
not, however, of recent origin. Long
before the war the urgnnlznttoa begnn
this health service through Its mod I cat
units In disaster relief work and lt
department of Town and County Nurs
ing. During the war nnd following
the armistice thousand of American
Hed Cross ofllclnls have been flghtlnc
disease In the war-stricken countries.
At the Kituie time tens of thousands Of
local Hed Cross ofllclnls have been en
gagod at home fighting dlscnso, nota
bly during the Influenza epidemics.
The American Ped Cross has de
termined that all this valuable experi
ence In hcnlth service abroad and at
borne shall not go to waste. So loo
as there at a half a million peopl
dying yearly In this country from pre
ventable causes, nnd so long ns mor
than one-third of the Amerlcnn chil
dren and young people nro victims of
physical defects, tho Hed Cross recoff
ntrcfl the urgent need for continued
Red Cross health scrvlco at homo.
How Organization Workt.
The Hod Cross Health Center la
governed by business principles, ap
plies business mothods, and, In lit
more slmplo form, can be established
and conducted by Iny people.
It proceeds upon the demonstrated
fact that health Is a "ommodlty that
can be bought and sold like broema
and soap. Therefore, It establish It
self In a storeroom In the prlmtpal
business section of the community. It
displays its goods n the form C at
tractive health exhibits In Its anew
windows. It advertises constantly tad
extensively. Aad It use every -ess
aad social devic to attract eas
terners. The Bad Or Health Center la o
ervice to tk stek la that it fives eot
reliable aad complete intematlea
atxmt exlstlaff clinics, hospitals, saaa
toria and ether iastlratloas (or the sick
and the defective; about available
nurses, both trained and practical t
about when to consult a physician and
why to shun the quack and his n
Teaching Disease Prevention.
The Red Cross Health Center la,
however, of even greater service to th)
well. It teaches people how to pre
vent sickness and disease. This Is dona
In many Interesting and attractive
ways first of all, by the distribution
of popular health literature and
through hoalth lectures Illustrated with
lantern slides or with health motion
picture films. Thon special exhibits ara
given, ono nfter the other, on various
hoalth subjects. Practical demonstra
tions nre mndo; nlso health playlets by
children to Interest nnd Instruct them
selves nnd their elders. Clnsscs ara
organized In personal hygiene, home
enre of tho sick, first aid and In food
selection nnd preparation. Healths
clubs, both for younger and older peo
ple, are formed; also Little Mother
Leagues. Nutrition and growth cllnlci
are conducted for children.
Already more than a bnndred bt
these Red Cross nealth Centers nre In
actual operation throughout tho coun
try. Many of them also conduct med
ical clinics, but tho one chief, out
standing feature of tho American Red
Cross Hoalth Center Is Its health edu
cation service which teaches well peo
ple how to keep well.
Lauding the work accomplished by
Amorlcan philanthropy for war
stricken France, Andro Tnrdlou, form
er high commissioner from that na
tion to tho Unltod States, In a recent
article widely commented on through
out the French pross, says:
"Tho American Red Cross has ac
complished n work which callB foy
the heartfelt gratttndo of every true
Frenchman. In 1018 this great rollef
organization spent In behalf of Franco
nearly 87,000,000 francs, and In 1010
Its expenditures on charitable project
In our country attained tho tremen
dous total of 171,000,000. It has re
cently turned over to tho French relief
organizations huge stocks of surn
piles whose value must be counted In
tho hundreds of thousands of francs.
"Fifteen million American boys and
girls, banded together In the Junior
Red Cross of America, are back of a
movement to establish the closest ties
between themselves and France's
younger generation through th char
ltable works they have flaancsd, and
are bow carrying out among oar little
war snfrerers.
The bonds of friendship betweea
Frailce and America 1 cemented with
triwtynl admiration, reflect and (rati
tuaaT . . '
"Quality" Job Printing
I V1
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