The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 02, 1920, Image 6

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    - &.
Doctor Cupid
That love ometlmes caret dls
mm Is ft fact that has been called
to the attention of the public by
prominent physician. Love fa not
however, the cure for all women.
Many a woman fa nervous ani
Irritable, feels dragged down ao4
worn out for no reason that ant
Can thtnfc; of.
Doctor Pierce! Favorite Pre
scription gives new life and new
strength to weak, worn-out,
run-down women. "Favorite
Prescription" makes weak women
strong and sick women well. It
b now sold by all druggists in the
United States in table as weB
as liquid form.
Blair, Nbb. "I think Dr. Herat's
Favorite Prescription a fine tonio lot
rla m well m grown women. My
(tighter wm in an extremely nervous
condition and suffered with irrejra
larity. Jait a half bottle of the 'Pre
scription' cared her of both the nerr
oasnees and other trouble and prove
to be an excellent tonio besides.
w Several months afterwards, I was
in a very nervous state and the hall
bottle of 'Prescription' that mjr daugh
ter bad left I took and found it tast
as efficient as in her case." Mas.
L. H. LoToaor, 211 E. Lincola. St.
The Proverb Refuted.
"My husband's a doctor."
"lias he practiced long?"
"Yes, but It hasn't mads Mm per
feet" Boston Transcript
Hot water
Sure Relief
hair balsam
aLtasiaWttBl CstlflV Slfjsl U
iBwaty to City ud FwtoS Haftl
JHWTcmn. wlrtefin.W.Tl
(msm. to atop all Bala, nium caafoct ta ttaa
Sat. BMkM walklai aar. Ito. br BialloraJnw,
Miaaam i.-aaaiau vrsri. x. 4
Nebraska Directory
Located on onr own premises
and used in the
Natural Mineral Watir Baths
Unsurpassed in the treatment of
Heart, 8tomacb, Kidney and
Liver Diseases
Moderate charges. Address
Liacaia. ne.
What Yon Wat
Wkn You Want IT
Electric Starter Specialists
Distributors of Prstto-Lite BatUrias
Phons 84186
317-21 1 Ills St. LIWC9LW. Wta
Developing, Printing
and Enlarging
Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
(Eastman ICodakOo.)
Pop. K. 1217 O St, Uacola, NeV
Omaha Crematory
Sand for Ulustrated booklet
Address or call on
rarest Liwi Ceaefery Asm
7MBraafisTksatrt Oauka, Nsk
Scott-Omaha Tent & Awnlne Go.
If tk aad Howard. Omaha, U. S. A.
lT uia2t""M
Timely News Culled From All
Parts of the State, Reduced
for the Busy.
A Thanksgiving memorial .message
on pnrchmpnt, signed by 1,200 women
of Nebraska who, regardless of pnrty,
favored the league of nations, has
been sent from Lincoln to President
Wnodrow Wilson.
"Hettcr Speech for Hotter Ameri
cans" Ih the slognn ntloptetl for Bet
ter Speech week, "which will be ob
served In Columbus under auspices of
the city schools from December 0
to 10.
More progress has been made In the
dairy Industry In Nebrnska during
the past two years than (luring any
ten years' period previously, accord
ing to .). B. Palm, secretary of the
State Dairymen's association.
Mrs. 1'Ycd Illnzck, widow of the
Omaha llreman who lost bis life in the
collnpso of n burning building a month
ago, has been presented with a check
for $'2,177.80, contributions to dnte 'in
a relief fund raised for her.
llnrtrum (1. Goodhue, of New York
City, has been retained nt, the Hilary
of $25,000 n year to llnlsli plans for
supervising the construction of the
new Nebraska state bouse.
ITubbell is Incorporating n com
munity association to look after the
recreation, amusement and anything
pertaining to the public welfare of
Ilubbcll and community.
Victor Stumm of Hosklns, lost his
llfo when n horse bo was riding ran
away. Young Stnmm was thrown,
his foot caught In n stirrup, and he
was dragged to death.
Mllo Stcenllk of Crete, wns fatally
Injured when ho nttemptcd to drive
bis nuto around another, running Into
n buggy and forcing the tongue en
tirely through his body.
It Is estimated that there are still
about 1,000 tons of sugar beets In the
fields about Gibbon yet to be dug and
hauled. Operations were halted by
the recent cold Bpell.
The new Lutheran hospital in South
Beatrice, was dedicated last week.
The building cost nbout $1-10,000, and
Is said to be 'one of the ilnest of the
kind In the state.
The ScottsblulT Chamber of Com
merce bus asked the county commis
sioners to purchase bloodhounds to be
used in emergency in tracking crim
inals. Frank Adams of Battle Creek lost
his left hand, as the result of getting
It caught In the rolls of n corn busking
machine, which he wns operating.
While performing stunts with n re
volver nt North Platte, Kenneth Mc
Furland wns accidentally shot, dealh
resulting from the wound.
Rural mnll carriers of Hastings last
week Informally celebrated the twen
tieth anniversary of the llrst rural
mail route' In that place.
Gophers have becomo so numerous
on the prison farm nt the penitentiary
that a war of extermination has been
declared against them.
It. B. Howell of Omnbn is being
prominently mentioned as a possibility
for Secretary of the Navy under
President Harding.
Hebron lire department has n new
modern Are truck, housed lb the city
hall, which has been remodeled to ac
commodate It.
At a special election to decide the
location of the county scat In Thomas
county, Thcdford won over Seneca,
512 to !1C0.
A short course in poultry manage
ment will be given by tho college of
agriculture nt Lincoln January 10 to
15 Inclusive.
An appropriation of $S0.O00 hns been
mndc by that denomination for im
provements In the Lutheran academy
at Hebron.
The Stamford flour mills were de
stroyed last week by fire of unknown
origin. The loss is covered by Insur
ance. Ord Is Installing nearly 100 beauti
ful electroliers around the square and
on the extending business streets.
Naturalization papers were denied
two men who had been convicted of
boot-legging, nt Oinnlin.
The Nebraska Jewelers' association
will hold Its annual convention at
Onmhn February 23-21.
Dr. T. II. Lino has been appointed
pension surgeon at Central City.
Fremont hns organized n Klwnnls
club with over fifty members.
Petitions bnve been formally filed
with the city council of Norfolk ask
ing that n special election be called on
the city management form of govern
ment Ncbrnskn is to bo divided Into eight
prohibition enforcement districts, with
an agent in each district. Omaha will
bo the headquarters of tho new or
Citizens of Alliance nro all worked
up over reports of wldo open Ramb
ling that Is alleged to have been run
ning In that place for some time, and
a probe Into tho matter has been or
dered by tho city council.
Hastings Is to have a first-class
amusement park next season. In ad
dition to a pavilion, swimming pool,
athletic park, aviation field, etc., It Is
proposed to erect cabins for boy
scouts and camp ilro girls' confer
ences. Of tho forty-six stntcs co-oporntlng
with tho United States department of
agriculture in tho "Better Sires Bet
ter Stock" campaign, Nebrnska stands
second in point of progress mndo the
first year. More than .100 farmers In
tills state replaced their scrub sires
with puro-breds and ofllclnlly enrolled
as breeders of Unproved live stock.
Official Count On State Ballot
Following Is tho ofllclal cnnvnss of
tho vote cast In Nebraska at the re
cent election:
President , . .382.C5S
Oovornor 378,213
Lieutenant, governor 3(54,998
Hccrctury of Mtuto 340,743
Auditor 3G1.660
I .a till commissioner ....343,969
Treasurer ...t 351,787
Attorney KOmnil 3.17,618
Hallway commissioner (long term) 347,810
Hallway cotnmlstluiiur (short term) 311,712
Chief Justice supremo court 288,158
AkhocIiUq Jtlstk'0 ... 268,018
Stato superlnteiitUnt ..269,220
Tho vote as canvassed uhows!
For 49,410
ARtilnst 133,115
Hunting and CooIIiIro 247, IDS
Cox and ItooHi'velt U9,C08
Wntklns and Colvln B,97
Dt'lm and Niemann 9,600
McKclvIn 162,861
Morclieiul 130,433
Clrnvi'N ft 041
Wray 88,905
Lieutenant Kovernor:
Harrow h 1 81,907
IlnniB 104,057
Ollhert 10,262
Mound 68,772
Secretin y of state:
Arnsbcrry 226,fi38
Larson 123,210
.Auditor of ntibliu accounts:
Marsh 220.201
AIcKlsfllck : 104,602
1'orter 26,857
SwanBon 227.358
Helller 116,611
Cropscy 217,177
rnnaduy 116.674
Miles 17,930
Attornoy Kcnerul:
Davis 200,291
Hunter 102,851
Hollen G4.47G
Hallway commissioner (Lour Term):
Browne 219,035
llarrop 113,747
Albcrtson 15,064
Hallway commissioner (Short Term):
ook 217,75,-
Kont 123,957
Congress First District:
Henvlu 35.291
I'oteraon 16.880
C oncros8 Second District:
Jcfferls .in inn
O'llara 18,310
Congress Third District:
Kvana 38,370
'Hce, 17,171
weekes 15,518
Congress Fourth District:
McLaughlin 34,314
Spruguo ,20,662
Congress Fifth District:
Andruws 31,695
Dungas 22,063
Congress Sixth District:
Klnkald 49,122
Crimes 20,790
Stebblns 6,222
Chief Justice:
Morrisscy 153,018
Martin 135,122
Judge Supremo Court:
Day 151,67!
Doraoy 1 17.-J4J
Lyfoid 85,738
Suymour 126,124
CSerhart 111,240
Dates 131,694
Stato Superintendent:
Mulzen 159,700
Stewart 109,51V
Professor Mussehl, of the College of
Agriculture, nt Lincoln, Is gathering
statistics regarding the use of arti
ficial light among poultry keepers In
this stute. The college Is giving a
special short course for poultryinen
next January, antl ways ami means of
stimulating egg production by length
ening the period, of light will be dis
cussed at that time. There nro now
thousands of electric light plants on
Nebraska farms and it may bo that
the use of artificial light to Increase
profits will become quite populur,
even on farms.
After 'J.l yenrs, during which he be
lieved he was an orphan without namo
or family, Harry Morris of Itentrlco
has found his mother from whom ho
was separated in infancy, nnd will
shortly visit her at her home In IJrook
lyn. N. Y.
With a new mndcrnly equipped firo
truck Just received the city of IMntts
mouth Is practically without a the de
partment, us all hut two members und
the chief of tho volunteer compuny
have resigned on account of dlsMitls
faction. An Klkhorn valley or Sunday base
ball league Is In the process of form
ation, preparatory to next season's
games und tho towns of Arlington,
Ilecmer, Fremont, Dodge, .Snyder,
Scrlbner, Hooper, North Bend, Oak
lnutl nnd West Point ure to be In
cluded. Tho exccutlvo committee of the Nor
folk post of the American legion havo
taken steps to bold n Madison county
meeting of legion posts In this county
sometime In December for the purposo
of organizing n permanent county
American legion association.
Iturglars nttemptcd to break into
the vault of the bank of Princeton
some time last Sunday night, but af
ter working on it for a number of
hours evidently gave Uie Job up as u
bad one und left. ,
Plans nro being made for Ord's first
municipal Christians tree. With tho
completion of tho paving nnd the In
stallation of the new street lights, Im
mediate use will be made of these con
veniences for an extensive Christmas
Three hundred nnd six men took
membership In the Hamilton county
farm bureau tbo first day of tho cam
paign. Half this number left their
cornliusklng nnd went to Aurorn for
the booster meeting In tho afternoon.
Farmers of Nebraska are the own
ers of over 200,000 pounds of wool
which Is lying In storage warehouses
at Lincoln. Tho wool wns "pooled"
during June, July nnd August of this
year by farmers' co-operative organiza
tions throughout tho stato and shipped
to that place for storage when market
conditions were not such ns to make
selling advisable.
A smooth-tongued mngnzlno solicitor
who 'worked Alllnnco for several days
hns disappeared following the collec
tion of n tidy sum, principally from
womnn victims.
Citizens of Kimball, on tho airmail
route between Omaha nnd Cheyenne,
hnvo requested that arrangements bo
made for tho dropping of mnll at thut
plnce while In flight.
Tho stato board of commissioners,
according to L. C. Oberlles, chairman,
probably will nsk tho legislature when
It convenes In Jnnuary to provide a
separate Institution or colony for the
treatment of epilepsy.
(Copy for. Thl Department
the American lulon Nwi
Mohawk Indians In Tribal Feathera All of Them Yanks.
With seventy-five thousand former service men in line and bended' by n
flying column of automobiles hearing hundreds of wounded soldiers, the recent
bonus pnrnde In New York city presented nn impressive sicctuclo as plntoon
after platoon of uniformed marchers swept down Fifth avenue amid a tumult
of cheers. Thousands of members of the Amcrlcnn Legion were In tho ranks
nnd posts sent delegations from Connecticut and New Jersey to participate In
tho formntlon.
Mnny striking groups nppcored In tho pnrnde, one of them being a band
of Mohnwk Indians In tribal feathers und wnmpum, all of them Yanks who
had fought overseas.
Another feature was a huge gun mounted on a decorated truck which by
a compressed nir device fired rounds of clrculurs urging the bonus for ex
Bervlce men.
Ninety bands along the line of march played such airs of wnr days as
'Over There" and "Mndelon" as the former doughboys nnd gobs stepped out
behind them.
National Adjutant Proves Cleverness
In Roasting Corn and Potatoes
In Mud Coating.
There's plenty of work concerned
with the Job of being the national ud
Jutant of tho American Legion, but
Btlll, Lemuel Holies of Seattle, Wash.,
who recently wns reappointed to the
office, finds tlmo now and then In
which to get away from the duties of
his position. At a picnic of the nn
tlonul headquarters staff outside of
Indianapolis a while ago, Mr. Bolles
played the part of a mess wrgeant
to perfection, evolving a new way of
cooklnc corn and potatoes that
brought pralso from all. Ills system
consisted of coating tho com arid
"spuds" with mud nnd then burying
them In the embers of a fire until they
were done to a turn. Here he Is seen
prepnrlng tho picnic meal with the
assistance of Miss Pearl Hurtnett.
Mr. Bolles, who wns one of the
orlglnnl delegates to the Paris cuueus
of the American Legion, served ns a
lieutenant colonel on the general staff
of Uie first army corps from May, 1018.
to March, 1010. Beforo the war he
had served In nil grades up to nnd
Including that of captain in the in
fantry of the Washington National
Guard. lie was assistant ndjutunt
general of the state of Washington In
1010-1017. When the Washington Na
tional Guard wus mobilized Mr. Bolles
Joined tho forty-first division nt Cump
Greene, N. C, nnd went overseas with
that outfit.
On his return to the United States
ho assisted In the organization or tho
Lemuel Bolles.
MIm Pearl Burtnett.
American Legion In preparation for
tho Minneapolis convention nnd wns
later appointed national adjutant by
Past Commander Franklin D'Oller.
Women Furnish Luncheon.
Luncheon, served In renl country
style, wns furnished by tho Women's
auxiliary of Charles A. Cuslck post of
the Ainerlcun Legion, West Now YorK,
N. J., when tho post went on nn auto
mobile excursion to Greenwood Lake.
Following tho luncheon a baseball
gamo was played.
Bonds for New Home.
Twcnty-dollnr bonds, bearing six
per cent Interest nnd redeemable with
in flvo yenrs, woro sold In order to
.ia fnnrin for a liiillcllnir for Stanley
Denglcr post of the American Legion,.
Crcssona, I'n. The post now nns h
large stone houso for Its homo and
hns 108 out of 111 possible members
enrolled In the Legion.
mraown i
Legionnaires Prove to Be Pastmas-
ters of the Art at Casper (Wyo.)
Tho Wild West of broncho-busting,
steer-roping and reckless riding, burst
Into new life at the American Legion
stampede held at CaBper, Wyo., when
untamed horses nnd longhorns were
brought Into town for tho U'glonnnlr'
Jack Brown, on "Coyote," Caepet;
Wyo., American Legion Stampede.
to master In an exhibition rivaling ths
famous Cheyenne frontier days.
Old timers In tho cattle country,
who were Inclined to scoff at the pre
tentiousness of the projected stam
pede, remained to cheer themselves
honrse when tho opening day came,
and the Legionnaires with rowels nnd
quirts procd themselves tho masters
of the "bad-acting' bronchos nnd sub
dued rambunctious steers In bulldog
glng contests.
Tho stnmpcde wns a success finan
cially, and will become nn nnnunl
event with tho Legionnaires of Casper.
Goal to Which Veterans of World War
Are Striving, Paris Poit Ad
jutant Declares.
j.ho "fraternity of peoples" wns dc
nlcted as tho goal toward which vet
erans of tho World war In all coun
tries nro Btrlvlnc. In nn address by
Arthur W. Kipling, adjutant of Paris
post, American Legion, to the nnnunl
convention of tho "Union Natlonalo
des Combattants" at tho Trocadero.
Mr. Kipling greeted tho French vet
erans In the namo of tho veterans of
America, nnd explained that he had
been designated to represent tho
American ex-scrvlco roon at the gath
ering of their comrades.
"The effort which you are making
today, my French comrades," he said,
"Is Identical with tho effort which the
American Legion Is making In the
United States. We all sceK tne recov
ery of the race, by tho young men of
tho race, for humanity's sake, and so
that our efforts may end In the frnter.
nlty of peoples, It depends uponus,
former combatants' in tho great war.
to understand each other and If neccs
sury to speak frankly whllo looking
cncji other squarely In tho oyo.M
Andre Lefevere, French minister of
war, presided at the convention , and
addresses were also delivered by Ged.
Leon Durnnd nnd Charles Bertrand, a
deputy. Captuln Torse, a blinded vet
eran, spokcfor Britain's former sol
dlorb nnd officers of the Belgian and
Itullan urmlcs carried messugos from
ex-scrvlco men of their countries.
bMWy t-i '-
Makes Hard Work Harder
A bad back makci a day's work twice
as hard. Backache usually comca from
weak kidneys, and if headaches, dizzi
ness or urinary disorders are added,
don't wait get help before the kidney
disease takes a grip beforo dropsy,
gravel or Bright's disease sets in.
Doan'a Kidney Pills have brought
new life and new strength to thousands
of working men and women. Used ana
recommended the world over. Ath
your neighbor!
A Nebrailt Ct&M
P. P. CTark, retired
farmer, cor. 8th &
Marengo Bts., Albion,
Nobr., says: "I have
iufforcd with a lame
back and It would bo
fllincult for mo to
itoon or straighten;
Intty nthtn
My kidneys acted
freely and the secre.
Uons were highly col
ored. H had dlzry
spells and spots came
Detoro my eyus. -
ter taking a box or two or coana
Kidney Tills I was relieved."
. GetDoan'satAaySfow.WcaBea
Exceptional opportunity at the present time
for young women over nineteen years of
who havo bad at least two vcars In high school
to take Nurses Training in general hospital.
Our graduates are In great demand. Address
SupL of Norses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln, Nebrntka
Most Are.
"May I ask, madam, what Is your
busbnnd's Income?"
"Certainly, sir. It is mostly outgo.""
Buy only "Diamond Dyes"
Each package of "Diamond Dyea"
contains directions so simple that any
woman can diamond-dye worn, shabby;
aklrta, waists, dresses, coats, gloves,
stockings sweaters, druperles every
thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cottoa
or mixed goods, new, rich fadeless col
ors. Have druggist show you "Dla
mond Dyea Color Card." Adv.
Quite 8o.
"They sny now that shoes are com-.
Ing down." "That Is a very good
movement to be on foot."
Allays Irritation, 8oothea and Haala
Throat and Lung Inflammation.
The constant Irritation of a cough
keeps the delicate membrane of th
throat and lungs in a congested con
dition. Boschce's Syrup has been a
favorite household remedy for colds,
couglis, bronchitis and especially ,for
lung troubles, In thousands of homes)
all over the world, for tho last fifty
four years, giving the patient a good
night's rest, free from coughing, with
easy expectoration in the morning. Far
ale everywhere. Adv.
Well Fitted.
"Thut boat is nothing but nn old
tub." "Isn't It all the better fitted
for tho wash of tho sea?"
Important to Mothora
Examine carefully every bottle of
OASTORIA, that famous old remedy
Cor Infants and children, and see that it
Bears the 2 Z$fcS
Signature rtJ&Z7ZcXtiU
In Use for Over 80 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Carton
. "What a gushing stylo the new
author hns." "Probably because ha
uses a fountain pen."
A Feeling of Security
Yon naturally feel secure when yoa
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely pure and contains na
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Boot, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained ia everjt
bottle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded frona
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is takea ia
teaspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It ia nature's great helper ia relieving
and overcomlag kidney, liver and blad
der troubles.
A sworn statement of purity is with'
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
If yoa need a medicine, yon should
have the best. On sale at all drug store
Id bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer ft Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be tort ass)
mention this paper. Av.
Literal Depression.
"Are his spirits low?"
"Well, be hns the deepest cellar X
ever saw a private atock put In."
fir If they Tlrcltch.
Smart or Bum, if Sort,
lUR EtL3 Granulated.useMurifMk
often. Sootbaa, Kefrashaa. Safe for
Infant or AdulL At all Druggists. Write for
Free Eye Book. HBrbMErbertjC.,CMitf
aw" 4ja
'0tw 1
!&, i tti t,.... Js i i '