The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 02, 1920, Image 4
.- I HED CLOUD. XIBBinUL CCTP THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THUKBDAY Entered In tho roMofllco nt Hcd Cloud, Nob fta Bocond Uliua MnttoM A. B. McARTHUR,lE(lltor and Ownor SCHOOL NOTES (By County Superintendent) Tho teachers should make tho phy sical examinations nnd send in the xcports. These nro required by law. Bladen held teachers' examinations, November 20. This is the first time they have held the examinations in their town. Miss Goodrich is giving n course in reviews. As a result tho students will have n better chance in tho teachers' examination than ever before. A little preparation is an immense help in this line. Those schools not carrying a Normal Train ing class arc required to attend some normal school for their eight weeks normal training credit, before they can tench. The Blnden schools seem to be in a flourishing condition despite tho fact that their teaching roster was not very complete quite Into in tho fall. Teachers that have numbers from other counties that arc not used up may use them in this county by giv ing tho number nnd tho name of tho county after the number. The tnjngs noticed so iar in visit ing schools that should bo changed arc: More work should bo given to the lower grades so that they will bo less restless and will improve more. Educational busy work should be plnnned. Too many teachers give out lessons without explaining how to get them and this necessitates a lot of inter ruption through tho time of prepara tion. Fifty per cent of tho complaints against teachers is in the line of government. It makes trouble to answer ques tions during class time. It is bet ter to answer questions in between classes. Ten nnd fifteen minutes is short enough and when half of this is used up in answering outsido ques tions not much is accomplished. If any of tho merchants, who fur nished bunting to the decorating committee on Armistice Day, did not got all that they furnished they can do so by calling on Dr. Martin or Isadora Johnson. oimmsm Pop Corn!! Finest Grade Shelled Pop Corn ever brought to the city. A big consignment but its going fast at 8c lb Good, pure, sweet pop corn makes kids happy and husky and you got to acknowledge grown-us like it to. Get your supply now. Farmers Un ion Red Cloud's Leading Mercantile Establishment 1 iwmmimiiH HcyefPavldMi Nuptials ' On Thanksgiving day, Nov. Hotli, Mr. Ellis Davidson nnd Miss Deltnn Mao Aloyer wero united in matrimony at the V. J. Mover home near Blnden, the Rev. 0. T. Moore ofllciating. At twolve thirty o'clock a sister of t o groom Miss Kern Davidson begun Wnggner's wedding rcnrc'i and tho contracting party attended by Mis Ruth Davidson, sister ot the groom, and Mr. Lester Aloyer. brother of the bride, took their place under a white wed ding bell undor ii canopy of pink nnd white festoons banked by ferns and palnib. The pink and white colors were carried out in the dining room and made very pretty decorations. The olllclating clergyman, a pioneer pistor ut Bladen nnd who baptized tho bride nt the nge of fifteen and a spec ial friend of the bride, used'the ritual Birvico of the Methodist Episcopal church Including the ring ceremony. After the congratulations were said the wedding party sat down to a won derful Thanksgiving wedding dinner which showed tho splendid skill of tho hostess in which the best the farm and city could supply was presented in the most pleasing variety and splendidly prepared. There were none in attendance ex copting the immediate families of tho contracting parties nnd Rev. and Mrs Moore. All the mombors of the two families were present numbering in all twontyflvo present. Tho bride wore a charming gown of white satin with un overdress of georg ette trimmed with pearls and woro a string of pearls as the only ornament Sho was sweet and wlnsom. Miss Da vidson wore a dress of piuk satin trimmed with point lace. Mr. David son nnd Mr. Meyer wore bluo sorgo suits After dinner the time was spent in musio, recitations and conversation and later the bride and groom dopait o 1 in a properly decorated auto with the congratulations mid best wishes for ii In ief wedding trip to Hastings, Denver and Omaha On their return they will tesidu at the Meyer homo until Muruh when th y will occupy theSlmerson f tit m between lSIiio Hill and Bladen wliieh was n CJiitly pnrchiibcd by Mr. 1. D. David San A hostmf irieiuls join in tho e.xprehs ion ot good wisltcb. Mr. and Mrs. Ed' Church of Lester, left Tuesday evening for Los Angeles, California, and other western coast cities where they intend to spend i month visiting. Arthur Gilbert and Cecil Crowcll returned to Lincoln Sunday morning to resume their studies nt the univer sity after spending Thanksgiving hero with their parents. Dr.W.H.McBrtdc DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Rod Clond Nebraska Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST onicc Over Albright's Storo Red Cloud 1 ORPHEUMl U. Vaudeville D sssrsiisssszszzsrss D jpfrflli iiiBlh iHjSJilii Theater m Red Cloud JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD PRESENTS D m A black sweater and a ladies col luretto was left at the Bcsse Sah Pavillion on Armistice Day and thr owner can have same by calling at tho Chief offlce and paying for this ad. lb NOMADS OF THE NORTH From His Own Novel, with Lon Chaney, Lewis Stone and Betty Blythe IN THE BIG CAST A PICTURE of the Big NORTHWEST You Will See Mountain Lions, Bears, Wild Cats and Dogs in action that will hold your breath and make VOll look for the AvitQ fnr fonn ttinu'll iiimn af you. A Forest Fire so real it will stagger you and a finish so fine you'll cheer r tirfcl TWO BAYS-MONDAY and TUESDAY r o ana nt PRICES 20c and 40c U TAX PAID H rare S3' IMIIiWMIIGIM MiiimiirMiimiM!ii!M 1 PROPERLY APPRECIATE OUR PRICES on SUITS, OVERCOATS AND FURNISHINGS For Men, Young Men, Boys, Children You Should See Us First We are right in line with present conditions and are making a BIG SACRIFICE to SAVE our customers the MONEY that RIGHTFULLY belongs to them. We'll Sell all Our Christmas Goods at Greatly Reduced PRICES and it is not to Early to Buy Christmas Presents. COME EARLY AND GET THE BEST. Co wden - K First Door North Post Office mnmammmmmoamw i wmmrn t iiiimw mm t ii i i ii rai ey Clothi ing ompany i CMaiimwiaaBBi iramiOTiircnnmiianmiimnEiiiini Red Cloud, Nebraska imbm Nebraska 1 & i a V I.J fil i NaiHIMHiMiiMMMMaHHMilM 7?7T- 4 m