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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1920)
RED OLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF ., 1 Iv A KillJThat Cold With CASCARX QUININE FOR ftfe AND Colds, Coughs TOMV . t Grip. Neglected Colds aro Dangerou3 Take no chances. Keep thin standard remedy handy for the first inMM Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent forHeadachs Quinine in this form does not affect the head Caccara is beat Toole Laxative No Oplato in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT It Ih un odd fact that musicians tire more liable to color-blindness than any other class or profession. Another Royal Suggestion 3-EggAngelandSunshineCakes From the New Royal Cook Book AN Angel cake that - fairly melts in your mouth. Instead of eight eggs it can be made with three and the yolks of the eggs can be used for a Royal Sunshine cake. Angel Cake 1 cup siiRar Vk cups flour teaspoon cream of tartar S teaspoons Royal Cak- ' InK Powder Vt teaspoon salt n cup scalded milk 1 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract whites of S eKKs Mix and sift first Ave In gredients four times. Add milk very slowly, while still hot. beating- continu ally; add vanilla; mix well and fold In whites of eggs beaten until light Turn Into ungrcased angel cake tin and bake In very slow oven about 45 minutes. Remove from oven; In vert pan and allow to stand until cold. Cover top and sides with either white or chocolate Icing. Sunshine Cake s tablespoons shortening 4 cup sugar ? oiks of 3 eggs teaspoon flavoring extract U cup milk 1V4 cups flour 8 teaspoons Royal Bak ing Powder Cream ' shortening; add sugar gradually, hnd yolks of eggs which have been beaten until thick; add flavoring; sift to gether flour and baking powder and add alter nately, a little at a time, with the milk to first mix ture. Bake In greased loaf pan in moderate oven 35 to 45 minutes. Cover with white Icing. Potters ure not the only people who ttiake family jars. Cutlcura Soothes Baby Rashes That Itch and burn with hot baths of Cutlcurn Sonp followed by centlo anointings of Cutlcura Ointment Nothlne hotter, purer, sweeter, espe cially if a little of the fragrant Cutl cura Talcum Is dusted on at the fin ish. 25c each everywhere. Adv. KING HAS SUPREME POWER But There Are Reasons Why British Monarch Does Not Exercise His Royal Prerogative. If th'e king did nil bo might do with ut exceeding his royal prerogative the nation would be stnrtled. He can veto a bill passed In both bouses; be can dissolve and summon parliament; ho can select or dismiss his ministers; he can declare war; lie can make treaties and create peers; be enn ap point blshopr, governors and Judges Mid all "on his own." lie could cedo the duchy of Cornwall to u 'foreign power, disband the army and navy, and sell the drcadnaugbts nnd naval stores. Ho could give every govern ment ofllclul, from the highest to the lowest, the "push," could pardon all vlnilniIs, nnd could stop the whole machinery of government. But there Is an unwritten law of common sense, fortified by long usage, which makes It unthinkable that the king should do these things; and In tiie last resort, which Is never likely to occur, the blng, being a constitutional monarch, reigns by tho will of the people, Mid could be deposed by act of parliament. Montrcnl Herald. GrapeNuts The Cereal That Needs No Sugar "Healthful, substantial and full of sturdy nourishment; A food of delightful flavor,, eatable to the last atom.. Sold by grocers everywhere I Few periods now seem more old fashioned than the bicycle ern unless It Is the croquet epoch. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Purm Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. FREE By all means get the new Royal Cook Book Just out. Contains these and 400 other delightful, help ful recipes. Free for the asking. Write TODAY to ROYAL BAKINO POWDERCO. 118 Fulton Street, Mew York Oily A disobedient patient makes an un feeling physician. Syrus. Catarrh Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is a Tonic and Blood Purifier. By cleansing the blood and building up the System, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE restores normal conditions and allows Nature to do Its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. PECULIAR TYPE OF ORATOR Small Wonder That In This Bombastic Age He Created Something of a Sensation. The speaker of tho occnslon was of such unusual apperrance that the au dience gasped or giggled, nccordjng to the preferences of Its members, when he came upon the rostrum. "Ladles nnd gentlemen," he hnrshly began, "poverty would be abolished In this country If we could only save and devote to some useful purpose the time wo waste In listening to lions., Chau tauqua lecturers, pointers with pride and viewers with alarm, singers who cannot sing, babbling bards, parents of bright children, bearers of messages to tho waiting world, and sundry other bores whom it is not necessary to mention at tills time." And peculiar as wns his personal appearance, bis procedure was mora unique, for, having said his say, he bowed grimly and retired from tho rostrum. -Kansas City Stnr. Sometimes the girl helps tier bash ful lover out, nnd sometimes it 1b her father. WFB0VE3 imifOlM INTEBriATIOm SDNMrSCBOOL Lesson (By RHV. P. U. KimVATKll. D. D., Teacher of English Blltlo In tho Moody Bible InFiltnto o( Chicago.) ((c), 1920. Wmtfrn Nfwmrmper Union.) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 5 THE GROWTH OF THE KINGDOM. LESSON TKXT-Mntt. 13:21-33. GOLDEN TEXT-Kret not thyself be cause of evil-doors. Pa. 37:1. ADDITIONAL MATEIUAL-Gal. 6:6-10. PHI MARY TOPIC Jesus' Story About Good Seed nnd Had Seed. JUNIOR TOPIC The Story of tho Wheat and tho Tnres. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC Wheat nnd Tares. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC How tho Kingdom of Heaven Grows. The parables of this chnptcr set forth In a graphic way tho condition of affairs In the Interval between Christ's going away and ills coming again. I. The Parable of the Wheat and Tares (vv. IM-S0, cf. HO-M). 1. The Sowers. (1) The Son of Man (v. n"). He Is the One who sows the good seed. Tho Held In which Iboy nre wiwn Is tho world. (2) The Devil (v. .15)). He Is In n peculiar sense Christ's enemy. He Intensely bates Him. and with relentless energy Is striving to defeat His purpose In sav ing then. While men slumber, he bows tares niriong the wheat. 2. The growing crops. They arc not enslly distinguished while growing, but the effects produced when catw are (tillo different. The wheat Is wholesome, but tho tnres produce Ill ness. Tho chief danger In tho tares lies In their resemblance to whent. The chief danger of the devil Is that ho strives to Imitate Cod. 3. The harvests. There comes a tlmo when the fruitage of tho growing crops shall he gathered. For the tnres there Is a furnace of lire where there shall be walling nnd gnashing of teeth. Tho righteous shall be gathered Into the Lord's garner nnd shall sl'ilno forth as the sun In the kingdom of tho Father. M. The Parable of the Mustard Seed (w. 31, 32). 1. Its Important beginning. It be gins ns the least of nil seeds nnd grows to be the grfcntest nmoirg herbs. Tho parentage and bumble circumstances of the King greatly perplexed the peo ple. That twelve unlettered fishermen should be selected as Ills royal ad visers Is still more amazing. The proph et said concerning Him tlint Ho should be despised, rejected, forsaken. 2. Its vigorous growth. From very small beginnings the Influence of tho Christ has gone forth so that there Is no power or Influence so great, as that of Chrlstlnnlty. 3. Its lodging cnpaclty. The birds which And lodgment In tho tree do not represent the children of men which find safety nnd salvation In the church. Birds constitute no part of the tree. The bird Is something foreign to nnd Independent of the tree. The branches Increase the growth of the tree, but birds arc Injurious nnd burdensome to 1L They are predntory waiting to pluck the tender buds or to prey upon the ripened fhilt. The effect of such lodging Is evil, blighting and spoiling to the tree. III. The Parable of the Leavened Meal (v. 83). 1. Tho meal. Meal has a wholesome and nutritious effect. It wns used In one of the sweet-savor offerings, which typified Christ (Lev. 2:1-3, R. V.); It was food for the priests (Lev. 0:1fi-17, It. V.) ; Abraham had Sarah knead a enke out of-three measures of menl for tho angelic messengers (Gen. I8;G)-; Solomon's roynl table wns pro vided with meal (I Kings 4:22) ; Mitf.h wns fed upon a cake made of meal (II Kings 4:41); EIInIiu used menl as an antidote for the poison of death in the pot (II Kings 4:38-41). 2. The woman. The woman Is not the head of the home, hut Its. adminis trator. Her responsibility Is to tako the bread provided by tho bead, pre pare and distribute It to the children. In Scripture wo find false doctrine be ing taught by n woman (Rev. 2:20). Dealing with doctrlun Is forbidden to woman (I Tim. 2:12). In I Tim. 4:1-3; II Tim. 2:17, 18; 4:3, 4; II Pet. 2:1-3, we find thnt apostasy will be brought In through false teachings within tho ranks of God's people. Tho meaning, then, of the parable Is that tho true doctrine, the menl given for tho nourishment of the children of tho kingdom Ol Pet. 2:2; I Tim. 4:0), would ofllclnlly be corrupted by fnlso doctrine. Tho children's food Is cor rupted by the mother. 3. The leaven. In Scripture, lenven Is Invariably a typo of evil. Let tho following examples suffice ns proof: (1) All through tho Old Testament lenven Is n contlnunl and unvnrylnr, typo of evil (Ex. 12:lfi; Lev. 2:11). (2) Jesus himself makes lenven to denote sl (Matt 10:rt, 12; Mark 8:l). (3) Paul tjbch lenven In Itn usual bibli cal sens (1 Cor. 5:0-8; Gal. C:8, 0). Nothlno Too Little.9 Our Lord teaches that nothing Is toe little to bo ordered by our Father, nothing too little In which to see His hand, nothing which touches our souls too little to accept from Illm. nothing too llttlo to be doho for Hlni. Since tho hairs of our heud are nil num bered, so Is every throb or shoot )f pain, every beating or. nchlng of the heart. Every tenr which starts Is seen, nnd If wept to nitn Is gathered up to Illm. Every secret wish and prayer Ho hears while yet muttered or on formed. Dr. Pusey. NEAR BRIDEGROOM BEATEN BY MAID Corners Man Who Refuses to Go On With Ceremony and Soundly Thrashes Him. McKecsport, Pa. Decried a few minutes before the time for bcr wed ding to Carl It. Swnnson, 20 years old, of McKecsport, Pa., Miss Maliala Har rison. 21-year-old telephone operator, changed her wedding gown for a sport suit, sent women relatives to Swan son's home for til in. nnd, at her own home, administered a severe beating to the luckless near-groom, using only her lists. Swnnson, badly bruised and battered nnd with both eyes blackened, went to bed to nurse his wounds, after lie hnd Administered a Severe Beating. been assisted to his home by a brother, who bad witnessed the thrashing In cident. Miss Harrison, with her knuckles swollen, returned to thu switchboard. , . Long before tho wedding hour Miss Harrison and her attendant wcru dressed for the ceremony, wearing the flowers which Swnnson hnd sent. When tho bride was Hearing collapse, following a long wnlt, a special de livery boy left a letter for her. It wns from Swnnson nnd he wrote that the wedding was all off. His mother didn't want him to get married, lie felt he could not afford to, and he wns going nway to forget. The bride quickly rallied and be did not get nwny quickly enough. She snys she believes In women defending their rights nnd their honor with their lists, and she demonstrated that she could enslly take caro of herself. WANTED TO HUG MARSHAL Man's Action Resulted In Adding An. other Regulation to Morality Code of National Park, N. J. Philadelphia. Another regulation la ndded to the morality codo of Na tinnal Park, N. J. Hereafter It Is against the law for male visitors to hug the borough marshal while the latter is on duty. In consequence of this ruling by Recorder Jacob Rente, a I'hlludol pblnn, who gave his name ns Michael McCall, but who refused to say where ho got the stuff thnt mado him uct thnt way, was lined 57.50. Thomas McCrosscn, another Phila delphia!), who tried to interfere with the arrest of McCall, said ho wr.s sorry and promised never to do It ngaln. As he didn't do any hugging be wns discharged. The marshal Is Henry Wcldon. He wns standing near the trolley terminal when McCall lurched up and tried to hug Iilm. Wcldon coyly sidestepped, and then McCall became exasperated, and took a swing nt tho marshal's Jaw, whereas he was arrested. In the en suing scuffle the marshal's shirt was torn. Speed Maniac Hits Two; 0 Caught as He Rams Tree J ' ' Philadelphia. "Here I come ' thero I go!" shouted John Boverot ns bis nutomblle knocked down Arthur Little nnd J his wife, according to police. 0 0 All Llttlo saw when he sat up In the middle o'f the street was 0 0 n vanishing red light. Speclnl ' J Policeman Ruckson of the Penn- 0 sylvnnln railroad saw tho accl- J dent and gavo cliaso In an nuto- ' mobile. After a three-mile t 0 drive ho treed Rcverot literally nnd flgurntlvely, near tho Fifty- 0 1 second street entrance to Fair- mount Park. Reverot smashed 0 0 his auto against n tree. ' i i Then He Lighted Match. Philadelphia. For several days, Glr ardo Dcrusso, Surtaln street, near South street, mixed strnngo concoc tions In a barrel, pollco say. Then bo placed the barrel In front of bis homo and lighted a match to peer Into Its lepths. A blinding flnsh followed. Glrardo, his wife, Molla, and eight-yenr-old Michael Mlgllcca, were burled to thdpavement by the explosion and severely burned. They were taken to tho Howard bosDltal. , 111 KEEPING May dhiMu way be tmafbtA a catarrhal condition. Cough, told, aaeel catarrh, atosaae and ttovtl diaordm arajuitafevotUia Tery eomaaon Ilk dua te eetarrh. Flint Itl Ilfbt catarrh with remedy of eureJ merit, a remedy Mlihaa a repuUUoa tm imfiiln 1 exteading otk bill a century 1 -DR. HARTMAN'? RERUN A rtf mr f.fM Watered Stock. Jlmmlo (visiting his undo In tho country) "Oh, unclo George, your hired man Is not honest. Ho let th' cows drink a wholo lot of water Just before ho milked them." WARNING tMess you see the name "Bayer" on' tablets, you ara not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"J SAFETY FIRST I Accept only an "unbroken package" of fenukie "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American I Handy Ma boxes of 12 tablets eoct bvt a few eeota Larger packages. Aatlria la the trade mark f Barer Manuf aatara af MorMaeetlcaeldester el Sal ley!) nets TREE HAS "CANDY" FLOWERS , THIS BOOKKEEPER LOST OUT Indian Product That Rivals the "Qln gerbread House" of the Remem bered Fairy Tales. We have all rend the story of tho "gingerbread house" In the fulry talcs. Well, there is a family of trees In India that havo "candy" flowers, or the next thing to It. These trees nro known as the "Rnssln" trees, and of the three Important kinds, two havo sugary flowers and the third Is called the "Indian butter tree." The petnls of the flowers are rich In sugar and drop from tho tree In tho early morn tng. They are picked up by tho wom en and children nnd aro spread out on mats to dry in the sun. A single tree will furnish 800 pounds of flow era in a year. When fresh, the flowers are very sweet nnd tnsto much like figs. They aro eaten fresh or cooked with rice, shredded coconut, or flour. Tho seeds of the butter tree are full of oil, nnd this oil Is used to make a kind of butter, and also for soap and candles. Popular Mechanics Maga zine. Infant Marvel. CaTter My baby Is ccrtnlnly bright for a slx-montbs-old Infant Parker How Is that? CarterI took tho wife and him to the movies the other night and be started to cry in the saddest part of the picture. Film Fun. Coffee is often, the I of many ills and discomforts 'Stat is because it contains certain elements which are v injurious to many people. If coffee disturbs your9 health, change to ! Post um This pure cereal drink is healmrul and wholesome, has a delightful coffee-like flavor, but contains none of coffee's harmful elements. Sold by all grocers Costs less t&an coffee Matlt tjrBjttumCircal Co.lW, Battle Gtk,MicK. H WELL MEANS A CONSTANT FIGHT AGAINST CATARRH M Kvrywftmrm DON'T UET TUAT COT70II CONTINUE t SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUISp Will knock It In very ihort time. At the flnt linn of a eonslfe or cold In your home, giva a few doiea of "SPOHN'a" It will tcton the clandi, allmlnntottaeillietiie rerm, nnd prevent further destruction ot body by dlienee. "31'OIIN'S" he, been the Mnd erd remedy for Dletemper, Influenza, I'lnk-Kye. Catarrhal Fever. Cough and Cold for a quarter o( a century. 10 cents and per bottle at your drug elore. . Sl'OlIN MKlUCAlj COMrANY, Goahea. ln, Bird's Power of Vision. A bird's power of vision Is, onth nvoragc, about 100 times greater than man's. Hlrda have been known tfc see n worm on freshly, plowed groans) ut u distance of ."00 feet Might Have Known That Request foB. Raise In 8aary Would Not Qlva Boss Satisfaction. A labor leader was defending strikes. "How could men get better pay; without striking for It? he said to New York reporter. "By asking foa It, do you think? "I onco knew n young bookkeeper who went to his boss ntfd asked for si dollar raise. Tho boss flew into terrlblo passion. "Rut faltered the bookkeeper,, 'there Is nothing unreasonable, sir, In my. request. Don't you remember promising mo a raise afto- I'd bees with you n year?" "'Yes,' hissed tho boss, 'but drtt you remember that I mado this raise) conditional on your giving mo ererjf satisfaction?' "'Ob, dear I Haven't I satisfied yon, sir?' said tho young bookkeeper, pits fully. I " 'Satisfied me?' yelled the boat, d you think you are satisfying me wheal you ask mo for a raise?'" Many Miles of Piping. If tho water and gas mains which underlie the streets of New York city wcro placed end to end they would form n continuous pipe line sufficient ly long to reach from the Atlantic te the Pacific coast 3HZaB5sf3Va a Cere al 0& .J